Please excuse cross posting.

The *Journal of Web Librarianship* is pleased to announce an upcoming
special issue on the topic of *data-driven decision making for the library
web*, edited by Meris A Mandernach.

Data-driven decision-making in the realm of library web sites is an
emerging and ever-evolving goal for libraries of all types and sizes. As
data becomes more available and easily accessible, the use of that data for
decision making to support the user experience in online systems, discovery
tools and websites is of the utmost importance.  Though both qualitative
and quantitative data should be used for informing decisions in libraries,
this issue's scope will focus on quantitative data sources such as:

·         Web analytics, including Google Analytics

·         Log reports (search logs, system logs)

·         Heat maps

·         Vendor usage reports

·         Third-party statistics and logs

·         Public data from Twitter and other social sites

Additionally, this issue will focus on how data from the above sources is
used to support decisions about all aspects of the library’s virtual
presence, including

·         Discovery tools

·         Library websites

·         Library systems

·         Mobile sites and interfaces

Submissions should clearly state one or more research questions or, for
more practical articles, a decision that was or will be supported by the
data, and explain the type of data sources used.

Query letters and preliminary proposals are welcome any time if potential
authors would like to discuss their ideas with the issue editor. Please
submit queries and manuscripts to guest
editor Meris Mandernach at Please refer to the JWL web
site, for Instructions for Authors.

 Meris Mandernach is Head of Research Services at The Ohio State University
Libraries.  She has published numerous articles and book chapters on topics
related to reference, usability testing, discovery systems, and chemistry
information literacy.

*Issue Timeline:*
Initial Manuscript Submission deadline: January 31, 2013
Notices to authors: April, 2013
Final Acceptance: June, 2013
Issue Publication: October, 2013

The Journal of Web Librarianship
Meris Mandernach, Special Issue Editor
Jody Condit Fagan, Editor
Website: jwl/<>

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