Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master b943f5d90 -> cdc34ed91

[SPARK-6285] [SQL] Removes unused ParquetTestData and duplicated 

All the contents in this file are not referenced anywhere and should have been 
removed in #4116 when I tried to get rid of the old Parquet test suites.

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Author: Cheng Lian <>

Closes #5010 from liancheng/spark-6285 and squashes the following commits:

06ed057 [Cheng Lian] Removes unused ParquetTestData and duplicated 


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: cdc34ed9108688fea32ad170b1ba344fe047716b
Parents: b943f5d
Author: Cheng Lian <>
Authored: Sat Mar 14 07:09:53 2015 +0800
Committer: Cheng Lian <>
Committed: Sat Mar 14 07:09:53 2015 +0800

 .../spark/sql/parquet/ParquetTestData.scala     | 466 -------------------
 1 file changed, 466 deletions(-)
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index e4a10aa..0000000
--- a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/parquet/ParquetTestData.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.parquet
-import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, FileSystem, Path}
-import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job
-import org.apache.spark.sql.test.TestSQLContext
-import{GroupWriter, Group}
-import{NanoTime, SimpleGroup}
-import parquet.hadoop.{ParquetReader, ParquetFileReader, ParquetWriter}
-import parquet.hadoop.api.WriteSupport
-import parquet.hadoop.api.WriteSupport.WriteContext
-import parquet.hadoop.example.GroupReadSupport
-import parquet.hadoop.util.ContextUtil
-import parquet.schema.{MessageType, MessageTypeParser}
-import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
-// Write support class for nested groups: ParquetWriter initializes 
-// with an empty configuration (it is after all not intended to be used in 
this way?)
-// and members are private so we need to make our own in order to pass the 
-// to the writer.
-private class TestGroupWriteSupport(schema: MessageType) extends 
WriteSupport[Group] {
-  var groupWriter: GroupWriter = null
-  override def prepareForWrite(recordConsumer: RecordConsumer): Unit = {
-    groupWriter = new GroupWriter(recordConsumer, schema)
-  }
-  override def init(configuration: Configuration): WriteContext = {
-    new WriteContext(schema, new java.util.HashMap[String, String]())
-  }
-  override def write(record: Group) {
-    groupWriter.write(record)
-  }
-private[sql] object ParquetTestData {
-  val testSchema =
-    """message myrecord {
-      optional boolean myboolean;
-      optional int32 myint;
-      optional binary mystring (UTF8);
-      optional int64 mylong;
-      optional float myfloat;
-      optional double mydouble;
-      optional int96 mytimestamp;
-      }"""
-  // field names for test assertion error messages
-  val testSchemaFieldNames = Seq(
-    "myboolean:Boolean",
-    "myint:Int",
-    "mystring:String",
-    "mylong:Long",
-    "myfloat:Float",
-    "mydouble:Double",
-    "mytimestamp:Timestamp"
-  )
-  val subTestSchema =
-    """
-      message myrecord {
-      optional boolean myboolean;
-      optional int64 mylong;
-      }
-    """
-  val testFilterSchema =
-    """
-      message myrecord {
-      required boolean myboolean;
-      required int32 myint;
-      required binary mystring (UTF8);
-      required int64 mylong;
-      required float myfloat;
-      required double mydouble;
-      optional boolean myoptboolean;
-      optional int32 myoptint;
-      optional binary myoptstring (UTF8);
-      optional int64 myoptlong;
-      optional float myoptfloat;
-      optional double myoptdouble;
-      optional int96 mytimestamp;
-      }
-    """
-  // field names for test assertion error messages
-  val subTestSchemaFieldNames = Seq(
-    "myboolean:Boolean",
-    "mylong:Long"
-  )
-  val testDir = Utils.createTempDir()
-  val testFilterDir = Utils.createTempDir()
-  lazy val testData = new ParquetRelation(testDir.toURI.toString, None, 
-  val testNestedSchema1 =
-    // based on blogpost example, source:
-    //
-    // note: instead of string we have to use binary (?) otherwise
-    // Parquet gives us:
-    // IllegalArgumentException: expected one of [INT64, INT32, BOOLEAN,
-    // Also repeated primitives seem tricky to convert (AvroParquet
-    // only uses them in arrays?) so only use at most one in each group
-    // and nothing else in that group (-> is mapped to array)!
-    // The "values" inside ownerPhoneNumbers is a keyword currently
-    // so that array types can be translated correctly.
-    """
-      message AddressBook {
-        required binary owner (UTF8);
-        optional group ownerPhoneNumbers {
-          repeated binary array (UTF8);
-        }
-        optional group contacts {
-          repeated group array {
-            required binary name (UTF8);
-            optional binary phoneNumber (UTF8);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    """
-  val testNestedSchema2 =
-    """
-      message TestNested2 {
-        required int32 firstInt;
-        optional int32 secondInt;
-        optional group longs {
-          repeated int64 array;
-        }
-        required group entries {
-          repeated group array {
-            required double value;
-            optional boolean truth;
-          }
-        }
-        optional group outerouter {
-          repeated group array {
-            repeated group array {
-              repeated int32 array;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    """
-  val testNestedSchema3 =
-    """
-      message TestNested3 {
-        required int32 x;
-        optional group booleanNumberPairs {
-          repeated group array {
-            required int32 key;
-            optional group value {
-              repeated group array {
-                required double nestedValue;
-                optional boolean truth;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    """
-  val testNestedSchema4 =
-    """
-      message TestNested4 {
-        required int32 x;
-        optional group data1 {
-          repeated group map {
-            required binary key (UTF8);
-            required int32 value;
-          }
-        }
-        required group data2 {
-          repeated group map {
-            required binary key (UTF8);
-            required group value {
-              required int64 payload1;
-              optional binary payload2 (UTF8);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    """
-  val testNestedDir1 = Utils.createTempDir()
-  val testNestedDir2 = Utils.createTempDir()
-  val testNestedDir3 = Utils.createTempDir()
-  val testNestedDir4 = Utils.createTempDir()
-  lazy val testNestedData1 =
-    new ParquetRelation(testNestedDir1.toURI.toString, None, TestSQLContext)
-  lazy val testNestedData2 =
-    new ParquetRelation(testNestedDir2.toURI.toString, None, TestSQLContext)
-  def writeFile() = {
-    testDir.delete()
-    val path: Path = new Path(new Path(testDir.toURI), new 
-    val job = new Job()
-    val schema: MessageType = MessageTypeParser.parseMessageType(testSchema)
-    val writeSupport = new TestGroupWriteSupport(schema)
-    val writer = new ParquetWriter[Group](path, writeSupport)
-    for(i <- 0 until 15) {
-      val record = new SimpleGroup(schema)
-      if (i % 3 == 0) {
-        record.add(0, true)
-      } else {
-        record.add(0, false)
-      }
-      if (i % 5 == 0) {
-        record.add(1, 5)
-      }
-      record.add(2, "abc")
-      record.add(3, i.toLong << 33)
-      record.add(4, 2.5F)
-      record.add(5, 4.5D)
-      record.add(6, new NanoTime(1,2))
-      writer.write(record)
-    }
-    writer.close()
-  }
-  def writeFilterFile(records: Int = 200) = {
-    // for microbenchmark use: records = 300000000
-    testFilterDir.delete
-    val path: Path = new Path(new Path(testFilterDir.toURI), new 
-    val schema: MessageType = 
-    val writeSupport = new TestGroupWriteSupport(schema)
-    val writer = new ParquetWriter[Group](path, writeSupport)
-    for(i <- 0 to records) {
-      val record = new SimpleGroup(schema)
-      if (i % 4 == 0) {
-        record.add(0, true)
-      } else {
-        record.add(0, false)
-      }
-      record.add(1, i)
-      record.add(2, i.toString)
-      record.add(3, i.toLong)
-      record.add(4, i.toFloat + 0.5f)
-      record.add(5, i.toDouble + 0.5d)
-      if (i % 2 == 0) {
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-          record.add(6, true)
-        } else {
-          record.add(6, false)
-        }
-        record.add(7, i)
-        record.add(8, i.toString)
-        record.add(9, i.toLong)
-        record.add(10, i.toFloat + 0.5f)
-        record.add(11, i.toDouble + 0.5d)
-      }
-      writer.write(record)
-    }
-    writer.close()
-  }
-  def writeNestedFile1() {
-    // example data from
-    testNestedDir1.delete()
-    val path: Path = new Path(new Path(testNestedDir1.toURI), new 
-    val schema: MessageType = 
-    val r1 = new SimpleGroup(schema)
-    r1.add(0, "Julien Le Dem")
-    r1.addGroup(1)
-      .append(CatalystConverter.ARRAY_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA_NAME, "555 123 4567")
-      .append(CatalystConverter.ARRAY_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA_NAME, "555 666 1337")
-      .append(CatalystConverter.ARRAY_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA_NAME, "XXX XXX XXXX")
-    val contacts = r1.addGroup(2)
-    contacts.addGroup(0)
-      .append("name", "Dmitriy Ryaboy")
-      .append("phoneNumber", "555 987 6543")
-    contacts.addGroup(0)
-      .append("name", "Chris Aniszczyk")
-    val r2 = new SimpleGroup(schema)
-    r2.add(0, "A. Nonymous")
-    val writeSupport = new TestGroupWriteSupport(schema)
-    val writer = new ParquetWriter[Group](path, writeSupport)
-    writer.write(r1)
-    writer.write(r2)
-    writer.close()
-  }
-  def writeNestedFile2() {
-    testNestedDir2.delete()
-    val path: Path = new Path(new Path(testNestedDir2.toURI), new 
-    val schema: MessageType = 
-    val r1 = new SimpleGroup(schema)
-    r1.add(0, 1)
-    r1.add(1, 7)
-    val longs = r1.addGroup(2)
-    longs.add(CatalystConverter.ARRAY_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA_NAME , 1.toLong << 32)
-    longs.add(CatalystConverter.ARRAY_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA_NAME, 1.toLong << 33)
-    longs.add(CatalystConverter.ARRAY_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA_NAME, 1.toLong << 34)
-    val booleanNumberPair = r1.addGroup(3).addGroup(0)
-    booleanNumberPair.add("value", 2.5)
-    booleanNumberPair.add("truth", false)
-    val top_level = r1.addGroup(4)
-    val second_level_a = top_level.addGroup(0)
-    val second_level_b = top_level.addGroup(0)
-    val third_level_aa = second_level_a.addGroup(0)
-    val third_level_ab = second_level_a.addGroup(0)
-    val third_level_c = second_level_b.addGroup(0)
-    third_level_aa.add(
-      CatalystConverter.ARRAY_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA_NAME,
-      7)
-    third_level_ab.add(
-      CatalystConverter.ARRAY_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA_NAME,
-      8)
-    third_level_c.add(
-      CatalystConverter.ARRAY_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA_NAME,
-      9)
-    val writeSupport = new TestGroupWriteSupport(schema)
-    val writer = new ParquetWriter[Group](path, writeSupport)
-    writer.write(r1)
-    writer.close()
-  }
-  def writeNestedFile3() {
-    testNestedDir3.delete()
-    val path: Path = new Path(new Path(testNestedDir3.toURI), new 
-    val schema: MessageType = 
-    val r1 = new SimpleGroup(schema)
-    r1.add(0, 1)
-    val booleanNumberPairs = r1.addGroup(1)
-    val g1 = booleanNumberPairs.addGroup(0)
-    g1.add(0, 1)
-    val nested1 = g1.addGroup(1)
-    val ng1 = nested1.addGroup(0)
-    ng1.add(0, 1.5)
-    ng1.add(1, false)
-    val ng2 = nested1.addGroup(0)
-    ng2.add(0, 2.5)
-    ng2.add(1, true)
-    val g2 = booleanNumberPairs.addGroup(0)
-    g2.add(0, 2)
-    val ng3 = g2.addGroup(1)
-      .addGroup(0)
-    ng3.add(0, 3.5)
-    ng3.add(1, false)
-    val writeSupport = new TestGroupWriteSupport(schema)
-    val writer = new ParquetWriter[Group](path, writeSupport)
-    writer.write(r1)
-    writer.close()
-  }
-  def writeNestedFile4() {
-    testNestedDir4.delete()
-    val path: Path = new Path(new Path(testNestedDir4.toURI), new 
-    val schema: MessageType = 
-    val r1 = new SimpleGroup(schema)
-    r1.add(0, 7)
-    val map1 = r1.addGroup(1)
-    val keyValue1 = map1.addGroup(0)
-    keyValue1.add(0, "key1")
-    keyValue1.add(1, 1)
-    val keyValue2 = map1.addGroup(0)
-    keyValue2.add(0, "key2")
-    keyValue2.add(1, 2)
-    val map2 = r1.addGroup(2)
-    val keyValue3 = map2.addGroup(0)
-    // TODO: currently only string key type supported
-    keyValue3.add(0, "seven")
-    val valueGroup1 = keyValue3.addGroup(1)
-    valueGroup1.add(0, 42.toLong)
-    valueGroup1.add(1, "the answer")
-    val keyValue4 = map2.addGroup(0)
-    // TODO: currently only string key type supported
-    keyValue4.add(0, "eight")
-    val valueGroup2 = keyValue4.addGroup(1)
-    valueGroup2.add(0, 49.toLong)
-    val writeSupport = new TestGroupWriteSupport(schema)
-    val writer = new ParquetWriter[Group](path, writeSupport)
-    writer.write(r1)
-    writer.close()
-  }
-  // TODO: this is not actually used anywhere but useful for debugging
-  /* def readNestedFile(file: File, schemaString: String): Unit = {
-    val configuration = new Configuration()
-    val path = new Path(new Path(file.toURI), new Path("part-r-0.parquet"))
-    val fs: FileSystem = path.getFileSystem(configuration)
-    val schema: MessageType = MessageTypeParser.parseMessageType(schemaString)
-    assert(schema != null)
-    val outputStatus: FileStatus = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(path.toString))
-    val footers = ParquetFileReader.readFooter(configuration, outputStatus)
-    assert(footers != null)
-    val reader = new ParquetReader(new Path(path.toString), new 
-    val first =
-    assert(first != null)
-  } */
-  // to test golb pattern (wild card pattern matching for parquetFile input
-  val testGlobDir = Utils.createTempDir()
-  val testGlobSubDir1 = Utils.createTempDir(testGlobDir.getPath)
-  val testGlobSubDir2 = Utils.createTempDir(testGlobDir.getPath)
-  val testGlobSubDir3 = Utils.createTempDir(testGlobDir.getPath)
-  def writeGlobFiles() = {
-    val subDirs = Array(testGlobSubDir1, testGlobSubDir2, testGlobSubDir3)
-    subDirs.foreach { dir =>
-      val path: Path = new Path(new Path(dir.toURI), new 
-      val job = new Job()
-      val schema: MessageType = MessageTypeParser.parseMessageType(testSchema)
-      val writeSupport = new TestGroupWriteSupport(schema)
-      val writer = new ParquetWriter[Group](path, writeSupport)
-      for(i <- 0 until 15) {
-        val record = new SimpleGroup(schema)
-        if(i % 3 == 0) {
-          record.add(0, true)
-        } else {
-          record.add(0, false)
-        }
-        if(i % 5 == 0) {
-          record.add(1, 5)
-        }
-        record.add(2, "abc")
-        record.add(3, i.toLong << 33)
-        record.add(4, 2.5F)
-        record.add(5, 4.5D)
-        writer.write(record)
-      }
-      writer.close()
-    }
-  }

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