[CODE4LIB] Day of Digital Archives 2012

2012-10-12 Thread Gueguen, Gretchen (gmg2n)

Today is the Day of Digital Archives. Check twitter for the hash tag 
#DayofDigArc and the blog http://dayofdigitalarchives.blogspot.com/ for updates 
from archives around the world on their experiences working with digital 
materials. Join in yourself by tweeting or blogging about your own experiences 
and pass the word along.

Gretchen Gueguen
Digital Archivist
Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library
University of Virginia
PO Box 400110
Charlottesville, VA 22904
(434) 924-4073

[CODE4LIB] Reminder: 2nd Day of Digital Archives in two weeks

2012-09-28 Thread Gueguen, Gretchen (gmg2n)
(apologies for cross-posting)

This is just a reminder that Friday October 12, 2012 will be the second annual 
Day of Digital Archives. This blog/twitter project was created to raise 
awareness of digital archives issues through blogging, tweeting, and other uses 
of social media. Check out the project blog at 
http://dayofdigitalarchives.blogspot.com/ to find out more and to find out how 
to participate if you are interested.

Gretchen Gueguen
Digital Archivist
Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library
University of Virginia
PO Box 400110
Charlottesville, VA 22904
(434) 924-4073

[CODE4LIB] 3 Days Until the First Day of Digital Archives

2011-10-04 Thread Gueguen, Gretchen (gmg2n)
(apologies for cross-posting...)

This Thursday, October 6th, is the first ever Day of Digital Archives. The Day 
of Digital Archives project has been created to raise awareness of digital 
archives among both users and managers. By collectively documenting what we do, 
we will be answering questions like: What are digital archives? Who uses them? 
How are they created and managed? Why are they important?

On the 6th, more than 30 archivists, librarians, scholars, and technologists 
will blog or tweet about their work with digital archives. Check out the 
project blog at http://dayofdigitalarchives.blogspot.com/ or look for the 
twitter hashtag #digitalArchivesDay

Gretchen Gueguen
Digital Archivist
Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library
University of Virginia
PO Box 400110
Charlottesville, VA 22904
(434) 924-4073

[CODE4LIB] Announcement: Day of Digital Archives, Oct. 6th, 2011

2011-09-06 Thread Gueguen, Gretchen (gmg2n)
(apologies for cross-postings)

Announcement: Day of Digital Archives, Oct. 6th, 2011

The Day of Digital Archives is an initiative to raise awareness of digital 
archives among both users and managers. On this day, archivists, digital 
humanists, programmers, or anyone else creating, using, or managing digital 
archives are asked to devote some of their social media output (i.e. tweets, 
blog posts, youtube videos, etc.) to describing their work with digital 
archives. By collectively documenting what we do, we will be answering 
questions like: What are digital archives? Who uses them? How are they created 
and managed? Why are they important? This year's Day of Digital Archives will 
be held on October 6th and entries will be gathered at the Day of Digital 
Archives bloghttp://dayofdigitalarchives.blogspot.com/.
What is meant by digital archives well, primarily archives, repositories, 
content management systems and other initiatives that collect or manage 
born-digital material. These initiatives don't have to primarily collect 
born-digital materials...in fact they are more likely to only have some 
born-digital content as part of their mandate. Or, maybe they don't really have 
a mandate at all...maybe someone will contribute their thoughts about 
managing their own personal digital content or social media presence. The 
thread ties the participants together is that they collect, manage, preserve, 
develop, use, think about or otherwise love born-digital content.
Do you create, manage, or use digital archives? Would you like to participate? 
Well then, drop me a line at gretchen[.]gueguen[@]gmail[.]com with your contact 
info and I'll keep you up to date!

You could contribute in a couple of ways:

1. Create a blog post at 
 for the 6th of October (rather that writing it on October 6th, you can 
pre-write it to automatically post on the 6th as well) talking about some 
aspect of your work with Digital Archives on that day. It could be a really 
specific exploration of a single activity on that day. Or it could be a broader 
topic not really related to that specific day (What kinds of tools you could 
really use to process a born-digital collection).

2. Write a post to your own blog similar to that described above and post a 
trackback to the Day of Digital Archives blog

3. Tweet throughout the day about your work with digital archives using the 
#digitalArchivesDay hashtag
Even if you can't contribute a post or a tweet, be sure to keep up with the 
blog on the 6th and join the discussion in the comments.

Gretchen Gueguen
Digital Archivist, Digital Curation Services
University of Virginia Library
PO Box 400114
Charlottesville, VA 22904
(434) 924-4073