svn commit: r946273 - in /websites/production/tapestry/content: cache/main.pageCache templating-and-markup-faq.html

2015-04-03 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot
Date: Sat Apr  4 03:20:42 2015
New Revision: 946273

Production update by buildbot for tapestry


Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/templating-and-markup-faq.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/templating-and-markup-faq.html 
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/templating-and-markup-faq.html Sat Apr 
 4 03:20:42 2015
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ table.ScrollbarTable td.ScrollbarNextIco
 The other id is the client id, a unique id for the rendered 
element within the client-side DOM. JavaScript that needs to access the element 
uses this id. For example:
-In many components, the id attribute is an 
informal parameter; a value from the template that is blindly echoed into the 
output document. In other cases, the component itself has an id 
attribute. Often, in the latter case, the Tapestry component id is the 
default value for the client id.Why
 do my images and stylesheets end up with a weird URLs like 
doesn't rely on the servlet container to serve up your static assets (images, 
stylesheets, flash movies, etc.). Instead, Tapestry processes the requests 
itself, streaming assets to the browser.Asset content will be GZIP 
compressed (if the client supports compression, and the content is 
compressible). In addition, Tapestry will set a far-future expires header on 
the conten
 t. This means that the browser will not ask for the file again, greatly 
reducing network traffic.The weird hex string is 
a fingerprint; it is a hash code computed from the actual content 
of the asset. If the asset every changes, it will have a new fingerprint, and 
so will be a new path and a new (immutable) resource. This approach, combined 
with a far-future expires header also provided by Tapestry, ensures that 
clients aggressively cache assets as they navigate your site, or even between 
visits.How do I add a CSS class to a Tapestry component?As they 
say, "just do it". The majority of Tapestry components support informal 
parameters, meaning that any extra attributes in the element (in the 
template) will be rendered out as additional attributes. So, you can apply a 
CSS class or style quite easily:
+In many components, the id attribute is an 
informal parameter; a value from the template that is blindly echoed into the 
output document. In other cases, the component itself has an id 
attribute. Often, in the latter case, the Tapestry component id is the 
default value for the client id.Why
 do my images and stylesheets end up with a weird URLs like 
doesn't rely on the servlet container to serve up your static assets (images, 
stylesheets, flash movies, etc.). Instead, Tapestry processes the requests 
itself, streaming assets to the browser.Asset content will be GZIP 
compressed (if the client supports compression, and the content is 
compressible). In addition, Tapestry will set a far-future expires header on 
the conten
 t. This means that the browser will not ask for the file again, greatly 
reducing network traffic.The weird hex string is 
a fingerprint; it is a hash code computed from the actual content 
of the asset. If the asset ever changes, it will have a new fingerprint, and so 
will be a new path and a new (immutable) resource. This approach, combined with 
a far-future expires header also provided by Tapestry, ensures that clients 
aggressively cache assets as they navigate your site, or even between 
visits.How do I add a CSS class to a Tapestry component?As they 
say, "just do it". The majority of Tapestry components support informal 
parameters, meaning that any extra attributes in the element (in the 
template) will be rendered out as additional attributes. So, you can apply a 
CSS class or style quite easily:
 You can even use template expansions inside the attribute 

svn commit: r946270 - in /websites/production/tapestry/content: cache/main.pageCache configuration.html using-beaneditform-to-create-user-forms.html

2015-04-03 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot
Date: Sat Apr  4 02:19:35 2015
New Revision: 946270

Production update by buildbot for tapestry



Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/configuration.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/configuration.html (original)
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/configuration.html Sat Apr  4 02:19:35 
@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@
TapestryThis page discusses all the ways in which Tapestry can be 
configured. Tapestry applications are configured almost entirely using Java, 
with very little XML at all.Contents/**/
 XML configuration 
(web.xml)Your Application's Module 
ClassConfiguration Symbol 
NamesSetting Component 
Parameter DefaultsConfiguring Ignored 
PathsConfiguring Content Type 
MappingSetting Execution 
 XML configuration 
(web.xml)Tapestry runs on top of the standard Java Servlet API. To the 
servlet container, such as Tomcat, Tapestry appears as a servlet 
filter. This gives Tapestry great flexibility in matching URLs without 
requiring lots of XML configuration.Although most configuration is done 
with Java, a small but necessary amount of configuration occurs inside the 
servlet deployment descriptor, WEB-INF/web.xml. Most of the configuration is 
boilerplate, nearly the same for all applications.web.xml (partial)
-3. Add the parameter to the Surfire plugin for your 
+3. Add the parameter to the Surefire plugin for your 
-For each mode declared in your JVM System Property, 
TapestryFilter checks for a parameter in your web.xml, named 
tapestry.TheModeName-modules, with TheModeName being the name of the desired 
mode. Its value will be a comma-separated list of modules.If the 
tapestry.execution-mode is not declared, Tapestry will automatically look for 
the tapestry.production-modules parameter, because “production” is 
the default tapestry.execution-mode value.The example below defines two 
differents execution modes in your web.xml file: production (the default value) 
and DevelopmentMode. For each mode, we list the modules we want to load. If we 
use JVM System property declared in the example above, the 
UatModeModule module will be loaded.web.xml
+For each mode declared in your JVM System Property, 
TapestryFilter checks for a parameter in your web.xml, named 
tapestry.TheModeName-modules, with TheModeName being the name of the desired 
mode. Its value will be a comma-separated list of modules.If the 
tapestry.execution-mode is not declared, Tapestry will automatically look for 
the tapestry.production-modules parameter, because “production” is 
the default tapestry.execution-mode value.The example below defines two 
different execution modes in your web.xml file: production (the default value) 
and uat (for "user acceptance testing"). For each mode, we list the modules we 
want to load. If we use JVM System property declared in the example above, the 
UatModeModule module will be loaded.web.xml

svn commit: r946258 - in /websites/production/tapestry/content: cache/main.pageCache javascript-rewrite-in-54.html

2015-04-03 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot
Date: Fri Apr  3 23:19:51 2015
New Revision: 946258

Production update by buildbot for tapestry


Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Added: websites/production/tapestry/content/javascript-rewrite-in-54.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/javascript-rewrite-in-54.html (added)
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/javascript-rewrite-in-54.html Fri Apr  
3 23:19:51 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+JavaScript Rewrite in 5.4 -- Apache Tapestry
+HomeGetting StartedDocumentationDownloadAboutCommunity";>Apache";>Sponsorship";>Thanks
+Tapestry docs, issues, 
wikis & blogs:
data-image-src="";>JavaScript Rewrite in 5.4
+Apache Tapestry > Documentation > JavaScript Rewrite in 5.4
+Tapestry and 
 JavaScript Limitations (through 5.3)
on Prototype/ScriptaculousLack of 
DocumentationLack of Module 
Improvements for 5.4
+RequireJSSlow Page Load and 
InitializationMapping Modules to 
AssetsExtensions to 
JavaScriptSupportAvoiding JavaScript 
ClassesExpose Global 
Message Catalog to ClientPartial Page Update 
Backwards CompatibilityTwitter 
Delivery Network IntegrationExtJS 
CompatibilityMore Thoughts
+Tapestry and 
JavaScriptTapestry 5 has had a interesting mix of 
characteristics.On the one hand, it has had a large number of features 
that work, and work well, right out of the box, with no special configuration 
or setup. This includes client-side validation, dynamic content updates, simple 
animations, progressive enhancement, and other standard Ajax and DHTML use 
cases.In addition, Tapestry has evolved, from Tapestry 5.0 through 5.3, 
into a quite capable provisioning framework:JavaScript 
libraries may be combined into stacks that are combined (in 
production) into a single virtual fileJavaScript libraries and CSS 
files may be minifiedLibraries, stacks, and other resources are 
exposed to the browser with a versioned URL and far-future expires header, to 
support aggressive client-cachingResources, including JavaScript and 
CSS, can be distributed in
 side JARs (as part of reusable component libraries)Compressible 
resources will be automatically GZip compressed if the client supports 
itHowever, JavaScript support in Tapestry is still unsatisfactory. 
Too often, Tapestry falls into an"; >uncanny valley where 
the framework (server-side and client-side) does so much automatically that it 
becomes accepted that it does everything ... developers later discover, to 
their dismay, that the last 10% of custom behavior they desire is very hard to 
implement, because of all the common problems that plague any complex system: 
insufficient APIs, unexpected leaky abstractions, or just plain 
bugs.Common examples of the challenges imposed by Tapestry include 
implementing a Confirm mixin, customizing behavior when a Zone component is 
dynamically updated, or any number of issues related to Forms, form elements, 
and Ajax updates.
 This document is a roadmap for how Tapestry 5.4 will revisit the 
relationship between server-side Java and client-side JavaScript. Ultimately, 
we hope to convert this relationship from an obstacle to using Tapestry into an 
essential reason to select Tapestry in the first place.Tapestry 
JavaScript Limitations (through 5.3)Dependence on 
Prototype/ScriptaculousTapestry made an early choice to embrace 
Prototype and Scriptaculous at a time when this made sense, circa 
2006-2007.The goal was to have Tapestry provide a client-side API, the 
Tapestry namespace, that in turn would delegate complex behaviors 
(including DOM element selection, event management, and XmlHttpRequest 
processing) to a foundational framework. The goal was to isolate all 
the direct dependencies on Prototype in such a way that it wou
 ld be possible, in the future, to swap out for a different foundational 

svn commit: r946241 [1/2] - in /websites/production/tapestry/content: ./ cache/

2015-04-03 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot
Date: Fri Apr  3 22:19:42 2015
New Revision: 946241

Production update by buildbot for tapestry


   (with props)

   (with props)

   (with props)

   (with props)

   (with props)

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/component-libraries.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/component-libraries.html (original)
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/component-libraries.html Fri Apr  3 
22:19:42 2015
@@ -75,7 +75,13 @@ table.ScrollbarTable td.ScrollbarParent
 table.ScrollbarTable td.ScrollbarNextName {text-align: right;border: none;}
 table.ScrollbarTable td.ScrollbarNextIcon {text-align: center;width: 
16px;border: none;}
-/*]]>*/"; width="16" 
height="16">Supporting Informal 
width="8" height="8">Cookbook Switching Cases"; width="16" 
height="16">Creating Component 
LibrariesNearly every Tapestry application includes a least a couple of 
custom components, specific to the application. What's exciting about Tapestry 
is how easy it is to package components for reuse across many applications ... 
and the fact that applications using a component library need no special 
configuration.A Tapestry component library consists of components (and 
optionally mixins, pages and component base classes). In addition, a component 
library will have a module that can define new services (needed by the 
components) or configure other services present in Tapestry. Finally, 
components can be packaged with assets: resources such as images, 
stylesheets and JavaScript libraries that need to be provided to the client 
 web browser.We're going to create a somewhat insipid component that 
displays a large happy face icon.Tapestry doesn't mandate that you use 
any build system, but we'll assume for the moment that you are using Maven 2. 
In that case, you'll have a pom.xml file something like the following:pom.xml
+/*]]>*/"; width="16" 
height="16">Supporting Informal 
width="8" height="8">Cookbook Switching Cases"; width="16" 
+This page has not yet been fully updated for 
Tapestry 5.4. Things are different and simpler in 5.4 than in previous 
+Creating Component 
LibrariesNearly every Tapestry application includes a least a couple of 
custom components, specific to the application. What's exciting about Tapestry 
is how easy it is to package components for reuse across many applications ... 
and the fact that applications using a component library need no special 
configuration.A Tapestry component library consists of components (and 
optionally mixins, pages and component base classes). In addition, a component 
library will have a module that can define new services (needed by the 
components) or configure other services present in Tapestry. Finally, 
components can be packaged with assets: resources such as images, 
stylesheets and JavaScript libraries that need to be provided to the client web 
browser.We're going to create a somewhat insipid component that displays 
a large happy face icon.Tapestry doesn't mandate that you use any build 
 system, but we'll assume for the moment that you are using Maven 2. In that 
case, you'll have a pom.xml file something like 

svn commit: r946241 [2/2] - in /websites/production/tapestry/content: ./ cache/

2015-04-03 Thread buildbot
Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/templating-and-markup-faq.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/templating-and-markup-faq.html 
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/templating-and-markup-faq.html Fri Apr 
 3 22:19:42 2015
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ table.ScrollbarTable td.ScrollbarNextIco
 Part of the DOCTYPE is the declaration of entities such as 
 .Alternately, you can simply use the numeric 
version:   This is the exact same character and will 
render identically in the browser.Starting in release 5.3, Tapestry 
introduces an XHTML doctype when no doctype is present; this means that common 
HTML entities will work correctly.Why do 
some images in my page show up as broken links?You have to be careful 
when using relative URLs inside page templates; the base URL may not always be 
what you expect. For example, inside your ViewUser.tml file, you 
may have:
-This makes sense; ViewUser.tml is in the web 
context, as is the icons folder. The default URL for this page 
will be /viewuser (assuming that ViewUser class is in the 
_root-package_.{{pages}} package).However, the 
ViewUser page might use a page activation context to identify which user is to 
be displayed:
+This makes sense; ViewUser.tml is in the web context, as is the 
icons folder. The default URL for this page will be /viewuser (assuming that 
ViewUser class is in the  root-package.pages 
package).However, the ViewUser page might use a page activation context 
to identify which user is to be displayed: