2004-06-28 Thread Leo Simons
Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
Within the ASF we have a number of projects which deal with formats
and standards close to OASIS.
random examples: docbook, uddi, relax ng.
We've been approached by OASIS to see if it makes sense to join them. This
is a call out to Community to see if that makes sense.
Why does Oasis think it makes sense? Just because we implement some of 
their standards?

Do you think it makes sense in light of all the objections you raised? 
Can you elaborate?

-   Any 'pay to play' is generally an issue for us on fundamental
exactly. Looking at the current oasis setup, it seems its also pay more 
to play more, which I like even less. (This as opposed to an 
organisation like eclipse where its more pay as you can probably afford 
because we really do need some money.)

But having said that - we've been able to resolve these issues in the
past with some other similar organisations.
right. I think most differences (like the preferred communication 
medium) are easy enough to resolve, as long as there is enough benefit.

So - community - do we see enough benefit to start this conversation with
Uhm, no. But so far no-one has even tried to show any benefits and I'm 
pretty ignorant so that's not very surprising :-D

Do we want to be close to some of their standards ?
Me personally, nope.
Generally, I think it is good for organisations like the ASF to have a 
say about technological standards. I think the JCP opened up 
significantly thanks to the ASF and if that's an exercise that we can 
repeat without any detrimental effect to the ASF...sure. If there's 
enough volunteers. I'm not particularly interested in most of the OASIS 
standards myself.

from the peanut gallery,
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Subversion plugin for intellij idea 4.0.3

2004-06-15 Thread Leo Simons
On linux:
On Mac OS X:
Man is that a pain to figure out!
- Leo
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Apache should join the open source java discussion

2004-03-18 Thread Leo Simons
Something big is stirring in the java world. There's talks between Sun 
and IBM about releasing an open source version of java. There's talks 
between the linux desktop movers about adopting java as the glue that 
binds the major desktop projects together.

Key ASF individuals are joining these discussions, on weblogs and 
various discussion forums. But the ASF as a whole is silent.

Apache is one of the biggest open source communities, and the leader of 
the pack when it comes to open source java.

I think the Apache community should work together on an open letter to 
Sun, IBM, and the rest of the open source community stating our shared 
position on the subject. Like Havoc Pennington writes 
(, the Community Should Decide 
and It's time to start the discussion.

- Leo Simons
Weblog  --
IoC Component Glue  --
Articles  Opinions --
We started off trying to set up a small anarchist community, but
 people wouldn't obey the rules.
-- Alan Bennett
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Re: planet aggregation doing some editing?

2004-02-09 Thread Leo Simons
Thom May wrote:
malicious users
huh? Who would that be?
- Leo Simons
Weblog  --
IoC Component Glue  --
Articles  Opinions --
We started off trying to set up a small anarchist community, but
 people wouldn't obey the rules.
-- Alan Bennett
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Re: automatic nagging for board reports?

2004-02-02 Thread Leo Simons
Leo Simons wrote:
comments? Good idea?
FWIW, I decided there was not enough interest to make me want to do the 
work :D

- Leo Simons
Weblog  --
IoC Component Glue  --
Articles  Opinions --
We started off trying to set up a small anarchist community, but
 people wouldn't obey the rules.
-- Alan Bennett
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Re: Who decides who is 'worthy' for Planet Apache?

2004-01-22 Thread Leo Simons
Thom and Ted, IIRC. I agreed with the decision. Several others did as 
well, apparently. I think if gump's postings were limited to a 
1-or-2-paragraph message once a day, it might've been different.

OTOH...reading a build failure just isn't as much fun as reading about 
someone's holiday. The former is work, the latter is a break away from 
work :D

Hmmm. I guess a characterizing part of many weblogs is that they are a 
lot more personal than what is said on a mailing list (for example). The 
characteristic of the gump feed is that it's machine-generated. Which is 
not personal at all. It is useful (like bugzilla reports or jira reports 
or automated reports from other infrastructural services), but its not 

Don't feel too bad about it (its nothing personal!). Just get yourself a 
human-written weblog and join that way ;)


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automatic nagging for board reports?

2004-01-21 Thread Leo Simons
(replies to community@ please)
I believe many ASF projects are chronically late in sending in status 
reports in time for the board meeting. That's bad and they should be 
nagged about it. Since manual nagging is a chore, how about a small 
script in a crontab somewhere that automates sending out a timely reminder?

I'll volunteer to set it up if such a thing is desireable. I just need 
the report schedule and some time.

Or maybe we could (mis)use Jira?
comments? Good idea?
- Leo Simons
Weblog  --
IoC Component Glue  --
Articles  Opinions --
We started off trying to set up a small anarchist community, but
 people wouldn't obey the rules.
-- Alan Bennett
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Re: Plant Apache is now online

2004-01-15 Thread Leo Simons
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
Leo, I hope this will reduce bandwidth utilization on your machine ('cos
folks won't poll your feed directly), but it might lead to more (as folks
follow through stories to get details.) I'll move this to
(or whatever it is called) as soon as it available. Please let me know if
this is a problem.
bandwidth problem? Nah
Apparently, the machine has so far handled about a gig of http traffic 
in january (all of december was 600mb). I think the campus usage policy 
allows 10GB per week of outside-of-campus traffic. If it becomes an 
issue, I'm sure that the network admins will cut me some slack. Given 
the half a dozen tomcat instances and several dozen httpd instances that 
run here at the university, I'll just go and thumb on some heads with a 
big club if they don't :D

- Leo Simons
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Re: Policy for Jakarta Wiki(s)

2003-12-11 Thread Leo Simons
Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
That¹s fine, but the results aren't very useful see this:
This is what I mean (across wikis):
The main issue I have with splitting things up are search
nope, definately not the same. But I do suspect that within time, as
the moin wiki actually sees usage (and a better pagerank), the google
search will improve.
I don't think it will be very difficult to add a cross-wiki fulltext search
of our own, but I don't have time to do that atm. Maybe in a week or
and linkage.
I think this is more of a personal thing :D. I've always liked the Moin
style of linking a lot better.
Alsoa, its all about what links you mean, of course. For example, contrast (no, it doesn't exist yet, but it could)
I have no objections otherwise (supposing someone else has the headache of
dealing with 100 different wiki configs).
yep. Jason set up a nice little system for that.
Its unfortunate no wiki supports namespaces of a sort.
+1. No wiki is perfect, which is why there are so many, I guess.

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Re: Clover license for the ASF?

2003-11-17 Thread Leo Simons
Hi Conor, Brendan, everyone,
Conor MacNeill wrote:
On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 05:40 am, Leo Simons wrote:

Hi gang,
Has anyone requested an ASF-wide clover license yet, or
discussed it with the clover people? Would that be a good
idea to do? Does anyone have any contacts over at Cortex?
i Leo,
I work for Cortex. We are happy to give free licenses to individual 
open-source projects upon request.

I know, and that's cool! What I'm hoping for is that Cortex would be 
willing to grant
such a license to the ASF as a whole. After all, all of the ASF projects 
are public,
community-developed open source projects, so it seems all those projects 
be eligible for such a free asf-wide license would make 
life for all those
projects a little easier since it'd reduce administration overhead. 
Thoughts, anyone?

- Leo

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Clover license for the ASF?

2003-11-10 Thread Leo Simons
Hi gang,
Clover is a cool tool for calculating unit test coverage
of java software ( They
make free copies available to open source projects
(; some
ASF projects already have received such licenses
Has anyone requested an ASF-wide clover license yet, or
discussed it with the clover people? Would that be a good
idea to do? Does anyone have any contacts over at Cortex?

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Re: Follow the example

2003-09-19 Thread Leo Simons
Ceki Gülcü wrote:
done. cheers!
- Leo

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Re: Common documents across the ASF

2003-06-19 Thread Leo Simons
you missed my point. Sander asked whether commit access is, or is seen 
as, a barrier.
The answer is: yes. It is one of many barriers that we have. You're 
pointing out that
those are in place for a reason. Well, yeah.

For example, commit priviledge is something which is earned by 
individuals and given out
by a community, hence facilitating a community feel. Someone who is 
granted committer
status usually feels honoured to be asked to be part of the team. Works 

Now the catch: for some stuff, I happen to think some current barriers 
don't make sense.
They result in lots of unneccessary duplication (of effort and material).

general documentation is one of those areas. A low barrier to 
cross-project co-operation
on stuff like that will help avoid pages like

IOW, this is not about technical difficulty or community dynamics, it is 
about managing
the path of least resistance for a common cross-project concern which is 
orthogonal to the reason(s) for the existence of our barriers.

- Leo
Tim O'Brien wrote:

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2003-04-05 Thread Leo Simons
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Now, I'm asking: what if the ASF provides its own news server that wraps
around all our current mail lists setup and make them available to all
news-archiving services and news-reading clients?
NNTP makes more sense than SMTP for group discussions.
I read allmost all OSS mailing lists I participate in through gmane. It 
kicks major ass.

- Leo

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Re: [proposal] daedalus jar repository (was: primary distribution location)

2003-02-26 Thread Leo Simons
Costin Manolache wrote:
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Leo Simons wrote:

files in /dist/java-repository besides perhaps HEADER.html and 

Few simple questions:
Should we use 2 different dirs for src and binary distribution ? Or maybe 
3 dirs ( src, bin, doc ) ? 

based on current practice at, the answer to 
both is no. A quick
glance at the java projects @ also seems to 
result in a no. The
most standard practice seems to be to append -src or -bin, resulting in 
filenames of

where ${subproject} can be ., and the /${version} part in the path is 
often ommitted.

Are milestone builds acceptable ? Should we get some weekly gump builds 
from HEAD into the repository ? 

That's up to each project to decide I think. My opinion is that once you 
provide a distribution of
a file, you need to keep providing it at the same URL for a timespan 
close to eternity. This seems a
good argument to not place milestones or weeklies here.

What policy should we use for removing older versions ( or we just keep 
everything ) ? 

my take: keep everything. Again, policy should be the same as for the 
contents of /dist/. I dunno
if there is an asf-wide policy for that...looking at, those guys
don't share my view :D

Since the versioned jar/unversioned dir format is used - I think various 
PMCs should try to get the various projects to use the same format internally. 
I would prefer the reverse ( versioned dirs / unversioned jars ) - but I 
can live with the reverse if it does have a majority support. 
Could we put at least this option to a vote, just to have a record that it
isn't just a random decision but what the committers really want ?

we could do that, but the big disadvantage with deviating from the 
existing maven/centipede/ruper
practice is that it deviates from that practice, thus requiring work and 
reducing compatibility. If you
feel like holding a vote, by all means feel free, I'll probably vote -1 
for deviating from the existing
format (unless you've got a good argument rather than preference; I 
share your preference but it
is just that ;)

- Leo

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Re: Ant PMC Issue (was: RE: [proposal] daedalus jar repository)

2003-02-26 Thread Leo Simons
Costin Manolache wrote:
I see no problem if Ant, Gump, Centipede cooperate on the jar repository - 
and maven doesn't.

uhm, I would like to see all of the above and the rest of us cooperate 
on this thing. The value
of everyone's work on setting up and maintaining such a repo decreases 
rapidly with decrease
of support in the actual tools used for interfacing with the repo. I for 
one don't feel like having
to maintain multiple repos.

But OTOH, I don't feel like spending more energy arguing than it would 
take to set up those
multiple repos.

- Leo

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Re: [proposal] daedalus jar repository (was: primary distribution location)

2003-02-26 Thread Leo Simons
Costin Manolache wrote:
What policy should we use for removing older versions ( or we just keep 
everything ) ? 

my take: keep everything. Again, policy should be the same as for the 
contents of /dist/. I dunno
if there is an asf-wide policy for that...looking at, those guys
don't share my view :D

What about a at least 6 months and 2 versions back ?
quoting yourself, how about:
+1 for each project/PMC choosing what to publish/remove. And you and I 
can recommend to each
project/PMC our respective preferred policy.

If you
feel like holding a vote, by all means feel free, I'll probably vote -1 
for deviating from the existing
format (unless you've got a good argument rather than preference; I 
share your preference but it
is just that ;)

There are few good arguments for both ways.
yep. I think the best argument is common practice, and that's 
something which can be measured to
a degree.

If we host external packages - some licenses prohibit modifications of the 
binary distribution ( I read this as you can't rename jars). 

I think anyone who uses or accepts a license that dictates filenames is 
silly, but that could be just me :D

It also seems to be a very common practice - almost all projects I know 
use unversioned jars.

you and I work on different projects I guess!
If anyone feels like it, one could do actual statistical analysis on
though one would have to compensate for the smart projects which don't 
keep binaries in CVS...

I would say this beats the argument on the maven 
practice ( that ruper is also supporting ). I see no reason why 
a download tool can't accomodate both. 

me neither, but it sounds like more work again ;)
On the other side - the practice on .so library supports the versioned
jars, as well as the ability to have all .jars in a single dir and use the
manifest to select the right version. 

not to mention apt, rpm, CPAN, PEAR (ie CPAN 4 PHP), OpenBSD, ...
I think a vote would be necesary - I'll probably propose it in the 
projects I participate in. Probably a global jakarta vote would also
make sense - at least to gather what's the majority things and recommend 

I say go for it (though I hope everyone shares my opinion :D)
Since I don't think there is an absolute right - I obviously preffer a 
majority decision, that would justify some pushing and work to get it

uhuh. There's that word again, work. A good scientist is a lazy 
scientist. Does that hold for
programmers? (Are programmers scientists?) I say go for it though. 
Actually I just said it for
the second time. Not lazy enough yet, me.

- Leo, sometime-to-be-scientist, and planning to be a good one

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Re: Ant PMC Issue (was: RE: [proposal] daedalus jar repository)

2003-02-26 Thread Leo Simons
Greg Stein wrote:
The Board exists to help projects in their work. We exist to protect the ASF
to ensure that it will continue to exist, to help projects. Our intent is to
let projects do whatever they feel is right and correct, subject to the
constraints of the operation of the ASF and to what we feel may be injurious
to the overall health of the ASF.
my opinion: the board peeps are doing pretty well. For sure, they've 
helped out avalon  in an admirable
way. Enough slamming the board already: you guys rock! Big well-deserved 
thank you.

enough posts from me for the day. (I'm starting to compare myself to 
Andy :D) cheers!

- Leo
PS: sorry for all the warm fuzziness. I ate too much chocolate.
PPS: the relevant dutch saying: Hoge bomen vangen veel wind. I'll 
leave it to Dirk to translate.

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Re: [proposal] daedalus jar repository (was: primary distribution location)

2003-02-26 Thread Leo Simons
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
As you have seen from some of our exchange and Costin's comments, there are
differing views on how to make use of the repository.  Costin and I seem to
be of the option that a significant portion of the value of the repository
comes from sharing and centralizing the managment of ASF-acceptable third
party jars.
you get an ok on that from the board and/or the infrastructure team, and 
consensus across the
community, and I'll be absolutely 100% behind any such plan.

And having an
apache only repository is almost useless; even apache uses non-apache code. I need a location where I can put avalon jars and the 
distribution version of jars used by
gump, and I would really like to have this location mirrored into the 
existing maven @ ibiblio repo,
so that it becomes real easy to control what avalon jars are available 
that way. It's not useless at all!

The current 'daedalus' repository seems to be duplicating what's already
been done in maven.
the difference is in control, location and community. I want to be able 
to modify the jars in the
avalon part of such a repository (control), the ASF wants the asf 
hardware to be the
primary distribution channel for asf software (location), and I want 
such a repository to
be usable and the de-facto standard across ant,maven,centipede,whatever 
(community). Technically,
I'm trying to exactly keep the difference to zero, and have exactly zero 
thought on how to do it, but
just use the existing practices.

FWIW, Dion indicates that you are wrong about the no regarding JUnit
the no is with regard to whether apache wants to get into 
redistributing JUnit, not with regard
to whether it is okay to link to or provide as part of an asf project, 
or anything like that. IANAL.
Like I said the first time :D

Licensing policy is quite tricky and lots of things need to be done
before the ASF should even consider setting up a centralized easily
user-accessible distribution [of third party jars]

But that's the whole point, Leo.  :-)  Given the confusion and effort
related to the approved use of third party jars, I see that as a primary
benefit of the repository, not even a secondary one.  Especially from the
standpoint of the Board (and projects) being able to verify that all third
party jars have clean license.  I'm not sure if you have any idea of how
many hours and hours Dion has invested in going through the Maven
repository, and its licensing.
sure. I know how much I've invested in it so far, and I have only very 
little knowledge and very little
accomplishment in the matter, so he must have invested lots more :D. 
This is precisely why I'm doing
next to no thinking on my own, and just following his lead!

By using the repository as the authoritative statement of what is
acceptable, projects have both a known authority and a known procedure for
securing approval to use another jar.  This provides further protection to
the ASF by ensuring that not only does each PMC make a conscious decision to
use a new jar, but that people who are familar with licensing on a regular
basis also get a chance to vett new uses of third party code.
you absolutely do not need a repository as an authoritative statement of 
what is acceptable. What
you need for that is an authoritative statement. But yes, having a 
centralized repository of
acceptable third party jars does add an extremely convenient procedure 
for securing approval
of a particular jar. should
be made into an authoritive source on that
unambiguously answers yes or no

And those would be the guiding principles used by the repository oversight
committee to approve new contents.
you mean not the guiding principles, but the authoritive statement.
Look, I support the goal, but there's requirements to be satisfied. In 
order to place any non-asf
created third-party jar on, I think we need at a minimum:

1) an ok from the board on providing redistribution of these third party 
2) authoritative** confirmation that the redistribution of any such jar 
under a specific license and/or
copyright is in line with the ASL and the ASF licensing policy
3) authoritative** information on what requirements are placed on the 
redistribution of such a jar
so that all relevant licenses and license policies are satisfied,
4) a mechanism for ensuring the satisfaction of these requirements
5) an ok (ie majority vote) from the community on this provision (though 
consensus would be nice)

when (1)-(4) is satisfied you'll get my +1 on (5). I will also try and 
help out with satisfying (2)-(5) when (1)
has been satisfied. I don't really care what process is used to get 
these requirments satisfied; a committee
headed by Dion (sorry if I misspell here ;)) sounds just fine with me. 
But get (1) in place before spending
too much energy on (2)-(5). Certainly, I'm not going to spend more time 
convincing anyone that 

can Apache distribute third party libraries?

2003-02-26 Thread Leo Simons
Dear board,
there exists some confusion within the apache community about the
redistribution of library sources and binaries by apache. The question
I ask you is whether it is acceptable for the apache projects to do so,
and what requirements are imposed on this redistribution. Specifically,
would it be acceptable if the ASF were to create a centralized, publicly
accessible repository of binary java libraries (so-called jars) from
third parties, what requirements need to be satisfied in order for
this repository to be acceptable, and what requirements need to be
satisfied in order for any specific library to be acceptable for
inclusion into this repository?
I would like to point at some existing libraries the ASF redistributes
in one form or another:

Apache HTTP server distributes the PCRE library, licensed under the PCRE
License, in source and binary forms.
Various java-related projects distribute various jars. These are
licensed under various terms; common ones including the IBM Public
License and the BSD license. The above URL is a partial list of jars
available through CVS. Many of these are also distributed as part
of software releases available through
I would also like to point at the recent discussions in january and
february on this topic held on the, and mailing lists
as well as on other mailing lists, for the context in which these
questions arose.
thanks for your time and best regards,
- Leo Simons

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Re: [proposal] daedalus jar repository (was: primary distribution location)

2003-02-26 Thread Leo Simons
Leo Simons wrote:
you get an ok on that from the board and/or the infrastructure team, 
and consensus across the
community, and I'll be absolutely 100% behind any such plan. 
scratch that, I'm in a Just Do It mood today. Just sent a message to 
the board (who are
reading already anyway, but hey, some people like policy and procedure 
;), watch for CC.

- Leo

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Re: [proposal] daedalus jar repository (was: primary distribution location)

2003-02-25 Thread Leo Simons
Sam Ruby wrote:
- Leo (avalon pmc member acting sort-of on behalf of the java peeps 
using the
lazy consensus model and the Just-Do-It-in-the-event-of-consensus 
mindset :D)
I like that mindset.  Note: the essence of lazy consensus is that such 
actions are immeditely rolled back if an issue is raised.  I plan to 
do exactly that. 
heh. Me too :D
- Leo

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Re: [proposal] daedalus jar repository (was: primary distribution location)

2003-02-25 Thread Leo Simons
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Which PMC is going to oversee the repository?
all PMCs whose committers 'commit' to the repository should maintain 
some oversight. I
don't think there's an official precedent wrt how this works @ apache. 
It might be possible
to get the infrastructure peeps to take on the additional burden of 
oversight, and maybe
some peeps will want to join the infrastructure team to that effect.

How are files going to be
anyone with an account on daedalus and part of the apcvs group can 
place/modify the files
there using SCP/SSH. People who commit files will also have the option
to chmod those committed files so that they are editable by a smaller 
group of people. Just
like with the existing distribution setup.

Who is going to ensure that the correct licenses are present and
IMO, the person who places a file in the repository should ensure the 
presence of a license,
just as is currently the case with distributions (pattern emerging here 
;). It is responsibility of
the ASF as a whole to make sure the rest of the world honours its 
license. For the next few
weeks at least, I'll be monitoring the repository closely. I hope/expect 
more people will step
up to help out.

once again, I'm not suggesting we place non-ASF jars online, which 
simplifies license issues
rather by a large amount.

I also think it should be easy enough to automate this somewhat: for 
each ${blah}.jar, check
there's a corresponding ${blah}.LICENSE*, and e-mail the owner of the 
.jar if there isn't.
Should be easy enough; my plan basically consists of following the 
maven+infrastructure lead
on stuff like that, as that's where the expertise is atm. (Looking at, they chose a pattern of 
which is easily machine-parsable.)

I like the idea of a central repository.  It would simplify the issue by
centralizing maintenance of jars and licenses.  I just want to know how it
is going to operate.  A joint operation between Ant and Maven?
A joint operation between all projects that want to have their jars in 
the repo and all projects
interested in maintaining such a repo for other reasons, and the 
infrastructure team. In effect,
_exactly_ the same de-facto guidelines that apply to apply to this
repo as well. We've not needed things set in stone wrt distribution 
policy before (or do we? :D),
so I wonder whether we should start to do so now. Let's go with the 
flow, shall we?

[I won't even get into the question of why those two can't be related
projects under a single PMC]
lets not :D
in summary, the answers to the questions you are posing should be the 
same for
/dist/java-repository as for /dist/ as a whole. If those answers don't 
exist for /dist/, well
if answers are needed they should be sought, but IMV that hasn't got too 
much to do
with this specific repo and more with the general case. IE Is there 
lack of policy with
regard to is a different thread. And I guess Dirk 
is the one to
give the answer to that one ;)

- Leo

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Re: [proposal] daedalus jar repository (was: primary distribution location)

2003-02-25 Thread Leo Simons
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
all PMCs whose committers 'commit' to the repository should maintain
some oversight.

Infrastructure hasn't considered that a good model for the Wiki, and I don't
know that it would work any better for the repository.  Someone needs to
take responsibility for the oversight.
they _have_ accepted this as a model for distribution management. The 
wiki is a very different topic.
The setup is something 'conventional', with a 
filesystem and permission
management and SSH encryption and stuff. It is tried and tested, and 
perfectly secure (to the extend
daedalus itself is secure).

I'm not suggesting we place non-ASF jars online, which
simplifies license issues rather by a large amount.

Yes, that does.  But I am expecting that people will want common things like
AIUI, there is currently a no on the ASF providing a redistribution 
point for things like JUnit in the
style of a maven repository. At least not a definitive yes.

which I understand to be acceptable so long as the IBM license is
IANAL, but I understand the same thing ;)
Once the binary distinction of ASF v non-ASF is dropped, then the
simplicity of it being OK because it is all ASF-licensed code turns into the
policing scenario that Maven is currently practicing, through Dion Gillard.
yep. So don't drop the binary until you have a) policy, b) desire and c) 
an ok to make apache into
a redistribution point of third-party software. Just b) doesn't cut it.

But using the repository to hold third party jars for which the ASF has
specifically ascertained appropriate license rights exist seems to be what
gives us the most bang, because it is the third party libraries that are the
most potentially time consuming and risky.  Rather than each project have
to deal with each third party jar, using the repository for that purpose
would both share the burden of acquiring suitable license rights, and
ensuring that they were acquired. is the authoritive place for distribution of apache 
software. It is _not_ currently
intended for redistribution, authoritive or not, of ASF-endorsed or 
ASF-acceptable software. Quite
binary, yes (ant it is not something I made up, but what I took away 
from comments from Dirk or
someone else entitled to make official statements).

Changing this setup is something to be done only very cautiously after 
consulting with the projects
that mirror our stuff and answering lots of other questions. I can see 
the argument as to why we would
want to do such a thing, but I think it is best to hold this off for at 
least a month or two even if we were
to decide to do it. Slow  controlled evolution :D

So, yes, the ASF-only distinction simplifies repository policing, but using
it as the central location for authorized third party jars simplifies
overall policing of third party license issues for the ASF as a whole.
Licensing policy is quite tricky and lots of things need to be done 
before the ASF should even consider
setting up a centralized easily user-accesible distribution point of 
materials not copyrighted by the ASF
that can be called authoritive either by definition or default. For 
example, the docs started at should be made 
into an authoritive source on that unambiguously answers yes or no with regard to

can we link to software under license X?,
can we redistribute software under license X in source form and/or 
binary form?,
how do we provide these licenses when we redistribute or link to 
software under license X?,
what other steps doe we take when we redistribute or link to software 
under license X?

and similar questions, so it is crystal clear what we can and cannot 
include and policy can be formulated
and applied. Something like for the 
ASL. Until these answers exist and
are well-known throughout the community and relevant PMCs, we need to be 
as conservative as possible.
Not sure if your project can distribute JUnit? Then don't, even if that 
makes life terribly inconvenient.
Want to be sure? Ask the board to pour resources into getting answers. 
But we need to be sure before
we act. I'm sure it is okay for the ASF to distribute jars from its own 
hardware based on its own
sourcecode under its own license. Yes, binary, but it is the best first 
step and it solves a real need.

- Leo

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[proposal] daedalus jar repository (was: primary distribution location)

2003-02-20 Thread Leo Simons
Hi all,
(sorry for the massive crosspost up front, as this is a proposal that 
should in the end come from the various PMCs towards the infrastructure 
team I'm doing lots of CCing, just once)

I've been giving this some thought. It has been pointed out that the 
primary distribution location for all apache projects should be an 
apache machine (board position, that is, and I guess mostly everyone 
agrees). It has also become evident that it makes sense to have the 
distribution repository structured in such a way that a software tool 
can understand it, and that it is very valuable for java-based projects 
to distribute jar files as well as zipped/tar+gzipped distributions 
(closest analogy is probably that it makes sense to ship an apache httpd 
msi in addition to a tar/gz). Finally, it is desirable to make use of 
the existing distribution mirroring setup already in place for apache to 
keep actual load on asf machines and the network as a whole as low as 

Based on the above, I suggest we create such a machine-readable 
repository @ using the 
de-facto common repository format pioneered by maven and supported in 
centipede, supported in Ant using RuperTask or a simple script 
(, and easily 
supported in any software too that can do an HTTP GET and a sprintf(). 
The use of this repository is simply to contain symlinks to the various 
distributions in /www/ of the various projects.

I am specifically _not_ suggesting that this repository should 
distribute other project distributions (like junit.jar). ASF is not in 
the mirroring business atm. Though I wouldn't have a problem if we were 
to change that, I doubt it'll increase the likelyhood of this proposal 
getting through and it would hence take more work :D

As all java-based projects could benefit from having their software 
symlinked from this repository, it is probably useful if all committers 
with accounts on daedalus and that are part of the apcvs group (I think 
that's everyone by definition :D) gain access to the repository. 
Individual projects can then create dirs in the repository and tighten 
permissions, ie one would do something like

cd /www/
mkdir avalon-framework
chown -Rf leosimons:avalon avalon-framework
chmod -Rf 775 avalon-framework
cd avalon-framework
ln -s /www/
mkdir distributions
mkdir jars
cd distributions
ln -s ../../../avalon/framework/latest/*.tar.gz
ln -s ../../../avalon/framework/latest/*.zip
# ...
ln -s ../../../avalon/framework/v4.0/*.tar.gz
ln -s ../../../avalon/framework/v4.0/*.zip
ln -s /www/
cd ../jars
ln -s ../../../avalon/framework/latest/avalon-framework-4.1.4.jar
# ...
ln -s ../../../avalon/framework/v4.0/avalon-framework-4.0.jar
ln -s /www/
An alternative is of course to create an apjarrepo group consisting of 
perhaps a committer subset; I'd like to leave that choice up to the 
infrastructure team. If that is a better idea, please tell us so we can 
figure out a list of people who should be part of that group. Normally, 
I'd just ask the infrastructure peeps to

umask 002
mkdir /www/
chown :apcvs /www/
and get things started, but given the unusual (well, maybe not ;) amount 
of controversy I think it makes sense to get noses in the right 
direction on this first. I would like to invite everyone to follow-up on 
this matter on, hold a (hopefully, brief  
productive) discussion, vote on a revised proposal (I'll happily 
volunteer for tallying things up), and format the results of that 
(assuming that my proposal gets through :D) as a request by all the 
involved java-related PMCs to have the infrastructure peeps do a 'mkdir 

Note the legal headache or impact caused by all this is zero: we are 
only providing convenience URLs for things apache already distributes.
Also note the likely diskspace and bandwidth impact is also near zero: 
this repository would be automatically mirrored by the existing apache 
Third, note the complete simplicity: it works out of the box with all 
existing build tools (that I know of), and the additional overhead 
impact on the infrastructure team is a single mkdir/chown.
Finally, note the ease with which existing repositories like can be made to mirror this repository: rsync is 
already in place and available.

so, thoughts?
cheers all,
- Leo
Greg Stein pretty much summarized:
 I don't see why we need to do anything. Distribute from daedalus. Ibiblio
 can rsync it over. What more is needed?
Andrew C. Oliver got the discussion started:
 I think the maven repository should be Apache's primary distribution 
of all Jakarta/XML projects.

Re: Suggestion...

2003-02-12 Thread Leo Simons
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
I agree that there should be an e-mail.  But it should be short, and consist
of little more than a reference to the web site.  All of this information
should be available on the web site for review and update.  As that content
is enhanced, e-mail can go out to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
is a good place for all this information. It needs some work, and more 
exposure among existing committers.

- Leo

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Re: licensing issues and jars in Avalon

2003-02-08 Thread Leo Simons
Hi all,
I've just updated the setup mentioned below to do handle the licensing 
issue just a tiny bit better, up to the point
where I think (IANAL!) it is no longer in violation of any license.
It might make sense for other projects that are also not moving to maven 
or centipede just yet to put in place
a similar setup.

- Leo
What is more or less clear at this point is that the current setup I 
just put in place for avalon-framework where some Sun BCL code is 
downloaded from ibiblio is in breach of license (it won't work anymore 
either, as the problematic jars have been removed, so I guess it is 
already no longer in breach), whereas the setup we use in logkit 
(where the user must actively agree to the BCL license and download 
the code themselves) /seems/ to be acceptable.

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Re: licensing issues and jars in Avalon

2003-02-05 Thread Leo Simons
Sam Ruby wrote:
Leo Simons wrote:
recent board decree (saw it first on the infrastructure list) 
(paraphrasing): the ASF must not distribute software packages (in any 
form) licensed under LGPL, GPL or Sun Binary Code License in any way.

Sun's Binary Code license permits bundling as part of your Programs. 
The short form of this: you can include such things in tars and zips 
for your release, but for individually download.  In other words, 
users need not feel the pain, but developers do. 
So, in other words, it is okay if I as a developer download a 
BCL-licensed package, compile an ASF module against it, then build a 
distribution consisting of the compiled code and the BCL-licensed 
package? For example, is a JAMES distribution allowed to be compiled 
against the BCL-licensed package (after the developer making the 
distribution has agreed to the license) and ship with the BCL-licensed 

Is it also okay if my distribution instead contains the source code and 
the BCL-licensed package, and a build script for compiling the ASF 
module against the BCL-licensed package? Or is that not okay, but can I 
distribute the source code with my binary distribution? What about 
providing everything but the build script?

I'm sorry, it's not too clear to me just yet.
Personally, if there are open source alternatives, my recommendation 
is that they should be supported instead. 
- Leo
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Re: [VOTE] Openness

2002-10-30 Thread Leo Simons
 VOTE 1:  would you like to make it possible for non-committers to read 
 this mail list thru a web archive?
   [X] +1 yes, let's make it readable
   [ ]  0 don't know/don't care
   [ ] -1 no, let's keep it private
 VOTE 2:  would you like to make it possible for non-committers to fully 
 subscribe to this mail list?
   [ ] +1 yes, let's open it to everyone
   [ ]  0 don't know/don't care
   [X] -1 no, let's keep it for committers only

- Leo

Re: [VOTE] Open this list

2002-10-26 Thread Leo Simons
 View 1: Open the list completely, anyone can subscribe, post and read 
 the archive
 View 2:  Keep the list open only to committers, members and invitees 
 (highly contributive developers and users) so far as posting goes, 
 however allow anyone to read or view the archive (and include an archive 
 such as MARC, etc.
 View 3: Close the list to all except members and committers.
 View 1: +1 Sam, Steven Noles


 View 2: +1 Andy


 View 3: +1 Ken


 Please state your view and vote your conscience.

- Leo Simons