diff --git a/camel-core/src/main/docs/xslt-component.adoc 
index 4deb512..67ab2ff 100644
--- a/camel-core/src/main/docs/xslt-component.adoc
+++ b/camel-core/src/main/docs/xslt-component.adoc
@@ -71,27 +71,18 @@ The XSLT component supports 9 options which are listed 
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
- 4+^s| advanced
-| xmlConverter |  | XmlConverter | To use a custom implementation of 
-| uriResolverFactory |  | XsltUriResolverFactory | To use a custom 
javax.xml.transform.URIResolver which depends on a dynamic endpoint resource 
URI or which is a subclass of XsltUriResolver. Do not use in combination with 
uriResolver. See also link setUriResolver(URIResolver).
-| uriResolver |  | URIResolver | To use a custom 
javax.xml.transform.URIResolver. Do not use in combination with 
uriResolverFactory. See also link setUriResolverFactory(XsltUriResolverFactory).
- 4+^s| producer
-| contentCache | false | boolean | Cache for the resource content (the 
stylesheet file) when it is loaded. If set to false Camel will reload the 
stylesheet file on each message processing. This is good for development. A 
cached stylesheet can be forced to reload at runtime via JMX using the 
clearCachedStylesheet operation.
-| saxon | false | boolean | Whether to use Saxon as the 
transformerFactoryClass. If enabled then the class 
net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl. You would need to add Saxon to the 
-| saxonExtensionFunctions |  | List | Allows you to use a custom 
net.sf.saxon.lib.ExtensionFunctionDefinition. You would need to add camel-saxon 
to the classpath. The function is looked up in the registry where you can comma 
to separate multiple values to lookup.
-| saxonConfiguration | true | Object | To use a custom Saxon configuration
- 4+^s| advanced
-| saxonConfigurationProperties |  | Map | To set custom Saxon configuration 
-| resolvePropertyPlaceholders | true | boolean | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **xmlConverter** (advanced) | To use a custom implementation of 
org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp.XmlConverter |  | XmlConverter
+| **uriResolverFactory** (advanced) | To use a custom 
javax.xml.transform.URIResolver which depends on a dynamic endpoint resource 
URI or which is a subclass of XsltUriResolver. Do not use in combination with 
uriResolver. See also link setUriResolver(URIResolver). |  | 
+| **uriResolver** (advanced) | To use a custom 
javax.xml.transform.URIResolver. Do not use in combination with 
uriResolverFactory. See also link 
setUriResolverFactory(XsltUriResolverFactory). |  | URIResolver
+| **contentCache** (producer) | Cache for the resource content (the stylesheet 
file) when it is loaded. If set to false Camel will reload the stylesheet file 
on each message processing. This is good for development. A cached stylesheet 
can be forced to reload at runtime via JMX using the clearCachedStylesheet 
operation. | false | boolean
+| **saxon** (producer) | Whether to use Saxon as the transformerFactoryClass. 
If enabled then the class net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl. You would need 
to add Saxon to the classpath. | false | boolean
+| **saxonExtensionFunctions** (producer) | Allows you to use a custom 
net.sf.saxon.lib.ExtensionFunctionDefinition. You would need to add camel-saxon 
to the classpath. The function is looked up in the registry where you can comma 
to separate multiple values to lookup. |  | List
+| **saxonConfiguration** (producer) | To use a custom Saxon configuration | 
true | Object
+| **saxonConfiguration Properties** (advanced) | To set custom Saxon 
configuration properties |  | Map
+| **resolveProperty Placeholders** (advanced) | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders. | true | boolean
 // component options: END
@@ -105,51 +96,34 @@ with the following path and query parameters:
 #### Path Parameters (1 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| resourceUri |  | String | *Required* The name of the template to load from 
classpath or file system
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **resourceUri** | *Required* The name of the template to load from classpath 
or file system |  | String
 #### Query Parameters (17 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| allowStAX | true | boolean | Whether to allow using StAX as the 
-| contentCache | true | boolean | Cache for the resource content (the 
stylesheet file) when it is loaded. If set to false Camel will reload the 
stylesheet file on each message processing. This is good for development. A 
cached stylesheet can be forced to reload at runtime via JMX using the 
clearCachedStylesheet operation.
-| deleteOutputFile | false | boolean | If you have output=file then this 
option dictates whether or not the output file should be deleted when the 
Exchange is done processing. For example suppose the output file is a temporary 
file then it can be a good idea to delete it after use.
-| failOnNullBody | true | boolean | Whether or not to throw an exception if 
the input body is null.
-| output | string | XsltOutput | Option to specify which output type to use. 
Possible values are: string bytes DOM file. The first three options are all in 
memory based where as file is streamed directly to a For file you 
must specify the filename in the IN header with the key Exchange.XSLT_FILE_NAME 
which is also CamelXsltFileName. Also any paths leading to the filename must be 
created beforehand otherwise an exception is thrown at runtime.
-| saxon | false | boolean | Whether to use Saxon as the 
transformerFactoryClass. If enabled then the class 
net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl. You would need to add Saxon to the 
-| transformerCacheSize | 0 | int | The number of 
javax.xml.transform.Transformer object that are cached for reuse to avoid calls 
to Template.newTransformer().
- 4+^s| advanced
-| converter |  | XmlConverter | To use a custom implementation of 
-| entityResolver |  | EntityResolver | To use a custom 
org.xml.sax.EntityResolver with javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource.
-| errorListener |  | ErrorListener | Allows to configure to use a custom 
javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener. Beware when doing this then the default 
error listener which captures any errors or fatal errors and store information 
on the Exchange as properties is not in use. So only use this option for 
special use-cases.
-| resultHandlerFactory |  | ResultHandlerFactory | Allows you to use a custom 
org.apache.camel.builder.xml.ResultHandlerFactory which is capable of using 
custom org.apache.camel.builder.xml.ResultHandler types.
-| saxonConfiguration |  | Object | To use a custom Saxon configuration
-| saxonExtensionFunctions |  | String | Allows you to use a custom 
net.sf.saxon.lib.ExtensionFunctionDefinition. You would need to add camel-saxon 
to the classpath. The function is looked up in the registry where you can comma 
to separate multiple values to lookup.
-| synchronous | false | boolean | Sets whether synchronous processing should 
be strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
-| transformerFactory |  | TransformerFactory | To use a custom XSLT 
transformer factory
-| transformerFactoryClass |  | String | To use a custom XSLT transformer 
factory specified as a FQN class name
-| uriResolver |  | URIResolver | To use a custom 
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **allowStAX** (producer) | Whether to allow using StAX as the 
javax.xml.transform.Source. | true | boolean
+| **contentCache** (producer) | Cache for the resource content (the stylesheet 
file) when it is loaded. If set to false Camel will reload the stylesheet file 
on each message processing. This is good for development. A cached stylesheet 
can be forced to reload at runtime via JMX using the clearCachedStylesheet 
operation. | true | boolean
+| **deleteOutputFile** (producer) | If you have output=file then this option 
dictates whether or not the output file should be deleted when the Exchange is 
done processing. For example suppose the output file is a temporary file then 
it can be a good idea to delete it after use. | false | boolean
+| **failOnNullBody** (producer) | Whether or not to throw an exception if the 
input body is null. | true | boolean
+| **output** (producer) | Option to specify which output type to use. Possible 
values are: string bytes DOM file. The first three options are all in memory 
based where as file is streamed directly to a For file you must 
specify the filename in the IN header with the key Exchange.XSLT_FILE_NAME 
which is also CamelXsltFileName. Also any paths leading to the filename must be 
created beforehand otherwise an exception is thrown at runtime. | string | 
+| **saxon** (producer) | Whether to use Saxon as the transformerFactoryClass. 
If enabled then the class net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl. You would need 
to add Saxon to the classpath. | false | boolean
+| **transformerCacheSize** (producer) | The number of 
javax.xml.transform.Transformer object that are cached for reuse to avoid calls 
to Template.newTransformer(). | 0 | int
+| **converter** (advanced) | To use a custom implementation of 
org.apache.camel.converter.jaxp.XmlConverter |  | XmlConverter
+| **entityResolver** (advanced) | To use a custom org.xml.sax.EntityResolver 
with javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource. |  | EntityResolver
+| **errorListener** (advanced) | Allows to configure to use a custom 
javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener. Beware when doing this then the default 
error listener which captures any errors or fatal errors and store information 
on the Exchange as properties is not in use. So only use this option for 
special use-cases. |  | ErrorListener
+| **resultHandlerFactory** (advanced) | Allows you to use a custom 
org.apache.camel.builder.xml.ResultHandlerFactory which is capable of using 
custom org.apache.camel.builder.xml.ResultHandler types. |  | 
+| **saxonConfiguration** (advanced) | To use a custom Saxon configuration |  | 
+| **saxonExtensionFunctions** (advanced) | Allows you to use a custom 
net.sf.saxon.lib.ExtensionFunctionDefinition. You would need to add camel-saxon 
to the classpath. The function is looked up in the registry where you can comma 
to separate multiple values to lookup. |  | String
+| **synchronous** (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be 
strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
supported). | false | boolean
+| **transformerFactory** (advanced) | To use a custom XSLT transformer factory 
|  | TransformerFactory
+| **transformerFactoryClass** (advanced) | To use a custom XSLT transformer 
factory specified as a FQN class name |  | String
+| **uriResolver** (advanced) | To use a custom javax.xml.transform.URIResolver 
|  | URIResolver
 // endpoint options: END
diff --git a/components/camel-ahc-ws/src/main/docs/ahc-ws-component.adoc 
index 627c379..a8f0370 100644
--- a/components/camel-ahc-ws/src/main/docs/ahc-ws-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-ahc-ws/src/main/docs/ahc-ws-component.adoc
@@ -45,23 +45,16 @@ The AHC Websocket component supports 7 options which are 
listed below.
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
- 4+^s| advanced
-| client |  | AsyncHttpClient | To use a custom AsyncHttpClient
-| binding |  | AhcBinding | To use a custom AhcBinding which allows to control 
how to bind between AHC and Camel.
-| clientConfig |  | AsyncHttpClientConfig | To configure the AsyncHttpClient 
to use a custom com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig instance.
- 4+^s| security
-| sslContextParameters |  | SSLContextParameters | Reference to a 
org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters in the Registry. Note that 
configuring this option will override any SSL/TLS configuration options 
provided through the clientConfig option at the endpoint or component level.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| allowJavaSerializedObject | false | boolean | Whether to allow java 
serialization when a request uses 
context-type=application/x-java-serialized-object This is by default turned 
off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will deserialize the incoming 
data from the request to Java and that can be a potential security risk.
- 4+^s| filter
-| headerFilterStrategy |  | HeaderFilterStrategy | To use a custom 
org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel 
- 4+^s| advanced
-| resolvePropertyPlaceholders | true | boolean | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **client** (advanced) | To use a custom AsyncHttpClient |  | AsyncHttpClient
+| **binding** (advanced) | To use a custom AhcBinding which allows to control 
how to bind between AHC and Camel. |  | AhcBinding
+| **clientConfig** (advanced) | To configure the AsyncHttpClient to use a 
custom com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig instance. |  | 
+| **sslContextParameters** (security) | Reference to a 
org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters in the Registry. Note that 
configuring this option will override any SSL/TLS configuration options 
provided through the clientConfig option at the endpoint or component level. |  
| SSLContextParameters
+| **allowJavaSerialized Object** (advanced) | Whether to allow java 
serialization when a request uses 
context-type=application/x-java-serialized-object This is by default turned 
off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will deserialize the incoming 
data from the request to Java and that can be a potential security risk. | 
false | boolean
+| **headerFilterStrategy** (filter) | To use a custom 
org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel 
message. |  | HeaderFilterStrategy
+| **resolveProperty Placeholders** (advanced) | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders. | true | boolean
 // component options: END
@@ -77,53 +70,35 @@ with the following path and query parameters:
 #### Path Parameters (1 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| httpUri |  | URI | *Required* The URI to use such as 
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **httpUri** | *Required* The URI to use such as http://hostname:port/path |  
 #### Query Parameters (18 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| bridgeEndpoint | false | boolean | If the option is true then the 
Exchange.HTTP_URI header is ignored and use the endpoint's URI for request. You 
may also set the throwExceptionOnFailure to be false to let the AhcProducer 
send all the fault response back.
-| bufferSize | 4096 | int | The initial in-memory buffer size used when 
transferring data between Camel and AHC Client.
-| headerFilterStrategy |  | HeaderFilterStrategy | To use a custom 
HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message.
-| throwExceptionOnFailure | true | boolean | Option to disable throwing the 
AhcOperationFailedException in case of failed responses from the remote server. 
This allows you to get all responses regardless of the HTTP status code.
-| transferException | false | boolean | If enabled and an Exchange failed 
processing on the consumer side and if the caused Exception was send back 
serialized in the response as a application/x-java-serialized-object content 
type (for example using Jetty or Servlet Camel components). On the producer 
side the exception will be deserialized and thrown as is instead of the 
AhcOperationFailedException. The caused exception is required to be serialized. 
This is by default turned off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will 
deserialize the incoming data from the request to Java and that can be a 
potential security risk.
- 4+^s| consumer
-| bridgeErrorHandler | false | boolean | Allows for bridging the consumer to 
the Camel routing Error Handler which mean any exceptions occurred while the 
consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages or the likes will now be 
processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the 
consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with 
exceptions that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
-| sendMessageOnError | false | boolean | Whether to send an message if the 
web-socket listener received an error.
- 4+^s| consumer (advanced)
-| exceptionHandler |  | ExceptionHandler | To let the consumer use a custom 
ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this 
options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions that 
will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
-| exchangePattern |  | ExchangePattern | Sets the exchange pattern when the 
consumer creates an exchange.
- 4+^s| producer
-| connectionClose | false | boolean | Define if the Connection Close header 
has to be added to HTTP Request. This parameter is false by default
-| cookieHandler |  | CookieHandler | Configure a cookie handler to maintain a 
HTTP session
-| useStreaming | false | boolean | To enable streaming to send data as 
multiple text fragments.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| binding |  | AhcBinding | To use a custom AhcBinding which allows to control 
how to bind between AHC and Camel.
-| clientConfig |  | AsyncHttpClientConfig | To configure the AsyncHttpClient 
to use a custom com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig instance.
-| clientConfigOptions |  | Map | To configure the AsyncHttpClientConfig using 
the key/values from the Map.
-| synchronous | false | boolean | Sets whether synchronous processing should 
be strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
- 4+^s| security
-| clientConfigRealmOptions |  | Map | To configure the AsyncHttpClientConfig 
Realm using the key/values from the Map.
-| sslContextParameters |  | SSLContextParameters | Reference to a 
org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters in the Registry. This reference 
overrides any configured SSLContextParameters at the component level. See Using 
the JSSE Configuration Utility. Note that configuring this option will override 
any SSL/TLS configuration options provided through the clientConfig option at 
the endpoint or component level.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **bridgeEndpoint** (common) | If the option is true then the 
Exchange.HTTP_URI header is ignored and use the endpoint's URI for request. You 
may also set the throwExceptionOnFailure to be false to let the AhcProducer 
send all the fault response back. | false | boolean
+| **bufferSize** (common) | The initial in-memory buffer size used when 
transferring data between Camel and AHC Client. | 4096 | int
+| **headerFilterStrategy** (common) | To use a custom HeaderFilterStrategy to 
filter header to and from Camel message. |  | HeaderFilterStrategy
+| **throwExceptionOnFailure** (common) | Option to disable throwing the 
AhcOperationFailedException in case of failed responses from the remote server. 
This allows you to get all responses regardless of the HTTP status code. | true 
| boolean
+| **transferException** (common) | If enabled and an Exchange failed 
processing on the consumer side and if the caused Exception was send back 
serialized in the response as a application/x-java-serialized-object content 
type (for example using Jetty or Servlet Camel components). On the producer 
side the exception will be deserialized and thrown as is instead of the 
AhcOperationFailedException. The caused exception is required to be serialized. 
This is by default turned off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will 
deserialize the incoming data from the request to Java and that can be a 
potential security risk. | false | boolean
+| **bridgeErrorHandler** (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the 
Camel routing Error Handler which mean any exceptions occurred while the 
consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages or the likes will now be 
processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the 
consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with 
exceptions that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | 
+| **sendMessageOnError** (consumer) | Whether to send an message if the 
web-socket listener received an error. | false | boolean
+| **exceptionHandler** (consumer) | To let the consumer use a custom 
ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this 
options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions that 
will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. |  | ExceptionHandler
+| **exchangePattern** (consumer) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer 
creates an exchange. |  | ExchangePattern
+| **connectionClose** (producer) | Define if the Connection Close header has 
to be added to HTTP Request. This parameter is false by default | false | 
+| **cookieHandler** (producer) | Configure a cookie handler to maintain a HTTP 
session |  | CookieHandler
+| **useStreaming** (producer) | To enable streaming to send data as multiple 
text fragments. | false | boolean
+| **binding** (advanced) | To use a custom AhcBinding which allows to control 
how to bind between AHC and Camel. |  | AhcBinding
+| **clientConfig** (advanced) | To configure the AsyncHttpClient to use a 
custom com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig instance. |  | 
+| **clientConfigOptions** (advanced) | To configure the AsyncHttpClientConfig 
using the key/values from the Map. |  | Map
+| **synchronous** (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be 
strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
supported). | false | boolean
+| **clientConfigRealmOptions** (security) | To configure the 
AsyncHttpClientConfig Realm using the key/values from the Map. |  | Map
+| **sslContextParameters** (security) | Reference to a 
org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters in the Registry. This reference 
overrides any configured SSLContextParameters at the component level. See Using 
the JSSE Configuration Utility. Note that configuring this option will override 
any SSL/TLS configuration options provided through the clientConfig option at 
the endpoint or component level. |  | SSLContextParameters
 // endpoint options: END
diff --git a/components/camel-ahc/src/main/docs/ahc-component.adoc 
index 9b06f24..48a5c63 100644
--- a/components/camel-ahc/src/main/docs/ahc-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-ahc/src/main/docs/ahc-component.adoc
@@ -52,43 +52,30 @@ with the following path and query parameters:
 #### Path Parameters (1 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| httpUri |  | URI | *Required* The URI to use such as 
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **httpUri** | *Required* The URI to use such as http://hostname:port/path |  
 #### Query Parameters (13 parameters):
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
-| bridgeEndpoint | false | boolean | If the option is true then the 
Exchange.HTTP_URI header is ignored and use the endpoint's URI for request. You 
may also set the throwExceptionOnFailure to be false to let the AhcProducer 
send all the fault response back.
-| bufferSize | 4096 | int | The initial in-memory buffer size used when 
transferring data between Camel and AHC Client.
-| connectionClose | false | boolean | Define if the Connection Close header 
has to be added to HTTP Request. This parameter is false by default
-| cookieHandler |  | CookieHandler | Configure a cookie handler to maintain a 
HTTP session
-| headerFilterStrategy |  | HeaderFilterStrategy | To use a custom 
HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel message.
-| throwExceptionOnFailure | true | boolean | Option to disable throwing the 
AhcOperationFailedException in case of failed responses from the remote server. 
This allows you to get all responses regardless of the HTTP status code.
-| transferException | false | boolean | If enabled and an Exchange failed 
processing on the consumer side and if the caused Exception was send back 
serialized in the response as a application/x-java-serialized-object content 
type (for example using Jetty or Servlet Camel components). On the producer 
side the exception will be deserialized and thrown as is instead of the 
AhcOperationFailedException. The caused exception is required to be serialized. 
This is by default turned off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will 
deserialize the incoming data from the request to Java and that can be a 
potential security risk.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| binding |  | AhcBinding | To use a custom AhcBinding which allows to control 
how to bind between AHC and Camel.
-| clientConfig |  | AsyncHttpClientConfig | To configure the AsyncHttpClient 
to use a custom com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig instance.
-| clientConfigOptions |  | Map | To configure the AsyncHttpClientConfig using 
the key/values from the Map.
-| synchronous | false | boolean | Sets whether synchronous processing should 
be strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
- 4+^s| security
-| clientConfigRealmOptions |  | Map | To configure the AsyncHttpClientConfig 
Realm using the key/values from the Map.
-| sslContextParameters |  | SSLContextParameters | Reference to a 
org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters in the Registry. This reference 
overrides any configured SSLContextParameters at the component level. See Using 
the JSSE Configuration Utility. Note that configuring this option will override 
any SSL/TLS configuration options provided through the clientConfig option at 
the endpoint or component level.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **bridgeEndpoint** (producer) | If the option is true then the 
Exchange.HTTP_URI header is ignored and use the endpoint's URI for request. You 
may also set the throwExceptionOnFailure to be false to let the AhcProducer 
send all the fault response back. | false | boolean
+| **bufferSize** (producer) | The initial in-memory buffer size used when 
transferring data between Camel and AHC Client. | 4096 | int
+| **connectionClose** (producer) | Define if the Connection Close header has 
to be added to HTTP Request. This parameter is false by default | false | 
+| **cookieHandler** (producer) | Configure a cookie handler to maintain a HTTP 
session |  | CookieHandler
+| **headerFilterStrategy** (producer) | To use a custom HeaderFilterStrategy 
to filter header to and from Camel message. |  | HeaderFilterStrategy
+| **throwExceptionOnFailure** (producer) | Option to disable throwing the 
AhcOperationFailedException in case of failed responses from the remote server. 
This allows you to get all responses regardless of the HTTP status code. | true 
| boolean
+| **transferException** (producer) | If enabled and an Exchange failed 
processing on the consumer side and if the caused Exception was send back 
serialized in the response as a application/x-java-serialized-object content 
type (for example using Jetty or Servlet Camel components). On the producer 
side the exception will be deserialized and thrown as is instead of the 
AhcOperationFailedException. The caused exception is required to be serialized. 
This is by default turned off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will 
deserialize the incoming data from the request to Java and that can be a 
potential security risk. | false | boolean
+| **binding** (advanced) | To use a custom AhcBinding which allows to control 
how to bind between AHC and Camel. |  | AhcBinding
+| **clientConfig** (advanced) | To configure the AsyncHttpClient to use a 
custom com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig instance. |  | 
+| **clientConfigOptions** (advanced) | To configure the AsyncHttpClientConfig 
using the key/values from the Map. |  | Map
+| **synchronous** (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be 
strictly used or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if 
supported). | false | boolean
+| **clientConfigRealmOptions** (security) | To configure the 
AsyncHttpClientConfig Realm using the key/values from the Map. |  | Map
+| **sslContextParameters** (security) | Reference to a 
org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters in the Registry. This reference 
overrides any configured SSLContextParameters at the component level. See Using 
the JSSE Configuration Utility. Note that configuring this option will override 
any SSL/TLS configuration options provided through the clientConfig option at 
the endpoint or component level. |  | SSLContextParameters
 // endpoint options: END
@@ -114,23 +101,16 @@ The AHC component supports 7 options which are listed 
-| Name | Default | Java Type | Description
- 4+^s| advanced
-| client |  | AsyncHttpClient | To use a custom AsyncHttpClient
-| binding |  | AhcBinding | To use a custom AhcBinding which allows to control 
how to bind between AHC and Camel.
-| clientConfig |  | AsyncHttpClientConfig | To configure the AsyncHttpClient 
to use a custom com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig instance.
- 4+^s| security
-| sslContextParameters |  | SSLContextParameters | Reference to a 
org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters in the Registry. Note that 
configuring this option will override any SSL/TLS configuration options 
provided through the clientConfig option at the endpoint or component level.
- 4+^s| advanced
-| allowJavaSerializedObject | false | boolean | Whether to allow java 
serialization when a request uses 
context-type=application/x-java-serialized-object This is by default turned 
off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will deserialize the incoming 
data from the request to Java and that can be a potential security risk.
- 4+^s| filter
-| headerFilterStrategy |  | HeaderFilterStrategy | To use a custom 
org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel 
- 4+^s| advanced
-| resolvePropertyPlaceholders | true | boolean | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders.
+| Name | Description | Default | Type
+| **client** (advanced) | To use a custom AsyncHttpClient |  | AsyncHttpClient
+| **binding** (advanced) | To use a custom AhcBinding which allows to control 
how to bind between AHC and Camel. |  | AhcBinding
+| **clientConfig** (advanced) | To configure the AsyncHttpClient to use a 
custom com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig instance. |  | 
+| **sslContextParameters** (security) | Reference to a 
org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters in the Registry. Note that 
configuring this option will override any SSL/TLS configuration options 
provided through the clientConfig option at the endpoint or component level. |  
| SSLContextParameters
+| **allowJavaSerialized Object** (advanced) | Whether to allow java 
serialization when a request uses 
context-type=application/x-java-serialized-object This is by default turned 
off. If you enable this then be aware that Java will deserialize the incoming 
data from the request to Java and that can be a potential security risk. | 
false | boolean
+| **headerFilterStrategy** (filter) | To use a custom 
org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy to filter header to and from Camel 
message. |  | HeaderFilterStrategy
+| **resolveProperty Placeholders** (advanced) | Whether the component should 
resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which 
are of String type can use property placeholders. | true | boolean
 // component options: END

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