RE: [cli] commons cli version 2.0?

2004-10-07 Thread Andrew Ferguson
 Thanks for that, I've added a new test (based on yours) and fixed
existing ones.  It turns out that GroupImpl was only validating options
that are present and skipping those that were missing.   I've fixed
this in cvs but no binary is available yet.

ok thanks, I've updated my local checkout now and picked it up. I've
being playing with it some more and have some more minor points..

1) On the Builder classes the reset() method has a void return type

This means that you can't reuse the same builder within one
large expression for multiple options (eg because the PreferredName is
set to the first value used)?

eg. Code like this is currently blocked

DefaultOptionBuilder dob = ...
Group wizardArgs =

2) Some error messages could be more specific eg in

RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -r1.3
 throw new OptionException(this);
 throw new OptionException(this,
cli.error.missing.required, preferredName);

3) (As noted before) in the svn/cvs-style usage there is no easy way
to determine which command has been invoked - a (hacky?) workaround is
to do something like

String command = null;
for(Iterator i = line.getOptions().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Option o = (Option);
if(!o.getPreferredName().startsWith(-)) {
if(command!=null) {
throw new RuntimeException(You can only
specify one command); // this is never thrown as the top-level Group
has a maximum of 1
} else {
command = o.getPreferredName();

I'm not sure what a nice API for this would be though - maybe
something to look at only the top level options passed (and not their

CommandLine line = ...
line.getTopLevelOptions(); ??

4) (As noted before) For non-group option implementations nesting
exceptions might be a way of allowing detailed information about where
the parse error occurred
eg in the validate method in Command you could have

public void validate(WriteableCommandLine commandLine)
throws OptionException {
if (isRequired()  !commandLine.hasOption(this)) {
throw new OptionException(this);
try {
} catch(OptionException oe) {
OptionException mine = new OptionException(this); // or
maybe the message should be altered to Command +preferredName+
throw mine;

which would mean the HelpFormatter would need to iterate to the
end of the chain of exceptions to find the true message (or as in the
comment above parent options could prefix additional
information about what is going on). Its probably better to have
the HelpFormatter construct this detailed message as an option if this
idea has any milage in it

Also, if you do need/want some extra coding/docs time then I might be
able to get permission to allocate some time to lending a hand?


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RE: [cli] commons cli version 2.0?

2004-10-01 Thread Andrew Ferguson
thanks very much for the information :)

I've downloaded the sources and have been playing with the CLI2 api -
specifically the commands section, and have some (possibly confused)

I'm interested in developing a tool which has a command line like

tool tool options command command options 

and which would have use cases like

1  tool
  Type 'tool help' for usage

2  tool help
  usage: tool tool options subcommand

  command is one of
a descr-a
b descr-b
c descr-c
d descr-d

3  tool a
  usage: tool tool options a a options

  a options
-f, --foo
-b, --bar

and so on (if you have used subversion then pretty much identical to

The model I've tried to use for this is:

 Group (commands) (Minimum=Maximum=1)
|__ Command (command1)
| |
| |__ Group
|   |
|   |__ Option (f, foo) 
|   |
|   |__ Option (b, bar) 
|   |
|   |__ Option (h, help)-- command help
|__ Command (command2)   
|__ Command (command3)
|__ Command (help) -- overall help

but have found the following questions/potential issues

1) There is only one OptionException to cover all problems - is
the idea to use the Option available to infer any additional detail you
This seems strange compared to CLI1.0 where there were
specific exception subclasses?

2) When giving a Command a list of Options required parameter is
not respected?
 For example - above it seems to make no difference if foo
or bar are required or not?
 You can use the Group's setMinimum, setMaximum methods but
this can't mimic the behaviour needed for the majority of cases

3) The default behaviour when displaying the usage of the whole
command line lists the commands one by one eg

  command1 -f|-b|-h command2 command3 help

which is correct but possibly something people writing tools of
this form will all need to change.

Anyhow, the overall framework looks great although I've not yet
understood a number of things I think.


-Original Message-
From: Rob Oxspring [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 September 2004 12:15
To: Andrew Ferguson; Jakarta Commons Users List
Subject: Re: [cli] commons cli version 2.0?


(cc to commons-user since this may be useful to others)

CLI2 is about ready, just waiting for one last bugfix (ready to commit)
and a little documentation.  Unfortunately I'm snowed under with the day
job at the moment so am not sure when I'll get it finshed.  I guess the
new feature list goes something like:
   * switches (+d|-d)
   * commands (a la cvs update)
   * options without short forms
   * multiple aliases per option
   * optional -D processing (java properties)
   * optional -- processing (consume remaining arguments)
   * fine grained control over what's displayed
   * accepts defaults from Properties
   * accepts defaults from Preferences
   * flexible api

Hiding options from the help formatted isn't supported out of the box
but the api should allow you to acheive that result by wrapping either
the hidden options themselves or the top level Group; the important
thing is to filter the results of helpLines() to exclude the hidden
options.  I'll concentrate on the latter approach and assume all other
methods are delegated directly to the wrapped group: (untested code,
expect typos)

HiddenOptionsGroup implements Group {
 private Set hiddenOptions = new HashSet();
 public void hideOption(Option hidden){
 public List helpLines(){
 List lines = wrapped.helpLines();
 for(Iterator i=lines.iterator();i.hasNext();){
 HelpLine line = (HelpLine);
 return lines;
 // delegate remaining methods

// then use it as follows
Option secret = ...
Group options = ...
HiddenOptionsGroup hog = new HiddenOptionsGroup(options);
HelpFormatter help = new HelpFormatter(); help.setOptions(hog);

Built in support for hidden options may appear in later versions if
there is demand for it.

Hope that helps,


Andrew Ferguson wrote:
  i was just wondering if you have any details about when CLI2.0 might 
 be available? (and what new features would be available)
 I'm currently using CLI1.0 but am under pressure from other team 
 members because it doesn't support options like
 1) hidden options that aren't displayed by the help formatter

RE: [cli] commons cli version 2.0?

2004-10-01 Thread Andrew Ferguson

 My early versions of the CLI2 model included several exceptions
covering the various situations but we merged them all into one feeling
that people
 were unlikely to be interested in the differences.  I assume you want
to know, for a given exception, whether to give tool level help or
command level help?


 I'm not sure how best to achieve this off hand and am not even sure
that more specific exception classes would help.

 ok, I'll try to think about this more - my initial thought was
something like a MissingCommandException would allow me to catch this
and help solve my particular issue, but in general you might want to
know where in the command-line tree the command was (as its not
necessarily at the top level?) and that might be over-doing things?

 When you say make no difference do you mean in the displayed help or
in the processing?
 I'm pretty sure it should validate as you expect: first validating
each of the options and then validating the number of them against the
 I'll try and have a look over the weekend but if you could send me an
example (test case would be ideal) that demonstrates the problem the
it'll be easier to resolve.

oops, sorry - what I meant was that I can have a Group containing two
options, one of which is required and one of which isn't. When it comes
to processing that Group the only constraints that seem to be honoured
are the setMinimum and setMaximum. So for example if you had a Group
with required options r1,r2,r3 and not required options n1,n2,n3 then
you can't use the number of present options alone as the validation
predicate as eg. requiring a minimum of three options would allow

I've attached a test-case that hopefully
demonstrates this (it works on my machine:) but if your answer is that
this is the intended behaviour then I guess its not an error - but is
there an alternate way to achieve the following?

umbrella-tool --umbrella-tool-option1 command --required1
--required2 --required3 --nonrequired1 --nonrequired3 --nonrequired3

 I'm not really sure what to do about this, I think its safe to say
that the defaults can never suit every use.
 I assume you've  discovered and played with DisplaySettings to
customise fullUsageSettings in HelpFormatter?
 I did wonder about automatically switching options to shorter forms
until they all fit on a single line, which might result
 closer to what you're after.  That would have to wait for a later
release though, I think.

ok, I had been thinking that if the Command class was primarily intended
for cvs/svn style applications then the default behaviour should maybe
be skewed towards this by specially recognizing a top-level group of
Commands? but the current HelpFormatter is more than adequate for
achieving the same thing in the client code

also, as you point out svn does not do this (and having just checked
cvs* doesn't either..)

* it just has a --help-commands option to display the command list

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RE: [cli] commons cli version 2.0? (attachment inlined)

2004-10-01 Thread Andrew Ferguson
sorry the attachment seems to have failed - here is the plain text:

package org.apache.commons.cli2.application;


import javax.swing.*;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.apache.commons.cli2.*;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.Group;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.ArgumentBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.CommandBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.DefaultOptionBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.GroupBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.commandline.*;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.option.*;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.option.ArgumentTest;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.util.*;

public class RequiredWithinGroupTest extends TestCase {
public void testRequiredIsHonoured() {
Group commands = buildCLI();
Parser parser = new Parser();
CommandLine line = null;

String [] arg = {command1};
 * We expect command1 to say that the --foo option
is required 
try {
line = parser.parse(arg);
fail(/required/ Option within Group was allowed
to be absent);
} catch (OptionException oe) {
/* Expected failure */

static Group buildCLI() {
GroupBuilder gBuilder = new GroupBuilder();
CommandBuilder cBuilder = new CommandBuilder();
DefaultOptionBuilder oBuilder = new

/* This is the top level of commands */
Group commands =
.withName(command name)
.withDescription(command2 does
.withDescription(Display the
list of commands)
.withDescription(command3 does

return commands;

 * Options common to a particular subset of commands
static GroupBuilder createCommonGroupBuilder() {
GroupBuilder gBuilder = new GroupBuilder();
DefaultOptionBuilder oBuilder = new
ArgumentBuilder aBuilder = new ArgumentBuilder();

Option product =
.withDescription(fuu is the option that does

Option variant =
.withDescription(bah is the option that does


static Command createCommand1() {
CommandBuilder cBuilder = new CommandBuilder();
DefaultOptionBuilder oBuilder = new
GroupBuilder gBuilder = createCommonGroupBuilder(); 

Group c1Args =
.withDescription(turn off

RE: C# implementation of Jakarta-Commons

2004-08-04 Thread Andrew Ferguson
this is also my plan - am hoping that ikvm and the ClassPath project
mature enough to let me run my current java application on the .NET CLR
without changes.

I also like quite a lot of the changes they made from java for C# - it
seems they have made a few more concessions to C++ programmers, and made
a larger language as a result. I think delegates are meant to cover the
functionality you'd normally need inner classes for, and inner classes
seem to be one of the parts of java that have some very unpleasant
corners so am interested in this, also the absense of checked exceptions
seems like a change that could have a big impact (not sure which way..)

If the .NET CLR takes off in a big, and multi-platform, way (which afaik
it hasn't yet) then I guess porting existing java applications might
make sense. For projects like Nunit where there is an assumption that
the CLR is your main interest then a reimp seems appropriate. My
programs at the moment are on the other side - assuming that the JVM is
of main interest - but if ikvm and classpath allow them to run direct on
.NET then this is great news :) (distributing a JVM is a real pain)

  my initial impressions suggest that the Java class libraries are both
more extensive, and better designed and organised than those in C#

I'm only vaguely aware of whats in the BCL, but this is still a
surprising statement.. a lot of the changes in C# seem to be motived
from experience of using Java and looking at what could be done better.
The j2se library has a fair number of deprecated methods, and other
time-earned scars that I'd assumed the BCL would have been able to avoid
these while retaining the uptodate (and adding some new) functionality?
the only thing that's really pleased me in the BCL is that you have
methods for copying and manipulating files directly - contract jave
where you have to either fiddle with streams, or use the slightly
bizarrely named transferTo on a nio Channel.

anyway, interesting times, interesting times.. :)

-Original Message-
From: Bart Read [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 August 2004 09:45
To: Jakarta Commons Users List
Subject: RE: C# implementation of Jakarta-Commons

Thanks, that's useful to know.  I must admit that I'm sitting on the
fence a bit regarding the merits of using cross-compilers.  The approach
taken by NUnit (= JUnit for .NET) was firstly a pretty much direct
transliteration from Java to C#, however they have now re-implemented
from scratch with C#.  I think C# has enough different language features
(properties, delegates, doesn't seem to support inner classes... let
alone anonymous etc) to justify doing this.

Incidentally, just to clarify, just because C# has these features
doesn't necessarily mean I'm a big fan of all of them: I happen to like
the simplicity of Java syntax.  Also, my initial impressions suggest
that the Java class libraries are both more extensive, and better
designed and organised than those in C#.

Regardless, I'll certainly take a look at ikvmc... certainly if it
allows quick access to some of the collections functionality lacking in
.NET then I'll be very happy.

Many thanks,

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RE: C# implementation of Jakarta-Commons

2004-08-03 Thread Andrew Ferguson
ikvm might be able to compile the jar directly for .NET?

-Original Message-
From: Bart Read [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 03 August 2004 11:22
Subject: C# implementation of Jakarta-Commons

Dear All,



I've been a user of the Commons libraries for some time now on Java
projects that I've been involved with.  However, I've recently started
working for a Microsoft shop who use C#, and have found that to begin
with the .NET collections libraries are fairly woeful compared with
those provided as standard with Java (e.g. where is Set or a comparable
interface?).  So I wondered if anybody was aware of a project to
implement a C# version of the Commons, or something similar?  A quick
search of the web hasn't revealed anything so far.



Many thanks,

Bart Read




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RE: C# implementation of Jakarta-Commons

2004-08-03 Thread Andrew Ferguson
forgot to mention that ikvmc /can/ compile the commons-cli library, and
some limited testing shows the generated .dll assembly runs directly on
the CLR !

as ikvm/classpath projects mature this will probably be better than
porting at the source level, since things will remain in synch 

presumably, any pure java jar which doesn't use too recent API (ie the
Classpath open-source project supports all the used API) will compile ?

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 03 August 2004 13:41
To: Jakarta Commons Users List
Subject: RE: C# implementation of Jakarta-Commons

ikvm might be able to compile the jar directly for .NET?

-Original Message-
From: Bart Read [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 August 2004 11:22
Subject: C# implementation of Jakarta-Commons

Dear All,



I've been a user of the Commons libraries for some time now on Java
projects that I've been involved with.  However, I've recently started
working for a Microsoft shop who use C#, and have found that to begin
with the .NET collections libraries are fairly woeful compared with
those provided as standard with Java (e.g. where is Set or a comparable
interface?).  So I wondered if anybody was aware of a project to
implement a C# version of the Commons, or something similar?  A quick
search of the web hasn't revealed anything so far.



Many thanks,

Bart Read




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RE: commons-cli processing options incorrectly?

2004-07-19 Thread Andrew Ferguson
this also seems to happen with the current cvs image - I'm not sure what
the CLI 2.0 classes are though - is anyone still working on the pre-2.0

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 July 2004 18:40
To: Jakarta Commons Users List
Subject: commons-cli processing options incorrectly?


 this could be me misunderstanding the posix standard but this link


Options that do not require arguments can be grouped after a
hyphen, so, for example, -lst is equivalent to -t -l -s.

 but the following code:

import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
import java.util.*;

public class CLITest {
public static void main(String[]arg) throws Exception {
CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();

Options options = new Options();

Option p = new Option(p, pets, true, takes
a list of up to 4 animals);

Option v = new Option(v, vet, true, the
name of a vet);


CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, arg);

System.out.println(p ? +line.hasOption(p)+
System.out.println(v ? +line.hasOption(v)+

 produces these results

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 2 3 -v 4 5 6
p ? true [1, 2, 3]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 2 v 3 -v 4 5 6
p ? true [1, 2]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 v 2 3 -v 4 5 6
p ? true [1]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 V 2 3 -v 4 5 6
p ? true [1, V, 2, 3]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

 when I was expecting: (* marks different from above)

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 2 3 -v 4 5 6
p ? true [1, 2, 3]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 2 v 3 -v 4 5 6
*   p ? true [1, 2, v, 3] 
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 v 2 3 -v 4 5 6
*   p ? true [1, v, 2, 3]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 V 2 3 -v 4 5 6
p ? true [1, V, 2, 3]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

I'm constantly misunderstanding how command lines are meant to be
interpreted, but this seems wrong??


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commons-cli processing options incorrectly?

2004-07-15 Thread Andrew Ferguson

 this could be me misunderstanding the posix standard but this link


Options that do not require arguments can be grouped after a
hyphen, so, for example, -lst is equivalent to -t -l -s.

 but the following code:

import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
import java.util.*;

public class CLITest {
public static void main(String[]arg) throws Exception {
CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();

Options options = new Options();

Option p = new Option(p, pets, true, takes
a list of up to 4 animals);

Option v = new Option(v, vet, true, the
name of a vet);


CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, arg);

System.out.println(p ? +line.hasOption(p)+
System.out.println(v ? +line.hasOption(v)+

 produces these results

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 2 3 -v 4 5 6
p ? true [1, 2, 3]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 2 v 3 -v 4 5 6
p ? true [1, 2]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 v 2 3 -v 4 5 6
p ? true [1]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 V 2 3 -v 4 5 6
p ? true [1, V, 2, 3]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

 when I was expecting: (* marks different from above)

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 2 3 -v 4 5 6
p ? true [1, 2, 3]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 2 v 3 -v 4 5 6
*   p ? true [1, 2, v, 3] 
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 v 2 3 -v 4 5 6
*   p ? true [1, v, 2, 3]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

y:\java\miscjava CLITest -p 1 V 2 3 -v 4 5 6
p ? true [1, V, 2, 3]
v ? true [4, 5, 6]

I'm constantly misunderstanding how command lines are meant to be
interpreted, but this seems wrong??


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