diff --git a/src/kudu/tools/ 
index 6273ed2..db90ee3 100644
--- a/src/kudu/tools/
+++ b/src/kudu/tools/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include <map>
 #include <memory>
 #include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
@@ -32,21 +33,35 @@
 #include "kudu/client/shared_ptr.h"
 #include "kudu/common/schema.h"
 #include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
-#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
 #include "kudu/gutil/strings/split.h"
 #include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
-#include "kudu/gutil/strings/util.h"
 #include "kudu/hms/hive_metastore_types.h"
 #include "kudu/hms/hms_catalog.h"
 #include "kudu/hms/hms_client.h"
 #include "kudu/tools/tool_action.h"
 #include "kudu/tools/tool_action_common.h"
 #include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
+#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
 #include "kudu/util/status.h"
-DECLARE_int64(timeout_ms); // defined in tool_action_common
+DEFINE_bool(dryrun, false,
+    "Print a message for each fix, but do not make modifications to Kudu or 
the Hive Metastore.");
+DEFINE_bool(drop_orphan_hms_tables, false,
+    "Drop orphan Hive Metastore tables which refer to non-existent Kudu 
+DEFINE_bool(create_missing_hms_tables, true,
+    "Create a Hive Metastore table for each Kudu table which is missing one.");
+DEFINE_bool(fix_inconsistent_tables, true,
+    "Fix tables whose Kudu and Hive Metastore metadata differ. If the table 
name is "
+    "different, the table is renamed in Kudu to match the HMS. If the columns "
+    "or other metadata is different the HMS is updated to match Kudu.");
+DEFINE_bool(upgrade_hms_tables, true,
+    "Upgrade Hive Metastore tables from the legacy Impala metadata format to 
the "
+    "new Kudu metadata format.");
 namespace kudu {
 namespace tools {
@@ -55,11 +70,11 @@ using client::KuduClientBuilder;
 using client::KuduTable;
 using client::KuduTableAlterer;
 using client::sp::shared_ptr;
-using hms::HmsClient;
 using hms::HmsCatalog;
-using std::cin;
+using hms::HmsClient;
 using std::cout;
 using std::endl;
+using std::make_pair;
 using std::ostream;
 using std::pair;
 using std::string;
@@ -69,143 +84,16 @@ using std::vector;
 using strings::Split;
 using strings::Substitute;
-DEFINE_bool(enable_input, true,
-            "Whether to enable user input for renaming tables that have Hive"
-            "incompatible names.");
-// The key is the table ID. The value is a pair of a table in Kudu and a
-// vector of tables in the HMS that all share the same table ID.
-typedef unordered_map<string, pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, 
vector<hive::Table>>> TablesMap;
-const char* const kDefaultDatabaseArg = "default_database";
-const char* const kDefaultDatabaseArgDesc = "The database that non-Impala Kudu 
-                                            "table should reside in";
-const char* const kInvalidNameError = "is not a valid object name";
-// Returns a map that contains all Kudu tables in the HMS. Its key is
-// the Kudu table name and its value is the corresponding HMS table.
-unordered_map<string, hive::Table> RetrieveTablesMap(vector<hive::Table> 
hms_tables) {
-  unordered_map<string, hive::Table> hms_tables_map;
-  for (auto& hms_table : hms_tables) {
-    const string& storage_handler = 
-    if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kLegacyKuduStorageHandler) {
-    } else if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler) {
-      hms_tables_map.emplace(Substitute("$0.$1", hms_table.dbName, 
hms_table.tableName), hms_table);
-    }
-  }
-  return hms_tables_map;
-string RenameHiveIncompatibleTable(const string& table_name) {
-  cout << Substitute("Table $0 is not hive compatible.", table_name) << endl;
-  cout << "Please input a new table name: ";
-  string new_table_name;
-  getline(cin, new_table_name);
-  return new_table_name;
 // Only alter the table in Kudu but not in the Hive Metastore.
-Status AlterKuduTableOnly(KuduClient* kudu_client,
-                          const string& name,
-                          const string& new_name) {
+Status RenameTableInKuduCatalog(KuduClient* kudu_client,
+                                const string& name,
+                                const string& new_name) {
   unique_ptr<KuduTableAlterer> alterer(kudu_client->NewTableAlterer(name));
   SetAlterExternalCatalogs(alterer.get(), false);
   return alterer->RenameTo(new_name)
-// Alter legacy tables (which includes non-Impala tables, Impala 
-// tables) to follow the format 'database_name.table_name' in table naming in 
-// Also, create HMS entries for non-Impala tables.
-// Note that non-Impala tables name should conform to Hive naming standard.
-// Otherwise, the upgrade process will fail.
-Status AlterLegacyKuduTables(KuduClient* kudu_client,
-                             HmsCatalog* hms_catalog,
-                             const string& default_database,
-                             const vector<hive::Table>& hms_tables) {
-  vector<string> table_names;
-  RETURN_NOT_OK(kudu_client->ListTables(&table_names));
-  unordered_map<string, hive::Table> hms_tables_map = 
-  // Take care of the orphan tables in the HMS.
-  for (const auto& hms_table : hms_tables_map) {
-    bool exist;
-    RETURN_NOT_OK(kudu_client->TableExists(hms_table.first, &exist));
-    if (!exist) {
-      // Warn instead of dropping the table in the HMS to avoid breakage for
-      // installations which have multiple Kudu clusters pointed at the same 
-      LOG(WARNING) << Substitute("Found orphan table $0.$1 in the Hive 
-                                 hms_table.second.dbName, 
-    }
-  }
-  unordered_map<string, Status> failures;
-  for (const auto& table_name : table_names) {
-    hive::Table* hms_table = FindOrNull(hms_tables_map, table_name);
-    shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
-    RETURN_NOT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable(table_name, &kudu_table));
-    Status s;
-    if (hms_table) {
-      // Rename legacy Impala managed tables and external tables to follow the
-      // format 'database_name.table_name'. This is a no-op for non-legacy 
-      // stored in the HMS.
-      if (hms_table->parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey] ==
-          HmsClient::kLegacyKuduStorageHandler) {
-        string new_table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", hms_table->dbName, 
-        // Hive-compatible table name implies the table has been upgraded 
previously and
-        // then downgraded. In this case, we only upgrade the legacy Impala 
-        if (table_name != new_table_name) {
-          s = AlterKuduTableOnly(kudu_client, table_name, new_table_name);
-          if (s.IsAlreadyPresent()) {
-            s = s.CloneAndPrepend(Substitute("Failed to upgrade legacy Impala 
table '$0.$1' "
-                                             "(Kudu table name: $2), because a 
Kudu table with "
-                                             "name '$0.$1' already exists'.", 
-                                             hms_table->tableName, 
-          }
-        }
-        if (s.ok()) {
-          s = hms_catalog->UpgradeLegacyImpalaTable(
-                  kudu_table->id(), hms_table->dbName, hms_table->tableName,
-                  client::SchemaFromKuduSchema(kudu_table->schema()));
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      // Create the table in the HMS.
-      string new_table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", default_database, 
-      Schema schema = client::SchemaFromKuduSchema(kudu_table->schema());
-      s = hms_catalog->CreateTable(kudu_table->id(), new_table_name, schema);
-      while (!s.ok() && FLAGS_enable_input &&
-             (MatchPattern(s.ToString(), Substitute("*$0*", 
kInvalidNameError)) ||
-              MatchPattern(s.ToString(), Substitute("*$0*", 
HmsCatalog::kInvalidTableError)))) {
-        new_table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", default_database,
-                                    RenameHiveIncompatibleTable(table_name));
-        s = hms_catalog->CreateTable(kudu_table->id(), new_table_name, schema);
-      }
-      s = s.AndThen([&] {
-        return AlterKuduTableOnly(kudu_client, table_name, new_table_name);
-      });
-    }
-    if (!s.ok()) {
-      failures.emplace(table_name, s);
-    }
-  }
-  // Returns the first failure that was seen, if any.
-  if (!failures.empty()) {
-    for (const auto& failure : failures) {
-      LOG(WARNING) << Substitute("Failed to upgrade Kudu table $0, because: ",
-                                 failure.first, failure.second.ToString());
-    }
-    return failures.begin()->second;
-  } else {
-    return Status::OK();
-  }
 Status Init(const RunnerContext& context,
             shared_ptr<KuduClient>* kudu_client,
             unique_ptr<HmsCatalog>* hms_catalog) {
@@ -226,53 +114,7 @@ Status Init(const RunnerContext& context,
-// Upgrade the metadata format of legacy impala managed or external tables
-// in HMS entries, as well as rename the existing tables in Kudu to adapt
-// to the new naming rules.
-// Sample Legacy Hms Entries
-// Managed table
-//  Table(
-//      tableName=customer,
-//      dbName=tpch_1000_kudu,
-//      parameters={
-//          kudu.master_addresses: <master-addr>:7051,
-//          kudu.table_name: impala::tpch_1000_kudu.customer,
-//          storage_handler: com.cloudera.kudu.hive.KuduStorageHandler,
-//      },
-//      tableType=MANAGED_TABLE,
-//  )
-//  External table
-//  Table(
-//      tableName=metrics,
-//      dbName=default,
-//      parameters={
-//          EXTERNAL: TRUE,
-//          kudu.master_addresses: <master-addr>,
-//          kudu.table_name: metrics,
-//          storage_handler: com.cloudera.kudu.hive.KuduStorageHandler,
-//      },
-//      tableType=EXTERNAL_TABLE,
-//  )
-Status HmsUpgrade(const RunnerContext& context) {
-  const string& default_database = FindOrDie(context.required_args,
-                                             kDefaultDatabaseArg);
-  shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
-  unique_ptr<HmsCatalog> hms_catalog;
-  Init(context, &kudu_client, &hms_catalog);
-  // 1. Identify all Kudu tables in the HMS entries.
-  vector<hive::Table> hms_tables;
-  RETURN_NOT_OK(hms_catalog->GetKuduTables(&hms_tables));
-  // 2. Rename all existing Kudu tables to have Hive-compatible table names.
-  //    Also, correct all out of sync metadata in HMS entries.
-  return AlterLegacyKuduTables(kudu_client.get(), hms_catalog.get(),
-                               default_database, hms_tables);
-// TODO: check that the HMS integration isn't enabled before running it.
+// TODO(dan): check that the HMS integration isn't enabled before running it.
 Status HmsDowngrade(const RunnerContext& context) {
   shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
   unique_ptr<HmsCatalog> hms_catalog;
@@ -304,309 +146,523 @@ bool IsSynced(const string& master_addresses,
   return s.ok() && hms_table_copy == hms_table;
-// Filter orphan tables from the unsynchronized tables map.
-void FilterOrphanedTables(TablesMap* tables_map) {
-  for (auto it = tables_map->cbegin(); it != tables_map->cend();) {
-    // If the kudu table is empty, then these table in the HMS are
-    // orphan tables. Filter it as we do not care about orphan tables.
-    if (it->second.first == nullptr) {
-      for (const auto &table : it->second.second) {
-        LOG(WARNING) << Substitute("Found orphan table $0.$1 in the Hive 
-                                   table.dbName, table.tableName);
-      }
-      it = tables_map->erase(it);
-    } else {
-      ++it;
-    }
+// Prints catalog information about Kudu tables in data table format to 'out'.
+Status PrintKuduTables(const string& master_addrs,
+                       const vector<shared_ptr<KuduTable>>& kudu_tables,
+                       ostream& out) {
+  DataTable table({
+      "Kudu table",
+      "Kudu table ID",
+      "Kudu master addresses",
+  });
+  for (const auto& kudu_table : kudu_tables) {
+    table.AddRow({
+        kudu_table->name(),
+        kudu_table->id(),
+        master_addrs,
+    });
+  return table.PrintTo(out);
-// Sample of unsynchronized tables:
-// TableID| KuduTableName| HmsDbName| HmsTableName| KuduMasterAddresses| 
-//    1   | a            |          |             |    |
-//    2   | default.c    | default  | c           |    |
-//    2   |              | default  | d           |    |
-//    3   | default.b    |          |             |    |
-Status PrintUnsyncedTables(const string& master_addresses,
-                           const TablesMap& tables_map,
-                           ostream& out) {
-  out << "Metadata of unsynchronized tables:" << endl;
-  DataTable table({ "TableID", "KuduTableName", "HmsDbName", "HmsTableName",
-                    "KuduMasterAddresses", "HmsTableMasterAddresses"});
-  for (const auto& entry : tables_map) {
-    const string& table_id = entry.first;
-    const KuduTable& kudu_table = *entry.second.first.get();
-    const vector<hive::Table>& hms_tables = entry.second.second;
-    const string& kudu_table_name =;
-    if (hms_tables.empty()) {
-      table.AddRow({ table_id, kudu_table_name, "", "", master_addresses, "" 
+// Prints catalog information about Kudu and HMS tables in data table format 
to 'out'.
+Status PrintTables(const string& master_addrs,
+                   vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table*>> tables,
+                   ostream& out) {
+  DataTable table({
+      "Kudu table",
+      "Kudu table ID",
+      "Kudu master addresses",
+      "HMS database",
+      "HMS table",
+      Substitute("HMS $0", HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey),
+      Substitute("HMS $0", HmsClient::kLegacyKuduTableNameKey),
+      Substitute("HMS $0", HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey),
+      Substitute("HMS $0", HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey),
+  });
+  for (auto& pair : tables) {
+    vector<string> row;
+    if (pair.first) {
+      const KuduTable& kudu_table = *pair.first;
+      row.emplace_back(;
+      row.emplace_back(;
+      row.emplace_back(master_addrs);
     } else {
-      for (const hive::Table& hms_table : hms_tables) {
-        table.AddRow({
-            table_id,
-            kudu_table_name,
-            hms_table.dbName,
-            hms_table.tableName,
-            master_addresses,
-            FindOrDie(hms_table.parameters, HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey),
-        });
-      }
+      row.resize(3);
+    if (pair.second) {
+      hive::Table& hms_table = *pair.second;
+      row.emplace_back(hms_table.dbName);
+      row.emplace_back(hms_table.tableName);
+      row.emplace_back(hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey]);
+      row.emplace_back(hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey]);
+      row.emplace_back(hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey]);
+    } else {
+      row.resize(9);
+    }
+    table.AddRow(std::move(row));
   return table.PrintTo(out);
-Status PrintLegacyTables(const vector<hive::Table>& tables, ostream& out) {
-  cout << "Found legacy tables in the Hive Metastore, "
-       << "use metadata upgrade tool first: 'kudu hms upgrade'."
-       << endl;
-  DataTable table({ "HmsDbName", "HmsTableName", "KuduTableName",
-                    "KuduMasterAddresses"});
-  for (hive::Table t : tables) {
-    const string& kudu_table_name = 
-    const string& master_addresses = 
-    table.AddRow({ t.dbName, t.tableName, kudu_table_name, master_addresses });
+// A report of inconsistent tables in Kudu and the HMS catalogs.
+struct CatalogReport {
+  // Kudu tables in the HMS catalog which have no corresponding table in the
+  // Kudu catalog (including legacy tables).
+  vector<hive::Table> orphan_hms_tables;
+  // Tables in the Kudu catalog which have no corresponding table in the HMS 
+  vector<shared_ptr<KuduTable>> missing_hms_tables;
+  // Tables in the Kudu catalog which have a Hive-incompatible name, and which
+  // are not referenced by an existing legacy Hive table (otherwise they would
+  // fall in to 'inconsistent_tables').
+  //
+  // These tables can not be automatically corrected by the fix tool.
+  vector<shared_ptr<KuduTable>> invalid_name_tables;
+  // Legacy Imapala/Kudu tables (storage handler is 
+  vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table>> legacy_hms_tables;
+  // Kudu tables with multiple HMS table entries. The entries may or may not 
be legacy.
+  //
+  // These tables can not be automatically corrected by the fix tool.
+  vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table>> duplicate_hms_tables;
+  // Tables whose Kudu catalog table and HMS table are inconsistent.
+  vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table>> inconsistent_tables;
+  // Returns true if the report is empty.
+  bool empty() const {
+    return orphan_hms_tables.empty()
+      && legacy_hms_tables.empty()
+      && duplicate_hms_tables.empty()
+      && inconsistent_tables.empty()
+      && missing_hms_tables.empty()
+      && invalid_name_tables.empty();
-  return table.PrintTo(out);
-Status RetrieveUnsyncedTables(HmsCatalog* hms_catalog,
-                              KuduClient* kudu_client,
-                              const string& master_addresses,
-                              TablesMap* unsynced_tables_map,
-                              vector<hive::Table>* legacy_tables) {
-  // 1. Identify all Kudu table in the HMS entries.
-  vector<hive::Table> hms_tables;
-  RETURN_NOT_OK(hms_catalog->GetKuduTables(&hms_tables));
-  // 2. Walk through all the Kudu tables in the HMS and identify any
-  //    out of sync tables.
-  for (auto& hms_table : hms_tables) {
-    const string& storage_handler = 
-    if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler) {
-      const string& hms_table_id = 
-      string table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", hms_table.dbName, 
+// Retrieves the entire Kudu catalog, as well as all Kudu tables in the HMS
+// catalog, and compares them to find inconsistencies.
+// Inconsistencies are bucketed into different groups, corresponding to how 
+// can be repaired.
+Status AnalyzeCatalogs(const string& master_addrs,
+                       HmsCatalog* hms_catalog,
+                       KuduClient* kudu_client,
+                       CatalogReport* report) {
+  // Step 1: retrieve all Kudu tables, and aggregate them by ID and by name. 
+  // by-ID map will be used to match the HMS Kudu table entries. The by-name 
+  // will be used to match against legacy Impala/Kudu HMS table entries.
+  unordered_map<string, shared_ptr<KuduTable>> kudu_tables_by_id;
+  unordered_map<string, shared_ptr<KuduTable>> kudu_tables_by_name;
+  {
+    vector<string> kudu_table_names;
+    RETURN_NOT_OK(kudu_client->ListTables(&kudu_table_names));
+    for (const string& kudu_table_name : kudu_table_names) {
       shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
-      Status s = kudu_client->OpenTable(table_name, &kudu_table);
-      if (s.ok() && !IsSynced(master_addresses, *kudu_table.get(), hms_table)) 
-        (*unsynced_tables_map)[kudu_table->id()].first = kudu_table;
-        (*unsynced_tables_map)[hms_table_id].second.emplace_back(hms_table);
-      } else if (s.IsNotFound()) {
-        // We cannot determine whether this table is an orphan table in the 
HMS now, since
-        // there may be other tables in Kudu shares the same table ID but not 
the same name.
-        // So do it in the filtering step below.
-        (*unsynced_tables_map)[hms_table_id].second.emplace_back(hms_table);
-      } else {
-        RETURN_NOT_OK(s);
-      }
-    } else if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kLegacyKuduStorageHandler) {
-      legacy_tables->push_back(hms_table);
+      // TODO(dan): When the error is NotFound, prepend an admonishment about 
+      // running this tool when the catalog is in-flux.
+      RETURN_NOT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable(kudu_table_name, &kudu_table));
+      kudu_tables_by_id.emplace(kudu_table->id(), kudu_table);
+      kudu_tables_by_name.emplace(kudu_table->name(), std::move(kudu_table));
-  // 3. If any Kudu table is not present in the HMS, consider it as an out of 
-  //    table.
-  vector<string> table_names;
-  RETURN_NOT_OK(kudu_client->ListTables(&table_names));
-  unordered_map<string, hive::Table> hms_tables_map = 
-  for (const auto& table_name : table_names) {
-    if (!ContainsKey(hms_tables_map, table_name)) {
-      shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
-      RETURN_NOT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable(table_name, &kudu_table));
-      (*unsynced_tables_map)[kudu_table->id()].first = kudu_table;
+  // Step 2: retrieve all Kudu table entries in the HMS, filter all orphaned
+  // entries which reference non-existent Kudu tables, and group the rest by
+  // table ID.
+  vector<hive::Table> orphan_tables;
+  unordered_map<string, vector<hive::Table>> hms_tables_by_id;
+  {
+    vector<hive::Table> hms_tables;
+    RETURN_NOT_OK(hms_catalog->GetKuduTables(&hms_tables));
+    for (hive::Table& hms_table : hms_tables) {
+      const string& storage_handler = 
+      if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler) {
+        const string& hms_table_id = 
+        shared_ptr<KuduTable>* kudu_table = FindOrNull(kudu_tables_by_id, 
+        if (kudu_table) {
+        } else {
+          orphan_tables.emplace_back(std::move(hms_table));
+        }
+      } else if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kLegacyKuduStorageHandler) {
+        const string& hms_table_name = 
+        shared_ptr<KuduTable>* kudu_table = FindOrNull(kudu_tables_by_name, 
+        if (kudu_table) {
+        } else {
+          orphan_tables.emplace_back(std::move(hms_table));
+        }
+      }
-  // 4. Filter orphan tables.
-  FilterOrphanedTables(unsynced_tables_map);
+  // Step 3: Determine the state of each Kudu table's HMS entry(ies), and bin
+  // them appropriately.
+  vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table>> legacy_tables;
+  vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table>> duplicate_tables;
+  vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table>> stale_tables;
+  vector<shared_ptr<KuduTable>> missing_tables;
+  vector<shared_ptr<KuduTable>> invalid_name_tables;
+  for (auto& kudu_table_pair : kudu_tables_by_id) {
+    shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table = kudu_table_pair.second;
+    vector<hive::Table>* hms_tables = FindOrNull(hms_tables_by_id, 
+    if (!hms_tables) {
+      const string& table_name = kudu_table->name();
+      string normalized_table_name(, table_name.size());
+      Status s = hms::HmsCatalog::NormalizeTableName(&normalized_table_name);
+      if (!s.ok()) {
+        invalid_name_tables.emplace_back(std::move(kudu_table));
+      } else {
+        missing_tables.emplace_back(std::move(kudu_table));
+      }
+    } else if (hms_tables->size() == 1) {
+      hive::Table& hms_table = (*hms_tables)[0];
+      const string& storage_handler = 
+      if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler &&
+          !IsSynced(master_addrs, *kudu_table, hms_table)) {
+        stale_tables.emplace_back(make_pair(std::move(kudu_table), 
+      } else if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kLegacyKuduStorageHandler) {
+        legacy_tables.emplace_back(make_pair(std::move(kudu_table), 
+      }
+    } else {
+      for (hive::Table& hms_table : *hms_tables) {
+        duplicate_tables.emplace_back(make_pair(kudu_table, 
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  report->orphan_hms_tables.swap(orphan_tables);
+  report->missing_hms_tables.swap(missing_tables);
+  report->invalid_name_tables.swap(invalid_name_tables);
+  report->legacy_hms_tables.swap(legacy_tables);
+  report->duplicate_hms_tables.swap(duplicate_tables);
+  report->inconsistent_tables.swap(stale_tables);
   return Status::OK();
 Status CheckHmsMetadata(const RunnerContext& context) {
-  const string& master_addresses = FindOrDie(context.required_args, 
+  const string& master_addrs = FindOrDie(context.required_args, 
   shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
   unique_ptr<HmsCatalog> hms_catalog;
-  Init(context, &kudu_client, &hms_catalog);
+  RETURN_NOT_OK(Init(context, &kudu_client, &hms_catalog));
-  TablesMap unsynced_tables_map;
-  std::vector<hive::Table> legacy_tables;
-  RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(RetrieveUnsyncedTables(hms_catalog.get(),
-                                               kudu_client.get(),
-                                               master_addresses,
-                                               &unsynced_tables_map,
-                                               &legacy_tables),
-                        "error fetching unsynchronized tables");
-  // All good.
-  if (unsynced_tables_map.empty() && legacy_tables.empty()) {
-    cout << "OK" << endl;
+  CatalogReport report;
+  RETURN_NOT_OK(AnalyzeCatalogs(master_addrs, hms_catalog.get(), 
kudu_client.get(), &report));
+  if (report.empty()) {
     return Status::OK();
-  // Something went wrong.
-  cout << "FAILED" << endl;
-  if (!unsynced_tables_map.empty()) {
-    RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(PrintUnsyncedTables(master_addresses, 
unsynced_tables_map, cout),
-                          "error printing inconsistent data");
+  if (!report.invalid_name_tables.empty()) {
+    cout << "Found Kudu table(s) with Hive-incompatible names:" << endl;
+    RETURN_NOT_OK(PrintKuduTables(master_addrs, report.invalid_name_tables, 
+    cout << endl
+         << "Suggestion: rename the Kudu table(s) to be Hive-compatible, then 
run the fix tool:"
+         << endl;
+    for (const auto& table : report.invalid_name_tables) {
+      cout << "\t$ kudu table rename_table --alter_external_catalogs=false "
+           << master_addrs << " " << table->name() << " 
<database-name>.<table-name>" << endl;
+    }
     cout << endl;
-  if (!legacy_tables.empty()) {
-    RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(PrintLegacyTables(legacy_tables, cout),
-                          "error printing legacy tables");
+  if (!report.duplicate_hms_tables.empty()) {
+    vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table*>> tables;
+    for (auto& table : report.duplicate_hms_tables) {
+      tables.emplace_back(table.first, &table.second);
+    }
+    cout << "Found Kudu table(s) with multiple corresponding Hive Metastore 
tables:" << endl;
+    RETURN_NOT_OK(PrintTables(master_addrs, std::move(tables), cout));
+    cout << endl
+         << "Suggestion: using Impala or the Hive Beeline shell, drop the 
duplicate Hive Metastore "
+         << endl
+         << "tables and consider recreating them as views referencing the base 
Kudu table."
+         << endl
+         << endl;
-  return Status::RuntimeError("metadata check tool discovered inconsistent 
-Status FixUnsyncedTables(KuduClient* kudu_client,
-                         HmsCatalog* hms_catalog,
-                         const TablesMap& tables_map) {
-  for (const auto& entry : tables_map) {
-    const KuduTable& kudu_table = *entry.second.first;
-    const vector<hive::Table>& hms_tables = entry.second.second;
-    // 1. Create the table in the HMS if there is no corresponding table there.
-    string table_id = entry.first;
-    string kudu_table_name =;
-    Schema schema = client::SchemaFromKuduSchema(kudu_table.schema());
-    cout << Substitute("Table (ID $0) is out of sync.", table_id) << endl;
-    if (hms_tables.empty()) {
-      RETURN_NOT_OK(hms_catalog->CreateTable(table_id, kudu_table_name,  
-      continue;
+  if (!report.orphan_hms_tables.empty() || !report.missing_hms_tables.empty()
+      || !report.legacy_hms_tables.empty() || 
!report.inconsistent_tables.empty()) {
+    vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table*>> tables;
+    for (const auto& kudu_table : report.missing_hms_tables) {
+      tables.emplace_back(kudu_table, nullptr);
-    // 2. If more than one table shares the same table ID in the HMS, return 
an error
-    //    as it is unsafe to do an automated fix.
-    //
-    if (hms_tables.size() > 1) {
-      auto table_to_string = [] (const hive::Table& hms_table) {
-          return strings::Substitute("$0.$1", hms_table.dbName, 
-      };
-      return Status::IllegalState(
-          Substitute("Found more than one tables [$0] in the Hive Metastore, 
with the "
-                     "same table ID: $1", JoinMapped(hms_tables, 
table_to_string, ", "),
-                     table_id));
+    for (auto& table : report.legacy_hms_tables) {
+      tables.emplace_back(table.first, &table.second);
-    // 3. If the table name in Kudu is different from the one in the HMS, 
correct the
-    //    table name in Kudu with the one in the HMS. Since we consider the 
HMS as the
-    //    source of truth for table names.
-    hive::Table hms_table = hms_tables[0];
-    string hms_table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", hms_table.dbName, 
-    if (kudu_table_name != hms_table_name) {
-      string new_table_name;
-      cout << Substitute("Renaming Kudu table $0 [id=$1] to $2 to match the 
Hive "
-                         "Metastore catalog.", kudu_table_name, table_id, 
-           << endl;
-      RETURN_NOT_OK(AlterKuduTableOnly(kudu_client, kudu_table_name, 
-      kudu_table_name = hms_table_name;
+    for (auto& table : report.inconsistent_tables) {
+      tables.emplace_back(table.first, &table.second);
+    }
+    for (auto& hms_table : report.orphan_hms_tables) {
+      tables.emplace_back(shared_ptr<KuduTable>(), &hms_table);
+    }
+    cout << "Found table(s) with missing or inconsisentent metadata in the 
Kudu "
+            "catalog or Hive Metastore:" << endl;
+    RETURN_NOT_OK(PrintTables(master_addrs, std::move(tables), cout));
+    if (report.orphan_hms_tables.empty()) {
+      cout << endl
+          << "Suggestion: use the fix tool to repair the Kudu and Hive 
Metastore catalog metadata:"
+          << endl
+          << "\t$ kudu hms fix " << master_addrs << endl;
+    } else {
+      cout << endl
+          << "Suggestion: use the fix tool to repair the Kudu and Hive 
Metastore catalog metadata"
+          << endl
+          << "and drop Hive Metastore table(s) which reference non-existent 
Kudu tables:" << endl
+          << "\t$ kudu hms fix --drop_orphan_hms_tables " << master_addrs << 
-    // 4. Correct the master addresses, and the column name and type based on 
-    //    information in Kudu.
-    cout << Substitute("Updating metadata of table $0 [id=$1] in Hive 
Metastore catalog.",
-                       kudu_table_name, table_id) << endl;
-    RETURN_NOT_OK(hms_catalog->AlterTable(table_id, hms_table_name,
-                                          hms_table_name, schema));
-  return Status::OK();
+  // TODO(dan): add a link to the HMS guide on to this message.
+  return Status::IllegalState("found inconsistencies in the Kudu and HMS 
+// Pretty-prints the table name and ID.
+string TableIdent(const KuduTable& table) {
+  return Substitute("$0 [id=$1]",,;
+// Analyzes the Kudu and HMS catalogs and attempts to fix any
+// automatically-fixable issues.
+// Error handling: unexpected errors (e.g. networking errors) are fatal and
+// result in returning early. Expected application failures such as a rename
+// failing due to duplicate table being present are logged and execution
+// continues.
 Status FixHmsMetadata(const RunnerContext& context) {
-  const string& master_addresses = FindOrDie(context.required_args, 
+  const string& master_addrs = FindOrDie(context.required_args, 
   shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
   unique_ptr<HmsCatalog> hms_catalog;
-  Init(context, &kudu_client, &hms_catalog);
+  RETURN_NOT_OK(Init(context, &kudu_client, &hms_catalog));
-  TablesMap unsynced_tables_map;
-  std::vector<hive::Table> legacy_tables;
-  RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(RetrieveUnsyncedTables(hms_catalog.get(),
-                                               kudu_client.get(),
-                                               master_addresses,
-                                               &unsynced_tables_map,
-                                               &legacy_tables),
-                        "error fetching unsynchronized tables");
-  if (unsynced_tables_map.empty() && legacy_tables.empty()) {
-    cout << "Metadata between Kudu and Hive Metastore is in sync." << endl;
-    return Status::OK();
+  CatalogReport report;
+  RETURN_NOT_OK(AnalyzeCatalogs(master_addrs, hms_catalog.get(), 
kudu_client.get(), &report));
+  bool success = true;
+  if (FLAGS_drop_orphan_hms_tables) {
+    for (hive::Table& hms_table : report.orphan_hms_tables) {
+      string table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", hms_table.dbName, 
+      const string& master_addrs_param = 
+      if (master_addrs_param != master_addrs && !FLAGS_force) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Skipping drop of orphan HMS table " << table_name
+                  << " with master addresses parameter " << master_addrs_param
+                  << " because it does not match the --" << 
kMasterAddressesArg << " argument"
+                  << " (use --force to skip this check)";
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Dropping orphan HMS table " << table_name;
+      } else {
+        const string& table_id = 
+        const string& storage_handler = 
+        // All errors are fatal here, since we've already checked that the 
table exists in the HMS.
+        if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler) {
+          RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(hms_catalog->DropTable(table_id, table_name),
+              Substitute("failed to drop orphan HMS table $0", table_name));
+        } else {
+          RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(hms_catalog->DropLegacyTable(table_name),
+              Substitute("failed to drop legacy orphan HMS table $0", 
+        }
+      }
+    }
-  // print the legacy tables if any, and returns a runtime error.
-  if (!legacy_tables.empty()) {
-    RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(PrintLegacyTables(legacy_tables, cout),
-                          "error printing legacy tables");
-    return Status::RuntimeError("metadata fix tool encountered fatal errors");
+  if (FLAGS_create_missing_hms_tables) {
+    for (const auto& kudu_table : report.missing_hms_tables) {
+      const string& table_id = kudu_table->id();
+      const string& table_name = kudu_table->name();
+      Schema schema = client::SchemaFromKuduSchema(kudu_table->schema());
+      string normalized_table_name(, table_name.size());
+      CHECK_OK(hms::HmsCatalog::NormalizeTableName(&normalized_table_name));
+      if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Creating HMS table for Kudu table " << 
+      } else {
+        Status s = hms_catalog->CreateTable(table_id, table_name, schema);
+        if (s.IsAlreadyPresent()) {
+          LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create HMS table for Kudu table "
+                     << TableIdent(*kudu_table)
+                     << " because another table already exists in the HMS with 
that name";
+          success = false;
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (s.IsInvalidArgument()) {
+          // This most likely means the database doesn't exist, but it is 
+          LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create HMS table for Kudu table "
+                     << TableIdent(*kudu_table)
+                     << " (database does not exist?): " << 
+          success = false;
+          continue;
+        }
+        // All other errors are unexpected.
+            Substitute("failed to create HMS table for Kudu table $0", 
+      }
+      if (normalized_table_name != table_name) {
+        if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
+          LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Renaming Kudu table " << 
+                    << " to lowercased Hive-compatible name: " << 
+        } else {
+          // All errors are fatal. We never expect to get an 'AlreadyPresent'
+          // error, since the catalog manager validates that no two
+          // Hive-compatible table names differ only by case.
+          //
+          // Note that if an error occurs we do not roll-back the HMS table
+          // creation step, since a subsequent run of the tool will recognize
+          // the table as an inconsistent table (Kudu and HMS table names do 
+          // match), and automatically fix it.
+              RenameTableInKuduCatalog(kudu_client.get(), table_name, 
+              Substitute("failed to rename Kudu table $0 to lowercased Hive 
compatible name $1",
+                         TableIdent(*kudu_table), normalized_table_name));
+        }
+      }
+    }
-  // Fix inconsistent metadata.
-  RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(FixUnsyncedTables(kudu_client.get(), hms_catalog.get(),
-                                          unsynced_tables_map),
-                        "error fixing inconsistent metadata");
-  cout << "DONE" << endl;
-  return Status::OK();
+  if (FLAGS_upgrade_hms_tables) {
+    for (const auto& table_pair : report.legacy_hms_tables) {
+      const KuduTable& kudu_table = *table_pair.first;
+      const hive::Table& hms_table = table_pair.second;
+      string hms_table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", hms_table.dbName, 
+      if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Upgrading legacy Impala HMS metadata for table "
+                  << hms_table_name;
+      } else {
+        RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(hms_catalog->UpgradeLegacyImpalaTable(
+        , hms_table.dbName, hms_table.tableName,
+                  client::SchemaFromKuduSchema(kudu_table.schema())),
+            Substitute("failed to upgrade legacy Impala HMS metadata for table 
+              hms_table_name));
+      }
+      if ( != hms_table_name) {
+        if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
+          LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Renaming Kudu table " << 
+                    << " to " << hms_table_name;
+        } else {
+          Status s = RenameTableInKuduCatalog(kudu_client.get(),, hms_table_name);
+          if (s.IsAlreadyPresent()) {
+            LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to rename Kudu table " << 
+                       << " to match the Hive Metastore name " << 
+                       << ", because a Kudu table with name" << hms_table_name
+                       << " already exists";
+            LOG(INFO) << "Suggestion: rename the conflicting table name 
+                      << "\t$ kudu table rename_table 
--alter_external_catalogs=false "
+                      << master_addrs << " " << hms_table_name << " 
+            success = false;
+            continue;
+          }
+          // All other errors are fatal. Note that if an error occurs we do not
+          // roll-back the HMS legacy upgrade step, since a subsequent run of
+          // the tool will recognize the table as an inconsistent table (Kudu
+          // and HMS table names do not match), and automatically fix it.
+              Substitute("failed to rename Kudu table $0 to $1",
+                TableIdent(kudu_table), hms_table_name));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (FLAGS_fix_inconsistent_tables) {
+    for (const auto& table_pair : report.inconsistent_tables) {
+      const KuduTable& kudu_table = *table_pair.first;
+      const hive::Table& hms_table = table_pair.second;
+      string hms_table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", hms_table.dbName, 
+      if (hms_table_name != {
+        // Update the Kudu table name to match the HMS table name.
+        if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
+          LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Renaming Kudu table " << 
+                    << " to " << hms_table_name;
+        } else {
+          Status s = RenameTableInKuduCatalog(kudu_client.get(),, hms_table_name);
+          if (s.IsAlreadyPresent()) {
+            LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to rename Kudu table " << 
+                       << " to match HMS table " << hms_table_name
+                       << ", because a Kudu table with name " << hms_table_name
+                       << " already exists";
+            success = false;
+            continue;
+          }
+              Substitute("failed to rename Kudu table $0 to $1",
+                TableIdent(kudu_table), hms_table_name));
+        }
+      }
+      // Update the HMS table metadata to match Kudu.
+      if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Refreshing HMS table metadata for Kudu table "
+                  << TableIdent(kudu_table);
+      } else {
+        Schema schema(client::SchemaFromKuduSchema(kudu_table.schema()));
+            hms_catalog->AlterTable(, hms_table_name, 
hms_table_name, schema),
+            Substitute("failed to refresh HMS table metadata for Kudu table 
+              TableIdent(kudu_table)));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (FLAGS_dryrun || success) {
+    return Status::OK();
+  }
+  return Status::RuntimeError("Failed to fix some catalog metadata 
 unique_ptr<Mode> BuildHmsMode() {
-  unique_ptr<Action> hms_upgrade =
-      ActionBuilder("upgrade", &HmsUpgrade)
-          .Description("Upgrade the legacy metadata for Kudu and the Hive 
-          .AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc 
-          .AddRequiredParameter({ kDefaultDatabaseArg, kDefaultDatabaseArgDesc 
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_uris")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_sasl_enabled")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_retry_count")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_send_timeout")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_recv_timeout")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_conn_timeout")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("enable_input")
-          .Build();
-  unique_ptr<Action> hms_downgrade =
-      ActionBuilder("downgrade", &HmsDowngrade)
-          .Description("Downgrade the metadata to legacy format for "
-                       "Kudu and the Hive Metastores")
-          .AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc 
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_uris")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_sasl_enabled")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_retry_count")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_send_timeout")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_recv_timeout")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_conn_timeout")
-          .Build();
+  // TODO(dan): automatically retrieve the HMS URIs and SASL config from the
+  // Kudu master instead of requiring them as an additional flag.
   unique_ptr<Action> hms_check =
       ActionBuilder("check", &CheckHmsMetadata)
-          .Description("Check the metadata consistency between Kudu and the 
Hive Metastores")
+          .Description("Check metadata consistency between Kudu and the Hive 
Metastore catalogs")
           .AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc 
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_retry_count")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_send_timeout")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_recv_timeout")
-          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_conn_timeout")
   unique_ptr<Action> hms_fix =
     ActionBuilder("fix", &FixHmsMetadata)
-        .Description("Fix the metadata inconsistency between Kudu and the Hive 
+        .Description("Fix automatically-repairable metadata inconsistencies in 
the "
+                     "Kudu and Hive Metastore catalogs")
         .AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc })
-        .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_retry_count")
-        .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_send_timeout")
-        .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_recv_timeout")
-        .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_conn_timeout")
+        .AddOptionalParameter("dryrun")
+        .AddOptionalParameter("drop_orphan_hms_tables")
+        .AddOptionalParameter("create_missing_hms_tables")
+        .AddOptionalParameter("fix_inconsistent_tables")
+        .AddOptionalParameter("upgrade_hms_tables")
+  // TODO(dan): add 'hms precheck' tool to check for overlapping normalized 
table names.
+  unique_ptr<Action> hms_downgrade =
+      ActionBuilder("downgrade", &HmsDowngrade)
+          .Description("Downgrade the metadata to legacy format for "
+                       "Kudu and the Hive Metastores")
+          .AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc 
+          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_uris")
+          .AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_sasl_enabled")
+          .Build();
   return ModeBuilder("hms").Description("Operate on remote Hive Metastores")
-                           .AddAction(std::move(hms_upgrade))

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