[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-08-20 Thread Sven Meier (Confluence)


Sven Meier edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

 Comment: IPackageResourceGuard#accept() 

This method was needed as a workaround for some old version of Firefox that had an issue with rendering images.The flush of the headers caused problems with proper buffering of the response, e.g. when the response needs to be compressed.
 org.apache.wicket.markup.html.IPackageResourceGuard#accept(String) now without scope parameter 
 The scope parameter was no longer used already, so it is now removed from the method signature. 
All IXyzSettings are removed WICKET-5410 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-08-13 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

All IXyzSettings are removed WICKET-5410 
All interfaces related to configuration settings have been removed because the user application usually call setter methods like application.getXyzSettings().setAbc(abc) and don't provide their own implementations of these interfaces. Additionally by using interfaces it is not possible to add new settings in a minor release of Wicket because it is considered as an API break.

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-08-12 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

If the currently selected item is the first one and the user uses KEY_UP then the selection will move to the last option. Similarly for KEY_DOWN - if the selected option is the last one then using DOWN key will move the selection to the first one.
 Form#findSubmittingComponent() doesn't throw exceptions for invisible/disabled submitters WICKET-5672 
 The check whether the form submitter is invisible or disabled is moved to Form#onFormSubmitted(). Now the applications can change the visible/enabled state of the submitter in #onSubmit() implementations and later use Form#findSubmittingComponent() in the application code. It is now responsibility of the application to check whether the submitting component is visible/enabled or not and react on this appropriately. 
Dependency updates
All libraries on which Wicket modules depend are updated to their latest stable versions. The most notable ones are:

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-08-08 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

For these components markup is changed from table to nested divs. Wizard's previous default CSS styling is no longer supported, Palette offers an optional styling via org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.form.palette.theme.DefaultTheme.
 Use i18n property files for CSS class names WICKET-5257 
 Until Wicket 7.0.0 some components have been setting hardcoded CSS class names (e.g. FeedbackPanel), other were using a overridable Behavior to set the needed class names (e.g. OrderByLink's ICssProvider). 
 Since Wicket 7.0.0 this is simplified and now the applications can provide their own CSS class names when needed by overriding some keys in theiri18n properties files (e.g. in MyApplication.properties). 
 Here is a list of the default keys and their values: 
  FeedbackMessage.CSS.undefined=feedbackPanelUNDEFINED  FeedbackMessage.CSS.debug=feedbackPanelDEBUG  FeedbackMessage.CSS.info=feedbackPanelINFO  FeedbackMessage.CSS.success=feedbackPanelSUCCESS  FeedbackMessage.CSS.warning=feedbackPanelWARNING  FeedbackMessage.CSS.error=feedbackPanelERROR  FeedbackMessage.CSS.fatal=feedbackPanelFATAL 
 FormComponentLabel.CSS.required=required  FormComponentLabel.CSS.invalid=error  FormComponentLabel.CSS.disabled=disabled 
 OddEvenItem.CSS.odd=odd  OddEvenItem.CSS.even=even 
 OddEvenListItem.CSS.odd=odd  OddEvenListItem.CSS.even=even 
 AutoLabel.CSS.required=required  AutoLabel.CSS.invalid=error  AutoLabel.CSS.disabled=disabled 
 Behavior changes
org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-08-08 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

 OrderByLink.CSS.ascending=wicket_orderUp  OrderByLink.CSS.descending=wicket_orderDown  OrderByLink.CSS.none=wicket_orderNone 
 TabbedPanel.CSS.container=tab-row  TabbedPanel.CSS.selected=selected  TabbedPanel.CSS.last=last 
 Node.CSS.expanded=tree-junction-expanded   Node.CSS.collapsed=tree-junction-collapsed  Node.CSS.other=tree-junction 
 Folder.CSS.other=tree-folder-other  Folder.CSS.closed=tree-folder-closed  Folder.CSS.open=tree-folder-open  Folder.CSS.selected=selected 

Behavior changes
org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-07-22 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

isLinkEnabled() has been removed as well. Use isEnabledInHierarchy() as replacement.
 RadioChoice and CheckBoxMultipleChoice no longer append br/ as suffixWICKET-5640 
 org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.RadioChoice andorg.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.CheckBoxMultipleChoice use empty prefix and suffix by default from now on. 

It is recommended to use CSS for styling them.

To revert the old behavior for easier migration the application could useorg.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.RadioChoiceWicket6Listener andorg.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.CheckBoxMultipleChoiceWicket6Listener.

These component instantiation listeners are marked as deprecated and will be removed with Wicket 8.0.

Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-07-16 Thread Sven Meier (Confluence)


Sven Meier bearbeitete die Seite:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

 Kommentar: WICKET-5349 

RadioGroup and RadioChoice use their generic type for the argument of #onSelectionChanged() now.
 Palette and Wizard use divs instead of table markup WICKET-5349 
 Wizard's For these components markup is changed from table to nested divs. The Wizard's previous default CSS styling is no longer supported, Palette offers an optional styling via org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.form.palette.theme.DefaultTheme. 
Behavior changes
org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664 

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  Diese Nachricht wurde von Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, der Kollaborationssoftware fr Teams, gesendet  

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-07-15 Thread Sven Meier (Confluence)


Sven Meier bearbeitete die Seite:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

 Kommentar: Wizard styling 

RadioGroup and RadioChoice use their generic type for the argument of #onSelectionChanged() now.
 Wizard no longer supports a default style via CSS WICKET-5349 
 Wizard's markup is changed from table to nested divs. The previous default styling is no longer supported. 
Behavior changes
org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664 

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  Diese Nachricht wurde von Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, der Kollaborationssoftware fr Teams, gesendet  

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-04-05 Thread Sven Meier (Confluence)


Sven Meier bearbeitete die Seite:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

 Kommentar: #onSelectionChanged() 

The property column from wicket-extensions has some methods renamed to better reflect their meaning.
 #onSelectionChanged() use generic type as argument 
 RadioGroup and RadioChoice use their generic type for the argument of #onSelectionChanged() now. 
Behavior changes
org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664 

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  Diese Nachricht wurde von Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, der Kollaborationssoftware fr Teams, gesendet  

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-03-19 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

 Comment: Add a note about the missing AbstractLink#isLinkEnabled() 

Hence setAfterDisabledLink(String) and setBeforeDisabledLink(String) have been removed from AbstractLink.
 isLinkEnabled() has been removed as well. Use isEnabledInHierarchy() as replacement. 
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-01-31 Thread Martijn Dashorst (Confluence)


Martijn Dashorst edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

The href and disabled attributes are still added/removed by AbstractLink as required. But no further mangling of markup is performed. org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.DisabledLinkBehavior can be used to restore the pre-Wicket-7.x representation of disabled links with emspan/span/em (note that em and span swap their position though). If the old behavior is need it can be easily re-applied by using org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.DisabledLinkBehavior.LinkInstantiationListener.
 Hence setAfterDisabledLink(String) and setBeforeDisabledLink(String) have been removed from AbstractLink. 
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-01-28 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

If you have used MountMapper for your custom mappers in Wicket 1.5/6.x then now your custom mapper has to extend from AbstractBookmarkableMapper.

 The type of the parameter passed toAuthenticatedWebApplication#onUnauthorizedPage() has changed from org.apache.wicket.Page to org.apache.wicket.Component because this is an instance of a page that is partially constructed. Only the constructor of org.apache.wicket.Component is fully executed. All super constructors are not executed and the instance is not really a Page. 
Behavior changes
org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-01-28 Thread Martijn Dashorst (Confluence)


Martijn Dashorst edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

The type of the parameter passed toAuthenticatedWebApplication#onUnauthorizedPage() has changed from org.apache.wicket.Page to org.apache.wicket.Component because this is an instance of a page that is partially constructed. Only the constructor of org.apache.wicket.Component is fully executed. All super constructors are not executed and the instance is not really a Page.
 PropertyColumn#createLabelModel has been renamed to getDataModel 
 The property column from wicket-extensions has some methods renamed to better reflect their meaning. 
Behavior changes
org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-01-20 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

If an exception is thrown during processing in BaseWicketTester or the request was not processed by Wicket, you have to use #getLastRequest() to access this request (was #getRequest() previously).  WICKET-5389.
 WicketTester assert feedback message methods work with java.io.SerializableWICKET-5128 
 org.apache.wicket.util.tester.WicketTester#assertErrorMessages andorg.apache.wicket.util.tester.WicketTester#assertInfoMessages now accept a list/varargs of java.io.Serializable as argument. 
 This makes these methods consistent withorg.apache.wicket.Component#error and other feedback message related methods. 
 org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-01-13 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

IPageLink has been removed because it was superseded by IPageProvider. Its last usage has been removed from InlineFrame
 org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.EnumChoiceRenderer#postprocess() is removedWICKET-5470 
 WICKET-5470 shown thatorg.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.EnumChoiceRenderer#postprocess() is not really needed and the same canbe achieved by overriding #getDisplayValue() method and doing the processing after calling super.getDisplayValue(). 
 Additionally now the specialization of EnumChoiceRenderer can provide completely custom implementation of #getDisplayValue(). 
Using keyboard UP and DOWN keys will loop thru the AutoCompleter's options WICKET-5275 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-01-10 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

Any custom implementations of IChoiceRenderer interface now should extend from ChoiceRenderer class.
 remove org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.mount.MountMapperWICKET-4686 
 MountMapper and its related classes (IMountedRequestMapper, Mount,MountParameters,UnmountedMapperAdapter andUnmountedRequestHandlerAdapter) has been introduced with Wicket 1.5.0. 
 Its main task was to deal with the mounting of a delegate IRequestMapper at a given path. Unfortunately it has been used only for wrapping PackageMapper and at some point the most used mapper - MountedMapper, used to mount page class - has been improved to deal with mandatory and optional parameters. To fix WICKET-4686 (support mandatory and optional parameters in PackageMapper) we needed to extract the related logic to a place where it can be reused. We decided this place to be AbstractBookmarkableMapper - the parent class for all bookmarkable mappers. 
 If you have used MountMapper for your custom mappers in Wicket 1.5/6.x then now your custom mapper has to extend from AbstractBookmarkableMapper. 
Behavior changes
org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-01-08 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior no longer updates its hosting component when stopped or restarted. Stopping and restarting is now possible on non-Ajax requests too.

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2014-01-08 Thread Sven Meier (Confluence)


Sven Meier bearbeitete die Seite:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

 Kommentar: Reverted from v. 60: stop() didn't update the hosting component 

AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior no longer updates its hosting component when stopped or restarted. Stopping and restarting is now possible on non-Ajax requests too.

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  Diese Nachricht wurde von Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, der Kollaborationssoftware fr Teams, gesendet  

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-12-20 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

To allow any pattern this method can return null or Pattern.compile(.* )
 remove org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IChoiceRendererinterfaceWICKET-663 
 With WICKET-663 we wanted to add a new method to the interface that will allow faster lookup of an object by its id. 
 It wasn't easy to add this new method because it would break the API. 
 Since the creation of WICKET-663 until now there was no big benefit of having the interface so we decided to drop it. 
 Any custom implementations of IChoiceRenderer interface now should extend from ChoiceRenderer class. 
Behavior changes
org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-12-17 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

To fix any compilation issues just remove the leading I from the class name, e.g. IMarkupSettings - MarkupSettings, and optimize the imports in your IDE.
 org.apache.wicket.request.resource.caching.version.IResourceVersion#getVersionPattern() is addedWICKET-5446 
 This method makes the API more flexible when extracting the version from the url. 
 The pattern is used to check whether a candidate String could be a version. 
 To allow any pattern this method can return null or Pattern.compile(.* ) 
Behavior changes
org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664 

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-12-16 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)


Martin Grigorov edited the page:

Migration to Wicket 7.0   

Migrating to Wicket 7.0

 Table of Contents



Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

 Code Block





public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {
  ListHeaderItem dependencies = super.getDependencies();
  return dependencies;


[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-11-13 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

The flush of the headers caused problems with proper buffering of the response, e.g. when the response needs to be compressed.  
h5. All IXyzSettings are removed [WICKET-5410|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5410]  All interfaces related to configuration settings have been removed because the user application usually call setter methods like _application.getXyzSettings().setAbc(abc)_ and dont provide their own implementations of these interfaces. Additionally by using interfaces it is not possible to add new settings in a minor release of Wicket because it is considered as an API break.  
h3. Behavior changes  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
(Base)WicketTester can be reused after thrown exception
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227
org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners()
org.apache.wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy#isResourceAuthorized(IResource, PageParameters) is introduced WICKET-5012
org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage() now accepts org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestablePage instead of org.apache.wicket.Page
AutoCompleteTextField doesn't support useHideShowCoveredIEFix setting WICKET-5130
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField#getInputType() returns String array WICKET-5286
AuthenticatedWebSession#authenticate is now protected instead of public. WICKET-5308
AbstractResource.ResourceResponse API became more fluent. WICKET-5330
org.apache.wicket.markup.head.IHeaderItemWrapper is merged to IWrappedHeaderItem. WICKET-5366
All 'QuirkXyz' properties has been removed from org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.ClientProperties WICKET-5370
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.AbstractResource#flushResponseAfterHeaders() is removed WICKET-5392
All IXyzSettings are removed WICKET-5410

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-10-28 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (2)

The quirk properties were mostly related to IE6/7 and old versions of Firefox browsers.  
h5. org.apache.wicket.request.resource.AbstractResource#flushResponseAfterHeaders() is removed [WICKET-5392|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5392] 
This method was needed as a workaround for some old version of Firefox that had an issue with rendering images. The flush of the headers caused problems with proper buffering of the response, e.g. when the response needs to be compressed.  
h3. Behavior changes  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
(Base)WicketTester can be reused after thrown exception
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227
org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners()
org.apache.wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy#isResourceAuthorized(IResource, PageParameters) is introduced WICKET-5012
org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage() now accepts org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestablePage instead of org.apache.wicket.Page
AutoCompleteTextField doesn't support useHideShowCoveredIEFix setting WICKET-5130
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField#getInputType() returns String array WICKET-5286
AuthenticatedWebSession#authenticate is now protected instead of public. WICKET-5308
AbstractResource.ResourceResponse API became more fluent. WICKET-5330
org.apache.wicket.markup.head.IHeaderItemWrapper is merged to IWrappedHeaderItem. WICKET-5366
All 'QuirkXyz' properties has been removed from org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.ClientProperties WICKET-5370
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.AbstractResource#flushResponseAfterHeaders() is removed WICKET-5392

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.
Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation has been removed WICKET-5246
AllVisitFilter has been removed.

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-09-25 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (2)

The new method is moved its proper class - IWrappedHeaderItem.  
h5. All QuirkXyz properties has been removed from org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.ClientProperties [WICKET-5370|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5370] 
The quirk properties were mostly related to IE6/7 and old versions of Firefox browsers.   
h3. Behavior changes  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227
org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners()
org.apache.wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy#isResourceAuthorized(IResource, PageParameters) is introduced WICKET-5012
org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage() now accepts org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestablePage instead of org.apache.wicket.Page
AutoCompleteTextField doesn't support useHideShowCoveredIEFix setting WICKET-5130
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField#getInputType() returns String array WICKET-5286
AuthenticatedWebSession#authenticate is now protected instead of public. WICKET-5308
AbstractResource.ResourceResponse API became more fluent. WICKET-5330
org.apache.wicket.markup.head.IHeaderItemWrapper is merged to IWrappedHeaderItem. WICKET-5366
All 'QuirkXyz' properties has been removed from org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.ClientProperties WICKET-5370

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.
Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation has been removed WICKET-5246
AllVisitFilter has been removed.
Label constructor with String argument has been removed WICKET-5201
RangeValidator deprecated keys removed
InlineFrame uses IPageProvider WICKET-5347

Using keyboard UP and DOWN keys will loop thru the AutoCompleter's options WICKET-5275
Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-09-02 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (2)

h5. AbstractResource.ResourceResponse API became more fluent. [WICKET-5330|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5330] 
All setter methods in AbstractResource.ResourceResponse class now will return _this_ instance for method chaining.   
h3. Behavior changes  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227
org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners()
org.apache.wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy#isResourceAuthorized(IResource, PageParameters) is introduced WICKET-5012
org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage() now accepts org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestablePage instead of org.apache.wicket.Page
AutoCompleteTextField doesn't support useHideShowCoveredIEFix setting WICKET-5130
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField#getInputType() returns String array WICKET-5286
AuthenticatedWebSession#authenticate is now protected instead of public. WICKET-5308
AbstractResource.ResourceResponse API became more fluent. WICKET-5330

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.
Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation has been removed WICKET-5246
Using keyboard UP and DOWN keys will loop thru the AutoCompleter's options WICKET-5275

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-08-20 Thread Carl-Eric Menzel (Confluence)

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Carl-Eric Menzel

 Changes (1)

h5. AuthenticatedWebSession#authenticate is now protected instead of private. public. [WICKET-5308|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5308] 
 No change in user code is required, but the authenticate method can now be made protected to avoid confusion with the signIn method.  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227
org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners()
org.apache.wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy#isResourceAuthorized(IResource, PageParameters) is introduced WICKET-5012
org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage() now accepts org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestablePage instead of org.apache.wicket.Page
AutoCompleteTextField doesn't support useHideShowCoveredIEFix setting WICKET-5130
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField#getInputType() returns String array WICKET-5286
AuthenticatedWebSession#authenticate is now protected instead of public. WICKET-5308

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.
Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation has been removed WICKET-5246
Using keyboard UP and DOWN keys will loop thru the AutoCompleter's options WICKET-5275

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-08-07 Thread Carl-Eric Menzel (Confluence)

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Carl-Eric Menzel

 Changes (2)

 org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.form.DateTextField can be used with several date-like types: date, datetime, datetime-local, month, time, week. 
To be able to support this the return type of TextField#getInputType() has been changed from String to String\[\], and the method itself has been renamed to #getInputTypes(). 
 To migrate it you should do something like: 
h5. AuthenticatedWebSession#authenticate is now protected instead of private. [WICKET-5308|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5308]  No change in user code is required, but the authenticate method can now be made protected to avoid confusion with the signIn method. 
h3. Behavior changes  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227
org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners()
org.apache.wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy#isResourceAuthorized(IResource, PageParameters) is introduced WICKET-5012
org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage() now accepts org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestablePage instead of org.apache.wicket.Page
AutoCompleteTextField doesn't support useHideShowCoveredIEFix setting WICKET-5130
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField#getInputType() returns String array WICKET-5286
AuthenticatedWebSession#authenticate is now protected instead of private. WICKET-5308

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.
Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation has been removed WICKET-5246
Using keyboard UP and DOWN keys will loop thru the AutoCompleter's options WICKET-5275

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-07-29 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

_useHideShowCoveredIEFix_ setting was needed for IE7 support.  This version of IE is not supported officially anymore and this setting has been removed.  
h5. org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField#getInputType() returns String array [WICKET-5286|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5286]  org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.form.DateTextField can be used with several date-like types: date, datetime, datetime-local, month, time, week.  To be able to support this the return type of TextField#getInputType() has been changed from String to String[].  To migrate it you should do something like: {code:title=OldMyTextField.java|borderStyle=solid} ... @Override protected String getInputType() { 	return sometype; } ... {code} to {code:title=NewMyTextField.java|borderStyle=solid} ... @Override protected String[] getInputType() { 	return new String[] { sometype }; } ... {code}  
h3. Behavior changes  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227
org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners()
org.apache.wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy#isResourceAuthorized(IResource, PageParameters) is introduced WICKET-5012
org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage() now accepts org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestablePage instead of org.apache.wicket.Page
AutoCompleteTextField doesn't support useHideShowCoveredIEFix setting WICKET-5130
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField#getInputType() returns String array WICKET-5286

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.
Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation has been removed WICKET-5246
Using keyboard UP and DOWN keys will loop thru the AutoCompleter's options WICKET-5275

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-07-24 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

In Wicket 6 a new setting has been added to ModalWindow - org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal.ModalWindow#showUnloadConfirmation(). In Wicket 7 the new Java API should be used instead of dealing with the _javascript_ property _Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation_.  
h5. Using keyboard UP and DOWN keys will loop thru the options [WICKET-5275|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5275]  If the currently selected item is the first one and the user uses KEY_UP then the selection will move to the last option. Similarly for KEY_DOWN - if the selected option is the last one then using DOWN key will move the selection to the first one.  
h3. Dependency updates  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227
org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners()
org.apache.wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy#isResourceAuthorized(IResource, PageParameters) is introduced WICKET-5012
org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage() now accepts org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestablePage instead of org.apache.wicket.Page
AutoCompleteTextField doesn't support useHideShowCoveredIEFix setting WICKET-5130

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.
Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation has been removed WICKET-5246
Using keyboard UP and DOWN keys will loop thru the options WICKET-5275

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-06-26 Thread Martin Grigorov (Confluence)

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage(page) just delegates to org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle#setResponsePage() that required just IRequestablePage.  
h5. AutoCompleteTextField doesnt support _useHideShowCoveredIEFix_ setting [WICKET-5130|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5130]  _useHideShowCoveredIEFix_ setting was needed for IE7 support.  This version of IE is not supported officially anymore and this setting has been removed.  
h3. Behavior changes  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227
org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners()
org.apache.wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy#isResourceAuthorized(IResource, PageParameters) is introduced WICKET-5012
org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage() now accepts org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestablePage instead of org.apache.wicket.Page
AutoCompleteTextField doesn't support useHideShowCoveredIEFix setting WICKET-5130

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.
Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation has been removed WICKET-5246

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817

CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-06-21 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Cedric Gatay


 Changes (12)

 h5. org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString [WICKET-4664|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4664] 
Url#getQueryString() now behaves as HttpServletRequest behaves :  
 * returns the query string without the leading ?  * returns null when there is no query string 
Url#getQueryString() now behaves as HttpServletRequest behaves : 
* returns the query string without the leading ? * returns null when there is no query string  
RequestUtils#decodeParameters() now strips the ? from the output value.  
The value of the file name used in Content-Disposition response header can contain characters which should be [encoded|http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/]  
h5. org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs required, disabled and error classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid.   [WICKET-5177|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5177] 
This way it is in sync with AutoLabel (the auto component that is used for wicket:for attribute).  
 h5. AjaxEventBehavior doesnt prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event [WICKET-5197|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5197] 
From now on only AjaxFallback*\* components prevent the default _javascript_ event behavior so only the Ajax call is made when _javascript_ is enabled in the browser. 
If the default behavior should be prevented in any use case then use: {code:borderStyle=solid} 
 h5. Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default [WICKET-5198|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5198] 
If _javascript_ events should not bubble then use: {code:borderStyle=solid} 
 h5. Button no longer silently ignores exceptions [WICKET-5235|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5235] 
... when it renders its model into the value attribute.  
... when it renders its model into the value attribute.  
h3. Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed [WICKET-5201|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5201]  
It was based on Swing APIs and many people complained about this. Use the new Tree component introduced in Wicket 6.0.0 instead.  
h5. Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation has been removed [WICKET-5246|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5246]  In Wicket 6, Modal settings have been introduced, deprecating the old way of disabling unloadConfirmation. Please consider updating your _javascript_ to remove calls to Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation.  
h3. Dependency updates  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-06-20 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

Wicket 7.x supports authorization for requests to resources (IResource) additionally to authorization for components.  
h5. org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage() now accepts org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestablePage instead of org.apache.wicket.Page org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage(page) just delegates to org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle#setResponsePage() that required just IRequestablePage.  
h3. Behavior changes  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227
org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners()
org.apache.wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy#isResourceAuthorized(IResource, PageParameters) is introduced WICKET-5012
org.apache.wicket.Component#setResponsePage() now accepts org.apache.wicket.request.component.IRequestablePage instead of org.apache.wicket.Page

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0


[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-06-18 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

Component and Sessions meta data must be serializable.  
h5. org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners() This way it is consistent with the other #getXyzListeners() methods in Application class  
h3. Behavior changes  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227
org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners()

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-06-18 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

This way it is consistent with the other #getXyzListeners() methods in Application class  
h5. org.apache.wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy#isResourceAuthorized(IResource, PageParameters) is introduced [WICKET-5012|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5012]  Wicket 7.x supports authorization for requests to resources (IResource) additionally to authorization for components.  
h3. Behavior changes  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227
org.apache.wicket.Application#getHeaderContributorListenerCollection() is renamed to #getHeaderContributorListeners()
org.apache.wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy#isResourceAuthorized(IResource, PageParameters) is introduced WICKET-5012

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-06-14 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Sven Meier


 Changes (1)

The href and disabled attributes are still added/removed by AbstractLink as required. But no further mangling of markup is performed. org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.DisabledLinkBehavior can be used to restore the pre-Wicket-7.x representation of disabled links with emspan/span/em (note that em and span swap their position though). If the old behavior is need it can be easily re-applied by using org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.DisabledLinkBehavior.LinkInstantiationListener.  
h5. Button no longer silently ignores exceptions [WICKET-5235|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5235] ... when it renders its model into the value attribute.   
h3. Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed [WICKET-5201|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5201]  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904
Button no longer silently ignores exceptions WICKET-5235

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-06-13 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

It was based on Swing APIs and many people complained about this. Use the new Tree component introduced in Wicket 6.0.0 instead.  
h5. PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily [WICKET-4579|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4579] PackageTextTemplate will load its content at first usage of PackageTextTemplate#toString() or PackageTextTemplate#interpolate(Map) emthods. If its style/locale/variation/encoding are changed then it will reload its content. 
 h3. Dependency updates 

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-06-13 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

If its style/locale/variation/encoding are changed then it will reload its content.  
h5. AbstractLink uses a Behavior to render itself as disabled [WICKET-4904|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4904]  org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.AbstractLink#getDisablingBehavior() is introduced. This method can return a non-null Behavior that can render markup for the Link in disabled mode.  By default org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.DisableLinkBehavior is used. It uses AbstractLink#getBeforeDisabledLink and AbstractLink#getAfterDisabledLink to prepend/append additional markup and changes the a to span.  
h3. Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed [WICKET-5201|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5201]  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink uses a Behavior to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-06-13 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Sven Meier

AbstractLink WICKET-4904

 Changes (4)

If its style/locale/variation/encoding are changed then it will reload its content.  
h5. AbstractLink uses a Behavior no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled [WICKET-4904|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4904] 
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.AbstractLink#getDisablingBehavior() is introduced. This method can return a non-null Behavior that can render markup for the Link in disabled mode. 
The href and disabled attributes are still added/removed by AbstractLink as required. But no further mangling of markup is performed. org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.DisabledLinkBehavior can be used to restore the pre-Wicket-7.x representation of disabled links with emspan/span/em (note that em and span swap their position though). 
By default org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.DisableLinkBehavior is used. It uses AbstractLink#getBeforeDisabledLink and AbstractLink#getAfterDisabledLink to prepend/append additional markup and changes the a to span.  
h3. Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed [WICKET-5201|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5201]  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198
PackageTextTemplate loads its content lazily WICKET-4579
AbstractLink no longer alters its markup to render itself as disabled WICKET-4904

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-06-12 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (2)

This way all registered ISessionListeners will be notified when a Session is unbound.  
h5. (Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert junit.framework.Assert is deprecated. Due to this change org.junit.Assert#fail() throws now java.lang.AssertionError instead of junit.framework.AseertionFailedError 
h5. org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable [WICKET-5227|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5227] Component and Sessions meta data must be serializable.  
h3. Behavior changes  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213
(Base)WicketTester uses org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert
org.apache.wicket.Component#setMetaData() value could be only a Serializable WICKET-5227

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-29 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (2)

in this case the formComponents owning Form will be used.  
h5. org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced [WICKET-5212|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5212] With [WICKET-4958|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4958] has been introduced org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.AbstractListener which is an empty implementation of AjaxRequestTarget.IListener to be able to introduce AbstractListener#updateAjaxAttributes() method - a place where an application can configure globally the Ajax attributes. With [WICKET-5212|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5212] this new method is moved to the interface as well. From now on it is recommended all implementations of AjaxRequestTarget.IListener to extend from AjaxRequestTarget.AbstractListener. This way they wont need to a implement another method when a new one is added in a major release.  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-29 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

From now on it is recommended all implementations of AjaxRequestTarget.IListener to extend from AjaxRequestTarget.AbstractListener. This way they wont need to a implement another method when a new one is added in a major release.   
h5. org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added [WICKET-5213|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5213] This way all registered ISessionListeners will be notified when a Session is unbound. 

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.IListener#updateAjaxAttributes() is introduced WICKET-5212
org.apache.wicket.ISessionListener#onUnbound(String) is added WICKET-5213

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed WICKET-5201

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies.
With the new API it is as easy as:


public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {
  ListHeaderItem dependencies = 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-24 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (2)

h3. Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed 
h5. AbstractDefaultAjaxBehaviors #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed. They were deprecated since 6.0.0 and were there only for backward compatibility. Use #updateAjaxAttributes() to configure the same functionalities.  h5. The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed. It was based on Swing APIs and many people complained about this. Use the new Tree component introduced in Wicket 6.0.0 instead.   
h3. Dependency updates  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198

Deprecated classes/methods/fields are removed

AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior's #getSuccessHandler(), #getFailureHandler(), #getChannel() and #getPrecondition() are removed.
The old Tree component in wicket-extensions is removed.

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies.
With the new API it is as easy as:


public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {
  ListHeaderItem dependencies = super.getDependencies();

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-23 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov


 Changes (1)

This is done to make it more consistent with _javascript_ API.  
h5. org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesnt use static methods anymore [WICKET-5196|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5196] To use AjaxFormValidatingBehavior in Wicket 6.x the application code should do something like: {code:title=MyComponent.java|borderStyle=solid} AjaxFormValidatingBehavior.addToAllFormComponents(form, keydown, Duration.ONE_SECOND); {code} Due to the usage of static method it wasnt possible to extend this behavior and override for example #updateAjaxAttributes(AjaxRequestAttributes).  The behavior has been reworked a bit to allow this. The new usage is: {code:title=MyComponent.java|borderStyle=solid} form.add(new AjaxFormValidatingBehavior(keydown, Duration.ONE_SECOND); {code} or {code:title=MyComponent.java|borderStyle=solid} formComponent.add(new AjaxFormValidatingBehavior(keydown, Duration.ONE_SECOND); {code} in this case the formComponents owning Form will be used. 
h3. Behavior changes  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198
org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormValidatingBehavior doesn't use static methods anymore WICKET-5196

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-22 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

Add notes to the change of allowDefault Ajax attribute

 Changes (2)

This method now accepts IValidationError as an argument and returns IValidationError. This way it can be used with other IValidationError implementations like RawValidationError for example.  
h5. org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault [WICKET-5197|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5197] This is done to make it more consistent with _javascript_ API.  
h3. Behavior changes  
The css class is now only applied to the li element and not to the span inside. Additionally a FeedbackPanel#newMessageItem() method has been added to allow customization of each feedback message item (similar to DataTable#newRowItem()).  
h5. AjaxEventBehavior doesnt prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event [WICKET-5197|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5197] From now on only AjaxFallback** components prevent the default _javascript_ event behavior so only the Ajax call is made when _javascript_ is enabled in the browser. If the default behavior should be prevented in any use case then use:  {code:borderStyle=solid} attributes.setPreventDefault(true); {code}
h3. Dependency updates  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies.
With the 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-22 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Sven Meier

WICKET-5198 eventPropagation

 Changes (2)

This is done to make it more consistent with _javascript_ API.  
h5. org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default [WICKET-5198|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5198] This is done to make it more consistent with _javascript_ API.  
h3. Behavior changes  
h5. Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default [WICKET-5198|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5198] If _javascript_ events should not bubble then use:  {code:borderStyle=solid} attributes.setEventPropagation(EventPropagation.STOP); {code} or: {code:borderStyle=solid} attributes.setEventPropagation(EventPropagation.STOP_IMMEDIATE); {code} 

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#setAllowDefault is renamed to #setPreventDefault WICKET-5197
org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes#eventPropagation is now BUBBLE by default WICKET-5198

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831
AjaxEventBehavior doesn't prevent the default behavior of the _javascript_ event WICKET-5197
Ajax behaviors let _javascript_ events bubble by default WICKET-5198

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies.
With the new API it is as easy as:


public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {
  ListHeaderItem dependencies = super.getDependencies();
  return dependencies;

The same is done for org.apache.wicket.markup.head.HeaderItem#getDependencies() 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-06 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Cedric Gatay

Update for WICKET-4837

 Changes (1)

This way it is in sync with AutoLabel (the auto component that is used for wicket:for attribute).  
h5. org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message [WICKET-4831|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4831] The css class is now only applied to the li element and not to the span inside. Additionally a FeedbackPanel#newMessageItem() method has been added to allow customization of each feedback message item (similar to DataTable#newRowItem()).  
h3. Dependency updates  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel Do not set CSS class on the li  span element for a feedback message WICKET-4831

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies.
With the new API it is as easy as:


public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {
  ListHeaderItem dependencies = super.getDependencies();
  return dependencies;

The same is done for org.apache.wicket.markup.head.HeaderItem#getDependencies() too.

org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
There were two problems with the old way:

	since the parameters argument type is Object..., i.e. varargs, it was hard for the compiler and runtime to differentiate the "defaultValue" from the "parameters"
	it wasn't possible to use lazy evaluation of the default value

If in your application you have code like:

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, "Some default value", new Object[] [param1, param2]);

then the simplest solution is 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-03 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

The value of the file name used in Content-Disposition response header can contain characters which should be [encoded|http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/]  
h5. org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs required, disabled and error classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid.  [WICKET-5177|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5177] This way it is in sync with AutoLabel (the auto component that is used for wicket:for attribute).  
h3. Dependency updates  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentLabel outputs "required", "disabled" and "error" classes when its form component is either required, disabled or invalid. WICKET-5177

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies.
With the new API it is as easy as:


public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {
  ListHeaderItem dependencies = super.getDependencies();
  return dependencies;

org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
There were two problems with the old way:

	since the parameters argument type is Object..., i.e. varargs, it was hard for the compiler and runtime to differentiate the "defaultValue" from the "parameters"
	it wasn't possible to use lazy evaluation of the default value

If in your application you have code like:

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, "Some default value", new Object[] [param1, param2]);

then the simplest solution is to use Model.of("Some default value"):

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, Model.of("Some default value"), new Object[] [param1, param2]);

org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-02 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

h5. org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) [WICKET-4964|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4964] Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions. 
 h5. org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem [WICKET-5124|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5124] The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies. With the new API it is as easy as:  {code:title=MyResourceReference.java|borderStyle=solid} @Override public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {   ListHeaderItem dependencies = super.getDependencies();   dependencies.add(dep1);   dependencies.add(dep2);   return dependencies; } {code}  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies.
With the new API it is as easy as:


public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {
  ListHeaderItem dependencies = super.getDependencies();
  return dependencies;


Change Notification Preferences

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-02 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

  return dependencies; } 
 h5. org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value [WICKET-4972|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4972] There were two problems with the old way: * since the _parameters_ argument type is Object..., i.e. varargs, it was hard for the compiler and runtime to differentiate the defaultValue from the parameters * it wasnt possible to use lazy evaluation of the default value  If in your application you have code like: {code:title=MyComponent.java|borderStyle=solid} StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, Some default value, new Object[] [param1, param2]); {code}  then the simplest solution is to use _Model.of(Some default value)_: {code:title=MyComponent.java|borderStyle=solid} StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, Model.of(Some default value), new Object[] [param1, param2]); {code} 

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies.
With the new API it is as easy as:


public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {
  ListHeaderItem dependencies = super.getDependencies();
  return dependencies;

org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
There were two problems with the old way:

	since the parameters argument type is Object..., i.e. varargs, it was hard for the compiler and runtime to differentiate the "defaultValue" from the "parameters"
	it wasn't possible to use lazy evaluation of the default value

If in your application you have code like:

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, "Some default value", new Object[] [param1, param2]);

then the simplest solution is to use Model.of("Some default value"):

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, Model.of("Some default value"), new Object[] [param1, param2]);

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-02 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, Model.of(Some default value), new Object[] [param1, param2]); {code} 
  h3. Behavior changes  h5. org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString [WICKET-4774|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4774] TODO  h5. org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the filename in Content-Disposition header [WICKET-4934|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4934] The value of the file name used in Content-Disposition response header can contain characters which should be [encoded|http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/] 

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4774
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies.
With the new API it is as easy as:


public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {
  ListHeaderItem dependencies = super.getDependencies();
  return dependencies;

org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
There were two problems with the old way:

	since the parameters argument type is Object..., i.e. varargs, it was hard for the compiler and runtime to differentiate the "defaultValue" from the "parameters"
	it wasn't possible to use lazy evaluation of the default value

If in your application you have code like:

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, "Some default value", new Object[] [param1, param2]);

then the simplest solution is to use Model.of("Some default value"):

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, Model.of("Some default value"), new Object[] [param1, param2]);

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4774

org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934
The value of the file name used in "Content-Disposition" response header can contain characters which should be encoded

Change Notification 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-02 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Cedric Gatay

Added behavior changes involved by WICKET-4664

 Changes (3)

 h5. org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString [WICKET-4664|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4664] 
Url#getQueryString() now behaves as HttpServletRequest behaves :  
 * returns the query string without the leading ?  * returns null when there is no query string  RequestUtils#decodeParameters() now strips the ? from the output value.  
h5. org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the filename in Content-Disposition header [WICKET-4934|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4934] The value of the file name used in Content-Disposition response header can contain characters which should be [encoded|http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/] 

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies.
With the new API it is as easy as:


public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {
  ListHeaderItem dependencies = super.getDependencies();
  return dependencies;

org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
There were two problems with the old way:

	since the parameters argument type is Object..., i.e. varargs, it was hard for the compiler and runtime to differentiate the "defaultValue" from the "parameters"
	it wasn't possible to use lazy evaluation of the default value

If in your application you have code like:

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, "Some default value", new Object[] [param1, param2]);

then the simplest solution is to use Model.of("Some default value"):

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, Model.of("Some default value"), new Object[] [param1, param2]);

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
Url#getQueryString() now behaves as HttpServletRequest behaves : 

	returns the query string 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-02 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

h5. org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with _IValidationError_ [WICKET-5174|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5174] This method now accepts IValidationError as an argument and returns IValidationError. This way it can be used with other IValidationError implementations like RawValidationError for example. 
 h3. Behavior changes 

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies.
With the new API it is as easy as:


public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {
  ListHeaderItem dependencies = super.getDependencies();
  return dependencies;

org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
There were two problems with the old way:

	since the parameters argument type is Object..., i.e. varargs, it was hard for the compiler and runtime to differentiate the "defaultValue" from the "parameters"
	it wasn't possible to use lazy evaluation of the default value

If in your application you have code like:

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, "Some default value", new Object[] [param1, param2]);

then the simplest solution is to use Model.of("Some default value"):

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, Model.of("Some default value"), new Object[] [param1, param2]);

org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
This method now accepts IValidationError as an argument and returns IValidationError. This way it can be used with other IValidationError implementations like RawValidationError for example.

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
Url#getQueryString() now behaves as HttpServletRequest 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-02 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (1)

h5. org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the filename in Content-Disposition header [WICKET-4934|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4934] The value of the file name used in Content-Disposition response header can contain characters which should be [encoded|http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/] 
 h3. Dependency updates  All libraries on which Wicket modules depend are updated to their latest stable versions. The most notable ones are: * Spring Framework 3.2.2 * ASM 4.1 * CGLIB 3.0 * SLF4J 1.7.5 * Jetty (in the quickstart) 8.1.10  

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174

Behavior changes

org.apache.wicket.request.Url#getQueryString WICKET-4664
org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse encodes the value of the "filename" in Content-Disposition header WICKET-4934

Dependency updates


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

API changes

org/apache/wicket/core/util/io/SerializableChecker is replaced with org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.CheckingObjectOutputStream WICKET-4817
CheckingObjectOutputStream accepts a list of org.apache.wicket.core.util.objects.checker.IObjectChecker objects which are used to check for different kind of problems during object serialization. Commit diff: d0441059e0

org/apache/wicket/markup/html/border/BoxBorder is removed with no replacement WICKET-4966.
BoxBorder class has been deprecated in Wicket 6.x series

org.apache.wicket.Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) is renamed to Component#internalRenderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) WICKET-4964
Component#renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) was very similar to the usually used Component#renderHead(IHeaderResponse). So it has been renamed to avoid any confusions.

org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference#getDependencies() now returns a mutable ListHeaderItem WICKET-5124
The old API returned Iterable? extends HeaderItem and was inconvenient to override and add additional dependencies.
With the new API it is as easy as:


public ListHeaderItem getDependencies() {
  ListHeaderItem dependencies = super.getDependencies();
  return dependencies;

org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel constructor accepts IModelString for its default value WICKET-4972
There were two problems with the old way:

	since the parameters argument type is Object..., i.e. varargs, it was hard for the compiler and runtime to differentiate the "defaultValue" from the "parameters"
	it wasn't possible to use lazy evaluation of the default value

If in your application you have code like:

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, "Some default value", new Object[] [param1, param2]);

then the simplest solution is to use Model.of("Some default value"):

StringResourceModel model = new StringResourceModel(resourceKey, model, Model.of("Some default value"), new Object[] [param1, param2]);

org.apache.wicket.extensions.validation.validator.+Xyz+Validator#decorate() now works with IValidationError WICKET-5174
This method now accepts IValidationError as an argument and returns IValidationError. This way it can be used with other IValidationError implementations like 

[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-05-01 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page edited by Martin Grigorov

 Changes (6)

h3. Environment  
* h4. Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7 
* Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0 
h3. Item 1 
h4. Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0 
h4. Sub item  Some explanation 
h5. The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. [WICKET-5152|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5152] This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0s AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request. 

Full Content

Migrating to Wicket 7.0


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152


Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7

Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

The HTTP response is not flushed automatically when the request is started in asynchronous mode. WICKET-5152
This is an improvement in Wicket 7.0 which should not affect any application migrating from Wicket 6.x. But if you use Servlet 3.0's AsyncContext in IResource in Wicket 7 then make sure that your code flushes the http response after completing the request.

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[CONF] Apache Wicket Migration to Wicket 7.0

2013-04-29 Thread confluence

Migration to Wicket 7.0
Page  added by Martin Grigorov


 Migrating to Wicket 7.0

Item 1

Sub item


	Wicket 7.0 requires at least Java 7
	Wicket 7.0 requires Servlet 3.0

Item 1

Sub item

Some explanation

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