In some very quick testing, the browser plugins on the pyRDFa site [1] seem to return better results than the w3c-based web site itself. The latter always seems to pull up a mass of stylesheet info (could that be intentional?) but the plugin seems to just return the relevant data:

@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix og1: <> .
@prefix v: <> .

<> og1:description "Buy our Apple MacBook Pro from our wide range of Laptops. The Apple MacBook Pro features a 750GB hard drive and comes with 8GB of RAM and an HD webcam."@en;
og1:image ""@en;
og1:site_name ""@en;
og1:title "Apple MacBook Pro Laptop - Laptops |"@en;
og1:type "product"@en;
og1:url ""@en;
ns1:fbmlapp_id "116440215086168"@en .

[] a v:Product;
v:brand "Apple UK"@en;
v:category "Apple Laptops"@en;
v:description """- Intel Core i7 DC 2.9GHz
- 8GB RAM + 750GB HDD
- 13.3" LED + Thunderbolt
- Webcam + Bluetooth
- Apple OS X LionShow more details…"""@en;
v:name "Apple MacBook Pro Laptop"@en .

[] a v:Offer;
v:availability "in_stock"@en;
v:currency "GBP"@en;
v:price "1149.47"@en;
v:quantity "17"@en .

[1] plugins for firefox and opera are a ways down the page.

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

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