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The page "CouchHack_April_2009" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:


- CouchHack is small CouchDB hacker event planned for April 19th - 22nd in 
Asheville NC.
- We will be renting a house for hacking, playing video games, building sofa 
forts and crashing. Anyone who wants to hack on or with CouchDB is welcome to 
come. Beds in the house are limited, first come first serve
- Current Hackers:
-  * Jan Lehnardt - attending 19th - 21. Interested in linking against Mac OS X 
ICU, Erlang View Server, partial replication -- Teaching CouchDB
-  * J. Chris Anderson - attending 19 - 22 - Interested in Partitioning / 
Clustering, and p2p messaging CouchApp development.
-  * Damien Katz - attending 19 - 22. Interested in JSearch/FT Indexing 
support, and working on third party apps.
-  * Paul Davis - attending 19 - 22. External indexing integration. Another 
project TBA.
-  * Benjamin Young - attending the 20th (at least). Interested in hosting, 
management, and CouchDB as a CMS content repo replacement for MySQL (et al).
-  * Brad Anderson - attending 19 - 21. Partitioning / Clustering, Erlang View 
- We will mostly be working on CouchDB related stuff, some of it core to 
CouchDB, some of it external projects involving CouchDB.
- Want to influence CouchDB but can't come? Consider becoming a CouchHack 
sponsor and help pay for the house or travel expenses.
- If you are interested in hacking or sponsoring, contact Jan Lehnardt
- List of [[CouchHack_April_2009_Sponsors]].
- === CouchDB Work Done at CouchHack
-  * Split `main.js` out into lots of little file. (And then Jan taught me how 
Makefile work)
-  * Adding a batch PUT mode (which delays commit so that we can do a bulk 
index update)

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