Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 731f683b1 -> d4c30cd99

[HOTFIX] Synchronize on SQLContext.settings in tests.

Let's see if this fixes the ongoing series of test failures in a master build 

pwendell marmbrus

Author: Zongheng Yang <>

Closes #1277 from concretevitamin/test-fix and squashes the following commits:

28c88bd [Zongheng Yang] Synchronize on SQLContext.settings in tests.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: d4c30cd9918e18dde2a52909e36eaef6eb5996ab
Parents: 731f683
Author: Zongheng Yang <>
Authored: Thu Jul 3 17:37:53 2014 -0700
Committer: Michael Armbrust <>
Committed: Thu Jul 3 17:37:53 2014 -0700

 .../scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLConf.scala    |  2 +-
 .../scala/org/apache/spark/sql/JoinSuite.scala  | 40 ++++++------
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/SQLConfSuite.scala     | 64 +++++++++---------
 .../org/apache/spark/sql/SQLQuerySuite.scala    | 68 ++++++++++----------
 4 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLConf.scala 
index 2fe7f94..3b5abab 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLConf.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLConf.scala
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ trait SQLConf {
   /** ********************** SQLConf functionality methods ************ */
-  private val settings = java.util.Collections.synchronizedMap(
+  protected[sql] val settings = java.util.Collections.synchronizedMap(
     new java.util.HashMap[String, String]())
   def set(props: Properties): Unit = {
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/JoinSuite.scala 
index 3d7d5ee..054b14f 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/JoinSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/JoinSuite.scala
@@ -39,25 +39,27 @@ class JoinSuite extends QueryTest {
   test("plans broadcast hash join, given hints") {
     def mkTest(buildSide: BuildSide, leftTable: String, rightTable: String) = {
-      TestSQLContext.set("spark.sql.join.broadcastTables",
-        s"${if (buildSide == BuildRight) rightTable else leftTable}")
-      val rdd = sql(s"""SELECT * FROM $leftTable JOIN $rightTable ON key = 
-      // Using `sparkPlan` because for relevant patterns in HashJoin to be
-      // matched, other strategies need to be applied.
-      val physical = rdd.queryExecution.sparkPlan
-      val bhj = physical.collect { case j: BroadcastHashJoin if j.buildSide == 
buildSide => j }
-      assert(bhj.size === 1, "planner does not pick up hint to generate 
broadcast hash join")
-      checkAnswer(
-        rdd,
-        Seq(
-          (1, "1", 1, 1),
-          (1, "1", 1, 2),
-          (2, "2", 2, 1),
-          (2, "2", 2, 2),
-          (3, "3", 3, 1),
-          (3, "3", 3, 2)
-        ))
+      TestSQLContext.settings.synchronized {
+        TestSQLContext.set("spark.sql.join.broadcastTables",
+          s"${if (buildSide == BuildRight) rightTable else leftTable}")
+        val rdd = sql( s"""SELECT * FROM $leftTable JOIN $rightTable ON key = 
+        // Using `sparkPlan` because for relevant patterns in HashJoin to be
+        // matched, other strategies need to be applied.
+        val physical = rdd.queryExecution.sparkPlan
+        val bhj = physical.collect { case j: BroadcastHashJoin if j.buildSide 
== buildSide => j}
+        assert(bhj.size === 1, "planner does not pick up hint to generate 
broadcast hash join")
+        checkAnswer(
+          rdd,
+          Seq(
+            (1, "1", 1, 1),
+            (1, "1", 1, 2),
+            (2, "2", 2, 1),
+            (2, "2", 2, 2),
+            (3, "3", 3, 1),
+            (3, "3", 3, 2)
+          ))
+      }
     mkTest(BuildRight, "testData", "testData2")
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLConfSuite.scala 
index 08293f7..93792f6 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLConfSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLConfSuite.scala
@@ -28,46 +28,50 @@ class SQLConfSuite extends QueryTest {
   val testVal = "test.val.0"
   test("programmatic ways of basic setting and getting") {
-    clear()
-    assert(getOption(testKey).isEmpty)
-    assert(getAll.toSet === Set())
+    TestSQLContext.settings.synchronized {
+      clear()
+      assert(getOption(testKey).isEmpty)
+      assert(getAll.toSet === Set())
-    set(testKey, testVal)
-    assert(get(testKey) == testVal)
-    assert(get(testKey, testVal + "_") == testVal)
-    assert(getOption(testKey) == Some(testVal))
-    assert(contains(testKey))
+      set(testKey, testVal)
+      assert(get(testKey) == testVal)
+      assert(get(testKey, testVal + "_") == testVal)
+      assert(getOption(testKey) == Some(testVal))
+      assert(contains(testKey))
-    // Tests SQLConf as accessed from a SQLContext is mutable after
-    // the latter is initialized, unlike SparkConf inside a SparkContext.
-    assert(TestSQLContext.get(testKey) == testVal)
-    assert(TestSQLContext.get(testKey, testVal + "_") == testVal)
-    assert(TestSQLContext.getOption(testKey) == Some(testVal))
-    assert(TestSQLContext.contains(testKey))
+      // Tests SQLConf as accessed from a SQLContext is mutable after
+      // the latter is initialized, unlike SparkConf inside a SparkContext.
+      assert(TestSQLContext.get(testKey) == testVal)
+      assert(TestSQLContext.get(testKey, testVal + "_") == testVal)
+      assert(TestSQLContext.getOption(testKey) == Some(testVal))
+      assert(TestSQLContext.contains(testKey))
-    clear()
+      clear()
+    }
   test("parse SQL set commands") {
-    clear()
-    sql(s"set $testKey=$testVal")
-    assert(get(testKey, testVal + "_") == testVal)
-    assert(TestSQLContext.get(testKey, testVal + "_") == testVal)
+    TestSQLContext.settings.synchronized {
+      clear()
+      sql(s"set $testKey=$testVal")
+      assert(get(testKey, testVal + "_") == testVal)
+      assert(TestSQLContext.get(testKey, testVal + "_") == testVal)
-    sql("set mapred.reduce.tasks=20")
-    assert(get("mapred.reduce.tasks", "0") == "20")
-    sql("set mapred.reduce.tasks = 40")
-    assert(get("mapred.reduce.tasks", "0") == "40")
+      sql("set mapred.reduce.tasks=20")
+      assert(get("mapred.reduce.tasks", "0") == "20")
+      sql("set mapred.reduce.tasks = 40")
+      assert(get("mapred.reduce.tasks", "0") == "40")
-    val key = "spark.sql.key"
-    val vs = "val0,val_1,val2.3,my_table"
-    sql(s"set $key=$vs")
-    assert(get(key, "0") == vs)
+      val key = "spark.sql.key"
+      val vs = "val0,val_1,val2.3,my_table"
+      sql(s"set $key=$vs")
+      assert(get(key, "0") == vs)
-    sql(s"set $key=")
-    assert(get(key, "0") == "")
+      sql(s"set $key=")
+      assert(get(key, "0") == "")
-    clear()
+      clear()
+    }
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLQuerySuite.scala 
index bf7fafe..2c1cb18 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLQuerySuite.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLQuerySuite.scala
@@ -372,38 +372,40 @@ class SQLQuerySuite extends QueryTest {
   test("SET commands semantics using sql()") {
-    clear()
-    val testKey = "test.key.0"
-    val testVal = "test.val.0"
-    val nonexistentKey = "nonexistent"
-    // "set" itself returns all config variables currently specified in 
-    assert(sql("SET").collect().size == 0)
-    // "set key=val"
-    sql(s"SET $testKey=$testVal")
-    checkAnswer(
-      sql("SET"),
-      Seq(Seq(testKey, testVal))
-    )
-    sql(s"SET ${testKey + testKey}=${testVal + testVal}")
-    checkAnswer(
-      sql("set"),
-      Seq(
-        Seq(testKey, testVal),
-        Seq(testKey + testKey, testVal + testVal))
-    )
-    // "set key"
-    checkAnswer(
-      sql(s"SET $testKey"),
-      Seq(Seq(testKey, testVal))
-    )
-    checkAnswer(
-      sql(s"SET $nonexistentKey"),
-      Seq(Seq(nonexistentKey, "<undefined>"))
-    )
-    clear()
+    TestSQLContext.settings.synchronized {
+      clear()
+      val testKey = "test.key.0"
+      val testVal = "test.val.0"
+      val nonexistentKey = "nonexistent"
+      // "set" itself returns all config variables currently specified in 
+      assert(sql("SET").collect().size == 0)
+      // "set key=val"
+      sql(s"SET $testKey=$testVal")
+      checkAnswer(
+        sql("SET"),
+        Seq(Seq(testKey, testVal))
+      )
+      sql(s"SET ${testKey + testKey}=${testVal + testVal}")
+      checkAnswer(
+        sql("set"),
+        Seq(
+          Seq(testKey, testVal),
+          Seq(testKey + testKey, testVal + testVal))
+      )
+      // "set key"
+      checkAnswer(
+        sql(s"SET $testKey"),
+        Seq(Seq(testKey, testVal))
+      )
+      checkAnswer(
+        sql(s"SET $nonexistentKey"),
+        Seq(Seq(nonexistentKey, "<undefined>"))
+      )
+      clear()
+    }

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