Author: buildbot
Date: Sun Jan  5 22:22:42 2014
New Revision: 892908

Staging update by buildbot for deltaspike

    websites/staging/deltaspike/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/deltaspike/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Sun Jan  5 22:22:42 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

Modified: websites/staging/deltaspike/trunk/content/jsf.html
--- websites/staging/deltaspike/trunk/content/jsf.html (original)
+++ websites/staging/deltaspike/trunk/content/jsf.html Sun Jan  5 22:22:42 2014
@@ -790,9 +790,9 @@ It's possible to change it for one usage
 The same is supported for folders via 
<code>Folder.DefaultFolderNameBuilder</code>. In this case changing only one 
usage is possible via <code>Folder.folderNameBuilder</code>.</p>
 <h1 id="grouped-conversations">(Grouped-)Conversations</h1>
 <p>Available with all versions after 0.5.</p>
-<p>DeltaSpike conversations are based on the window-scope. Therefore, don't 
forget to add the <code>ds:windowId</code> 
(<code>xmlns:ds="";</code>) component in case of 
ClientWindowConfig#CLIENTWINDOW to your page(/template) and ensure that the 
window-handling works properly (otherwise conversations won't work correctly).
+<p>DeltaSpike conversations are based on the window-scope. Therefore, don't 
forget to add the <code>ds:windowId</code> 
(<code>xmlns:ds="";</code>) component in case of 
<code>ClientWindowConfig#CLIENTWINDOW</code> to your page(/template) and ensure 
that the window-handling works properly (otherwise conversations won't work 
 The base principle is similar to CODI-Conversations. CODI users just have to 
ensure that they have to add <code>ds:windowId</code> and the names are 
slightly different.</p>
-<p>First of all it's important to mention that DeltaSpike starts (grouped) 
conversations automatically as soon as you access conversation scoped beans. 
Furthermore, the invocation of GroupedConversation#close leads to an immediate 
termination of the conversation.</p>
+<p>First of all it's important to mention that DeltaSpike starts (grouped) 
conversations automatically as soon as you access conversation scoped beans. 
Furthermore, the invocation of <code>GroupedConversation#close</code> leads to 
an immediate termination of the conversation.</p>
 <div class="codehilite"><pre><span class="nd">@GroupedConversationScoped</span>
 <span class="kd">public</span> <span class="kd">class</span> <span 
class="nc">DemoBean1</span> <span class="kd">implements</span> <span 
 <span class="o">{</span>

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