[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-11 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r356942674

 File path: topi/include/topi/nn/pooling.h
 @@ -591,6 +593,211 @@ inline Tensor global_pool(const Tensor& x,
   return adaptive_pool(x, Array{1, 1}, pool_type, layout);
+* \brief Perform pooling on N-dimension of data.
+* \param x The input tensor
+* \param kernel_size Vector of N ints
+* \param stride_size Vector of N ints
+* \param padding_size Vector of N*2 ints [head_pad_d1, head_pad_d2, ...,
+*head_pad_dN, tail_pad_d1, tail_pad_d2, ..., tail_pad_dN]
+* \param pool_type The type of pooling operator
+* \param ceil_mode Whether to use ceil when calculating the output size
+* \param axis Vector of indices for the N dimensions
+* \param count_include_pad Whether include padding in the calculation
+* \return The output tensor in same layout order
+inline Tensor pool_impl_nd(const Tensor& x,
+   const Array& kernel_size,
+   const Array& stride_size,
+   const Array& padding_size,
+   PoolType pool_type,
+   bool ceil_mode,
+   const std::vector& axis,
+   bool count_include_pad) {
+  int k_size = kernel_size.size();
+  int x_size = x->shape.size();
+  CHECK_EQ(stride_size.size(), k_size) << "Pooling stride_size must have same 
elements as kernel";
+  CHECK_EQ(padding_size.size(), k_size * 2) << "Pooling padding_size must has 
double elements of"
+   " kernel";
+  CHECK_EQ(axis.size(), k_size) << "axis must have same elements as kernel";
+  Array daxis;
+  std::vector kernel(k_size);
+  std::vector stride(k_size);
+  std::vector pad_head(k_size);
+  std::vector pad_tail(k_size);
+  Array pad_before(std::vector(x_size, 0));
+  Array pad_after(std::vector(x_size, 0));
+  Array out_shape = x->shape;
+  bool do_pad = false;
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+kernel[i] = cast(Int(32), kernel_size[i]);
+stride[i] = cast(Int(32), stride_size[i]);
+pad_head[i] = cast(Int(32), padding_size[i]);
+pad_tail[i] = cast(Int(32), padding_size[i + k_size]);
+const int64_t *padding0 = as_const_int(pad_head[i]);
+const int64_t *padding1 = as_const_int(pad_tail[i]);
+do_pad = (do_pad) ? do_pad : ((padding0 && *padding0) || (padding1 && 
+if (ceil_mode) {
+  // Additional padding to ensure we do ceil instead of floor when
+  // dividing by stride.
+  pad_tail[i] += stride[i] - 1;
+daxis.push_back(tvm::reduce_axis(Range(0, kernel[i])));
+pad_before.Set(ii, pad_head[i]);
+pad_after.Set(ii, pad_tail[i]);
+auto out_dim = tvm::ir::Simplify(
+  indexdiv(x->shape[ii] - kernel[i] + pad_head[i] + pad_tail[i], 
stride[i]) + 1);
+out_shape.Set(ii, out_dim);
+  }
+  if (pool_type == kMaxPool) {
+auto temp = do_pad ? pad(x, pad_before, pad_after, x->dtype.min(), 
"pad_temp") : x;
+return tvm::compute(out_shape, [&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+indices.Set(ii, output[ii] * stride[i] + daxis[i]);
+  }
+  return tvm::max(temp(indices), daxis);
+}, "tensor", "pool_max");
+  } else if (pool_type == kAvgPool) {
+// Pad the inputs
+auto temp = do_pad ? pad(x, pad_before, pad_after, 0, "pad_temp") : x;
+// TVM compute for summing the pooling window.
+auto pool_sum = tvm::compute(out_shape,
+[&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+indices.Set(ii, output[ii] * stride[i] + daxis[i]);
+  }
+  return tvm::sum(temp(indices), daxis);
+}, "tensor", "pool_sum");
+// TVM compute for dividing the reduced window sum by kernel size.
+return tvm::compute(out_shape,
+[&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  if (count_include_pad) {
+auto kernel_size = make_const(Int(32), 1);
+for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+  kernel_size *= kernel[i];
+return div(pool_sum(indices), kernel_size);
+  } else {
+std::vector start(k_size);
+std::vector end(k_size);
+auto kernel_size = make_const(Int(32), 1);
+for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+  int ii = axis[i];
+  start[i] = output[ii] * stride[i] - pad_head[i];
+  end[i] = ir::Min::make(start[i] + kernel[i], x->shape[ii]);
+  start[i] = ir::Max::make(start[i], make_const(Int(32), 0));
+  kernel_size *= (end[i] - start[i]);

[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-11 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r356942674

 File path: topi/include/topi/nn/pooling.h
 @@ -591,6 +593,211 @@ inline Tensor global_pool(const Tensor& x,
   return adaptive_pool(x, Array{1, 1}, pool_type, layout);
+* \brief Perform pooling on N-dimension of data.
+* \param x The input tensor
+* \param kernel_size Vector of N ints
+* \param stride_size Vector of N ints
+* \param padding_size Vector of N*2 ints [head_pad_d1, head_pad_d2, ...,
+*head_pad_dN, tail_pad_d1, tail_pad_d2, ..., tail_pad_dN]
+* \param pool_type The type of pooling operator
+* \param ceil_mode Whether to use ceil when calculating the output size
+* \param axis Vector of indices for the N dimensions
+* \param count_include_pad Whether include padding in the calculation
+* \return The output tensor in same layout order
+inline Tensor pool_impl_nd(const Tensor& x,
+   const Array& kernel_size,
+   const Array& stride_size,
+   const Array& padding_size,
+   PoolType pool_type,
+   bool ceil_mode,
+   const std::vector& axis,
+   bool count_include_pad) {
+  int k_size = kernel_size.size();
+  int x_size = x->shape.size();
+  CHECK_EQ(stride_size.size(), k_size) << "Pooling stride_size must have same 
elements as kernel";
+  CHECK_EQ(padding_size.size(), k_size * 2) << "Pooling padding_size must has 
double elements of"
+   " kernel";
+  CHECK_EQ(axis.size(), k_size) << "axis must have same elements as kernel";
+  Array daxis;
+  std::vector kernel(k_size);
+  std::vector stride(k_size);
+  std::vector pad_head(k_size);
+  std::vector pad_tail(k_size);
+  Array pad_before(std::vector(x_size, 0));
+  Array pad_after(std::vector(x_size, 0));
+  Array out_shape = x->shape;
+  bool do_pad = false;
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+kernel[i] = cast(Int(32), kernel_size[i]);
+stride[i] = cast(Int(32), stride_size[i]);
+pad_head[i] = cast(Int(32), padding_size[i]);
+pad_tail[i] = cast(Int(32), padding_size[i + k_size]);
+const int64_t *padding0 = as_const_int(pad_head[i]);
+const int64_t *padding1 = as_const_int(pad_tail[i]);
+do_pad = (do_pad) ? do_pad : ((padding0 && *padding0) || (padding1 && 
+if (ceil_mode) {
+  // Additional padding to ensure we do ceil instead of floor when
+  // dividing by stride.
+  pad_tail[i] += stride[i] - 1;
+daxis.push_back(tvm::reduce_axis(Range(0, kernel[i])));
+pad_before.Set(ii, pad_head[i]);
+pad_after.Set(ii, pad_tail[i]);
+auto out_dim = tvm::ir::Simplify(
+  indexdiv(x->shape[ii] - kernel[i] + pad_head[i] + pad_tail[i], 
stride[i]) + 1);
+out_shape.Set(ii, out_dim);
+  }
+  if (pool_type == kMaxPool) {
+auto temp = do_pad ? pad(x, pad_before, pad_after, x->dtype.min(), 
"pad_temp") : x;
+return tvm::compute(out_shape, [&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+indices.Set(ii, output[ii] * stride[i] + daxis[i]);
+  }
+  return tvm::max(temp(indices), daxis);
+}, "tensor", "pool_max");
+  } else if (pool_type == kAvgPool) {
+// Pad the inputs
+auto temp = do_pad ? pad(x, pad_before, pad_after, 0, "pad_temp") : x;
+// TVM compute for summing the pooling window.
+auto pool_sum = tvm::compute(out_shape,
+[&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+indices.Set(ii, output[ii] * stride[i] + daxis[i]);
+  }
+  return tvm::sum(temp(indices), daxis);
+}, "tensor", "pool_sum");
+// TVM compute for dividing the reduced window sum by kernel size.
+return tvm::compute(out_shape,
+[&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  if (count_include_pad) {
+auto kernel_size = make_const(Int(32), 1);
+for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+  kernel_size *= kernel[i];
+return div(pool_sum(indices), kernel_size);
+  } else {
+std::vector start(k_size);
+std::vector end(k_size);
+auto kernel_size = make_const(Int(32), 1);
+for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+  int ii = axis[i];
+  start[i] = output[ii] * stride[i] - pad_head[i];
+  end[i] = ir::Min::make(start[i] + kernel[i], x->shape[ii]);
+  start[i] = ir::Max::make(start[i], make_const(Int(32), 0));
+  kernel_size *= (end[i] - start[i]);

[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-11 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r356942674

 File path: topi/include/topi/nn/pooling.h
 @@ -591,6 +593,211 @@ inline Tensor global_pool(const Tensor& x,
   return adaptive_pool(x, Array{1, 1}, pool_type, layout);
+* \brief Perform pooling on N-dimension of data.
+* \param x The input tensor
+* \param kernel_size Vector of N ints
+* \param stride_size Vector of N ints
+* \param padding_size Vector of N*2 ints [head_pad_d1, head_pad_d2, ...,
+*head_pad_dN, tail_pad_d1, tail_pad_d2, ..., tail_pad_dN]
+* \param pool_type The type of pooling operator
+* \param ceil_mode Whether to use ceil when calculating the output size
+* \param axis Vector of indices for the N dimensions
+* \param count_include_pad Whether include padding in the calculation
+* \return The output tensor in same layout order
+inline Tensor pool_impl_nd(const Tensor& x,
+   const Array& kernel_size,
+   const Array& stride_size,
+   const Array& padding_size,
+   PoolType pool_type,
+   bool ceil_mode,
+   const std::vector& axis,
+   bool count_include_pad) {
+  int k_size = kernel_size.size();
+  int x_size = x->shape.size();
+  CHECK_EQ(stride_size.size(), k_size) << "Pooling stride_size must have same 
elements as kernel";
+  CHECK_EQ(padding_size.size(), k_size * 2) << "Pooling padding_size must has 
double elements of"
+   " kernel";
+  CHECK_EQ(axis.size(), k_size) << "axis must have same elements as kernel";
+  Array daxis;
+  std::vector kernel(k_size);
+  std::vector stride(k_size);
+  std::vector pad_head(k_size);
+  std::vector pad_tail(k_size);
+  Array pad_before(std::vector(x_size, 0));
+  Array pad_after(std::vector(x_size, 0));
+  Array out_shape = x->shape;
+  bool do_pad = false;
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+kernel[i] = cast(Int(32), kernel_size[i]);
+stride[i] = cast(Int(32), stride_size[i]);
+pad_head[i] = cast(Int(32), padding_size[i]);
+pad_tail[i] = cast(Int(32), padding_size[i + k_size]);
+const int64_t *padding0 = as_const_int(pad_head[i]);
+const int64_t *padding1 = as_const_int(pad_tail[i]);
+do_pad = (do_pad) ? do_pad : ((padding0 && *padding0) || (padding1 && 
+if (ceil_mode) {
+  // Additional padding to ensure we do ceil instead of floor when
+  // dividing by stride.
+  pad_tail[i] += stride[i] - 1;
+daxis.push_back(tvm::reduce_axis(Range(0, kernel[i])));
+pad_before.Set(ii, pad_head[i]);
+pad_after.Set(ii, pad_tail[i]);
+auto out_dim = tvm::ir::Simplify(
+  indexdiv(x->shape[ii] - kernel[i] + pad_head[i] + pad_tail[i], 
stride[i]) + 1);
+out_shape.Set(ii, out_dim);
+  }
+  if (pool_type == kMaxPool) {
+auto temp = do_pad ? pad(x, pad_before, pad_after, x->dtype.min(), 
"pad_temp") : x;
+return tvm::compute(out_shape, [&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+indices.Set(ii, output[ii] * stride[i] + daxis[i]);
+  }
+  return tvm::max(temp(indices), daxis);
+}, "tensor", "pool_max");
+  } else if (pool_type == kAvgPool) {
+// Pad the inputs
+auto temp = do_pad ? pad(x, pad_before, pad_after, 0, "pad_temp") : x;
+// TVM compute for summing the pooling window.
+auto pool_sum = tvm::compute(out_shape,
+[&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+indices.Set(ii, output[ii] * stride[i] + daxis[i]);
+  }
+  return tvm::sum(temp(indices), daxis);
+}, "tensor", "pool_sum");
+// TVM compute for dividing the reduced window sum by kernel size.
+return tvm::compute(out_shape,
+[&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  if (count_include_pad) {
+auto kernel_size = make_const(Int(32), 1);
+for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+  kernel_size *= kernel[i];
+return div(pool_sum(indices), kernel_size);
+  } else {
+std::vector start(k_size);
+std::vector end(k_size);
+auto kernel_size = make_const(Int(32), 1);
+for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+  int ii = axis[i];
+  start[i] = output[ii] * stride[i] - pad_head[i];
+  end[i] = ir::Min::make(start[i] + kernel[i], x->shape[ii]);
+  start[i] = ir::Max::make(start[i], make_const(Int(32), 0));
+  kernel_size *= (end[i] - start[i]);

[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-11 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r356740860

 File path: topi/include/topi/nn/pooling.h
 @@ -591,6 +593,211 @@ inline Tensor global_pool(const Tensor& x,
   return adaptive_pool(x, Array{1, 1}, pool_type, layout);
+* \brief Perform pooling on N-dimension of data.
+* \param x The input tensor
+* \param kernel_size Vector of N ints
+* \param stride_size Vector of N ints
+* \param padding_size Vector of N*2 ints [head_pad_d1, head_pad_d2, ...,
+*head_pad_dN, tail_pad_d1, tail_pad_d2, ..., tail_pad_dN]
+* \param pool_type The type of pooling operator
+* \param ceil_mode Whether to use ceil when calculating the output size
+* \param axis Vector of indices for the N dimensions
+* \param count_include_pad Whether include padding in the calculation
+* \return The output tensor in same layout order
+inline Tensor pool_impl_nd(const Tensor& x,
+   const Array& kernel_size,
+   const Array& stride_size,
+   const Array& padding_size,
+   PoolType pool_type,
+   bool ceil_mode,
+   const std::vector& axis,
+   bool count_include_pad) {
+  int k_size = kernel_size.size();
+  int x_size = x->shape.size();
+  CHECK_EQ(stride_size.size(), k_size) << "Pooling stride_size must have same 
elements as kernel";
+  CHECK_EQ(padding_size.size(), k_size * 2) << "Pooling padding_size must has 
double elements of"
+   " kernel";
+  CHECK_EQ(axis.size(), k_size) << "axis must have same elements as kernel";
+  Array daxis;
+  std::vector kernel(k_size);
+  std::vector stride(k_size);
+  std::vector pad_head(k_size);
+  std::vector pad_tail(k_size);
+  Array pad_before(std::vector(x_size, 0));
+  Array pad_after(std::vector(x_size, 0));
+  Array out_shape = x->shape;
+  bool do_pad = false;
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+kernel[i] = cast(Int(32), kernel_size[i]);
+stride[i] = cast(Int(32), stride_size[i]);
+pad_head[i] = cast(Int(32), padding_size[i]);
+pad_tail[i] = cast(Int(32), padding_size[i + k_size]);
+const int64_t *padding0 = as_const_int(pad_head[i]);
+const int64_t *padding1 = as_const_int(pad_tail[i]);
+do_pad = (do_pad) ? do_pad : ((padding0 && *padding0) || (padding1 && 
+if (ceil_mode) {
+  // Additional padding to ensure we do ceil instead of floor when
+  // dividing by stride.
+  pad_tail[i] += stride[i] - 1;
+daxis.push_back(tvm::reduce_axis(Range(0, kernel[i])));
+pad_before.Set(ii, pad_head[i]);
+pad_after.Set(ii, pad_tail[i]);
+auto out_dim = tvm::ir::Simplify(
+  indexdiv(x->shape[ii] - kernel[i] + pad_head[i] + pad_tail[i], 
stride[i]) + 1);
+out_shape.Set(ii, out_dim);
+  }
+  if (pool_type == kMaxPool) {
+auto temp = do_pad ? pad(x, pad_before, pad_after, x->dtype.min(), 
"pad_temp") : x;
+return tvm::compute(out_shape, [&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+indices.Set(ii, output[ii] * stride[i] + daxis[i]);
+  }
+  return tvm::max(temp(indices), daxis);
+}, "tensor", "pool_max");
+  } else if (pool_type == kAvgPool) {
+// Pad the inputs
+auto temp = do_pad ? pad(x, pad_before, pad_after, 0, "pad_temp") : x;
+// TVM compute for summing the pooling window.
+auto pool_sum = tvm::compute(out_shape,
+[&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+indices.Set(ii, output[ii] * stride[i] + daxis[i]);
+  }
+  return tvm::sum(temp(indices), daxis);
+}, "tensor", "pool_sum");
+// TVM compute for dividing the reduced window sum by kernel size.
+return tvm::compute(out_shape,
+[&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  if (count_include_pad) {
+auto kernel_size = make_const(Int(32), 1);
+for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+  kernel_size *= kernel[i];
+return div(pool_sum(indices), kernel_size);
+  } else {
+std::vector start(k_size);
+std::vector end(k_size);
+auto kernel_size = make_const(Int(32), 1);
+for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+  int ii = axis[i];
+  start[i] = output[ii] * stride[i] - pad_head[i];
+  end[i] = ir::Min::make(start[i] + kernel[i], x->shape[ii]);
+  start[i] = ir::Max::make(start[i], make_const(Int(32), 0));
+  kernel_size *= (end[i] - start[i]);

[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-11 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r356739029

 File path: src/relay/op/nn/pooling.cc
 @@ -720,5 +720,238 @@ RELAY_REGISTER_OP("nn.avg_pool2d_grad")
 .set_attr("FTVMCompute", Pool2DGradCompute);
+// relay.nn.max_pool3d & relay.nn.avg_pool3d
+bool Pool3DRel(const Array& types,
+   int num_inputs,
+   const Attrs& attrs,
+   const TypeReporter& reporter) {
+  CHECK_EQ(types.size(), 2);
+  const auto* data = types[0].as();
+  if (data == nullptr) return false;
+  const auto dshape = data->shape;
+  CHECK_GE(dshape.size(), 3U)
+  << "Pool3D only support input >= 3-D: input must have depth, height and 
+  const auto param = attrs.as();
+  CHECK(param != nullptr);
+  Layout layout(param->layout);
+  CHECK(layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('D')) && 
layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('H')) &&
+layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('W')) && 
!layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('d')) &&
+!layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('h')) && 
+<< "Invalid layout " << layout
+<< ". Pool3D layout must have D, H and W, which cannot be split";
+  const auto didx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('D'));
+  const auto hidx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('H'));
+  const auto widx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('W'));
+  IndexExpr pad_d, pad_h, pad_w;
+  if (param->padding.size() == 1) {
+pad_d = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_h = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_w = param->padding[0] * 2;
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 3) {
+// (front, top, left)
+pad_d = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_h = param->padding[1] * 2;
+pad_w = param->padding[2] * 2;
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 6) {
+// (front, top, left, back, bottom, right)
+pad_d = param->padding[0] + param->padding[3];
+pad_h = param->padding[1] + param->padding[4];
+pad_w = param->padding[2] + param->padding[5];
+  } else {
+return false;
+  }
+  std::vector oshape;
+  for (const auto& e : dshape) {
+  }
+  std::vector idxes = {didx, hidx, widx};
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+int ii = idxes[i];
+if (dshape[ii].as()) {
+  oshape[ii] = dshape[ii];
+} else {
+  if (param->ceil_mode) {
+oshape[ii] = ((dshape[ii] + pad_d - param->pool_size[i] +
+ param->strides[i] - 1) / param->strides[i]) + 1;
+  } else {
+oshape[ii] = ((dshape[ii] + pad_d - param->pool_size[i]) / 
param->strides[i]) + 1;
+  }
+  }
+  // assign output type
+  reporter->Assign(types[1], TensorTypeNode::make(oshape, data->dtype));
+  return true;
+// MaxPool3D
+Expr MakeMaxPool3D(Expr data,
+   Array pool_size,
+   Array strides,
+   Array padding,
+   std::string layout,
+   bool ceil_mode) {
+  auto attrs = make_node();
+  attrs->pool_size = std::move(pool_size);
+  attrs->strides = std::move(strides);
+  attrs->padding = std::move(padding);
+  attrs->layout = std::move(layout);
+  attrs->ceil_mode = ceil_mode;
+  static const Op& op = Op::Get("nn.max_pool3d");
+  return CallNode::make(op, {data}, Attrs(attrs), {});
+Array Pool3DCompute(const Attrs& attrs,
+const Array& inputs,
+const Type& out_type,
+const Target& target) {
+  static const Layout kNCDHW("NCDHW");
+  const auto* param = attrs.as();
+  CHECK(param != nullptr);
+  auto pool_size = param->pool_size;
+  auto strides = param->strides;
+  auto padding = param->padding;
+  auto ceil_mode = param->ceil_mode;
+  Layout layout(param->layout);
+  CHECK(BijectiveLayoutNode::make(layout, kNCDHW).defined())
+  << "max_pool3d currently only supports layouts that are convertible from 
+  CHECK_EQ(layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('d')), -1)
+  << "max_pool3d does not support input split on depth";
+  CHECK_EQ(layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('h')), -1)
+  << "max_pool3d does not support input split on height";
+  CHECK_EQ(layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('w')), -1)
+  << "max_pool3d does not support input split on width";
+  CHECK(inputs[0].ndim() == 4U ||
+inputs[0].ndim() == 5U ||
+inputs[0].ndim() == 6U)
+  << "Pool3D only support 5-D input (e.g., NCDHW)"
+  << " or 6-D input (e.g. NCDHWc on for vector instructions)"
+  << " or 7-D input (e.g. NCDHWnc for tensor accelerators)";
+  if (param->padding.size() == 1) {
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 3) {

[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-11 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r356738841

 File path: src/relay/op/nn/pooling.cc
 @@ -720,5 +720,238 @@ RELAY_REGISTER_OP("nn.avg_pool2d_grad")
 .set_attr("FTVMCompute", Pool2DGradCompute);
+// relay.nn.max_pool3d & relay.nn.avg_pool3d
+bool Pool3DRel(const Array& types,
+   int num_inputs,
+   const Attrs& attrs,
+   const TypeReporter& reporter) {
+  CHECK_EQ(types.size(), 2);
+  const auto* data = types[0].as();
+  if (data == nullptr) return false;
+  const auto dshape = data->shape;
+  CHECK_GE(dshape.size(), 3U)
+  << "Pool3D only support input >= 3-D: input must have depth, height and 
+  const auto param = attrs.as();
+  CHECK(param != nullptr);
+  Layout layout(param->layout);
+  CHECK(layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('D')) && 
layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('H')) &&
+layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('W')) && 
!layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('d')) &&
+!layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('h')) && 
+<< "Invalid layout " << layout
+<< ". Pool3D layout must have D, H and W, which cannot be split";
+  const auto didx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('D'));
+  const auto hidx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('H'));
+  const auto widx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('W'));
+  IndexExpr pad_d, pad_h, pad_w;
+  if (param->padding.size() == 1) {
+pad_d = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_h = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_w = param->padding[0] * 2;
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 3) {
+// (front, top, left)
+pad_d = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_h = param->padding[1] * 2;
+pad_w = param->padding[2] * 2;
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 6) {
+// (front, top, left, back, bottom, right)
+pad_d = param->padding[0] + param->padding[3];
+pad_h = param->padding[1] + param->padding[4];
+pad_w = param->padding[2] + param->padding[5];
+  } else {
+return false;
+  }
+  std::vector oshape;
+  for (const auto& e : dshape) {
+  }
+  std::vector idxes = {didx, hidx, widx};
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+int ii = idxes[i];
+if (dshape[ii].as()) {
+  oshape[ii] = dshape[ii];
+} else {
+  if (param->ceil_mode) {
+oshape[ii] = ((dshape[ii] + pad_d - param->pool_size[i] +
+ param->strides[i] - 1) / param->strides[i]) + 1;
+  } else {
+oshape[ii] = ((dshape[ii] + pad_d - param->pool_size[i]) / 
param->strides[i]) + 1;
+  }
+  }
+  // assign output type
+  reporter->Assign(types[1], TensorTypeNode::make(oshape, data->dtype));
+  return true;
+// MaxPool3D
+Expr MakeMaxPool3D(Expr data,
+   Array pool_size,
+   Array strides,
+   Array padding,
+   std::string layout,
+   bool ceil_mode) {
+  auto attrs = make_node();
+  attrs->pool_size = std::move(pool_size);
+  attrs->strides = std::move(strides);
+  attrs->padding = std::move(padding);
+  attrs->layout = std::move(layout);
+  attrs->ceil_mode = ceil_mode;
+  static const Op& op = Op::Get("nn.max_pool3d");
+  return CallNode::make(op, {data}, Attrs(attrs), {});
+Array Pool3DCompute(const Attrs& attrs,
+const Array& inputs,
+const Type& out_type,
+const Target& target) {
+  static const Layout kNCDHW("NCDHW");
+  const auto* param = attrs.as();
+  CHECK(param != nullptr);
+  auto pool_size = param->pool_size;
+  auto strides = param->strides;
+  auto padding = param->padding;
+  auto ceil_mode = param->ceil_mode;
+  Layout layout(param->layout);
+  CHECK(BijectiveLayoutNode::make(layout, kNCDHW).defined())
+  << "max_pool3d currently only supports layouts that are convertible from 
+  CHECK_EQ(layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('d')), -1)
+  << "max_pool3d does not support input split on depth";
+  CHECK_EQ(layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('h')), -1)
+  << "max_pool3d does not support input split on height";
+  CHECK_EQ(layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('w')), -1)
+  << "max_pool3d does not support input split on width";
+  CHECK(inputs[0].ndim() == 4U ||
+inputs[0].ndim() == 5U ||
+inputs[0].ndim() == 6U)
+  << "Pool3D only support 5-D input (e.g., NCDHW)"
+  << " or 6-D input (e.g. NCDHWc on for vector instructions)"
+  << " or 7-D input (e.g. NCDHWnc for tensor accelerators)";
+  if (param->padding.size() == 1) {
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 3) {

[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-11 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r356737854

 File path: src/relay/op/nn/pooling.cc
 @@ -720,5 +720,238 @@ RELAY_REGISTER_OP("nn.avg_pool2d_grad")
 .set_attr("FTVMCompute", Pool2DGradCompute);
+// relay.nn.max_pool3d & relay.nn.avg_pool3d
+bool Pool3DRel(const Array& types,
+   int num_inputs,
+   const Attrs& attrs,
+   const TypeReporter& reporter) {
+  CHECK_EQ(types.size(), 2);
+  const auto* data = types[0].as();
+  if (data == nullptr) return false;
+  const auto dshape = data->shape;
+  CHECK_GE(dshape.size(), 3U)
+  << "Pool3D only support input >= 3-D: input must have depth, height and 
+  const auto param = attrs.as();
+  CHECK(param != nullptr);
+  Layout layout(param->layout);
+  CHECK(layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('D')) && 
layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('H')) &&
+layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('W')) && 
!layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('d')) &&
+!layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('h')) && 
+<< "Invalid layout " << layout
+<< ". Pool3D layout must have D, H and W, which cannot be split";
+  const auto didx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('D'));
+  const auto hidx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('H'));
+  const auto widx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('W'));
+  IndexExpr pad_d, pad_h, pad_w;
+  if (param->padding.size() == 1) {
+pad_d = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_h = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_w = param->padding[0] * 2;
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 3) {
+// (front, top, left)
+pad_d = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_h = param->padding[1] * 2;
+pad_w = param->padding[2] * 2;
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 6) {
+// (front, top, left, back, bottom, right)
+pad_d = param->padding[0] + param->padding[3];
+pad_h = param->padding[1] + param->padding[4];
+pad_w = param->padding[2] + param->padding[5];
+  } else {
+return false;
+  }
+  std::vector oshape;
+  for (const auto& e : dshape) {
+  }
+  std::vector idxes = {didx, hidx, widx};
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+int ii = idxes[i];
+if (dshape[ii].as()) {
+  oshape[ii] = dshape[ii];
+} else {
+  if (param->ceil_mode) {
+oshape[ii] = ((dshape[ii] + pad_d - param->pool_size[i] +
+ param->strides[i] - 1) / param->strides[i]) + 1;
+  } else {
+oshape[ii] = ((dshape[ii] + pad_d - param->pool_size[i]) / 
param->strides[i]) + 1;
+  }
+  }
+  // assign output type
+  reporter->Assign(types[1], TensorTypeNode::make(oshape, data->dtype));
+  return true;
+// MaxPool3D
+Expr MakeMaxPool3D(Expr data,
+   Array pool_size,
+   Array strides,
+   Array padding,
+   std::string layout,
+   bool ceil_mode) {
+  auto attrs = make_node();
+  attrs->pool_size = std::move(pool_size);
+  attrs->strides = std::move(strides);
+  attrs->padding = std::move(padding);
+  attrs->layout = std::move(layout);
+  attrs->ceil_mode = ceil_mode;
+  static const Op& op = Op::Get("nn.max_pool3d");
+  return CallNode::make(op, {data}, Attrs(attrs), {});
+Array Pool3DCompute(const Attrs& attrs,
+const Array& inputs,
+const Type& out_type,
+const Target& target) {
+  static const Layout kNCDHW("NCDHW");
+  const auto* param = attrs.as();
+  CHECK(param != nullptr);
+  auto pool_size = param->pool_size;
+  auto strides = param->strides;
+  auto padding = param->padding;
+  auto ceil_mode = param->ceil_mode;
+  Layout layout(param->layout);
+  CHECK(BijectiveLayoutNode::make(layout, kNCDHW).defined())
+  << "max_pool3d currently only supports layouts that are convertible from 
+  CHECK_EQ(layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('d')), -1)
+  << "max_pool3d does not support input split on depth";
+  CHECK_EQ(layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('h')), -1)
+  << "max_pool3d does not support input split on height";
+  CHECK_EQ(layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('w')), -1)
+  << "max_pool3d does not support input split on width";
+  CHECK(inputs[0].ndim() == 4U ||
+inputs[0].ndim() == 5U ||
+inputs[0].ndim() == 6U)
+  << "Pool3D only support 5-D input (e.g., NCDHW)"
+  << " or 6-D input (e.g. NCDHWc on for vector instructions)"
+  << " or 7-D input (e.g. NCDHWnc for tensor accelerators)";
+  if (param->padding.size() == 1) {
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 3) {

[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-11 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r356737854

 File path: src/relay/op/nn/pooling.cc
 @@ -720,5 +720,238 @@ RELAY_REGISTER_OP("nn.avg_pool2d_grad")
 .set_attr("FTVMCompute", Pool2DGradCompute);
+// relay.nn.max_pool3d & relay.nn.avg_pool3d
+bool Pool3DRel(const Array& types,
+   int num_inputs,
+   const Attrs& attrs,
+   const TypeReporter& reporter) {
+  CHECK_EQ(types.size(), 2);
+  const auto* data = types[0].as();
+  if (data == nullptr) return false;
+  const auto dshape = data->shape;
+  CHECK_GE(dshape.size(), 3U)
+  << "Pool3D only support input >= 3-D: input must have depth, height and 
+  const auto param = attrs.as();
+  CHECK(param != nullptr);
+  Layout layout(param->layout);
+  CHECK(layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('D')) && 
layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('H')) &&
+layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('W')) && 
!layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('d')) &&
+!layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('h')) && 
+<< "Invalid layout " << layout
+<< ". Pool3D layout must have D, H and W, which cannot be split";
+  const auto didx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('D'));
+  const auto hidx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('H'));
+  const auto widx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('W'));
+  IndexExpr pad_d, pad_h, pad_w;
+  if (param->padding.size() == 1) {
+pad_d = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_h = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_w = param->padding[0] * 2;
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 3) {
+// (front, top, left)
+pad_d = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_h = param->padding[1] * 2;
+pad_w = param->padding[2] * 2;
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 6) {
+// (front, top, left, back, bottom, right)
+pad_d = param->padding[0] + param->padding[3];
+pad_h = param->padding[1] + param->padding[4];
+pad_w = param->padding[2] + param->padding[5];
+  } else {
+return false;
+  }
+  std::vector oshape;
+  for (const auto& e : dshape) {
+  }
+  std::vector idxes = {didx, hidx, widx};
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+int ii = idxes[i];
+if (dshape[ii].as()) {
+  oshape[ii] = dshape[ii];
+} else {
+  if (param->ceil_mode) {
+oshape[ii] = ((dshape[ii] + pad_d - param->pool_size[i] +
+ param->strides[i] - 1) / param->strides[i]) + 1;
+  } else {
+oshape[ii] = ((dshape[ii] + pad_d - param->pool_size[i]) / 
param->strides[i]) + 1;
+  }
+  }
+  // assign output type
+  reporter->Assign(types[1], TensorTypeNode::make(oshape, data->dtype));
+  return true;
+// MaxPool3D
+Expr MakeMaxPool3D(Expr data,
+   Array pool_size,
+   Array strides,
+   Array padding,
+   std::string layout,
+   bool ceil_mode) {
+  auto attrs = make_node();
+  attrs->pool_size = std::move(pool_size);
+  attrs->strides = std::move(strides);
+  attrs->padding = std::move(padding);
+  attrs->layout = std::move(layout);
+  attrs->ceil_mode = ceil_mode;
+  static const Op& op = Op::Get("nn.max_pool3d");
+  return CallNode::make(op, {data}, Attrs(attrs), {});
+Array Pool3DCompute(const Attrs& attrs,
+const Array& inputs,
+const Type& out_type,
+const Target& target) {
+  static const Layout kNCDHW("NCDHW");
+  const auto* param = attrs.as();
+  CHECK(param != nullptr);
+  auto pool_size = param->pool_size;
+  auto strides = param->strides;
+  auto padding = param->padding;
+  auto ceil_mode = param->ceil_mode;
+  Layout layout(param->layout);
+  CHECK(BijectiveLayoutNode::make(layout, kNCDHW).defined())
+  << "max_pool3d currently only supports layouts that are convertible from 
+  CHECK_EQ(layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('d')), -1)
+  << "max_pool3d does not support input split on depth";
+  CHECK_EQ(layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('h')), -1)
+  << "max_pool3d does not support input split on height";
+  CHECK_EQ(layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('w')), -1)
+  << "max_pool3d does not support input split on width";
+  CHECK(inputs[0].ndim() == 4U ||
+inputs[0].ndim() == 5U ||
+inputs[0].ndim() == 6U)
+  << "Pool3D only support 5-D input (e.g., NCDHW)"
+  << " or 6-D input (e.g. NCDHWc on for vector instructions)"
+  << " or 7-D input (e.g. NCDHWnc for tensor accelerators)";
+  if (param->padding.size() == 1) {
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 3) {

[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-11 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r356735856

 File path: src/relay/op/nn/pooling.cc
 @@ -720,5 +720,238 @@ RELAY_REGISTER_OP("nn.avg_pool2d_grad")
 .set_attr("FTVMCompute", Pool2DGradCompute);
+// relay.nn.max_pool3d & relay.nn.avg_pool3d
+bool Pool3DRel(const Array& types,
+   int num_inputs,
+   const Attrs& attrs,
+   const TypeReporter& reporter) {
+  CHECK_EQ(types.size(), 2);
+  const auto* data = types[0].as();
+  if (data == nullptr) return false;
+  const auto dshape = data->shape;
+  CHECK_GE(dshape.size(), 3U)
+  << "Pool3D only support input >= 3-D: input must have depth, height and 
+  const auto param = attrs.as();
+  CHECK(param != nullptr);
+  Layout layout(param->layout);
+  CHECK(layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('D')) && 
layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('H')) &&
+layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('W')) && 
!layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('d')) &&
+!layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('h')) && 
+<< "Invalid layout " << layout
+<< ". Pool3D layout must have D, H and W, which cannot be split";
+  const auto didx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('D'));
+  const auto hidx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('H'));
+  const auto widx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('W'));
+  IndexExpr pad_d, pad_h, pad_w;
+  if (param->padding.size() == 1) {
+pad_d = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_h = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_w = param->padding[0] * 2;
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 3) {
+// (front, top, left)
+pad_d = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_h = param->padding[1] * 2;
+pad_w = param->padding[2] * 2;
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 6) {
+// (front, top, left, back, bottom, right)
+pad_d = param->padding[0] + param->padding[3];
+pad_h = param->padding[1] + param->padding[4];
+pad_w = param->padding[2] + param->padding[5];
+  } else {
+return false;
+  }
+  std::vector oshape;
+  for (const auto& e : dshape) {
+  }
+  std::vector idxes = {didx, hidx, widx};
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+int ii = idxes[i];
+if (dshape[ii].as()) {
+  oshape[ii] = dshape[ii];
+} else {
+  if (param->ceil_mode) {
+oshape[ii] = ((dshape[ii] + pad_d - param->pool_size[i] +
+ param->strides[i] - 1) / param->strides[i]) + 1;
+  } else {
+oshape[ii] = ((dshape[ii] + pad_d - param->pool_size[i]) / 
param->strides[i]) + 1;
+  }
+  }
+  // assign output type
+  reporter->Assign(types[1], TensorTypeNode::make(oshape, data->dtype));
+  return true;
+// MaxPool3D
+Expr MakeMaxPool3D(Expr data,
 Review comment:
   I think you can unify MakeMaxPool2D and MakeMaxPool3D with a template param 
for Attrs and additional argument for op name ("nn.max_pool2d" or 
"nn.max_pool3d"). Also for avg pool. Can you try that?

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[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-11 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r356735856

 File path: src/relay/op/nn/pooling.cc
 @@ -720,5 +720,238 @@ RELAY_REGISTER_OP("nn.avg_pool2d_grad")
 .set_attr("FTVMCompute", Pool2DGradCompute);
+// relay.nn.max_pool3d & relay.nn.avg_pool3d
+bool Pool3DRel(const Array& types,
+   int num_inputs,
+   const Attrs& attrs,
+   const TypeReporter& reporter) {
+  CHECK_EQ(types.size(), 2);
+  const auto* data = types[0].as();
+  if (data == nullptr) return false;
+  const auto dshape = data->shape;
+  CHECK_GE(dshape.size(), 3U)
+  << "Pool3D only support input >= 3-D: input must have depth, height and 
+  const auto param = attrs.as();
+  CHECK(param != nullptr);
+  Layout layout(param->layout);
+  CHECK(layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('D')) && 
layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('H')) &&
+layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('W')) && 
!layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('d')) &&
+!layout.Contains(LayoutAxis::Get('h')) && 
+<< "Invalid layout " << layout
+<< ". Pool3D layout must have D, H and W, which cannot be split";
+  const auto didx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('D'));
+  const auto hidx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('H'));
+  const auto widx = layout.IndexOf(LayoutAxis::Get('W'));
+  IndexExpr pad_d, pad_h, pad_w;
+  if (param->padding.size() == 1) {
+pad_d = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_h = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_w = param->padding[0] * 2;
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 3) {
+// (front, top, left)
+pad_d = param->padding[0] * 2;
+pad_h = param->padding[1] * 2;
+pad_w = param->padding[2] * 2;
+  } else if (param->padding.size() == 6) {
+// (front, top, left, back, bottom, right)
+pad_d = param->padding[0] + param->padding[3];
+pad_h = param->padding[1] + param->padding[4];
+pad_w = param->padding[2] + param->padding[5];
+  } else {
+return false;
+  }
+  std::vector oshape;
+  for (const auto& e : dshape) {
+  }
+  std::vector idxes = {didx, hidx, widx};
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+int ii = idxes[i];
+if (dshape[ii].as()) {
+  oshape[ii] = dshape[ii];
+} else {
+  if (param->ceil_mode) {
+oshape[ii] = ((dshape[ii] + pad_d - param->pool_size[i] +
+ param->strides[i] - 1) / param->strides[i]) + 1;
+  } else {
+oshape[ii] = ((dshape[ii] + pad_d - param->pool_size[i]) / 
param->strides[i]) + 1;
+  }
+  }
+  // assign output type
+  reporter->Assign(types[1], TensorTypeNode::make(oshape, data->dtype));
+  return true;
+// MaxPool3D
+Expr MakeMaxPool3D(Expr data,
 Review comment:
   I think you can unify MakeMaxPool2D and MakeMaxPool3D with a template param 
for Attrs and additional argument for op name ("nn.max_pool2d" or 

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[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-07 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r355132397

 File path: src/relay/op/nn/pooling.cc
 @@ -720,5 +720,257 @@ RELAY_REGISTER_OP("nn.avg_pool2d_grad")
 .set_attr("FTVMCompute", Pool2DGradCompute);
+// relay.nn.max_pool3d & relay.nn.avg_pool3d
+Array > Pool3DInferCorrectLayout(
 Review comment:
   I think this function can be unified for 2d and 3d.

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Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-07 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r355131637

 File path: topi/src/topi.cc
 @@ -595,7 +602,7 @@ TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("topi.generic.schedule_injective")
 .set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
   *rv = topi::generic::schedule_injective_from_existing(args[0], args[1]);
- });
+  });
 Review comment:
   Remove this diff and other three below

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Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-07 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r355131637

 File path: topi/src/topi.cc
 @@ -595,7 +602,7 @@ TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("topi.generic.schedule_injective")
 .set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
   *rv = topi::generic::schedule_injective_from_existing(args[0], args[1]);
- });
+  });
 Review comment:
   Remove this diff

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With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [incubator-tvm] masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op

2019-12-07 Thread GitBox
masahi commented on a change in pull request #4478: [TOPI] implement pool3d op
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4478#discussion_r355131252

 File path: topi/include/topi/nn/pooling.h
 @@ -591,6 +593,211 @@ inline Tensor global_pool(const Tensor& x,
   return adaptive_pool(x, Array{1, 1}, pool_type, layout);
+* \brief Perform pooling on N-dimension of data.
+* \param x The input tensor
+* \param kernel_size Vector of N ints
+* \param stride_size Vector of N ints
+* \param padding_size Vector of N*2 ints [head_pad_d1, head_pad_d2, ...,
+*head_pad_dN, tail_pad_d1, tail_pad_d2, ..., tail_pad_dN]
+* \param pool_type The type of pooling operator
+* \param ceil_mode Whether to use ceil when calculating the output size
+* \param axis Vector of indices for the N dimensions
+* \param count_include_pad Whether include padding in the calculation
+* \return The output tensor in same layout order
+inline Tensor pool_impl_nd(const Tensor& x,
+   const Array& kernel_size,
+   const Array& stride_size,
+   const Array& padding_size,
+   PoolType pool_type,
+   bool ceil_mode,
+   const std::vector& axis,
+   bool count_include_pad) {
+  int k_size = kernel_size.size();
+  int x_size = x->shape.size();
+  CHECK_EQ(stride_size.size(), k_size) << "Pooling stride_size must have same 
elements as kernel";
+  CHECK_EQ(padding_size.size(), k_size * 2) << "Pooling padding_size must has 
double elements of"
+   " kernel";
+  CHECK_EQ(axis.size(), k_size) << "axis must have same elements as kernel";
+  Array daxis;
+  std::vector kernel(k_size);
+  std::vector stride(k_size);
+  std::vector pad_head(k_size);
+  std::vector pad_tail(k_size);
+  Array pad_before(std::vector(x_size, 0));
+  Array pad_after(std::vector(x_size, 0));
+  Array out_shape = x->shape;
+  bool do_pad = false;
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+kernel[i] = cast(Int(32), kernel_size[i]);
+stride[i] = cast(Int(32), stride_size[i]);
+pad_head[i] = cast(Int(32), padding_size[i]);
+pad_tail[i] = cast(Int(32), padding_size[i + k_size]);
+const int64_t *padding0 = as_const_int(pad_head[i]);
+const int64_t *padding1 = as_const_int(pad_tail[i]);
+do_pad = (do_pad) ? do_pad : ((padding0 && *padding0) || (padding1 && 
+if (ceil_mode) {
+  // Additional padding to ensure we do ceil instead of floor when
+  // dividing by stride.
+  pad_tail[i] += stride[i] - 1;
+daxis.push_back(tvm::reduce_axis(Range(0, kernel[i])));
+pad_before.Set(ii, pad_head[i]);
+pad_after.Set(ii, pad_tail[i]);
+auto out_dim = tvm::ir::Simplify(
+  indexdiv(x->shape[ii] - kernel[i] + pad_head[i] + pad_tail[i], 
stride[i]) + 1);
+out_shape.Set(ii, out_dim);
+  }
+  if (pool_type == kMaxPool) {
+auto temp = do_pad ? pad(x, pad_before, pad_after, x->dtype.min(), 
"pad_temp") : x;
+return tvm::compute(out_shape, [&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+indices.Set(ii, output[ii] * stride[i] + daxis[i]);
+  }
+  return tvm::max(temp(indices), daxis);
+}, "tensor", "pool_max");
+  } else if (pool_type == kAvgPool) {
+// Pad the inputs
+auto temp = do_pad ? pad(x, pad_before, pad_after, 0, "pad_temp") : x;
+// TVM compute for summing the pooling window.
+auto pool_sum = tvm::compute(out_shape,
+[&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+int ii = axis[i];
+indices.Set(ii, output[ii] * stride[i] + daxis[i]);
+  }
+  return tvm::sum(temp(indices), daxis);
+}, "tensor", "pool_sum");
+// TVM compute for dividing the reduced window sum by kernel size.
+return tvm::compute(out_shape,
+[&](const Array& output) {
+  Array indices;
+  for (const Var& var : output) indices.push_back(var);
+  if (count_include_pad) {
+auto kernel_size = make_const(Int(32), 1);
+for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+  kernel_size *= kernel[i];
+return div(pool_sum(indices), kernel_size);
+  } else {
+std::vector start(k_size);
+std::vector end(k_size);
+auto kernel_size = make_const(Int(32), 1);
+for (int i = 0; i < k_size; i++) {
+  int ii = axis[i];
+  start[i] = output[ii] * stride[i] - pad_head[i];
+  end[i] = ir::Min::make(start[i] + kernel[i], x->shape[ii]);
+  start[i] = ir::Max::make(start[i], make_const(Int(32), 0));
+  kernel_size *= (end[i] - start[i]);