Data and Informatics Consultant
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

The Virginia Tech Libraries ( are in the midst of
reprogramming, rejuvenating, and pursuing new strategic directions in research
and digital curation, as well as teaching/learning and literacies, learning
spaces, and collections access. The Libraries are an increasingly integral
partner in the research, teaching/learning, and service activities of Virginia
Tech and are aligning with the university's newly written strategic directions
( The Virginia Tech Libraries are member of
the Association of Research Libraries, Association of Southeastern Research
Libraries, Center for Research Libraries, Coalition of Networked Information,
Digital Library Federation, DPN - the Digital Preservation Network,
HathiTrust, the LOCKSS Alliance, the MetaArchive Cooperative, the National
Information Standards Organization, the Networked Digital Library of Theses
and Dissertations and the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources

The Data and Informatics Consultant, Engineering will work in a team-based
environment to advance the Libraries' e-Research programs, including
technology development, consulting, outreach, and training to address VT's
research environment and content/information/data-related needs. The data and
informatics consultant will engage with researchers in the College of
Engineering through informatics partnerships in data curation, data
publishing, and data visualization, and provide guidance and training on
managing the lifecycle of digital datasets and scholarship. This includes
working with researchers in the College's Discovery Analytics Center.


  * Serves as chief informaticist for the College of Engineering, supporting 
the discovery and curation of engineering research datasets.
  * Serves as a consultant on data management and digital curation processes, 
helping researchers in VT's engineering domains to curate digital data and to 
solve information/data related problems.
  * Provides education, outreach, and training on information/data science and 
cyberinfrastructure, including legal, policy, access, and technology issues.
  * Provides guidance and expertise in identifying and selecting engineering 
informatics and digital curation tools, e.g. to automate dataset ingest 
mechanisms, recommend metadata schema, and provide appropriate metadata tags.
  * Partners with data librarians to identify and evaluate the College of 
Engineering's data assets, participates in data audits and associated data 
assessment activities.
  * Participate in the planning and development of e-Research programs that 
address the content/information/data-related needs of researchers in 
engineering domains.
  * Engage in partnerships to develop technologies and processes for data 
access and sharing, visualization, preservation, and general data management.
  * Serve as a consultant to library teams designing a framework for data 
literacy programs.
QUALIFICATIONS: Required - Advanced degree in engineering,
computer/information science, management information systems, informatics or
related field, or bachelor's degree and significant experience equivalent to
an advanced degree; formal training in informatics; advanced understanding of
engineering research environments; data analytics experience; programming
skills; excellent communication and project management skills; demonstrated
ability to set priorities and make deadlines. Preferred - 2-3 years job-
related experience in one or more of the following areas: informatics, data
analytics, data normalization and transformation, software and systems

Salary: Salary commensurate with credentials and experience. $56,000-$65,000.

Faculty Rank: Administrative and Professional Faculty
appointment. Lecturer rank.

Benefits: University benefit information can be located at

Applications must be submitted online at The application package
needs to include a resume, cover letter addressing the candidate's experience
with the responsibilities associated with the position, and the required and
preferred qualifications, names of three (3) references and their contact
information. Review of applications will begin as received and continue until
the position is filled.

Virginia Tech has a strong commitment to the principle of diversity, and in
that spirit seeks a broad spectrum of candidates including women, minorities,
veterans, and people with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities desiring
accommodations in the application process should notify the hiring department
by the application deadline.

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