Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-16 Thread stuart yeates

Alexander Johannesen wrote:

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:32, stuart yeates  wrote:

Yes, we mint something very similar (see
for mine), but none of our interoperability partners do. None of our local
libraries, none of our local archives and only one of our local museums (by
virtue of some work we did with them).
All of them publish and most consume some form RDF.

Hmm, RDF resources are just URIs, so I'm still a bit unsure about what
you mean. Are you talking about the fact that the RDF definitions (and
not the RDF vocabs themselves) aren't encoded in your TM engine?

Interoperability isn't just about using the same URL for the same concept.

It's about being able to import each others data for matching (which 
involves having the in-house tools and experience); it's about being 
able to provide mutual support and aid (which involves speaking the same 
language); it's about being part of a community of practise and all that 
that entails.

Additionally many of the taxonomies we're interested in are available in RDF
but not topic maps.

Converting them to a Topic Map isn't that hard to do, but I guess
there is *a* cost there.

There is little cost in converting it to a topic map, but by using a 
topic map derived from a shared ontology, rather than the shared 
ontology itself, places barriers to interoperability, builds the burden 
of maintenance we need to carry and places us at at least a further step 
from the heart of the community using that ontology.

Given that there are at least four ontologies I'd like to be using, 
multiply that by four.

Stuart Yeates   New Zealand Electronic Text Centre Institutional Repository

[CODE4LIB] You got it!!!!! Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-16 Thread Mike Taylor
Peter Schlumpf writes:
 > Bill,
 > You have hit the nail on the head!  This is EXACTLY what I am
 > trying to do!  It's the underlying stuff that I am trying to get
 > at.  Looking at RDF may yield some good ideas.  But I am not
 > thinking in terms of RDF or XML, triples, or MARC, standards, or
 > any of that stuff that gets thrown around here.  Even the Internet
 > is not terribly necessary.  I am thinking in terms of data
 > structures, pointers, sparse matrices, relationships between
 > objects and yes, set theory too -- things like that.  The former is
 > pretty much cruft that lies upon the latter, and it mostly just
 > gets in the way.  Noise, as you put it, Bill!
 > A big problem here is that Libraryland has a bad habit of getting
 > itself lost in the details and going off on all kinds of tangents.
 > As I said before, the biggest prison is between the ears  Throw
 > out all that junk in there and just start over!  When I begin
 > programming this thing my only tools will be a programming language
 > (C or Java) a text editor (vi) and my head.

This is very idyllic and (I hope this doesn't sound too patronising)
probably necessary from time to time.  But I've seen too many
initiatives like this that start out making huge conceptual strides
and then start tripping over all those gushdurned DETAILS.  I think
it's disingenuous to talk as though the details aren't important: 90%
of every project is the details, and while the other 10% is the fun
part, building new conceptual frameworks usually seems to involve
throwing out all the accumulated crud, which -- guess what? -- turns
out to be the embodiment in code of accumulated wisdom.  Babies,
bathwater, all that ... except that the bathwater turns out to be made
of millions of tiny babies, and -- what's that you say?  My metaphor
has skidded off the track?  Oh well.

/o ) \/  Mike Taylor
)_v__/\  "Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?" -- Monty Python and
 the Holy Grail.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-14 Thread Alexander Johannesen
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:32, stuart yeates  wrote:
> Yes, we mint something very similar (see
> for mine), but none of our interoperability partners do. None of our local
> libraries, none of our local archives and only one of our local museums (by
> virtue of some work we did with them).
> All of them publish and most consume some form RDF.

Hmm, RDF resources are just URIs, so I'm still a bit unsure about what
you mean. Are you talking about the fact that the RDF definitions (and
not the RDF vocabs themselves) aren't encoded in your TM engine?

> Additionally many of the taxonomies we're interested in are available in RDF
> but not topic maps.

Converting them to a Topic Map isn't that hard to do, but I guess
there is *a* cost there.


 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-14 Thread stuart yeates

Alexander Johannesen wrote:

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 07:10, stuart yeates  wrote:

For example the people at have never heard of us (that
I know of), but we can use their URLs like to represent our roles.

Not sure I understand your example. Here's my Topic Map identifier in
a Topic Map ;

Identifier and locator, and resolvable, and can be used by anyone.

Yes, we mint something very similar (see for mine), but none of our 
interoperability partners do. None of our local libraries, none of our 
local archives and only one of our local museums (by virtue of some work 
we did with them).

All of them publish and most consume some form RDF.

Additionally many of the taxonomies we're interested in are available in 
RDF but not topic maps.

Stuart Yeates   New Zealand Electronic Text Centre Institutional Repository

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-14 Thread Alexander Johannesen
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 07:10, stuart yeates  wrote:
> RDF, unlike topic maps, is being used by substantial numbers of people who
> we interact with in the real world and would like to interoperate with. If
> we used RDF rather than topic maps internally, that interoperability would
> be much, much cheaper. It's tempting to say it's free, but it's not quite,
> because it does impose some constraints.

But it's not that hard to create a bridge from RDF to Topic Maps and
back, no? Or is your interop story different?

> In my eyes, the core thing that RDF supports that topic maps don't seem to
> is seamless reuse by people you don't care about.

Yes, this has been brought up on several occasions, including by me at
the TMRA 2008. But then, it's not so much that RDF does something that
Topic Maps doesn't *support*, it's that it's packaged differently. So,
where RDF has got five standard ontology levels (RDF, RDFS, OWL
DL/Lite/Full) Topic Maps got one simpler one (TMDM), yet neither can
express anything  better or differently than the other.

My theory here is that people *like* 5 layers of RDF, because it gives
the false sensation of choice. But it's all ontological definitions.
However, the 5 levels of RDF does indeed create a defined platform for
sharing (if not cast in iron), in which in the TM world you need to
include it / create it.

Oh, and of course the academics seem to have embraced W3C and anything
by the authority of TBL, and its effect is trickling down.

> For example the people at have never heard of us (that
> I know of), but we can use their URLs like
> to represent our roles.

Not sure I understand your example. Here's my Topic Map identifier in
a Topic Map ;

Identifier and locator, and resolvable, and can be used by anyone.


 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-14 Thread stuart yeates

Alexander Johannesen wrote:

We currently use topic maps, alot, in our infrastructure. If we were
starting again tomorrow, I'd advocate using RDF instead, mainly because of
the much better tool support and take-up.

Hmm, not a good thing at all. Could you elaborate, though, as I use it
too as part of infrastructure too, and wouldn't touch RDF / SemWeb
without a long stick? I'm into application semantics and shared
knowledge-bases. What are you guys doing where you feel the support
and tools are lacking? And what are the RDF alternatives?

RDF, unlike topic maps, is being used by substantial numbers of people 
who we interact with in the real world and would like to interoperate 
with. If we used RDF rather than topic maps internally, that 
interoperability would be much, much cheaper. It's tempting to say it's 
free, but it's not quite, because it does impose some constraints.

In my eyes, the core thing that RDF supports that topic maps don't seem 
to is seamless reuse by people you don't care about.

For example the people at have never heard of us 
(that I know of), but we can use their URLs like to represent our roles.

Stuart Yeates   New Zealand Electronic Text Centre Institutional Repository

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-11 Thread Sharon Foster

Sharon M. Foster, 91.7% Librarian

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Bill Dueber  wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Mike Taylor  wrote:
>> I'm not sure what to make of this except to say that Yet Another XML
>> Bibliographic Format is NOT the answer!
> I recognize that you're being flippant, and yet think there's an important
> nugget in here.
> When you say it that way, it makes it sound as if folks are debating the
> finer points of OAI-MARC vs MARC-XML -- that it's simply syntactic sugar
> (although I'm certainly one to argue for the importance of syntactic sugar)
> over the top of what we already have.
> What's actually being discussed, of course, is the underlying data model.
> E-R pairs primarily analyzed by set theory, triples forming directed graphs,
> whether or not links between data elements can themselves have attributes --
> these are all possible characteristics of the fundamental underpinning of a
> data model to describe the data we're concerned with.
> The fact that they all have common XML representations is noise, and
> referencing the currently-most-common xml schema for these things is just
> convenient shorthand in a community that understands the exemplars. The fact
> that many in the library community don't understand that syntax is not the
> same as a data model is how we ended up with RDA.  (Mike: I don't know your
> stuff, but I seriously doubt you're among that group. I'm talkin' in
> general, here.)
> Bibliographic data is astoundingly complex, and I believe wholeheartedly
> that modeling it sufficiently is a very, very hard task. But no matter the
> underlying model, we should still insist on starting with the basics that
> computer science folks have been using for decades now: uids  (and, these
> days, guids) for the important attributes, separation of data and display,
> definition of sufficient data types and reuse of those types whenever
> possible, separation of identity and value, full normalization of data, zero
> ambiguity in the relationship diagram as a fundamental tenet, and a rigorous
> mathematical model to describe how it all fits together.
> This is hard stuff. But it's worth doing right.
> --
> Bill Dueber
> Library Systems Programmer
> University of Michigan Library

Re: [CODE4LIB] You got it!!!!! Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-10 Thread Casey A Mullin
I completely agree with Karen regarding how FRBR falls short in not 
allowing for more relationships between Group 1-2 and Group 3 entities. 
FRBRoo fleshes out some of these things, but in a woefully unweildy way, 
IMO. Conversely, FRBR in RDF (at consolidates 
some classes and properties (e.g. Responsible entity, a superclass of 
Person, Family and Corporate body), and to me approaches the kind of 
extensibility we need. Unfortunately, it does not include data 
properties, which I agree are problematic, as Karen illustrates.

I do maintain that FRBR is the kind of *conceptual* model that, for the 
most part, can guide the development of effective data structures. 
However, it is far too abstract to be implemented verbatim. This is what 
I think RDA is trying to do with attributes like "Title for the work" I 
wonder: why is there not an ontology expert on the JSC?? (If I'm wrong 
and there is, someone please correct me)


Karen Coyle wrote:
Extensibility as absolutely key. I know that some people consider XML 
to be inherently extensible, but I'm concerned that the conceptual 
model presented by FRBR doesn't support extensibility. For example, 
the FRBR entity "Place" represents only the place as a subject. If you 
want to represent places anywhere else in the record, you are SOL. 
Ditto the "Event" entity. The attributes in FRBR have no inherent 
structure, so you have, say, Manifestation with a whole page of 
attributes that are each defined at the most detailed level. You have 
"reduction ratio (microform)" but no "reproduction info" field that 
you could extend for another physical format. You have "date of 
publication" but no general "date" property that could be extended to 
other dates that are needed (in fact, the various date fields have no 
relation to each other).

To have an extensible data structure we need to have some foundation 
"classes" that we can build on, and nothing in FRBR, RDA, or MARC 
gives us that.


Casey A Mullin wrote:

(Attention: lurker emerging)

To me what it comes down to is neither simplicity nor complexity, but 
extensibility. In a perfect world, our data models should be capable 
of representing very sophisticated and robust relationships at a high 
level of granularity, while still accommodating ease of metadata 
production and contribution (especially by non-experts and those 
outside the library community).

I agree that none of our existing data structures/syntaxes are /a 
priori /fundamental or infallible. But what is promising to me about 
RDF is its intuitive mode of expression and extensibility (exactly 
the kind I advocate above).


Han, Yan wrote:

Bill and Peter,

Very nice posts. XML, RDF, MARC and DC are all different ways to 
present information in a way (of course, XML, RDF, and DC are easier 
to read/processed by machine).
However, down the fundamentals, I think that it can go deeper, 
basically data structure and algorithms making things works. RDF 
(with triples) is a directed graph. Graph is a powerful (the most 
powerful?) data structure that you can model everything. However, 
some of the graph theory/problems are NP-hard problems. In 
fundamental we are talking about Math. So a balance needs to be 
made. (between how complex the model is and how easy(or possible) to 
get it implemented). As computing power grows, complex data modeling 
and data mining are on the horizon.


-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf 
Of Peter Schlumpf

Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 10:09 PM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] You got it! Re: [CODE4LIB] Something 
completely different


You have hit the nail on the head!  This is EXACTLY what I am 
trying to do!  It's the underlying stuff that I am trying to get 
at.   Looking at RDF may yield some good ideas.  But I am not 
thinking in terms of RDF or XML, triples, or MARC, standards, or any 
of that stuff that gets thrown around here.  Even the Internet is 
not terribly necessary.  I am thinking in terms of data structures, 
pointers, sparse matrices, relationships between objects and yes, 
set theory too -- things like that.  The former is pretty much cruft 
that lies upon the latter, and it mostly just gets in the way.  
Noise, as you put it, Bill!

A big problem here is that Libraryland has a bad habit of getting 
itself lost in the details and going off on all kinds of tangents.  
As I said before, the biggest prison is between the ears  Throw 
out all that junk in there and just start over!  When I begin 
programming this thing my only tools will be a programming language 
(C or Java) a text editor (vi) and my head.  But before I really 
start that, right now I am writing a paper that explains how this 
stuff works at a very low level.  It's mostly an effort to

Re: [CODE4LIB] You got it!!!!! Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-10 Thread Karen Coyle
Extensibility as absolutely key. I know that some people consider XML to 
be inherently extensible, but I'm concerned that the conceptual model 
presented by FRBR doesn't support extensibility. For example, the FRBR 
entity "Place" represents only the place as a subject. If you want to 
represent places anywhere else in the record, you are SOL. Ditto the 
"Event" entity. The attributes in FRBR have no inherent structure, so 
you have, say, Manifestation with a whole page of attributes that are 
each defined at the most detailed level. You have "reduction ratio 
(microform)" but no "reproduction info" field that you could extend for 
another physical format. You have "date of publication" but no general 
"date" property that could be extended to other dates that are needed 
(in fact, the various date fields have no relation to each other).

To have an extensible data structure we need to have some foundation 
"classes" that we can build on, and nothing in FRBR, RDA, or MARC gives 
us that.


Casey A Mullin wrote:

(Attention: lurker emerging)

To me what it comes down to is neither simplicity nor complexity, but 
extensibility. In a perfect world, our data models should be capable 
of representing very sophisticated and robust relationships at a high 
level of granularity, while still accommodating ease of metadata 
production and contribution (especially by non-experts and those 
outside the library community).

I agree that none of our existing data structures/syntaxes are /a 
priori /fundamental or infallible. But what is promising to me about 
RDF is its intuitive mode of expression and extensibility (exactly the 
kind I advocate above).


Han, Yan wrote:

Bill and Peter,

Very nice posts. XML, RDF, MARC and DC are all different ways to 
present information in a way (of course, XML, RDF, and DC are easier 
to read/processed by machine).
However, down the fundamentals, I think that it can go deeper, 
basically data structure and algorithms making things works. RDF 
(with triples) is a directed graph. Graph is a powerful (the most 
powerful?) data structure that you can model everything. However, 
some of the graph theory/problems are NP-hard problems. In 
fundamental we are talking about Math. So a balance needs to be made. 
(between how complex the model is and how easy(or possible) to get it 
implemented). As computing power grows, complex data modeling and 
data mining are on the horizon.


-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf 
Of Peter Schlumpf

Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 10:09 PM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] You got it! Re: [CODE4LIB] Something 
completely different


You have hit the nail on the head!  This is EXACTLY what I am 
trying to do!  It's the underlying stuff that I am trying to get 
at.   Looking at RDF may yield some good ideas.  But I am not 
thinking in terms of RDF or XML, triples, or MARC, standards, or any 
of that stuff that gets thrown around here.  Even the Internet is not 
terribly necessary.  I am thinking in terms of data structures, 
pointers, sparse matrices, relationships between objects and yes, set 
theory too -- things like that.  The former is pretty much cruft that 
lies upon the latter, and it mostly just gets in the way.  Noise, as 
you put it, Bill!

A big problem here is that Libraryland has a bad habit of getting 
itself lost in the details and going off on all kinds of tangents.  
As I said before, the biggest prison is between the ears  Throw 
out all that junk in there and just start over!  When I begin 
programming this thing my only tools will be a programming language 
(C or Java) a text editor (vi) and my head.  But before I really 
start that, right now I am writing a paper that explains how this 
stuff works at a very low level.  It's mostly an effort to get my 
thoughts down clearly, but I will share a draft of it with y'all on 
here soon.

Peter Schlumpf

-Original Message-----

From: Bill Dueber 
Sent: Apr 9, 2009 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Mike Taylor  


I'm not sure what to make of this except to say that Yet Another XML
Bibliographic Format is NOT the answer!

I recognize that you're being flippant, and yet think there's an 

nugget in here.

When you say it that way, it makes it sound as if folks are debating 
finer points of OAI-MARC vs MARC-XML -- that it's simply syntactic 
(although I'm certainly one to argue for the importance of syntactic 

over the top of what we already have.

What's actually being discussed, of course, is the underlying data 
E-R pairs primarily analyzed by set theory, triples forming directed 
whether or

Re: [CODE4LIB] You got it!!!!! Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-10 Thread Casey A Mullin

(Attention: lurker emerging)

To me what it comes down to is neither simplicity nor complexity, but 
extensibility. In a perfect world, our data models should be capable of 
representing very sophisticated and robust relationships at a high level 
of granularity, while still accommodating ease of metadata production 
and contribution (especially by non-experts and those outside the 
library community).

I agree that none of our existing data structures/syntaxes are /a priori 
/fundamental or infallible. But what is promising to me about RDF is its 
intuitive mode of expression and extensibility (exactly the kind I 
advocate above).


Han, Yan wrote:

Bill and Peter,

Very nice posts. XML, RDF, MARC and DC are all different ways to present information in a way (of course, XML, RDF, and DC are easier to read/processed by machine). 

However, down the fundamentals, I think that it can go deeper, basically data 
structure and algorithms making things works. RDF (with triples) is a directed 
graph. Graph is a powerful (the most powerful?) data structure that you can 
model everything. However, some of the graph theory/problems are NP-hard 
problems. In fundamental we are talking about Math. So a balance needs to be 
made. (between how complex the model is and how easy(or possible) to get it 
implemented). As computing power grows, complex data modeling and data mining 
are on the horizon.


-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of Peter 
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 10:09 PM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] You got it! Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely 


You have hit the nail on the head!  This is EXACTLY what I am trying to do! 
 It's the underlying stuff that I am trying to get at.   Looking at RDF may 
yield some good ideas.  But I am not thinking in terms of RDF or XML, triples, 
or MARC, standards, or any of that stuff that gets thrown around here.  Even 
the Internet is not terribly necessary.  I am thinking in terms of data 
structures, pointers, sparse matrices, relationships between objects and yes, 
set theory too -- things like that.  The former is pretty much cruft that lies 
upon the latter, and it mostly just gets in the way.  Noise, as you put it, 

A big problem here is that Libraryland has a bad habit of getting itself lost 
in the details and going off on all kinds of tangents.  As I said before, the 
biggest prison is between the ears  Throw out all that junk in there and 
just start over!  When I begin programming this thing my only tools will be a 
programming language (C or Java) a text editor (vi) and my head.  But before I 
really start that, right now I am writing a paper that explains how this stuff 
works at a very low level.  It's mostly an effort to get my thoughts down 
clearly, but I will share a draft of it with y'all on here soon.

Peter Schlumpf

-Original Message-

From: Bill Dueber 
Sent: Apr 9, 2009 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Mike Taylor  wrote:

I'm not sure what to make of this except to say that Yet Another XML
Bibliographic Format is NOT the answer!


I recognize that you're being flippant, and yet think there's an important
nugget in here.

When you say it that way, it makes it sound as if folks are debating the
finer points of OAI-MARC vs MARC-XML -- that it's simply syntactic sugar
(although I'm certainly one to argue for the importance of syntactic sugar)
over the top of what we already have.

What's actually being discussed, of course, is the underlying data model.
E-R pairs primarily analyzed by set theory, triples forming directed graphs,
whether or not links between data elements can themselves have attributes --
these are all possible characteristics of the fundamental underpinning of a
data model to describe the data we're concerned with.

The fact that they all have common XML representations is noise, and
referencing the currently-most-common xml schema for these things is just
convenient shorthand in a community that understands the exemplars. The fact
that many in the library community don't understand that syntax is not the
same as a data model is how we ended up with RDA.  (Mike: I don't know your
stuff, but I seriously doubt you're among that group. I'm talkin' in
general, here.)

Bibliographic data is astoundingly complex, and I believe wholeheartedly
that modeling it sufficiently is a very, very hard task. But no matter the
underlying model, we should still insist on starting with the basics that
computer science folks have been using for decades now: uids  (and, these
days, guids) for the important attributes, separation of data and display,
definition of sufficient data types and reuse of those types whenever

Re: [CODE4LIB] You got it!!!!! Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-10 Thread Han, Yan
Bill and Peter,

Very nice posts. XML, RDF, MARC and DC are all different ways to present 
information in a way (of course, XML, RDF, and DC are easier to read/processed 
by machine). 

However, down the fundamentals, I think that it can go deeper, basically data 
structure and algorithms making things works. RDF (with triples) is a directed 
graph. Graph is a powerful (the most powerful?) data structure that you can 
model everything. However, some of the graph theory/problems are NP-hard 
problems. In fundamental we are talking about Math. So a balance needs to be 
made. (between how complex the model is and how easy(or possible) to get it 
implemented). As computing power grows, complex data modeling and data mining 
are on the horizon.


-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of Peter 
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 10:09 PM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] You got it! Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely 


You have hit the nail on the head!  This is EXACTLY what I am trying to do! 
 It's the underlying stuff that I am trying to get at.   Looking at RDF may 
yield some good ideas.  But I am not thinking in terms of RDF or XML, triples, 
or MARC, standards, or any of that stuff that gets thrown around here.  Even 
the Internet is not terribly necessary.  I am thinking in terms of data 
structures, pointers, sparse matrices, relationships between objects and yes, 
set theory too -- things like that.  The former is pretty much cruft that lies 
upon the latter, and it mostly just gets in the way.  Noise, as you put it, 

A big problem here is that Libraryland has a bad habit of getting itself lost 
in the details and going off on all kinds of tangents.  As I said before, the 
biggest prison is between the ears  Throw out all that junk in there and 
just start over!  When I begin programming this thing my only tools will be a 
programming language (C or Java) a text editor (vi) and my head.  But before I 
really start that, right now I am writing a paper that explains how this stuff 
works at a very low level.  It's mostly an effort to get my thoughts down 
clearly, but I will share a draft of it with y'all on here soon.

Peter Schlumpf

-Original Message-
>From: Bill Dueber 
>Sent: Apr 9, 2009 10:37 PM
>Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different
>On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Mike Taylor  wrote:
>> I'm not sure what to make of this except to say that Yet Another XML
>> Bibliographic Format is NOT the answer!
>I recognize that you're being flippant, and yet think there's an important
>nugget in here.
>When you say it that way, it makes it sound as if folks are debating the
>finer points of OAI-MARC vs MARC-XML -- that it's simply syntactic sugar
>(although I'm certainly one to argue for the importance of syntactic sugar)
>over the top of what we already have.
>What's actually being discussed, of course, is the underlying data model.
>E-R pairs primarily analyzed by set theory, triples forming directed graphs,
>whether or not links between data elements can themselves have attributes --
>these are all possible characteristics of the fundamental underpinning of a
>data model to describe the data we're concerned with.
>The fact that they all have common XML representations is noise, and
>referencing the currently-most-common xml schema for these things is just
>convenient shorthand in a community that understands the exemplars. The fact
>that many in the library community don't understand that syntax is not the
>same as a data model is how we ended up with RDA.  (Mike: I don't know your
>stuff, but I seriously doubt you're among that group. I'm talkin' in
>general, here.)
>Bibliographic data is astoundingly complex, and I believe wholeheartedly
>that modeling it sufficiently is a very, very hard task. But no matter the
>underlying model, we should still insist on starting with the basics that
>computer science folks have been using for decades now: uids  (and, these
>days, guids) for the important attributes, separation of data and display,
>definition of sufficient data types and reuse of those types whenever
>possible, separation of identity and value, full normalization of data, zero
>ambiguity in the relationship diagram as a fundamental tenet, and a rigorous
>mathematical model to describe how it all fits together.
>This is hard stuff. But it's worth doing right.
>Bill Dueber
>Library Systems Programmer
>University of Michigan Library

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-10 Thread Ross Singer
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Bill Dueber  wrote:

> This is hard stuff. But it's worth doing right.

The issue here isn't about serializations or transmission formats.
It's about data modeling.  Our current bibliographic data model is
horribly inefficient, with antiquated design ideas and far too rigid
to handle the explosion in information sources, and that has nothing
to do with ISO 2709 (although the byte limit might).

Then there's the actual inventory control data model...


[CODE4LIB] You got it!!!!! Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-09 Thread Peter Schlumpf

You have hit the nail on the head!  This is EXACTLY what I am trying to do! 
 It's the underlying stuff that I am trying to get at.   Looking at RDF may 
yield some good ideas.  But I am not thinking in terms of RDF or XML, triples, 
or MARC, standards, or any of that stuff that gets thrown around here.  Even 
the Internet is not terribly necessary.  I am thinking in terms of data 
structures, pointers, sparse matrices, relationships between objects and yes, 
set theory too -- things like that.  The former is pretty much cruft that lies 
upon the latter, and it mostly just gets in the way.  Noise, as you put it, 

A big problem here is that Libraryland has a bad habit of getting itself lost 
in the details and going off on all kinds of tangents.  As I said before, the 
biggest prison is between the ears  Throw out all that junk in there and 
just start over!  When I begin programming this thing my only tools will be a 
programming language (C or Java) a text editor (vi) and my head.  But before I 
really start that, right now I am writing a paper that explains how this stuff 
works at a very low level.  It's mostly an effort to get my thoughts down 
clearly, but I will share a draft of it with y'all on here soon.

Peter Schlumpf

-Original Message-
>From: Bill Dueber 
>Sent: Apr 9, 2009 10:37 PM
>Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different
>On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Mike Taylor  wrote:
>> I'm not sure what to make of this except to say that Yet Another XML
>> Bibliographic Format is NOT the answer!
>I recognize that you're being flippant, and yet think there's an important
>nugget in here.
>When you say it that way, it makes it sound as if folks are debating the
>finer points of OAI-MARC vs MARC-XML -- that it's simply syntactic sugar
>(although I'm certainly one to argue for the importance of syntactic sugar)
>over the top of what we already have.
>What's actually being discussed, of course, is the underlying data model.
>E-R pairs primarily analyzed by set theory, triples forming directed graphs,
>whether or not links between data elements can themselves have attributes --
>these are all possible characteristics of the fundamental underpinning of a
>data model to describe the data we're concerned with.
>The fact that they all have common XML representations is noise, and
>referencing the currently-most-common xml schema for these things is just
>convenient shorthand in a community that understands the exemplars. The fact
>that many in the library community don't understand that syntax is not the
>same as a data model is how we ended up with RDA.  (Mike: I don't know your
>stuff, but I seriously doubt you're among that group. I'm talkin' in
>general, here.)
>Bibliographic data is astoundingly complex, and I believe wholeheartedly
>that modeling it sufficiently is a very, very hard task. But no matter the
>underlying model, we should still insist on starting with the basics that
>computer science folks have been using for decades now: uids  (and, these
>days, guids) for the important attributes, separation of data and display,
>definition of sufficient data types and reuse of those types whenever
>possible, separation of identity and value, full normalization of data, zero
>ambiguity in the relationship diagram as a fundamental tenet, and a rigorous
>mathematical model to describe how it all fits together.
>This is hard stuff. But it's worth doing right.
>Bill Dueber
>Library Systems Programmer
>University of Michigan Library

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-09 Thread Bill Dueber
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Mike Taylor  wrote:

> I'm not sure what to make of this except to say that Yet Another XML
> Bibliographic Format is NOT the answer!

I recognize that you're being flippant, and yet think there's an important
nugget in here.

When you say it that way, it makes it sound as if folks are debating the
finer points of OAI-MARC vs MARC-XML -- that it's simply syntactic sugar
(although I'm certainly one to argue for the importance of syntactic sugar)
over the top of what we already have.

What's actually being discussed, of course, is the underlying data model.
E-R pairs primarily analyzed by set theory, triples forming directed graphs,
whether or not links between data elements can themselves have attributes --
these are all possible characteristics of the fundamental underpinning of a
data model to describe the data we're concerned with.

The fact that they all have common XML representations is noise, and
referencing the currently-most-common xml schema for these things is just
convenient shorthand in a community that understands the exemplars. The fact
that many in the library community don't understand that syntax is not the
same as a data model is how we ended up with RDA.  (Mike: I don't know your
stuff, but I seriously doubt you're among that group. I'm talkin' in
general, here.)

Bibliographic data is astoundingly complex, and I believe wholeheartedly
that modeling it sufficiently is a very, very hard task. But no matter the
underlying model, we should still insist on starting with the basics that
computer science folks have been using for decades now: uids  (and, these
days, guids) for the important attributes, separation of data and display,
definition of sufficient data types and reuse of those types whenever
possible, separation of identity and value, full normalization of data, zero
ambiguity in the relationship diagram as a fundamental tenet, and a rigorous
mathematical model to describe how it all fits together.

This is hard stuff. But it's worth doing right.

Bill Dueber
Library Systems Programmer
University of Michigan Library

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-09 Thread Kevin S. Clarke
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Mike Taylor  wrote:

> Cloutman, David writes:
>  > I'm open to seeing new approaches to the ILS in general. A related
>  > question I had the other day, speaking of MARC, is what would an
>  > alternative bibliographic data format look like if it was designed
>  > with the intent for opening access to the data our ILS systems to
>  > developers in a more informal manner? I was thinking of an XML
>  > format that a developer could work with without formal training,
>  > the basics of which could be learned in an hour, and could
>  > reasonably represent the essential fields of the 90% of records
>  > that are most likely to be viewed by a public library patron.
> I read this and immediately thought, "oh, that's MODS":
> Then I read on through the thread and found that Stuart Yeates
> recommeded TEI instead.
> Then I read on a few more messages, and found that Alex Dolski though
> Dublin Core XML was the answer.
> Then I read on a bit further, a found half a dozen people arguing for
> RDF, triplestores and topic maps.
> (I fact, the only thing that _no-one_ has recommended is anything
> based on RDA :-) )
> I'm not sure what to make of this except to say that Yet Another XML
> Bibliographic Format is NOT the answer!

In theory, there is no difference between practice and theory, but in
practice there is.  In theory, Yet Another XML Bibliographic Format is NOT
the answer, but it in practice it is.  ;-)


Kevin S. Clarke
Coordinator of Web Services
Belk Library & Information Commons
Appalachian State University
218 College Street
Boone, NC 28608
(828) 262-8472

"There are two kinds of people in the world: those who believe there are two
kinds of people and those who know better."

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-09 Thread Mike Taylor
Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress writes:
 > From: "Mike Taylor" 
 > > ... anyway, all of this is far, far away from the point.  MARC is old
 > > and ugly yes; but then so am I, 
 > I don't think you're old, Mike. 

And _I_ don't think _you're_ ugly.


/o ) \/  Mike Taylor
)_v__/\  "Whenever there is a conflict between human rights and property
 rights, human rights must prevail" -- Abraham Lincoln, quoted
 by Richard Stallman.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-09 Thread Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress

From: "Mike Taylor" 

... anyway, all of this is far, far away from the point.  MARC is old
and ugly yes; but then so am I, 

I don't think you're old, Mike. 


Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-09 Thread Joe Atzberger
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Mike Taylor  wrote:

> ... anyway, all of this is far, far away from the point.  MARC is old
> and ugly yes; but then so am I, and I get the job done, just like
> MARC.  That format is responsible for about 0.2% of our difficulties,
> and replacing it would make essentially no difference to anything that
> we actually care about.

The *encoding* however is responsible for about 20% of my difficulties.
MARC-8 should die...

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-09 Thread Mike Taylor
Cloutman, David writes:
 > I'm open to seeing new approaches to the ILS in general. A related
 > question I had the other day, speaking of MARC, is what would an
 > alternative bibliographic data format look like if it was designed
 > with the intent for opening access to the data our ILS systems to
 > developers in a more informal manner? I was thinking of an XML
 > format that a developer could work with without formal training,
 > the basics of which could be learned in an hour, and could
 > reasonably represent the essential fields of the 90% of records
 > that are most likely to be viewed by a public library patron.

I read this and immediately thought, "oh, that's MODS":

Then I read on through the thread and found that Stuart Yeates
recommeded TEI instead.

Then I read on a few more messages, and found that Alex Dolski though
Dublin Core XML was the answer.

Then I read on a bit further, a found half a dozen people arguing for
RDF, triplestores and topic maps.

(I fact, the only thing that _no-one_ has recommended is anything
based on RDA :-) )

I'm not sure what to make of this except to say that Yet Another XML
Bibliographic Format is NOT the answer!

... anyway, all of this is far, far away from the point.  MARC is old
and ugly yes; but then so am I, and I get the job done, just like
MARC.  That format is responsible for about 0.2% of our difficulties,
and replacing it would make essentially no difference to anything that
we actually care about.

/o ) \/  Mike Taylor
)_v__/\  "_Scelidosaurus_ [is] vastly more important for understanding
 dinosaur anatomy & evolution than yet another dromaeosaur
 (can't believe I just wrote that, even though it's true)" --
 Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-08 Thread Alexander Johannesen
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 14:33, stuart yeates  wrote:
> That's not an entirely useful comparison on topic maps and RDF.

If I indented to be useful I'd write something substantial, backed up
with stuff other than humour. I'll give that a go the next time. :)

> We currently use topic maps, alot, in our infrastructure. If we were
> starting again tomorrow, I'd advocate using RDF instead, mainly because of
> the much better tool support and take-up.

Hmm, not a good thing at all. Could you elaborate, though, as I use it
too as part of infrastructure too, and wouldn't touch RDF / SemWeb
without a long stick? I'm into application semantics and shared
knowledge-bases. What are you guys doing where you feel the support
and tools are lacking? And what are the RDF alternatives?


 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-08 Thread stuart yeates

Alexander Johannesen wrote:

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 22:38, Dr R. Sanderson  wrote:

I would encourage looking at rdf triplestores seriously, if the graph
approach is the direction that you want to go in.

Or, Topic Maps which is *not* a triplestore, closer to the OO model
(basically a meta data model), and don't carry the stack "overflow" of
RDF (RDF, RDFs, OWL 1-2-3) nor anonymous nodes. :)

That's not an entirely useful comparison on topic maps and RDF. I suggest:

We currently use topic maps, alot, in our infrastructure. If we were 
starting again tomorrow, I'd advocate using RDF instead, mainly because 
of the much better tool support and take-up.


Stuart Yeates   New Zealand Electronic Text Centre Institutional Repository

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-08 Thread Alexander Johannesen
On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 22:38, Dr R. Sanderson  wrote:
> I would encourage looking at rdf triplestores seriously, if the graph
> approach is the direction that you want to go in.

Or, Topic Maps which is *not* a triplestore, closer to the OO model
(basically a meta data model), and don't carry the stack "overflow" of
RDF (RDF, RDFs, OWL 1-2-3) nor anonymous nodes. :)


 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-08 Thread Dr R. Sanderson

On Wed, 8 Apr 2009, Peter Schlumpf wrote:

From: Alex Osborne 
If I'm understanding you correctly, what you have in mind is a
triplestore.  A database for storing purely relationship triples and

Close.  What I have in mind looks more like just pure objects and 
pointers.  Think in purely abstract terms at this level.  It's possible 
to have one to many relationships from one object to many other 
objects.  It would be possible to group sets of objects together by 
using a single "proxy" object in this database that refers to the 
others.  But I'm starting to digress.

All of which are possible in a TripleStore :)
Or an Object-Relational database, but a triple store would likely find 
more support in the community.

I would encourage looking at rdf triplestores seriously, if the graph 
approach is the direction that you want to go in.


Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-08 Thread Peter Schlumpf
-Original Message-
>From: Alex Osborne 
>Sent: Apr 8, 2009 4:40 AM
>To: Peter Schlumpf 
>Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

>If I'm understanding you correctly, what you have in mind is a
>triplestore.  A database for storing purely relationship triples and
>nothing else.  A triple is made up of the name of an object, the name of
>a type of relationship and a name of another object.  A few example
>abstract triples might be:

Close.  What I have in mind looks more like just pure objects and pointers.  
Think in purely abstract terms at this level.  It's possible to have one to 
many relationships from one object to many other objects.  It would be possible 
to group sets of objects together by using a single "proxy" object in this 
database that refers to the others.  But I'm starting to digress.

>> It allows for an interesting extension too -- weighting those
>> associations.  Suppose we use it to create a search structure, and
>> each time we go from one object referencing another we increment a
>> counter for that link by one.
>I'm a little confused by this.  What would the use case be?  Are you
>talking about a popularity score for each relationship to weight
>searches with?

Yes, that is one thing I had in mind.  It could be used to analyse browsing 
behaviour showing what is poular.  Such weights could also decay with time as 
they get stale.  But this is more an example of an application of the idea 
rather than something that describes the idea itself.


Thanks for your input,


Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-08 Thread Alex Osborne
Hi Peter,

Peter Schlumpf wrote:
> What I had in mind for something different is this:  Think of a
> single database of only associations between objects, and nothing
> more than that.

If I'm understanding you correctly, what you have in mind is a
triplestore.  A database for storing purely relationship triples and
nothing else.  A triple is made up of the name of an object, the name of
a type of relationship and a name of another object.  A few example
abstract triples might be:

(The Lord of the Rings, author, J. R. R. Tolkien)
(The Hobbit, sequel, The Lord of The Rings)
(J. R. R. Tolkien, pet, Fido)
(Fido, species, Canis lupus familiaris)
(Canis lupus familiaris, commonName, Dog)


RDF is a particular implementation of this abstract concept, where the
names of both the objects and relationships are URIs.  An RDF
triplestore is a piece of software that stores these relationships and
allows them to be queried flexibly and efficiently (in theory).

> It allows for an interesting extension too -- weighting those
> associations.  Suppose we use it to create a search structure, and
> each time we go from one object referencing another we increment a
> counter for that link by one.

I'm a little confused by this.  What would the use case be?  Are you
talking about a popularity score for each relationship to weight
searches with?



Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-08 Thread Benjamin O'Steen
So... like a Fedora repository where you actually use the RELS-EXT? :)
You've pretty much outlined how I use Fedora right there!


On Tue, 2009-04-07 at 22:39 -0400, Peter Schlumpf wrote:
> An interesting thread!  It will take me a while for me to digest the ideas.
> What I had in mind for something different is this:  Think of a single 
> database of only associations between objects, and nothing more than that.  
> Objects defined in this database can reference any and all other objects in 
> the database.  These objects could represent anything:  Title records or item 
> records in an opac.  A collection of files on a computer.  Web sites.  Links. 
>  Database queries.  All of the above.  Each object in this database contains 
> just enough information to say that it exists and has a pointer to the thing 
> in the outside world that it represents.
> Although the basic system would allow the objects in it to link to eachother 
> in arbitrary ways, we could impose rules on it to create a system.  An OPAC.  
> A map. Other things that I can't think of right now.  I think a key thought 
> here is that it is a database of pure relationships that can be set up and 
> manipulated.  But the descriptive data is stored elsewhere.
> It allows for an interesting extension too -- weighting those associations.  
> Suppose we use it to create a search structure, and each time we go from one 
> object referencing another we increment a counter for that link by one.
> There are many ways to implement something like this, and I have one in mind, 
> but this is sort of the theory behind it.  It is going back to simple things.
> Peter Schlumpf
> -Original Message-
> >From: Karen Coyle 
> >Sent: Apr 6, 2009 1:49 PM
> >Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different
> >
> >Cloutman, David wrote:
> >> I'm open to seeing new approaches to the ILS in general. A related
> >> question I had the other day, speaking of MARC, is what would an
> >> alternative bibliographic data format look like if it was designed with
> >> the intent for opening access to the data our ILS systems to developers
> >> in a more informal manner? I was thinking of an XML format that a
> >> developer could work with without formal training, 
> >
> >Well, speaking of 'without formal training' -- I posted this to the Open 
> >Library technology list, but using the OL, which is triple-based and 
> >open access, I was able to create a simple demo Pipe of how you could 
> >determine the earliest date of publication of a book (with an interest 
> >in looking at potential copyright status). Caveat is that the API I'm is 
> >still pretty stubby, so it only retrieves on exact title (this will be 
> >fixed sometime in the future).
> >
> >The pipe is here:
> >
> >
> >
> >kc
> >
> >> the basics of which
> >> could be learned in an hour, and could reasonably represent the
> >> essential fields of the 90% of records that are most likely to be viewed
> >> by a public library patron. In my mind, such a format would allow
> >> creators of community-based web sites to pull data from their local
> >> library, and repurpose it without having to learn a lot of arcane
> >> formats (e.g. MARC) or esoteric protocols (e.g. Z39.50). The sacrifice,
> >> of course, would be loosing some of the richness MARC allows, but I
> >> think in many common situations the really complex records are not what
> >> patrons are interested in. You may want to consider prototyping this in
> >> your application. I see such an effort to be vital in making our systems
> >> relevant in future computing environments, and I am skeptical that a
> >> simple, workable solution would come out the initial efforts of a
> >> standardization committee.
> >>
> >> Just my 2 cents.
> >>
> >> - David
> >>
> >> ---
> >> David Cloutman 
> >> Electronic Services Librarian
> >> Marin County Free Library 
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
> >> Peter Schlumpf
> >> Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 8:40 AM
> >> Subject: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different
> >>
> >>
> >> Greetings!
> >>
> >> I have been lurking on (or ignoring) this forum for years.  And
> >> libra

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-07 Thread Peter Schlumpf
An interesting thread!  It will take me a while for me to digest the ideas.

What I had in mind for something different is this:  Think of a single database 
of only associations between objects, and nothing more than that.  Objects 
defined in this database can reference any and all other objects in the 
database.  These objects could represent anything:  Title records or item 
records in an opac.  A collection of files on a computer.  Web sites.  Links.  
Database queries.  All of the above.  Each object in this database contains 
just enough information to say that it exists and has a pointer to the thing in 
the outside world that it represents.

Although the basic system would allow the objects in it to link to eachother in 
arbitrary ways, we could impose rules on it to create a system.  An OPAC.  A 
map. Other things that I can't think of right now.  I think a key thought here 
is that it is a database of pure relationships that can be set up and 
manipulated.  But the descriptive data is stored elsewhere.

It allows for an interesting extension too -- weighting those associations.  
Suppose we use it to create a search structure, and each time we go from one 
object referencing another we increment a counter for that link by one.

There are many ways to implement something like this, and I have one in mind, 
but this is sort of the theory behind it.  It is going back to simple things.

Peter Schlumpf

-Original Message-
>From: Karen Coyle 
>Sent: Apr 6, 2009 1:49 PM
>Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different
>Cloutman, David wrote:
>> I'm open to seeing new approaches to the ILS in general. A related
>> question I had the other day, speaking of MARC, is what would an
>> alternative bibliographic data format look like if it was designed with
>> the intent for opening access to the data our ILS systems to developers
>> in a more informal manner? I was thinking of an XML format that a
>> developer could work with without formal training, 
>Well, speaking of 'without formal training' -- I posted this to the Open 
>Library technology list, but using the OL, which is triple-based and 
>open access, I was able to create a simple demo Pipe of how you could 
>determine the earliest date of publication of a book (with an interest 
>in looking at potential copyright status). Caveat is that the API I'm is 
>still pretty stubby, so it only retrieves on exact title (this will be 
>fixed sometime in the future).
>The pipe is here:
>> the basics of which
>> could be learned in an hour, and could reasonably represent the
>> essential fields of the 90% of records that are most likely to be viewed
>> by a public library patron. In my mind, such a format would allow
>> creators of community-based web sites to pull data from their local
>> library, and repurpose it without having to learn a lot of arcane
>> formats (e.g. MARC) or esoteric protocols (e.g. Z39.50). The sacrifice,
>> of course, would be loosing some of the richness MARC allows, but I
>> think in many common situations the really complex records are not what
>> patrons are interested in. You may want to consider prototyping this in
>> your application. I see such an effort to be vital in making our systems
>> relevant in future computing environments, and I am skeptical that a
>> simple, workable solution would come out the initial efforts of a
>> standardization committee.
>> Just my 2 cents.
>> - David
>> ---
>> David Cloutman 
>> Electronic Services Librarian
>> Marin County Free Library 
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
>> Peter Schlumpf
>> Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 8:40 AM
>> Subject: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different
>> Greetings!
>> I have been lurking on (or ignoring) this forum for years.  And
>> libraries too.  Some of you may know me.  I am the Avanti guy.  I am,
>> perhaps, the first person to try to produce an open source ILS back in
>> 1999, though there is a David Duncan out there who tried before I did. I
>> was there when all this stuff was coming together.
>> Since then I have seen a lot of good things happen.  There's Koha.
>> There's Evergreen.  They are good things.  I have also seen first hand
>> how libraries get screwed over and over by commercial vendors with their
>> crappy software.  I believe free software is the answer to that.  I have
>> neglected Ava

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-07 Thread Genny Engel
Also back to the original question, what is an ILS in the first place?
The discussion has focused on bibliographic records, but that's just one part 
of what's in the ILS in use at the library where I work.  I see one of the big 
problems with current ILSs being not so much the ILS per se, but library 
managers'/librarians' expectations that they should have a single core system 
that handles all the following functionality:
- maintaining a database of patron records with attached fine and fee 
information, which books they have out, what is waiting on the hold shelf for 
them, etc.
- maintaining a library accounting hierarchy with the ability to run reports 
like "it's halfway through the year and you've spent 90% of your budget for 
children's fiction"
- maintaining an acquisitions system so records for purchases are reflected 
into the accounting system and also as new bib records for on-order materials
- serials check-in so that missing issues can be claimed
- and of course a cataloging module and an OPAC.
Without the ability to support all the back-end processing and accounting, 
simply replacing the front-end OPAC and the bibliographic database does nothing 
to eliminate the need for an ILS, unless it also opens the way to feed data in 
and out of cheap off-the-shelf accounting and purchasing systems that aren't 
library-specific.  A lot of libraries still won't want to put together even 
that much out of parts, and will prefer an ILS, but if it were me, I think I'd 
look at reengineering some of the parts to become more interchangeable with 
stuff like standard accounting software.
I must admit I was kind of horrified when I first got here and found that all 
this functionality was resident in a single system.  No wonder these things are 
so honking expensive.
Genny Engel
Sonoma County Library 
707 545-0831 x581 

>>> 04/07/09 08:59AM >>>
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Peter Schlumpf  wrote:

> I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc records.  
> Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.  No SQL 
> straightjacket.  What would an ILS look like without those things?

Back to this original question, [...]

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-07 Thread Sharon Foster
Which is why the interface specifications are at least as important,
if not more important, as the specs for each of the modules that you
enumerated. If the interfaces are well-defined, then the components
can be designed and developed with a minimum of further interactions
among developers. In fact, there might eventually be more than one
implementation of a particular module, allowing a library to assemble
an ILS out of interchangeable components. (I'm assuming open
source--it seems unlikely that proprietary vendors will ever come

Sharon M. Foster, 91.7% Librarian

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Genny Engel  wrote:
> Also back to the original question, what is an ILS in the first place?
> Without the ability to support all the back-end processing and accounting, 
> simply replacing the front-end OPAC and the bibliographic database does 
> nothing to eliminate the need for an ILS, unless it also opens the way to 
> feed data in and out of cheap off-the-shelf accounting and purchasing systems 
> that aren't library-specific.  A lot of libraries still won't want to put 
> together even that much out of parts, and will prefer an ILS, but if it were 
> me, I think I'd look at reengineering some of the parts to become more 
> interchangeable with stuff like standard accounting software.
> I must admit I was kind of horrified when I first got here and found that all 
> this functionality was resident in a single system.  No wonder these things 
> are so honking expensive.
> Genny Engel
> Sonoma County Library
> 707 545-0831 x581

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-07 Thread Nate Vack
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Peter Schlumpf  wrote:

> I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc records.  
> Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.  No SQL 
> straightjacket.  What would an ILS look like without those things?

Back to this original question, when I imagine these things, I imagine
building an ILS that relies on an unusual data persistence backend,
discounts industry-standard data formats, and explicitly ignores the
political concerns of adopting, deploying, and maintaining it.

And I get a little bit nervous.

For what it's worth (and I think this touches on the ontological
discussion in this thread, too) -- my experience has been that it's
easier to build a piece of software that solves a problem
compellingly, solving technical hurdles as you need to than it is to
come up with solutions to anticipated technical problems before
starting on making a product.

More concretely: if you build a software product, I don't care at all
whether it's based on a SQL straitjacket or a luscious RDF comforter.
I care if it solves a problem well, and that I can install it and run
it easily.


Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-07 Thread Ross Singer
So, thanks to the help of my coworkers, here's the RDA Elements schema
reformatted in an easier to read presentation:[]

I have to say I feel like this schema is trying to both do way too
much and subsequently loses the resource specificity that RDF would be

For one thing, it seems to reinvent a _lot_ of wheels.  Why does it
define its own title property instead of using DC's?  By using
properties like titleOfTheWork, dateOfWork and all of the properties
that are specifically about TheSeries there is tremendous duplication
of text.  If Work was its own class, you would only need say that this
manifestation was an embodimentOf of it and reuse all of the
title-based properties for manifestation.  The series-specific
property names seem redundant, as well, since isn't SeriesStatement
defining a series?  Why do you need titleProperOfSeries if you already
have titleProper?

What does property 'uri' mean?

I also can't figure out how people/institutions are modeled in this
schema, since none of the elements have ranges.  Are they their own
resources?  If so, what?  The way it looks at a glance, they're

There are also different properties for dimensions, dimensionsOfMap,
dimensionsOfStillImage, etc.  Why is there any need for anything more
than 'dimensions'?  This is redefining what the resource 'is' in
multiple places, but the fact that this is a still image is made
somewhere else, right?  If so, isn't it self-evident that the
dimensions are of a still image?

It seems to me that very little work was done find preexisting
vocabularies to reuse and this schema still presents a very
'document-centric' or 'record-centric' view of data.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Karen Coyle  wrote:
> Ross,
> I'm not questioning the technical assertion -- obviously you can combine
> properties from different vocabularies. My problem is with making sense of
> FRBR in relation to the properties, either in RDA or in bibo. Do you say
> that a particular grouping of properties is of type FRBR:Manifestation, or
> is the property defined in the vocabulary as in the Manifestation domain?
> RDA does the latter (although not in a semantic web way). Each data element
> in RDA "belongs" to a particular FRBR entity, so you never actually use the
> FRBR entities in your metadata. (Although the examples that Alistair Miles
> did [1] use the levels as part of the record organization.) I actually
> prefer the usage that I gave in my examples, in which relationships carry
> the FRBR "meaning" and bibliographic properties can be used at any level.
> The schema in the registry is completely flat partly because of the choice
> made by RDA to include the FRBR levels in the data elements themselves. The
> other 'partly' is because the creators of RDA are still pretty much thinking
> in terms of traditional bibliographic data, ISBD and MARC.
> kc
> [1] Linked from each scenario at
> Ross Singer wrote:
>> Right, ok, so an RDF graph can say the same resource is multiple
>> things at the same time, so that's how you deal with this:
>>  rdf:type  .
>>  dc:title "Doctor Zhivago"@en .
>>  dc:creator
>>  .
>>  rda:uniformTitle "Doktor Zhivago. English"
>> .
>>  rdf:type  .
>>  rdf:type  .
>>  frbr:embodimentOf
>>  .
>> I'm guessing on the RDA assertions, because the schema in the
>> metadataregistry doesn't make much sense to me.
>> Anyway, this shows how you can say multiple things from different
>> vocabularies for one resource.
>> -Ross.
>> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 8:10 PM, Karen Coyle  wrote:
>>> Jonathan Rochkind wrote:

 I'm curious why you think that doesn't work?  Isn't "place of
 a characteristic of a particular manifestation? While, "title",
 according to
 traditional library practices where you take it from the title page, is
 a characteristic of a particular manifestation, is it not? ("uniform
 is _usually_ a characteristic of a work, unless we get into music
 and some other 'edge' cases. Our traditional practices -- which aren't
 actually changed that much by RDA, are rather confusing.)

>>> Well, I was responding to Ross' statement that bibo and FRBR could be
>>> used
>>> in combination, depending on whether one was at that moment describing
>>> 'bibliographic things' or 'work things'. bibo doesn't have a uniform
>>> title,
>>> so the question is: can you use a bibo title and say that it is a work
>>> title? I thought that Ross was

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-07 Thread Karen Coyle


I'm not questioning the technical assertion -- obviously you can combine 
properties from different vocabularies. My problem is with making sense 
of FRBR in relation to the properties, either in RDA or in bibo. Do you 
say that a particular grouping of properties is of type 
FRBR:Manifestation, or is the property defined in the vocabulary as in 
the Manifestation domain? RDA does the latter (although not in a 
semantic web way). Each data element in RDA "belongs" to a particular 
FRBR entity, so you never actually use the FRBR entities in your 
metadata. (Although the examples that Alistair Miles did [1] use the 
levels as part of the record organization.) I actually prefer the usage 
that I gave in my examples, in which relationships carry the FRBR 
"meaning" and bibliographic properties can be used at any level.

The schema in the registry is completely flat partly because of the 
choice made by RDA to include the FRBR levels in the data elements 
themselves. The other 'partly' is because the creators of RDA are still 
pretty much thinking in terms of traditional bibliographic data, ISBD 
and MARC.

[1] Linked from each scenario at

Ross Singer wrote:

Right, ok, so an RDF graph can say the same resource is multiple
things at the same time, so that's how you deal with this:

 rdf:type  .
 dc:title "Doctor Zhivago"@en .
 rda:uniformTitle "Doktor Zhivago. English" .
 rdf:type  .
 rdf:type  .

I'm guessing on the RDA assertions, because the schema in the
metadataregistry doesn't make much sense to me.

Anyway, this shows how you can say multiple things from different
vocabularies for one resource.

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 8:10 PM, Karen Coyle  wrote:

Jonathan Rochkind wrote:

I'm curious why you think that doesn't work?  Isn't "place of publication"
a characteristic of a particular manifestation? While, "title", according to
traditional library practices where you take it from the title page, is also
a characteristic of a particular manifestation, is it not? ("uniform title"
is _usually_ a characteristic of a work, unless we get into music cataloging
and some other 'edge' cases. Our traditional practices -- which aren't
actually changed that much by RDA, are rather confusing.)

Well, I was responding to Ross' statement that bibo and FRBR could be used
in combination, depending on whether one was at that moment describing
'bibliographic things' or 'work things'. bibo doesn't have a uniform title,
so the question is: can you use a bibo title and say that it is a work
title? I thought that Ross was indicating something of that nature -- that
you could have a FRBR 'work thing' with bibo properties. I'm trying to
understand how that works since Work is a class. Don't you have to indicate
the domain and range of a property in its definition?

RDA tries to solve this by creating different properties for every
concept+FRBR entity: title of the work (Work), title proper (Manifestation).
[I don't understand why expressions don't have titles a translation is
an expression, after all.]

I am confused about what one would do about the fact that RDA defines
attributes a bit different than FRBR itself does. It's not too surprising --
FRBR is really just a draft, hardly tested in the world. When RDA tried to
make it a bit more concrete, it's not surprising that they found they had to
make changes to make it workable. Not sure what to do about that in the
grand scheme of things, if RDA and FRBR both end up registering different
vocabularies. I guess we'll just have two different vocabularies though,
which isn't too shocking I guess.


I'm not sure there's anything to do, but I do know that the developers of
RDA feel very strongly that in RDA they have 'implemented' FRBR, so we have
to find a way to integrate FRBR and RDA in the registered RDA vocabulary. I
agree that there's no problem with having RDA and FRBR as two different
vocabularies, it's the effort of bringing them together that boggles me. I
feel like it leaves a lot of loose ends. I'd be happy to see FRBR revised,
or to have it re-defined without the attributes, thus allowing metadata
developers to use the bibliographic relationship properties with any set of
descriptive elements.

I'm having trouble with the FRBR Group 1 entities as classes. I see them
instead as relationships, and does seem to treat them as
relationships, not as 'things.' I see a distinct difference between a person
entity and a work entity, because there is no thing that is a work. I see
work as a relationship between two bibliographic statements. 

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Ross Singer
Right, ok, so an RDF graph can say the same resource is multiple
things at the same time, so that's how you deal with this:

 rdf:type  .
 dc:title "Doctor Zhivago"@en .
 rda:uniformTitle "Doktor Zhivago. English" .
 rdf:type  .
 rdf:type  .

I'm guessing on the RDA assertions, because the schema in the
metadataregistry doesn't make much sense to me.

Anyway, this shows how you can say multiple things from different
vocabularies for one resource.

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 8:10 PM, Karen Coyle  wrote:
> Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
>> I'm curious why you think that doesn't work?  Isn't "place of publication"
>> a characteristic of a particular manifestation? While, "title", according to
>> traditional library practices where you take it from the title page, is also
>> a characteristic of a particular manifestation, is it not? ("uniform title"
>> is _usually_ a characteristic of a work, unless we get into music cataloging
>> and some other 'edge' cases. Our traditional practices -- which aren't
>> actually changed that much by RDA, are rather confusing.)
> Well, I was responding to Ross' statement that bibo and FRBR could be used
> in combination, depending on whether one was at that moment describing
> 'bibliographic things' or 'work things'. bibo doesn't have a uniform title,
> so the question is: can you use a bibo title and say that it is a work
> title? I thought that Ross was indicating something of that nature -- that
> you could have a FRBR 'work thing' with bibo properties. I'm trying to
> understand how that works since Work is a class. Don't you have to indicate
> the domain and range of a property in its definition?
> RDA tries to solve this by creating different properties for every
> concept+FRBR entity: title of the work (Work), title proper (Manifestation).
> [I don't understand why expressions don't have titles a translation is
> an expression, after all.]
>> I am confused about what one would do about the fact that RDA defines
>> attributes a bit different than FRBR itself does. It's not too surprising --
>> FRBR is really just a draft, hardly tested in the world. When RDA tried to
>> make it a bit more concrete, it's not surprising that they found they had to
>> make changes to make it workable. Not sure what to do about that in the
>> grand scheme of things, if RDA and FRBR both end up registering different
>> vocabularies. I guess we'll just have two different vocabularies though,
>> which isn't too shocking I guess.
> I'm not sure there's anything to do, but I do know that the developers of
> RDA feel very strongly that in RDA they have 'implemented' FRBR, so we have
> to find a way to integrate FRBR and RDA in the registered RDA vocabulary. I
> agree that there's no problem with having RDA and FRBR as two different
> vocabularies, it's the effort of bringing them together that boggles me. I
> feel like it leaves a lot of loose ends. I'd be happy to see FRBR revised,
> or to have it re-defined without the attributes, thus allowing metadata
> developers to use the bibliographic relationship properties with any set of
> descriptive elements.
> I'm having trouble with the FRBR Group 1 entities as classes. I see them
> instead as relationships, and does seem to treat them as
> relationships, not as 'things.' I see a distinct difference between a person
> entity and a work entity, because there is no thing that is a work. I see
> work as a relationship between two bibliographic statements. (This is vague
> in my mind, so I won't be surprised if it doesn't make sense) As an
> example, if I have a group of bibliographic properties, say an author and a
> title, and I say:
> Magic Mountain, by Thomas Mann --> expresses --> Der Zauberberg, by Thomas
> Mann
> then I have created an 'expression to work' relationship, and so Der
> Zauberberg is a Work. If I do this, I don't need an explicit Work title. If
> I have a badly created Manifestation that has on its title page: Magic
> Mountian, I can do:
> Magic Mountian, published by x in y --> manifests --> Magic Mountain, by
> Thomas Mann --> expresses --> Der Zauberberg, by Thomas Mann
> In this way, I don't have to declare different title elements with different
> domains/ranges (which is essentially what RDA does in an awkward way) to
> connect them to the FRBR Group 1 classes, and the FRBR properties become
> more usable because you don't have to declare your bibliographic properties
> in terms of the FRBR classes. Now, IF you can use any properties, say,
> dcterms:title, with the FRBR properties, like "manifests" then the whole
> thing is solved. I think it works that wa

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Karen Coyle

Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
I'm curious why you think that doesn't work?  Isn't "place of 
publication" a characteristic of a particular manifestation? While, 
"title", according to traditional library practices where you take it 
from the title page, is also a characteristic of a particular 
manifestation, is it not? ("uniform title" is _usually_ a 
characteristic of a work, unless we get into music cataloging and some 
other 'edge' cases. Our traditional practices -- which aren't actually 
changed that much by RDA, are rather confusing.)

Well, I was responding to Ross' statement that bibo and FRBR could be 
used in combination, depending on whether one was at that moment 
describing 'bibliographic things' or 'work things'. bibo doesn't have a 
uniform title, so the question is: can you use a bibo title and say that 
it is a work title? I thought that Ross was indicating something of that 
nature -- that you could have a FRBR 'work thing' with bibo properties. 
I'm trying to understand how that works since Work is a class. Don't you 
have to indicate the domain and range of a property in its definition?

RDA tries to solve this by creating different properties for every 
concept+FRBR entity: title of the work (Work), title proper 
(Manifestation). [I don't understand why expressions don't have 
titles a translation is an expression, after all.]

I am confused about what one would do about the fact that RDA defines 
attributes a bit different than FRBR itself does. It's not too 
surprising -- FRBR is really just a draft, hardly tested in the world. 
When RDA tried to make it a bit more concrete, it's not surprising 
that they found they had to make changes to make it workable. Not sure 
what to do about that in the grand scheme of things, if RDA and FRBR 
both end up registering different vocabularies. I guess we'll just 
have two different vocabularies though, which isn't too shocking I guess.

I'm not sure there's anything to do, but I do know that the developers 
of RDA feel very strongly that in RDA they have 'implemented' FRBR, so 
we have to find a way to integrate FRBR and RDA in the registered RDA 
vocabulary. I agree that there's no problem with having RDA and FRBR as 
two different vocabularies, it's the effort of bringing them together 
that boggles me. I feel like it leaves a lot of loose ends. I'd be happy 
to see FRBR revised, or to have it re-defined without the attributes, 
thus allowing metadata developers to use the bibliographic relationship 
properties with any set of descriptive elements.

I'm having trouble with the FRBR Group 1 entities as classes. I see them 
instead as relationships, and does seem to treat them as 
relationships, not as 'things.' I see a distinct difference between a 
person entity and a work entity, because there is no thing that is a 
work. I see work as a relationship between two bibliographic statements. 
(This is vague in my mind, so I won't be surprised if it doesn't make 
sense) As an example, if I have a group of bibliographic properties, 
say an author and a title, and I say:

Magic Mountain, by Thomas Mann --> expresses --> Der Zauberberg, by 
Thomas Mann

then I have created an 'expression to work' relationship, and so Der 
Zauberberg is a Work. If I do this, I don't need an explicit Work title. 
If I have a badly created Manifestation that has on its title page: 
Magic Mountian, I can do:

Magic Mountian, published by x in y --> manifests --> Magic Mountain, by 
Thomas Mann --> expresses --> Der Zauberberg, by Thomas Mann

In this way, I don't have to declare different title elements with 
different domains/ranges (which is essentially what RDA does in an 
awkward way) to connect them to the FRBR Group 1 classes, and the FRBR 
properties become more usable because you don't have to declare your 
bibliographic properties in terms of the FRBR classes. Now, IF you can 
use any properties, say, dcterms:title, with the FRBR properties, like 
"manifests" then the whole thing is solved. I think it works that way, 
but that is definitely NOT what RDA has done; it has incorporated the 
domain (FRBR class) in the bibliographic properties. I think that what I 
describe above in my examples works; and if it does, then the problem is 
with RDA.

In the end, it's the relationship between properties and classes in FRBR 
and RDA that is giving me a headache, and the headache mainly has to do 
with FRBR group 1. I think this is my bete noir, and so I will now go 
read something soothing and let my blood pressure drop a bit.


Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Jonathan Rochkind

Karen Coyle wrote:
Sorry, spoke/wrote too soon. FRBR at isn't using the FRBR 
attributes either. And it does have the entities as classes. I'm still 
not sure how one can model a relationship between RDA or bibo properties 
and FRBR Group 1 entities and their properties. RDA tries to assign 
descriptive properties (like 'title' and 'place of publication') to 
particular FRBR Group 1 entities, which I think doesn't work.

I'm curious why you think that doesn't work?  Isn't "place of 
publication" a characteristic of a particular manifestation? While, 
"title", according to traditional library practices where you take it 
from the title page, is also a characteristic of a particular 
manifestation, is it not? ("uniform title" is _usually_ a characteristic 
of a work, unless we get into music cataloging and some other 'edge' 
cases. Our traditional practices -- which aren't actually changed that 
much by RDA, are rather confusing.)

I am confused about what one would do about the fact that RDA defines 
attributes a bit different than FRBR itself does. It's not too 
surprising -- FRBR is really just a draft, hardly tested in the world. 
When RDA tried to make it a bit more concrete, it's not surprising that 
they found they had to make changes to make it workable. Not sure what 
to do about that in the grand scheme of things, if RDA and FRBR both end 
up registering different vocabularies. I guess we'll just have two 
different vocabularies though, which isn't too shocking I guess.


OK, I'm off to think about this some more. With some BIG pieces of paper.


Karen Coyle wrote:

Ross Singer wrote:

Right, but that's how it would work.  If these resources were modeled
in RDF, they'd have URIs.  What you would do is to say 'bibliographic
things' you'd use bibo attributes with the URI.  To say work grouping
things you'd use FRBR/FRAR attributes with the URI.

So as long as they're using the same URIs, they're describing the 
same thing.

OK, Now I think I see where we're missing each other. Right now, IFLA 
is not thinking about registering (or creating identifiers for) the 
FRBR "attributes," just the entities and relationships.  I'm not sure 
that the attributes make the cut... and they aren't the same as the 
properties that RDA has defined. RDA properties have been assigned to 
particular FRBR entities (Groups 1 and 2 only, since RDA didn't do 
Group 3) in the RDA documentation, but there isn't complete agreement 
within the cataloging community as to which properties go with which 
FRBR Group 1 entities. So what RDA online is experimenting with is 
applying the FRBR entities as classes to RDA properties in an 
application profile that brings together RDA 'data elements' 
(properties in RDF) and FRBR entities (classes in RDF). (I haven't 
seen the result yet in the so I'm unclear 
on how the FRBR relationships will be used. I think they've been 
registered as properties.)

I'm not at all sure what will happen with the FRBR attributes that are 
in the FRBR document, but they seem to have been rejected by the JSC 
in the RDA process. Nor can I figure out what's going to happen when 
the FRAD draft is made official. FRAD essentially includes all of FRBR 
plus some other properties and relationships.

Now bibo has many attributes that might be the same as RDA attributes, 
or that could at least have some meaning within the FRBR defined 
classes. FRBR entities could be used with bibo, if the idea for RDA in 
the works, by creating an application 
profile for bibo + FRBR classes.



Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Karen Coyle
Sorry, spoke/wrote too soon. FRBR at isn't using the FRBR 
attributes either. And it does have the entities as classes. I'm still 
not sure how one can model a relationship between RDA or bibo properties 
and FRBR Group 1 entities and their properties. RDA tries to assign 
descriptive properties (like 'title' and 'place of publication') to 
particular FRBR Group 1 entities, which I think doesn't work.

OK, I'm off to think about this some more. With some BIG pieces of paper.


Karen Coyle wrote:

Ross Singer wrote:

Right, but that's how it would work.  If these resources were modeled
in RDF, they'd have URIs.  What you would do is to say 'bibliographic
things' you'd use bibo attributes with the URI.  To say work grouping
things you'd use FRBR/FRAR attributes with the URI.

So as long as they're using the same URIs, they're describing the 
same thing.

OK, Now I think I see where we're missing each other. Right now, IFLA 
is not thinking about registering (or creating identifiers for) the 
FRBR "attributes," just the entities and relationships.  I'm not sure 
that the attributes make the cut... and they aren't the same as the 
properties that RDA has defined. RDA properties have been assigned to 
particular FRBR entities (Groups 1 and 2 only, since RDA didn't do 
Group 3) in the RDA documentation, but there isn't complete agreement 
within the cataloging community as to which properties go with which 
FRBR Group 1 entities. So what RDA online is experimenting with is 
applying the FRBR entities as classes to RDA properties in an 
application profile that brings together RDA 'data elements' 
(properties in RDF) and FRBR entities (classes in RDF). (I haven't 
seen the result yet in the so I'm unclear 
on how the FRBR relationships will be used. I think they've been 
registered as properties.)

I'm not at all sure what will happen with the FRBR attributes that are 
in the FRBR document, but they seem to have been rejected by the JSC 
in the RDA process. Nor can I figure out what's going to happen when 
the FRAD draft is made official. FRAD essentially includes all of FRBR 
plus some other properties and relationships.

Now bibo has many attributes that might be the same as RDA attributes, 
or that could at least have some meaning within the FRBR defined 
classes. FRBR entities could be used with bibo, if the idea for RDA in 
the works, by creating an application 
profile for bibo + FRBR classes.


Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Karen Coyle

Ross Singer wrote:

Right, but that's how it would work.  If these resources were modeled
in RDF, they'd have URIs.  What you would do is to say 'bibliographic
things' you'd use bibo attributes with the URI.  To say work grouping
things you'd use FRBR/FRAR attributes with the URI.

So as long as they're using the same URIs, they're describing the same thing.

OK, Now I think I see where we're missing each other. Right now, IFLA is 
not thinking about registering (or creating identifiers for) the FRBR 
"attributes," just the entities and relationships.  I'm not sure that 
the attributes make the cut... and they aren't the same as the 
properties that RDA has defined. RDA properties have been assigned to 
particular FRBR entities (Groups 1 and 2 only, since RDA didn't do Group 
3) in the RDA documentation, but there isn't complete agreement within 
the cataloging community as to which properties go with which FRBR Group 
1 entities. So what RDA online is experimenting with is applying the 
FRBR entities as classes to RDA properties in an application profile 
that brings together RDA 'data elements' (properties in RDF) and FRBR 
entities (classes in RDF). (I haven't seen the result yet in the so I'm unclear on how the FRBR relationships 
will be used. I think they've been registered as properties.)

I'm not at all sure what will happen with the FRBR attributes that are 
in the FRBR document, but they seem to have been rejected by the JSC in 
the RDA process. Nor can I figure out what's going to happen when the 
FRAD draft is made official. FRAD essentially includes all of FRBR plus 
some other properties and relationships.

Now bibo has many attributes that might be the same as RDA attributes, 
or that could at least have some meaning within the FRBR defined 
classes. FRBR entities could be used with bibo, if the idea for RDA in 
the works, by creating an application 
profile for bibo + FRBR classes.


Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Ross Singer
On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Karen Coyle  wrote:

> Still looks pretty limited to me. What academics cite isn't a full
> bibliographic universe. No music, no films, no way to do realia. And citing
> isn't the same as bibliographic description. Don't get me wrong, I think
> it's very complete as a citation format, I just don't think it meets other
> needs. The right tool for the job... and all that.

But again, that's where RDF comes in, they even address the other
ontologies to defer to:

> Somehow, though, they have to work together, at least where they are
> describing the same thing.

Right, but that's how it would work.  If these resources were modeled
in RDF, they'd have URIs.  What you would do is to say 'bibliographic
things' you'd use bibo attributes with the URI.  To say work grouping
things you'd use FRBR/FRAR attributes with the URI.

So as long as they're using the same URIs, they're describing the same thing.


Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread stuart yeates
The TEI format does a decent job of representing  bibliographic 
information. The TEI approach is to treat all instances of bibliographic 
reference as similarly as possible. So the title page of a work, the 
reference markers in the text and the references at the end of the work 
are all described in the same conceptual framework.

The TEI is modular, so you can declare whether you're commingling 
bibliographic tags with part-of-speech, manuscript description and other 
kinds of tags.


Cloutman, David wrote:

I'm open to seeing new approaches to the ILS in general. A related
question I had the other day, speaking of MARC, is what would an
alternative bibliographic data format look like if it was designed with
the intent for opening access to the data our ILS systems to developers
in a more informal manner? I was thinking of an XML format that a
developer could work with without formal training, the basics of which
could be learned in an hour, and could reasonably represent the
essential fields of the 90% of records that are most likely to be viewed
by a public library patron. In my mind, such a format would allow
creators of community-based web sites to pull data from their local
library, and repurpose it without having to learn a lot of arcane
formats (e.g. MARC) or esoteric protocols (e.g. Z39.50). The sacrifice,
of course, would be loosing some of the richness MARC allows, but I
think in many common situations the really complex records are not what
patrons are interested in. You may want to consider prototyping this in
your application. I see such an effort to be vital in making our systems
relevant in future computing environments, and I am skeptical that a
simple, workable solution would come out the initial efforts of a
standardization committee.

Just my 2 cents.

- David

David Cloutman 
Electronic Services Librarian
Marin County Free Library 

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
Peter Schlumpf
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 8:40 AM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different


I have been lurking on (or ignoring) this forum for years.  And
libraries too.  Some of you may know me.  I am the Avanti guy.  I am,
perhaps, the first person to try to produce an open source ILS back in
1999, though there is a David Duncan out there who tried before I did. I
was there when all this stuff was coming together.

Since then I have seen a lot of good things happen.  There's Koha.
There's Evergreen.  They are good things.  I have also seen first hand
how libraries get screwed over and over by commercial vendors with their
crappy software.  I believe free software is the answer to that.  I have
neglected Avanti for years, but now I am ready to return to it.

I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc
records.  Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.  No
SQL straightjacket.  What would an ILS look like without those things?
Sometimes the biggest prison is between the ears.

I am in a position to do this now, and that's what I have decided to do.
I am getting busy.

Peter Schlumpf

Email Disclaimer:

Stuart Yeates   New Zealand Electronic Text Centre Institutional Repository

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Karen Coyle

Ross Singer wrote:

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Karen Coyle  wrote:

My problem with bibo is that it's strongly oriented toward academic journal
articles... I would like to see a comparison to MARC, if anyone has done
that, which might give us an idea of what isn't there. For example, I don't
see the various work/work, work/expression relationships. But it has great
detail in some areas, like time intervals and access rights.

Well, I'm not sure I agree with the assessment that it's geared
towards academic journals... there's been a lot of work towards all
kinds of citations, esp. court cases and whatnot.  See the examples:

Still looks pretty limited to me. What academics cite isn't a full 
bibliographic universe. No music, no films, no way to do realia. And 
citing isn't the same as bibliographic description. Don't get me wrong, 
I think it's very complete as a citation format, I just don't think it 
meets other needs. The right tool for the job... and all that.

As far as not including FRBR, BIBO doesn't have to, because the FRBR
vocabs: and already do.  This way BIBO can
focus on describing citations, FRBR can focus on
work/expression/manifestion/item relationships and other vocabularies
can focus on other attributes (size, location, circ status, whatever).

Somehow, though, they have to work together, at least where they are 
describing the same thing. I think the interaction between things like 
FRBR/Work and citation is interesting and complex. The RDA Online effort 
is working to allow you to assign particular data elements to FRBR 
entities through application profiles -- thus you can have a 'work 
title' which may be different to the 'manifestation title.' No one uses 
these differences in citations, but then again we haven't yet used them 
in library catalogs -- both citations and current library cataloging 
limit themselves to describing manifestations. However, if you are 
writing a literary criticism of "Moby Dick" you probably aren't only 
referring to a particular manifestation, but to the work as a whole. 
Right now, citation standards don't address this.

Also note that IFLA is registering the FRBR vocabulary in the registry. I suspect it will look different to the 
one at, although I haven't looked at the IFLA trial version in 
comparison to the one at Presumably FRAD will also be 
registered by IFLA in the same way.


This is part of the flexibility of RDF, the ability to pick and choose
among schemas to describe resources however you need to.



Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Jonathan Rochkind

Joe Hourcle wrote:

Perhaps a slightly different perspective on looking at requirements:

What should be easier to do, but is a pain currently?


My answers to that won't point to a more simplified data structure I 
think some are hoping for.

1. For a serial title, identify if a particular issue of that serial is 
held, and where.

2. Group alternate editions of the same work.
3. Identify the form/genre of an item

There are more. This is what immediately comes to mind. Most of these 
issues are issues of metadata control, and not trivial to solve.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Karen Coyle

Cloutman, David wrote:

I'm open to seeing new approaches to the ILS in general. A related
question I had the other day, speaking of MARC, is what would an
alternative bibliographic data format look like if it was designed with
the intent for opening access to the data our ILS systems to developers
in a more informal manner? I was thinking of an XML format that a
developer could work with without formal training, 

Well, speaking of 'without formal training' -- I posted this to the Open 
Library technology list, but using the OL, which is triple-based and 
open access, I was able to create a simple demo Pipe of how you could 
determine the earliest date of publication of a book (with an interest 
in looking at potential copyright status). Caveat is that the API I'm is 
still pretty stubby, so it only retrieves on exact title (this will be 
fixed sometime in the future).

The pipe is here:


the basics of which
could be learned in an hour, and could reasonably represent the
essential fields of the 90% of records that are most likely to be viewed
by a public library patron. In my mind, such a format would allow
creators of community-based web sites to pull data from their local
library, and repurpose it without having to learn a lot of arcane
formats (e.g. MARC) or esoteric protocols (e.g. Z39.50). The sacrifice,
of course, would be loosing some of the richness MARC allows, but I
think in many common situations the really complex records are not what
patrons are interested in. You may want to consider prototyping this in
your application. I see such an effort to be vital in making our systems
relevant in future computing environments, and I am skeptical that a
simple, workable solution would come out the initial efforts of a
standardization committee.

Just my 2 cents.

- David

David Cloutman 
Electronic Services Librarian
Marin County Free Library 

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
Peter Schlumpf
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 8:40 AM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different


I have been lurking on (or ignoring) this forum for years.  And
libraries too.  Some of you may know me.  I am the Avanti guy.  I am,
perhaps, the first person to try to produce an open source ILS back in
1999, though there is a David Duncan out there who tried before I did. I
was there when all this stuff was coming together.

Since then I have seen a lot of good things happen.  There's Koha.
There's Evergreen.  They are good things.  I have also seen first hand
how libraries get screwed over and over by commercial vendors with their
crappy software.  I believe free software is the answer to that.  I have
neglected Avanti for years, but now I am ready to return to it.

I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc
records.  Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.  No
SQL straightjacket.  What would an ILS look like without those things?
Sometimes the biggest prison is between the ears.

I am in a position to do this now, and that's what I have decided to do.
I am getting busy.

Peter Schlumpf

Email Disclaimer:


Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Tom Keays
It is designed as a container for citations. Articles are one such
example, but that well-understood format is not BIBO's main focus.
They've been going after the tough ones, including legal cases,
conference presentations, letters, etc. Oh, yeah, books, book
chapters, quotations. For a partial list, see

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Karen Coyle  wrote:
> My problem with bibo is that it's strongly oriented toward academic journal
> articles... I would like to see a comparison to MARC, if anyone has done
> that, which might give us an idea of what isn't there. For example, I don't
> see the various work/work, work/expression relationships. But it has great
> detail in some areas, like time intervals and access rights.
> kc
> Tom Keays wrote:
>> The linked open data crowd might suggest:
>> Bibliographic Ontology Specification (aka bibo)
>> Abstract: The Bibliographic Ontology Specification provides main
>> concepts and properties for describing citations and bibliographic
>> references (i.e. quotes, books, articles, etc) on the Semantic Web.
>> A lot of work has gone into this to make it work with a wide variety
>> of possible use cases. It acknowledges FRBR, but doesn't require it.
>> The Swedish national library uses a tiny fraction of BIBO, along with
>> DC and other RDF vocabularies. BIBO as a whole is much more granular
>> than MARC, but whether that makes it more or less suited as a library
>> format probably depends on who you are.
>> Tom
>> On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Peter Schlumpf 
>> wrote:
>>> Greetings!
>>> I have been lurking on (or ignoring) this forum for years.  And libraries
>>> too.  Some of you may know me.  I am the Avanti guy.  I am, perhaps, the
>>> first person to try to produce an open source ILS back in 1999, though there
>>> is a David Duncan out there who tried before I did. I was there when all
>>> this stuff was coming together.
>>> Since then I have seen a lot of good things happen.  There's Koha.
>>>  There's Evergreen.  They are good things.  I have also seen first hand how
>>> libraries get screwed over and over by commercial vendors with their crappy
>>> software.  I believe free software is the answer to that.  I have neglected
>>> Avanti for years, but now I am ready to return to it.
>>> I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc
>>> records.  Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.  No SQL
>>> straightjacket.  What would an ILS look like without those things?
>>>  Sometimes the biggest prison is between the ears.
>>> I am in a position to do this now, and that's what I have decided to do.
>>>  I am getting busy.
>>> Peter Schlumpf
> --
> ---
> Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
> ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
> fx.: 510-848-3913
> mo.: 510-435-8234

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Alex Dolski
I think Dublin Core XML is an excellent attempt at what you're talking 
about if you want to consider it a bibliographic data format, which I 
guess could be one of its many uses.

I know that a large percentage of the data in our MARC records is not 
being used for finding/gathering or even display, so in that case, what 
good is it? There is a lot of richness in those records, but it's so 
all-over-the-place that whatever value it might have had gets killed by 
all the inconsistency. In my experience, good, consistent metadata that 
captures the essence of an object is more useful than highly-detailed, 
inconsistent metadata (which all highly-detailed metadata tends to be) 
in a fine-grained element set.

I think there may be a cultural element to this as well, in that IR 
people think of metadata in terms of its utility for IR purposes (at 
which DC tends to be extremely practical) and catalogers think of it as 
a thorough-as-possible description of an object (at which DC is quite 


Cloutman, David wrote:

I'm open to seeing new approaches to the ILS in general. A related
question I had the other day, speaking of MARC, is what would an
alternative bibliographic data format look like if it was designed with
the intent for opening access to the data our ILS systems to developers
in a more informal manner? I was thinking of an XML format that a
developer could work with without formal training, the basics of which
could be learned in an hour, and could reasonably represent the
essential fields of the 90% of records that are most likely to be viewed
by a public library patron. In my mind, such a format would allow
creators of community-based web sites to pull data from their local
library, and repurpose it without having to learn a lot of arcane
formats (e.g. MARC) or esoteric protocols (e.g. Z39.50). The sacrifice,
of course, would be loosing some of the richness MARC allows, but I
think in many common situations the really complex records are not what
patrons are interested in. You may want to consider prototyping this in
your application. I see such an effort to be vital in making our systems
relevant in future computing environments, and I am skeptical that a
simple, workable solution would come out the initial efforts of a
standardization committee.

Just my 2 cents.

- David

David Cloutman 
Electronic Services Librarian
Marin County Free Library 

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
Peter Schlumpf
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 8:40 AM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different


I have been lurking on (or ignoring) this forum for years.  And
libraries too.  Some of you may know me.  I am the Avanti guy.  I am,
perhaps, the first person to try to produce an open source ILS back in
1999, though there is a David Duncan out there who tried before I did. I
was there when all this stuff was coming together.

Since then I have seen a lot of good things happen.  There's Koha.
There's Evergreen.  They are good things.  I have also seen first hand
how libraries get screwed over and over by commercial vendors with their
crappy software.  I believe free software is the answer to that.  I have
neglected Avanti for years, but now I am ready to return to it.

I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc
records.  Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.  No
SQL straightjacket.  What would an ILS look like without those things?
Sometimes the biggest prison is between the ears.

I am in a position to do this now, and that's what I have decided to do.
I am getting busy.

Peter Schlumpf

Email Disclaimer:

Alex A. Dolski
Web & Digitization Application Developer
Lied Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 457041
Las Vegas, NV 89154-7041
(702) 895-2225 (phone) / (702) 895-2280 (fax)

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Ross Singer
On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Karen Coyle  wrote:
> My problem with bibo is that it's strongly oriented toward academic journal
> articles... I would like to see a comparison to MARC, if anyone has done
> that, which might give us an idea of what isn't there. For example, I don't
> see the various work/work, work/expression relationships. But it has great
> detail in some areas, like time intervals and access rights.

Well, I'm not sure I agree with the assessment that it's geared
towards academic journals... there's been a lot of work towards all
kinds of citations, esp. court cases and whatnot.  See the examples:

As far as not including FRBR, BIBO doesn't have to, because the FRBR
vocabs: and already do.  This way BIBO can
focus on describing citations, FRBR can focus on
work/expression/manifestion/item relationships and other vocabularies
can focus on other attributes (size, location, circ status, whatever).

This is part of the flexibility of RDF, the ability to pick and choose
among schemas to describe resources however you need to.


Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Han, Yan
Well, the future of ILS is to use general computing standards without
making library's own. 

Essentially, from a computing theory view, a graph is the way to present
all the info (i.e. a graph can represent a tree, or a line. When you
look at MARC, it is a linear computing model.) Graph is powerful, but
graph theory can be difficult and extremely complex. Some of them are NP
hard problem. 

I think that RDF based standards (DC? Or something else or maybe no need
for just one metadata standard )can be used to maximize
interoperability, allow further information discovery and at the same
time provide suitable description for different type of materials. 


-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
Karen Coyle
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

Cloutman, David wrote:
> I'm open to seeing new approaches to the ILS in general. A related
> question I had the other day, speaking of MARC, is what would an
> alternative bibliographic data format look like if it was designed
> the intent for opening access to the data our ILS systems to
> in a more informal manner? I was thinking of an XML format that a
> developer could work with without formal training, 

Well, speaking of 'without formal training' -- I posted this to the Open

Library technology list, but using the OL, which is triple-based and 
open access, I was able to create a simple demo Pipe of how you could 
determine the earliest date of publication of a book (with an interest 
in looking at potential copyright status). Caveat is that the API I'm is

still pretty stubby, so it only retrieves on exact title (this will be 
fixed sometime in the future).

The pipe is here:


> the basics of which
> could be learned in an hour, and could reasonably represent the
> essential fields of the 90% of records that are most likely to be
> by a public library patron. In my mind, such a format would allow
> creators of community-based web sites to pull data from their local
> library, and repurpose it without having to learn a lot of arcane
> formats (e.g. MARC) or esoteric protocols (e.g. Z39.50). The
> of course, would be loosing some of the richness MARC allows, but I
> think in many common situations the really complex records are not
> patrons are interested in. You may want to consider prototyping this
> your application. I see such an effort to be vital in making our
> relevant in future computing environments, and I am skeptical that a
> simple, workable solution would come out the initial efforts of a
> standardization committee.
> Just my 2 cents.
> - David
> ---
> David Cloutman 
> Electronic Services Librarian
> Marin County Free Library 
> -Original Message-
> From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf
> Peter Schlumpf
> Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 8:40 AM
> Subject: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different
> Greetings!
> I have been lurking on (or ignoring) this forum for years.  And
> libraries too.  Some of you may know me.  I am the Avanti guy.  I am,
> perhaps, the first person to try to produce an open source ILS back in
> 1999, though there is a David Duncan out there who tried before I did.
> was there when all this stuff was coming together.
> Since then I have seen a lot of good things happen.  There's Koha.
> There's Evergreen.  They are good things.  I have also seen first hand
> how libraries get screwed over and over by commercial vendors with
> crappy software.  I believe free software is the answer to that.  I
> neglected Avanti for years, but now I am ready to return to it.
> I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc
> records.  Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.
> SQL straightjacket.  What would an ILS look like without those things?
> Sometimes the biggest prison is between the ears.
> I am in a position to do this now, and that's what I have decided to
> I am getting busy.
> Peter Schlumpf
> Email Disclaimer:

Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Karen Coyle
My problem with bibo is that it's strongly oriented toward academic 
journal articles... I would like to see a comparison to MARC, if anyone 
has done that, which might give us an idea of what isn't there. For 
example, I don't see the various work/work, work/expression 
relationships. But it has great detail in some areas, like time 
intervals and access rights.


Tom Keays wrote:

The linked open data crowd might suggest:

Bibliographic Ontology Specification (aka bibo)
Abstract: The Bibliographic Ontology Specification provides main
concepts and properties for describing citations and bibliographic
references (i.e. quotes, books, articles, etc) on the Semantic Web.

A lot of work has gone into this to make it work with a wide variety
of possible use cases. It acknowledges FRBR, but doesn't require it.
The Swedish national library uses a tiny fraction of BIBO, along with
DC and other RDF vocabularies. BIBO as a whole is much more granular
than MARC, but whether that makes it more or less suited as a library
format probably depends on who you are.


On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Peter Schlumpf  wrote:


I have been lurking on (or ignoring) this forum for years.  And libraries too.  
Some of you may know me.  I am the Avanti guy.  I am, perhaps, the first person 
to try to produce an open source ILS back in 1999, though there is a David 
Duncan out there who tried before I did. I was there when all this stuff was 
coming together.

Since then I have seen a lot of good things happen.  There's Koha.  There's 
Evergreen.  They are good things.  I have also seen first hand how libraries 
get screwed over and over by commercial vendors with their crappy software.  I 
believe free software is the answer to that.  I have neglected Avanti for 
years, but now I am ready to return to it.

I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc records.  
Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.  No SQL 
straightjacket.  What would an ILS look like without those things?  Sometimes 
the biggest prison is between the ears.

I am in a position to do this now, and that's what I have decided to do.  I am 
getting busy.

Peter Schlumpf


Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Walker, David
> I know that a large percentage of the data in our 
> MARC records is not being used for finding/gathering 
> or even display, so in that case, what good is it?

This is, of course, a chicken and egg thing.  The reason why a lot of MARC data 
remains inconsistent is precisely because it is not being used for finding or 

Anyone who has worked with a faceted search application has seen this in 
action.  As soon as you aggregate subject headings, genre designations, etc., 
into facets you begin to see all kinds of data problems that you never noticed 
before because they are scattered among thousands of records that previously 
could only be viewed individually.

Of course, fixing bad or inconsistent data is probably an order of magnitude 
easier than adding data to records after the fact.


David Walker
Library Web Services Manager
California State University

From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of Alex Dolski 
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

I think Dublin Core XML is an excellent attempt at what you're talking
about if you want to consider it a bibliographic data format, which I
guess could be one of its many uses.

I know that a large percentage of the data in our MARC records is not
being used for finding/gathering or even display, so in that case, what
good is it? There is a lot of richness in those records, but it's so
all-over-the-place that whatever value it might have had gets killed by
all the inconsistency. In my experience, good, consistent metadata that
captures the essence of an object is more useful than highly-detailed,
inconsistent metadata (which all highly-detailed metadata tends to be)
in a fine-grained element set.

I think there may be a cultural element to this as well, in that IR
people think of metadata in terms of its utility for IR purposes (at
which DC tends to be extremely practical) and catalogers think of it as
a thorough-as-possible description of an object (at which DC is quite


Cloutman, David wrote:
> I'm open to seeing new approaches to the ILS in general. A related
> question I had the other day, speaking of MARC, is what would an
> alternative bibliographic data format look like if it was designed with
> the intent for opening access to the data our ILS systems to developers
> in a more informal manner? I was thinking of an XML format that a
> developer could work with without formal training, the basics of which
> could be learned in an hour, and could reasonably represent the
> essential fields of the 90% of records that are most likely to be viewed
> by a public library patron. In my mind, such a format would allow
> creators of community-based web sites to pull data from their local
> library, and repurpose it without having to learn a lot of arcane
> formats (e.g. MARC) or esoteric protocols (e.g. Z39.50). The sacrifice,
> of course, would be loosing some of the richness MARC allows, but I
> think in many common situations the really complex records are not what
> patrons are interested in. You may want to consider prototyping this in
> your application. I see such an effort to be vital in making our systems
> relevant in future computing environments, and I am skeptical that a
> simple, workable solution would come out the initial efforts of a
> standardization committee.
> Just my 2 cents.
> - David
> ---
> David Cloutman 
> Electronic Services Librarian
> Marin County Free Library
> -Original Message-
> From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
> Peter Schlumpf
> Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 8:40 AM
> Subject: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different
> Greetings!
> I have been lurking on (or ignoring) this forum for years.  And
> libraries too.  Some of you may know me.  I am the Avanti guy.  I am,
> perhaps, the first person to try to produce an open source ILS back in
> 1999, though there is a David Duncan out there who tried before I did. I
> was there when all this stuff was coming together.
> Since then I have seen a lot of good things happen.  There's Koha.
> There's Evergreen.  They are good things.  I have also seen first hand
> how libraries get screwed over and over by commercial vendors with their
> crappy software.  I believe free software is the answer to that.  I have
> neglected Avanti for years, but now I am ready to return to it.
> I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc
> records.  Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.  No
> SQL straightjacket.  What would an

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Joe Hourcle

On Mon, 6 Apr 2009, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:

Joe Hourcle wrote:

Perhaps a slightly different perspective on looking at requirements:

What should be easier to do, but is a pain currently?

My answers to that won't point to a more simplified data structure I think 
some are hoping for.

1. For a serial title, identify if a particular issue of that serial is held, 
and where.

2. Group alternate editions of the same work.
3. Identify the form/genre of an item

There are more. This is what immediately comes to mind. Most of these issues 
are issues of metadata control, and not trivial to solve.

The really sad thing is -- I agree with every one of those items, as 
they're problems that I run into with my own (non-bibliographic) data.

I've got a few others that might not be as useful in libraries:*

Identify items contained in more than one catalog:
eg, Hugo award winners that were also on the NYT best
seller's list.
Identify the lack of correlation between catalogs:
eg, Identify items in this week's NYT best sellers list
that we _don't_ have at our library.
Group (or filter) results by similar form and/or processing;
eg, All unabridged audio books in English on CD; Large
print books in Spanish in hardback; etc.
(or, as an alternative, allow users to set preferences to
select their preferred formats)

(I don't follow ILS features, so it's possible that some might be able to 
handle these, but when I've talked to folks in the past, their responses 
have seemed to suggest that I have an odd way of looking at records)


* Examples are approximates ... I'm actually looking for records such as:

Find periods of time where there was coronal dimming before a
coronal mass ejection.

Find where there are entries in the LASCO/CME catalog that aren't
in the CACTUS catalog (and visa-versa)

Only show Level0 data if there isn't associated Level1 data for
the observation;  Only show reduced data if there's no full
resolution data;  Use SOHO/EIT data unless there's a gap of more
than 1 hr, then fill using data from the highest resultion  EUV
telescope in the sun-earth line)

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Tom Keays
The linked open data crowd might suggest:

Bibliographic Ontology Specification (aka bibo)
Abstract: The Bibliographic Ontology Specification provides main
concepts and properties for describing citations and bibliographic
references (i.e. quotes, books, articles, etc) on the Semantic Web.

A lot of work has gone into this to make it work with a wide variety
of possible use cases. It acknowledges FRBR, but doesn't require it.
The Swedish national library uses a tiny fraction of BIBO, along with
DC and other RDF vocabularies. BIBO as a whole is much more granular
than MARC, but whether that makes it more or less suited as a library
format probably depends on who you are.


On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Peter Schlumpf  wrote:
> Greetings!
> I have been lurking on (or ignoring) this forum for years.  And libraries 
> too.  Some of you may know me.  I am the Avanti guy.  I am, perhaps, the 
> first person to try to produce an open source ILS back in 1999, though there 
> is a David Duncan out there who tried before I did. I was there when all this 
> stuff was coming together.
> Since then I have seen a lot of good things happen.  There's Koha.  There's 
> Evergreen.  They are good things.  I have also seen first hand how libraries 
> get screwed over and over by commercial vendors with their crappy software.  
> I believe free software is the answer to that.  I have neglected Avanti for 
> years, but now I am ready to return to it.
> I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc records.  
> Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.  No SQL 
> straightjacket.  What would an ILS look like without those things?  Sometimes 
> the biggest prison is between the ears.
> I am in a position to do this now, and that's what I have decided to do.  I 
> am getting busy.
> Peter Schlumpf

Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Joe Hourcle

On Sun, 5 Apr 2009, Peter Schlumpf wrote:


I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc 
records.  Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.  No 
SQL straightjacket.  What would an ILS look like without those things? 
Sometimes the biggest prison is between the ears.

Perhaps a slightly different perspective on looking at requirements:

What should be easier to do, but is a pain currently?


Re: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-06 Thread Cloutman, David
I'm open to seeing new approaches to the ILS in general. A related
question I had the other day, speaking of MARC, is what would an
alternative bibliographic data format look like if it was designed with
the intent for opening access to the data our ILS systems to developers
in a more informal manner? I was thinking of an XML format that a
developer could work with without formal training, the basics of which
could be learned in an hour, and could reasonably represent the
essential fields of the 90% of records that are most likely to be viewed
by a public library patron. In my mind, such a format would allow
creators of community-based web sites to pull data from their local
library, and repurpose it without having to learn a lot of arcane
formats (e.g. MARC) or esoteric protocols (e.g. Z39.50). The sacrifice,
of course, would be loosing some of the richness MARC allows, but I
think in many common situations the really complex records are not what
patrons are interested in. You may want to consider prototyping this in
your application. I see such an effort to be vital in making our systems
relevant in future computing environments, and I am skeptical that a
simple, workable solution would come out the initial efforts of a
standardization committee.

Just my 2 cents.

- David

David Cloutman 
Electronic Services Librarian
Marin County Free Library 

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
Peter Schlumpf
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 8:40 AM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] Something completely different


I have been lurking on (or ignoring) this forum for years.  And
libraries too.  Some of you may know me.  I am the Avanti guy.  I am,
perhaps, the first person to try to produce an open source ILS back in
1999, though there is a David Duncan out there who tried before I did. I
was there when all this stuff was coming together.

Since then I have seen a lot of good things happen.  There's Koha.
There's Evergreen.  They are good things.  I have also seen first hand
how libraries get screwed over and over by commercial vendors with their
crappy software.  I believe free software is the answer to that.  I have
neglected Avanti for years, but now I am ready to return to it.

I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc
records.  Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.  No
SQL straightjacket.  What would an ILS look like without those things?
Sometimes the biggest prison is between the ears.

I am in a position to do this now, and that's what I have decided to do.
I am getting busy.

Peter Schlumpf

Email Disclaimer:

[CODE4LIB] Something completely different

2009-04-05 Thread Peter Schlumpf

I have been lurking on (or ignoring) this forum for years.  And libraries too.  
Some of you may know me.  I am the Avanti guy.  I am, perhaps, the first person 
to try to produce an open source ILS back in 1999, though there is a David 
Duncan out there who tried before I did. I was there when all this stuff was 
coming together.

Since then I have seen a lot of good things happen.  There's Koha.  There's 
Evergreen.  They are good things.  I have also seen first hand how libraries 
get screwed over and over by commercial vendors with their crappy software.  I 
believe free software is the answer to that.  I have neglected Avanti for 
years, but now I am ready to return to it.

I want to get back to simple things.  Imagine if there were no Marc records.  
Minimal layers of abstraction.  No politics.  No vendors.  No SQL 
straightjacket.  What would an ILS look like without those things?  Sometimes 
the biggest prison is between the ears.

I am in a position to do this now, and that's what I have decided to do.  I am 
getting busy.

Peter Schlumpf