Re: [CODE4LIB] complex drupal taxonomy question

2012-07-11 Thread Laurie Allen
Thanks very much, Cary. I'll check out that module and repost on drupal4lib.

[CODE4LIB] complex drupal taxonomy question

2012-07-11 Thread Laurie Allen
I'm working on a drupal site with a very complicated taxonomy.
Backstory: A polisci professor and team of students designed this
project first as a theoretcal exercise as part of a senior thesis
double major in political science and computer science, and then as
the project of a very devoted and smart student using drupal. It's
both amazingly cool and technically complex. At this point, we are
trying to help rein it in to the library servers and help support it
so that new crops of students can maintain it without needing to be CS
majors, and also to help them address a few issues and problems that
have been discovered over the past year or so. My colleague and I are
totally new to Drupal, and to this database. While he's working on the
solr indexing, I'm trying to help figure out the taxonomy issue.

See here:
Basically, the site indexes the public statements of al-qaeda. Each
statements is assigned a bunch of terms by students who have studied
jihad and al-qaeda.

Each term is composed of two parts.
First part: a keyword from a controlled list of keywords - there are
many of these and they include places, people, theories, and other
things. So, "Afghanistan", "Barack Obama", and "media" are all
Second part: a context from a much smaller (around 20) collection of
contexts, including I guess how the keyword figures in this statement.
Example include "area of jihad, enemy of islam, religious relations"
and others.

So, the full term would be "media - enemy of islam" for example. And
each record includes a large number of these.

Going forward, we'd ideally like to allow users of the site to find
all three of the following:
1. Records that contain a particular two part term. (easy - that's
what taxonomy is for)
2. A list of terms that begin with the first part so that they can
select the modifier for it (also easy, if we make the second term a
subterm or child of the first, this will work fine)
3. A list of terms that have the second part as a qualifier. So, for
example, show me all terms in which anything is called an "enemy of
islam" and then let me choose which keyword is referred to as an enemy
of jihad and show me that record.

It's that third one that we can't figure out. The only way we can
think to accomplish this is to basically duplicate each entry so that
we'd say "Haverford - enemy of islam" and "enemy of islam - Haverford"
I think that will work, but since there are many statements, and each
statement has many terms, this solution doesn't seem ideal. Do any of
you have ideas?
Thanks very much.
Coordinator for Digital Scholarship and Services
Haverford College Library
370 Lancaster Ave
Haverford, PA 19041

[CODE4LIB] Job Announcement - Digital Scholarship Librarian

2011-09-06 Thread Laurie Allen

At least 2 year’s experience in academic or library services.
Demonstrated experience in project management.
Strong analytical skills; strong understanding of research methods.
Experience with library technology, reference, instruction, and outreach

Background in, knowledge of, and a record of achievement with digital
scholarship and services.
Self-directed and collaborative. Goal-oriented.



Experience with system administration and web servers. Experience
developing and troubleshooting applications using scripting, programming and
database languages.
Intermediate to advanced knowledge of Web-related markup languages,
features, and protocols including HTML, CSS, PHP etc.
Dual advanced degrees –M.A. and M.L.S.; M.L.S. and M.A., or Ph.D.

The Position and the College:

Located on a wooded suburban campus less than ten miles from the center of
Philadelphia, Haverford College is a highly selective liberal arts
institution of approximately 1,175 students and 120 faculty. The Quaker
foundation and traditions of the college encourage a respect for the
individual and an openness of exchange that make it attractive to
intellectually ambitious and socially conscious students. The library staff
of 25 offers a supportive environment for self-motivated, team-oriented,
creative, committed librarians seeking intellectual and professional growth
through involvement in the work of faculty and students. Local Haverford
library and information technology resources are substantially augmented by
consortial relations with Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore Colleges.


This position affords an excellent opportunity to pursue a career at an
outstanding college and in a collaborative, consortially-oriented work
environment. The college seeks candidates who take an expansive approach to
the work of libraries, to the possibilities afforded by information
technologies for achieving the college’s goals for student and faculty work,
and to the integration of their work with that of other units within the
library and among the Tri-College libraries.



Please tell us how you meet these qualifications in your letter of
application, and send the letter, your résumé, and the names of three
references to Laurie Allen, Magill Library, Haverford College, 370 Lancaster
Avenue, Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041-1392 ( Review of
applications will begin on September 19, 2011, and will continue until the
position is filled. Please direct questions to Laurie Allen
( Please visit the library’s website at