Author: elserj
Date: Fri Mar 14 16:50:13 2014
New Revision: 1577610

ACCUMULO-2473 Aggregating all reported testing for 1.5.1 release


Modified: accumulo/site/trunk/content/release_notes/1.5.1.mdtext
--- accumulo/site/trunk/content/release_notes/1.5.1.mdtext (original)
+++ accumulo/site/trunk/content/release_notes/1.5.1.mdtext Fri Mar 14 16:50:13 
@@ -158,6 +158,62 @@ The following documentation updates were
  * [ACCUMULO-2226][33]
  * [ACCUMULO-1470][34]
+## Testing
+Below is a list of all platforms that 1.5.1 was tested against by developers. 
A value of *All* in the "Tests"
+column mean that all required release tests were run on this platform. That 
list includes the following:
+ 1. Successfully run all unit tests
+ 2. Successfully run all functional test (test/system/auto)
+ 3. Successfully complete two 24-hour RandomWalk tests (LongClean module), 
with and without "agitation"
+ 4. Successfully complete two 24-hour Continuous Ingest tests, with and 
without "agitation", with data verification
+ 5. Successfully complete two 72-hour Continuous Ingest tests, with and 
without "agitation"
+Each unit and functional test only runs on a single node, while the RandomWalk 
and Continuous Ingest tests run 
+on a number of nodes. *Agitation* refers to randomly killing Accumulo 
processes, Hadoop Datanode processes,
+and, in HDFS High-Availability instances, forcing NameNode failover.
+  <tr>
+    <th>OS</th>
+    <th>Hadoop</th>
+    <th>Nodes</th>
+    <th>ZooKeeper</th>
+    <th>HDFS High-Availability</th>
+    <th>Tests</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>CentOS 6.5</td>
+    <td>HDP 2.0 (Apache 2.2.0)</td>
+    <td>6</td>
+    <td>HDP 2.0 (Apache 3.4.5)</td>
+    <td>Yes (QJM)</td>
+    <td>All required tests</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>CentOS 6.4</td>
+    <td>CDH 4.5.0 (2.0.0+cdh4.5.0)</td>
+    <td>7</td>
+    <td>CDH 4.5.0 (3.4.5+cdh4.5.0)</td>
+    <td>Yes (QJM)</td>
+    <td>Unit, functional and 24hr Randomwalk w/ agitation</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>CentOS 6.4</td>
+    <td>CDH 4.5.0 (2.0.0+cdh4.5.0)</td>
+    <td>7</td>
+    <td>CDH 4.5.0 (3.4.5+cdh4.5.0)</td>
+    <td>Yes (QJM)</td>
+    <td>2x 24/hr continuous ingest w/ verification</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>CentOS 6.3</td>
+    <td>Apache 1.0.4</td>
+    <td>1</td>
+    <td>Apache 3.3.5</td>
+    <td>No</td>
+    <td>Sniff test, unit and functional tests</td>
+  </tr>

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