ACCUMULO-1218 Overview on how to recover an instance from failed zookeepers

Ample warning given to the reintroduction of stale data (from files
that should be deleted but have not yet been deleted) or omission
of new data only present in WALs.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 1c516193342acfa838df25bc880e3c594a659282
Parents: c56ef2e
Author: Josh Elser <>
Authored: Mon Mar 24 18:42:00 2014 -0700
Committer: Josh Elser <>
Committed: Tue Mar 25 12:49:31 2014 -0700

 .../chapters/troubleshooting.tex                | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+)
diff --git 
index 98cf549..a6a86dc 100644
--- a/docs/src/main/latex/accumulo_user_manual/chapters/troubleshooting.tex
+++ b/docs/src/main/latex/accumulo_user_manual/chapters/troubleshooting.tex
@@ -561,6 +561,7 @@ processes should be stable on the order of months and not 
require frequent resta
 \section{Advanced System Recovery}
+\subsection{HDFS Failure}
 Q. I had disasterous HDFS failure.  After bringing everything back up, several 
tablets refuse to go online.
 Data written to tablets is written into memory before being written into 
indexed files.  In case the server
@@ -641,6 +642,69 @@ but the basic approach is:
  \item Import the directories under \texttt{/corrupt/tables/<id>} into the new 
+\subsection{ZooKeeper Failure}
+Q. I lost my ZooKeeper quorum (hardware failure), but HDFS is still intact. 
How can I recover my Accumulo instance?
+ZooKeeper, in addition to its lock-service capabilities, also serves to 
bootstrap an Accumulo
+instance from some location in HDFS. It contains the pointers to the root 
tablet in HDFS which
+is then used to load the Accumulo metadata tablets, which then loads all user 
tables. ZooKeeper
+also stores all namespace and table configuration, the user database, the 
mapping of table IDs to 
+table names, and more across Accumulo restarts.
+Presently, the only way to recover such an instance is to initialize a new 
instance and import all
+of the old data into the new instance. The easiest way to tackle this problem 
is to first recreate
+the mapping of table ID to table name and then recreate each of those tables 
in the new instance. 
+Set any necessary configuration on the new tables and add some split points to 
the tables to close 
+the gap between how many splits the old table had and no splits.
+The directory structure in HDFS for tables will follow the general structure:
+  /accumulo
+  /accumulo/tables/
+  /accumulo/tables/1
+  /accumulo/tables/1/default_tablet/A000001.rf
+  /accumulo/tables/1/t-00001/A000002.rf
+  /accumulo/tables/1/t-00001/A000003.rf
+  /accumulo/tables/2/default_tablet/A000004.rf
+  /accumulo/tables/2/t-00001/A000005.rf
+For each table, make a new directory that you can move (or copy if you have 
the HDFS space to do so)
+all of the rfiles for a given table into. For example, to process the table 
with an ID of ``1``, make a new directory, 
+say ``/new-table-1`` and then copy all files from 
``/accumulo/tables/1/*/*.rf`` into that directory. Additionally,
+make a directory, ``/new-table-1-failures``, for any failures during the 
import process. Then, issue the import
+command using the Accumulo shell into the new table, telling Accumulo to not 
re-set the timestamp:
+user@instance new_table> importdirectory /new-table-1 /new-table-1-failures 
+Any RFiles which were failed to be loaded will be placed in 
``/new-table-1-failures``. Rfiles that were successfully
+imported will no longer exist in ``/new-table-1``. For failures, move them 
back to the import directory and retry
+the ``importdirectory`` command.
+It is \textbf{extremely} important to note that this approach may introduce 
stale data back into
+the tables. For a few reasons, RFiles may exist in the table directory which 
are candidates for deletion but have
+not yet been deleted. Additionally, deleted data which was not compacted away, 
but still exists in write-ahead logs if
+the original instance was somehow recoverable, will be re-introduced in the 
new instance. Table splits and merges
+(which also include the deleteRows API call on TableOperations, are also 
vulnerable to this problem. This process should
+\textbf{not} be used if these are unacceptable risks. It is possible to try to 
re-create a view of the ``accumulo.metadata``
+table to prune out files that are candidates for deletion, but this is a 
difficult task that also may not be entirely accurate.
+Likewise, it is also possible that data loss may occur from write-ahead log 
(WAL) files which existed on the old table but
+were not minor-compacted into an RFile. Again, it may be possible to 
reconstruct the state of these WAL files to
+replay data not yet in an RFile; however, this is a difficult task and is not 
implemented in any automated fashion.
+A. The ``importdirectory`` shell command can be used to import RFiles from the 
old instance into a newly created instance,
+but extreme care should go into the decision to do this as it may result in 
reintroduction of stale data or the
+omission of new data.
 \section{File Naming Conventions}
 Q. Why are files named like they are? Why do some start with ``C'' and others 
with ``F''?

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