diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index cfc44c7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3474 +0,0 @@
- * @version: 1.0.1
- * @author: Keval Bhatt 
- * @copyright: Copyright (c) 2015 Keval Bhatt. All rights reserved.
- * @license: Licensed under the MIT license. See
- * @website:
- */
-'use strict';
-(function(root, factory) {
-    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
-        define(['moment', 'jquery'], function(momentjs, $) {
-            root.worldMapTime = {};
-            factory(momentjs, $, root.worldMapTime);
-        });
-    } else {
-        if ((typeof root.moment == "undefined")) {
-            var moment = false;
-            console.log('Day light feature requires moment.js')
-        } else {
-            if (!( {
-                throw new Error('moment-timezone dependency not found');
-            }
-        }
-        if ((root.jQuery != "undefined" || root.Zepto != "undefined" || 
root.ender != "undefined" || root.$ != "undefined")) {
-            var c = root.worldMapTime = {};
-            factory(root.moment || moment, (root.jQuery || root.Zepto || 
root.ender || root.$), c);
-        } else {
-            throw new Error('jQuery dependnecy not found');
-        }
-    }
-}(this, function(moment, $, getTimeZoneObjct) {
-    var findValue = function(key, value) {
-        var referObj = [];
-        var obj = WorldMapGenerator.timeZoneValue.filter(function(object) {
-            if (object[key] === value) {
-                referObj.push($.extend(true, {},object));
-                return object;
-            }
-        });
-        for(var i=0;i<referObj.length;i++){
-           delete referObj[i].points;
-           delete referObj[i].pin;
-        }
-        return referObj;
-    }
-    getTimeZoneObjct['getSystemTimezone'] = function() {
-        /* var d = new Date()
-         var n = d.getTimezoneOffset();
-         var offset = (-(n))/60*/
-        var zoneAbr = new Date().toString().split('(')[1].slice(0, -1)
-        return findValue('zoneName', zoneAbr)
-    }
-    getTimeZoneObjct['getZoneName'] = function(zoneAbr) {
-        return findValue('zoneName', zoneAbr).zoneName
-    }
-    getTimeZoneObjct['getTimeZoneString'] = function(zoneAbr) {
-        return findValue('zoneName', zoneAbr).timezone
-    }
-    getTimeZoneObjct['getTimeZoneObject'] = function(zoneAbr) {
-        return findValue('zoneName', zoneAbr)
-    }
-    var WorldMapGenerator = function(element, options) {
-        this.$el = element;
-        this.generateMap(options);
-    }
-    WorldMapGenerator.VERSION = '1.0.1';
-    WorldMapGenerator.DEFAULTS = {
-        width: 500,
-        height: 250,
-        hoverColor: '#5A5A5A',
-        selectedColor: '#496A84',
-        mapColor: '#BBB',
-        defaultCss: true,
-        localStore: true,
-        quickLink: [{
-            "IST": "IST",
-            "EAT": "EAT"
-        }],
-        selectBox: true,
-        showHoverText: true,
-        dayLightSaving: ((typeof moment == "function") ? (true) : (false))
-    };
-    WorldMapGenerator.prototype = {
-        constructor: WorldMapGenerator,
-        /**
-         * [setValue set value in map]
-         * @param {[type]} value        [attribute value]
-         * @param {[type]} attribute         [attribute name]
-         */
-        setValue: function(value, attribute) {
-            this.$el.find('svg polygon').attr('data-selected', 'false');
-            var elements = this.$el.find('svg polygon[data-' + ((attribute) ? 
(attribute) : ("timezone")) + '="' + value + '"]');
-            if (elements && elements.length) {
-                elements.attr('data-selected', 'true');
-                this.$el.find('select option[value="' + ((attribute) ? 
(elements.attr('data-timeZone')) : (value)) + '"]').prop('selected', true);
-                this.$el.find('.quickLink span').removeClass('active');
-                var findQuickLink = this.$el.find('.quickLink 
span[data-select="' + value + '"]');
-                this.$el.find('.quickLink span[data-select="' + value + 
-                this.$el.find('.quickLink span[data-select="' + 
elements.attr('data-zonename') + '"]').addClass('active');
-            }
-        },
-        /**
-         * [getValue get selected value array]
-         * @return {[type]} [description]
-         */
-        getValue: function() {
-            var value = [];
-            this.$el.find('svg 
polygon[data-selected="true"]').map(function(index, el) {
-                value.push($(el).data());
-            });
-            return value;
-        },
-        /**
-         * [generateMap create element dynamically]
-         * @param  {[type]} options [depanding on option it will create e]
-         * @return {[type]}         [description]
-         */
-        generateMap: function(options) {
-            var polygon = [],
-                option = [],
-                quickLink = [],
-                containerArr = [],
-                timezone = WorldMapGenerator.timeZoneValue;
-            for (var index in timezone) {
-                var zoneName =  ((options.dayLightSaving) ? 
(moment().tz(timezone[index].timezone).zoneName()) : (timezone[index].zoneName))
-                if (zoneName == 'CST' && 
-                  zoneName = 'CST/China'
-                polygon.push(this.genrateElement('polygon', {
-                    'data-timezone': timezone[index].timezone,
-                    'data-country': timezone[index].country,
-                    'data-pin': timezone[index].pin,
-                    'data-offset': timezone[index].offset,
-                    'points': timezone[index].points,
-                    'data-zonename': zoneName
-                }, false, true));
-                option.push(this.genrateElement('option', {
-                    'value': timezone[index].timezone
-                }, timezone[index].timezone + " (" + ((options.dayLightSaving) 
? (moment().tz(timezone[index].timezone).zoneName()) : 
(timezone[index].zoneName)) + ")"));
-            }
-            if (options.selectBox) {
-                var select = this.genrateElement('select', {
-                    'class': 'mapDropDown dropdown-toggle',
-                }, option);
-                containerArr.push(select);
-            }
-            if (options.quickLink.length > 0) {
-                for (var index in options.quickLink[0]) {
-                    quickLink.push(this.genrateElement('span', {
-                        'data-select': options.quickLink[0][index]
-                    }, index));
-                }
-                var qickLinkDiv = this.genrateElement('div', {
-                    'class': 'quickLink'
-                }, quickLink);
-                containerArr.push(qickLinkDiv);
-            }
-            var svg = this.genrateElement('svg', {
-                'class': 'timezone-map',
-                'viewBox': '0 0 ' + options.width + ' ' + options.height
-            }, polygon, true);
-            if (containerArr.length > 0) {
-                var container = this.genrateElement('div', {
-                    'class': 'Cbox'
-                }, containerArr);
-                this.$el.append(container);
-            }
-            this.$el.append(svg);
-            if (options.showHoverText) {
-                var hoverZone = this.genrateElement('span', {
-                    'class': 'hoverZone',
-                });
-                this.$el.append(hoverZone);
-            }
-            if (options.defaultCss) {
-                this.createCss(options);
-            }
-            this.bindEvent(options);
-        },
-        /**
-         * [bindEvent bind all event i.e 
-         * @return {[type]} [description]
-         */
-        bindEvent: function() {
-            var that = this;
-            this.$el.on('mouseenter', 'svg polygon', function(e) {
-                var d = $(this).data();
-                $('.timezone-map polygon[data-zonename="' + d.zonename + 
'"]').attr('class', 'active');
-                that.$el.find('.hoverZone').text(d.timezone + " (" + 
d.zonename + ")");
-            });
-            this.$el.on('mouseleave', 'svg polygon', function(e) {
-                $('.timezone-map polygon').attr('class', '');
-                that.$el.find('.hoverZone').text('');
-            });
-            this.$el.on('click', 'svg polygon', function() {
-                that.setValue($(this).attr('data-timezone'));
-                that.$el.trigger("map:clicked");
-            });
-            this.$el.on('change', 'select', function() {
-                that.setValue($(this).val());
-                that.$el.trigger("map:clicked");
-            });
-            this.$el.on('click', '.quickLink span', function() {
-                var selectValue = $(this).data().select
-                if ('/') > 0) {
-                    that.setValue(selectValue, 'timezone');
-                } else {
-                    that.setValue(selectValue, 'zonename');
-                }
-                that.$el.trigger("map:clicked");
-            });
-        },
-        /**
-         * [genrateElement description]
-         * @param  {[Jquery Object]}  element     [selector]
-         * @param  {[type]}  elementAttr [description]
-         * @param  {[javascript Object or text]}  chilled      [If we pass 
javascript object or  array it will append all chilled and if you pass string 
it will add string(value) inside element ]
-         * @param  {Boolean} isSvg       [If it is svg then it will create svg 
-         * @return {[type]}              [description]
-         */
-        genrateElement: function(element, elementAttr, chilled, isSvg) {
-            if (isSvg) {
-                var elementObject = 
document.createElementNS('', element);
-            } else {
-                var elementObject = document.createElement(element);
-            }
-            if (elementAttr) {
-                for (var key in elementAttr) {
-                    elementObject.setAttribute(key, elementAttr[key]);
-                }
-            }
-            if (chilled) {
-                if (chilled instanceof Array) {
-                    for (var chilleds in chilled) {
-                        elementObject.appendChild(chilled[chilleds]);
-                    }
-                } else if (typeof chilled == 'string') {
-                    elementObject.innerHTML = chilled;
-                } else {
-                    elementObject.appendChild(chilled);
-                }
-            }
-            return elementObject;
-        },
-        /**
-         * [createCss function will create css dynamically it is insert style 
attribute in  in head ]
-         * @param  {[type]} options [options has 
mapColor,selectedColor,hoverColor ]
-         * @return {[type]}         [description]
-         */
-        createCss: function(options) {
-            var style = document.createElement('style');
-            style.type = 'text/css';
-            style.innerHTML = '.timezone-map polygon[data-selected="true"] 
{fill: ' + options.selectedColor + '}' +
-                '.timezone-map polygon { fill: ' + options.mapColor + ';}' +
-                '.timezone-map {fill: ' + options.hoverColor + 
';}' +
-                '.timezone-map polygon:hover { cursor: pointer;}' +
-                '.Cbox .quickLink{width: 52%;float: right;padding-bottom: 
11px;overflow-x: auto; white-space: nowrap;overflow-y: hidden;}' +
-                '.Cbox .quickLink span:hover {color:#FFF;background-color: 
#496A84;  cursor: pointer;}' +
-                '.Cbox select{width: 45%;float: left;height: 27px; padding: 
0px 0px 0px 10px;}' +
-                '.Cbox .quickLink {color: #FFF; background-color: 
#496A84;}' +
-                '.Cbox .quickLink span{ font-weight: 300; border-radius: 3px; 
color: #000; background-color: #FFF; border: solid 1px #CCC;margin-left: 10px;' 
-                'font-size: 9px;padding: 4px 6px 4px 6px;}';
-            document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style);
-        }
-    };
-    /**
-     * [Plugin Staring point for plugin]
-     * @param {[type]} option [user options which can be override the default 
-     */
-    function Plugin(option) {
-        return this.each(function() {
-            var $el = $(this)
-            var options = $.extend({}, WorldMapGenerator.DEFAULTS, $, 
typeof option == 'object' && option);
-            $'WorldMapGenerator', new WorldMapGenerator($el, options));
-            $el.trigger("map:loaded");
-        });
-    };
-    $.fn.WorldMapGenerator = Plugin;
-    WorldMapGenerator.timeZoneValue = [{
-        "timezone": "Africa/Abidjan",
-        "country": "CI",
-        "pin": "244,118",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Accra",
-        "country": "GH",
-        "pin": "250,117",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Addis_Ababa",
-        "country": "ET",
-        "pin": "304,112",
-        "offset": 3,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "EAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Algiers",
-        "country": "DZ",
-        "pin": "254,74",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "CET"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Asmara",
-        "country": "ER",
-        "pin": "304,104",
-        "offset": 3,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "EAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Bamako",
-        "country": "ML",
-        "pin": "239,107",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Bangui",
-        "country": "CF",
-        "pin": "276,119",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Banjul",
-        "country": "GM",
-        "pin": "227,106",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": "231,106,227,106,229,106,231,106",
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Bissau",
-        "country": "GW",
-        "pin": "228,109",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": "228,109,228,109,228,109",
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Blantyre",
-        "country": "MW",
-        "pin": "299,147",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "CAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Brazzaville",
-        "country": "CG",
-        "pin": "271,131",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Bujumbura",
-        "country": "BI",
-        "pin": "291,130",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "CAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Asia/Oral",
-        "country": "KZ",
-        "pin": "321,54",
-        "offset": 5,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "ORAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Cairo",
-        "country": "EG",
-        "pin": "293,83",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "EET"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Casablanca",
-        "country": "MA",
-        "pin": "239,78",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WET"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Ceuta",
-        "country": "ES",
-        "pin": "243,75",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": "243,75,243,75,243,75",
-        "zoneName": "CET"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Conakry",
-        "country": "GN",
-        "pin": "231,112",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Dakar",
-        "country": "SN",
-        "pin": "226,105",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam",
-        "country": "TZ",
-        "pin": "305,134",
-        "offset": 3,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "EAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Asia/Yekaterinburg",
-        "country": "RU",
-        "pin": "334,46",
-        "offset": 6,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "YEKT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Djibouti",
-        "country": "DJ",
-        "pin": "310,109",
-        "offset": 3,
-        "points": "310,109,310,109,310,109",
-        "zoneName": "EAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Douala",
-        "country": "CM",
-        "pin": "263,119",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Freetown",
-        "country": "SL",
-        "pin": "232,113",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Gaborone",
-        "country": "BW",
-        "pin": "286,159",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "CAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Harare",
-        "country": "ZW",
-        "pin": "293,150",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "CAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/El_Aaiun",
-        "country": "EH",
-        "pin": "232,87",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WET"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Johannesburg",
-        "country": "ZA",
-        "pin": "289,161",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "SAST"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Juba",
-        "country": "SS",
-        "pin": "294,118",
-        "offset": 3,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "EAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Kampala",
-        "country": "UG",
-        "pin": "295,125",
-        "offset": 3,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "EAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Khartoum",
-        "country": "SD",
-        "pin": "295,103",
-        "offset": 3,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "EAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Kinshasa",
-        "country": "CD",
-        "pin": "271,131",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Lagos",
-        "country": "NG",
-        "pin": "255,116",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Libreville",
-        "country": "GA",
-        "pin": "263,124",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Lome",
-        "country": "TG",
-        "pin": "252,116",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Kigali",
-        "country": "RW",
-        "pin": "292,128",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": "292,128,291,129,290,129,291,127,292,126,293,128,292,128",
-        "zoneName": "CAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Luanda",
-        "country": "AO",
-        "pin": "268,137",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Lubumbashi",
-        "country": "CD",
-        "pin": "288,141",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "CAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Lusaka",
-        "country": "ZM",
-        "pin": "289,146",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "CAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Malabo",
-        "country": "GQ",
-        "pin": "262,120",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": "266,123,266,124,263,123,264,122,266,122,266,123",
-        "zoneName": "WAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Maputo",
-        "country": "MZ",
-        "pin": "295,161",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "CAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Mbabane",
-        "country": "SZ",
-        "pin": "293,162",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": "294,161,295,162,294,163,293,162,294,161,294,161",
-        "zoneName": "SAST"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Mogadishu",
-        "country": "SO",
-        "pin": "313,122",
-        "offset": 3,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "EAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Monrovia",
-        "country": "LR",
-        "pin": "235,116",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Nairobi",
-        "country": "KE",
-        "pin": "301,127",
-        "offset": 3,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "EAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Maseru",
-        "country": "LS",
-        "pin": "288,166",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": "289,167,289,167,288,166,290,165,291,166,289,167",
-        "zoneName": "SAST"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Ndjamena",
-        "country": "TD",
-        "pin": "271,108",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Niamey",
-        "country": "NE",
-        "pin": "253,106",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Nouakchott",
-        "country": "MR",
-        "pin": "228,100",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Ouagadougou",
-        "country": "BF",
-        "pin": "248,108",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Porto-Novo",
-        "country": "BJ",
-        "pin": "254,116",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WAT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Tunis",
-        "country": "TN",
-        "pin": "264,74",
-        "offset": 1,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "CET"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Sao_Tome",
-        "country": "ST",
-        "pin": "259,125",
-        "offset": 0,
-        "points": "260,123,260,123,260,123",
-        "zoneName": "GMT"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Tripoli",
-        "country": "LY",
-        "pin": "268,79",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "EET"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "Africa/Windhoek",
-        "country": "NA",
-        "pin": "274,156",
-        "offset": 2,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "WAST"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "America/Adak",
-        "country": "US",
-        "pin": "5,53",
-        "offset": -10,
-        "points": "7,53,6,53,8,52,7,53",
-        "zoneName": "HST"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "America/Argentina/Salta",
-        "country": "AR",
-        "pin": "159,159",
-        "offset": -3,
-        "points": 
-        "zoneName": "ART"
-    }, {
-        "timezone": "America/Argentina/Salta",
-        "country": "AR",
-        "pin": "159,159",
-        "offset": -3,
-        "points": 
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