Re: [Shr-User] wi-fi connection breakage and phone suspend during upgrade (shr-u)

2009-12-18 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
2009/12/18 Glenn :
>(phone suspends thus interfering with upgrade configuration)
> I now assume that the installation is broken/inconsistent.

   If I understand you right, your problem is Freerunner suspending
during upgrade process. Why not just keeping it awake by periodically
pressing everywhere on its screen while update is in progress? Also,
since it's just a newly installed image on your SD, you lose nothing
by overwriting it again.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner gone...

2009-12-16 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
> This could be fun to have a "If you found this phone" button on SHR
> today (or any screensaver app). This app could contain information about
> tht owner and ability to send text message to another number or call the
> owner (on another phone number of course)...

   This could be annoying for the real happy owner to view this button
every time he looks at shr-today. A button can be drawn upon arrival
of specially formatted SMS (like sms-sentry works). If SIM card isn't
authenticated yet (no GSM channel to tower), button is on shr-today

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Centralization of graphical awesomeness

2009-10-26 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
2009/10/26 Carsten Haitzler :
> you want speed? you will need to give up something. if you still want it to
> look nice, then drop pixels. its the simplest and easiest solution. its the
> right resolution for that cpu anyway. the glamo will still hurt you, but not 
> as
> much.

   I'm sure everybody who has any professional connections with
Freerunner+Glamo development already took all possible measures to
solve this problem. But what concrete steps were taken to ease Glamo
bottleneck? If its throughput is so narrow, can we lower amount of
data flowing through it? There's one neighbor unanswered thread with a
question on how to start the kernel with qvga resolution. Aside of
this, what can be reduced, for example amount of available colours
(256 or even 16)? And if this [too] low throughput only of video
memory channel?

Openmoko community mailing list

[FSO] Paroli/frameworkd version?

2009-07-20 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
Hello list!

  After long hibernation I finally have time to play with dusty
Freerunner again, so I got "standard" fso-paroli-image-om-gta02.jffs2
testing image and did a 'opkg update; opkg upgrade' mantra. Now I'd
like to know which version of Paroli and FSO framework I have inside.
The reason for this interest is to determine who's responsible for
this bug: -- first
thought was Paroli is too recent (or frameworkd is too outdated) to
match with this method, but according to it was
there from the very beginning.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Avoid duplicates on ML (was: Re: Fundamental Qi question)

2009-06-17 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
.> El Wednesday, 17 de June de 2009 07:49:16 Evgeniy Karyakin va escriure:
>>  More offtopic: how about not to start new thread with every mail
>> from you? For reading this ML I use GMail web interface and ~95% of
>> messages from you are shown as new threads despite that messages are
>> obviously replies (contain other's quotations with multiple levels).
>> Just a question/advice.
> The problem is that gmail web interface don't follow the threads they fake
> them using "Subject" instead of the correct headers  "In-Reply-To"
> and "References".

   Exactly what I just discovered looking at raw email headers and
Subject fields. Thanks Jose, apologies to Paul and curses to Google.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Avoid duplicates on ML (was: Re: Fundamental Qi question)

2009-06-16 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
> To avoid getting duplicates (when a person sends a mail To or Cc you
> and the list at the same time) one just needs to set his personal
> preferences (and for most ML it's default to avoid duplicates), for
> mailman it's described in [1].
> [1]

   More offtopic: how about not to start new thread with every mail
from you? For reading this ML I use GMail web interface and ~95% of
messages from you are shown as new threads despite that messages are
obviously replies (contain other's quotations with multiple levels).
Just a question/advice.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: sending SMS from paroli's People list (OM2009T4)

2009-06-03 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
> i just stumbled across the way to send an SMS to a particular contact.  in
> the people screen, slide the contact name to the right, a "Msg" button
> appears, which you can press to start composing an SMS.
> i'm sure i'm not the first person to find this, but i couldn't find any
> references on the list after a cursory search, so i thought i'd mention
> it.  i know people have asked about this in the past.  i also put a note
> in the wiki.

   Feels like an Easter egg, yay!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Om2009] testing Release 3

2009-05-20 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
2009/5/20 Mirko Lindner :
> Max wrote:
>> As far as I understood it's just a text strings.
>> Is that possible to change them without actually re-building paroli?
>> It would be great if I could just edit some configuration file and set
>> something like:
>> utf8_str_IO = "Call log/Журнал"
>> utf8_str_TELE = "Звонилко"
>> utf8_str_MSG = "Messages"
> It is more than just those 4 app names, so a config file would not be
> the best way imho. I am trying to sort stuff so that we can go the
> get_text way for the strings in python and mabye have language file for
> the strings in edje.
> Time to help out?

There are several Russian-speaking people here on this maillist and
sure everyone of them can localize Paroli strings as well as do wider
localization if needed. Easiest ways would be plain files with
original strings pending translation, or .po files, or any other
format which is read/writable on average machine without third-party
software installation.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Slashdotted

2009-04-07 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
2009/4/7 arne anka :
>> "Die Entwicklung der Mobiltelefone wird eingestellt"
>> Development of mobile phones stopped
>> big topic (many people don't read more)
>> "Openmoko gibt freie Handy-Entwicklung auf"
>> Openmoko stopps development of free mobile phones
>> In my opinion it suggerates the wrong message.
> so?
> phone development means gta03 -- and that indeed stopped.
> gta02 does not see any development, just support and fixes.

   You understand it and all^Wmost of the people following our
maillists, but still...
>> big topic (many people don't read more)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: flashing Neo Freerunner problems

2009-02-11 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
2009/2/9 C R McClenaghan :
> I had set my Neo aside for a few weeks and on returning to it I'm
> unable to flash a new kernel or root file system.
> When I run "dfu-util -l" while at the NOR menu there are no listed usb
> devices. When I boot the NEO into FSO, I am able to connect via USB
> networking.

   Can you tell the list what is happening in host's dmesg when you
plug FR in while it's in NOR menu? I also had similar problems and
ended up with the fact that there's a difference between "plug the
PC<->FR cable, then power FR up to NOR menu" and "power FR up to NOR
menu, then plug the PC<->FR cable". After this change I was able to
see FR in dfu-util device listing.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [u-boot] Environment garbled after setenv?

2008-12-07 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
Al Johnson:
> On Sunday 07 December 2008, Evgeniy Karyakin wrote:
>> Joachim Breitner:
>>> AFAIR, the NOR uboot and the NAND uboot don’t share the environment – is
>>> that right?
>> Then I don't know what "u-boot_env" points to. If we update NAND
>> environment and then boot with the help of NOR menu, I don't see a
>> point. Frankly I never tried NAND, maybe I should now.
> The NOR uboot environment is stored in NOR, and you can't change it unless 
> you 
> have a debug board. This is intentional as the NOR uboot is there to stop you 
> being able to brick your phone, and it wouldn't be much good at that if you 
> could wipe its environment. You should usually be using the NAND uboot which 
> keeps its environment in NAND in the u-boot_env area.

This explains everything, Al, thanks. So when I use a terminal to 
get into U-Boot console, I interact with NOR machinery, and u-boot_env 
storage is really in NAND field; that makes a point.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [u-boot] Environment garbled after setenv?

2008-12-07 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
Joachim Breitner:
>> I modified (shorten) your script for my needs and it works without 
>> an error, although I haven't really got my end station. After flashing 
>> environment with your script and then reading it back I see that 
>> environment reflects the changes desired. But getting to u-boot console 
>> shows me old env variables (printenv), and booting microSD card from NOR 
>> menu actually invokes old menu_1 setting -- I can see that after ssh-ing 
>> into the phone and seeing what's in /proc/cmdline. Strange.
>> My modified script is in attachment in case you're curious.
> Thanks. 
> AFAIR, the NOR uboot and the NAND uboot don’t share the environment – is
> that right?

Then I don't know what "u-boot_env" points to. If we update NAND 
environment and then boot with the help of NOR menu, I don't see a 
point. Frankly I never tried NAND, maybe I should now.

> But that the NAND env is not modified is strange. Did you try reading it
> back after a reboot?

Exactly. First I used your script, then rebooted the phone, then 
invoked "dfu-util -a u-boot_env -U env.test" and saw *new* environment, 
still the NOR boot procedure uses old env. You may be right, these 
settings are separated.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [u-boot] Environment garbled after setenv?

2008-12-07 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin

Joachim Breitner:

Am Sonntag, den 07.12.2008, 21:07 +0300 schrieb Evgeniy Karyakin:
I see it as environment broken and afraid to say "saveenv" which can 
make this uncertain state permanent. What can it be, have anybody seen this?

In fact, I have. I observed this when I was trying to modify the uBoot
environment from the device, in the Debian installer. I wanted to
provide a way to completely do the installation from on the device. But
after my changes, I have seen the problems that you have, so I wrote the script.

You can still see my work in the debian installer, by running
$ ./ uboot
which runs the code (it is not normally run by ./ all).

If it turns out that the reason was just pure accident (or something),
and not the fact that I was modifying from on the device, we could
enable this and make the Debian installation even easier.

Test reports appreciated!

   I modified (shorten) your script for my needs and it works without 
an error, although I haven't really got my end station. After flashing 
environment with your script and then reading it back I see that 
environment reflects the changes desired. But getting to u-boot console 
shows me old env variables (printenv), and booting microSD card from NOR 
menu actually invokes old menu_1 setting -- I can see that after ssh-ing 
into the phone and seeing what's in /proc/cmdline. Strange.

   My modified script is in attachment in case you're curious.
Description: Bourne shell script
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [u-boot] Environment garbled after setenv?

2008-12-07 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
Marian Flor:
> Am Sonntag, den 07.12.2008, 21:07 +0300 schrieb Evgeniy Karyakin:
>> [u-boot messed up with console and copy&paste editing]
> Hi Evgeniy,
> have a look at the script (ask google). Make your
> changes in the script an run the script instead of using
> copy&_waste_ ;-) which is somewhat shaky.

Thanks, Marian, I got the idea. Just tried it with some 
modifications of the script and after phone's reboot environment is in 
old state, as if I didn't do its update. Basically script's changes were 
1) removing tempdir in favour of working in current directory, and 2) 
setting only menu_1 instead of all menu_* variables. Will investigate it 

Openmoko community mailing list

[u-boot] Environment garbled after setenv?

2008-12-07 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin

While trying to edit u-boot environment I experienced this strange 
behaviour, which, I think, is rare because nobody reported this yet. My 
U-Boot is 1.3.2-moko12 (May 9 2008 - 10:28:48).
Initially I have menu_1 ("Boot from microSD (FAT+ext2)") as follows:

menu_1=Boot from microSD (FAT+ext2): setenv bootargs ${bootargs_base} 
rootfstype=ext2 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootdelay=5 ${mtdparts} ro; mmcinit; 
fatload mmc 1 0x3200 ${sd_image_name}; bootm 0x3200

Changing it to new one:

setenv menu_1 Boot from microSD (FAT+ext2): setenv bootargs 
glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=1000 \$\{bootargs_base\} rootfstype=ext2 
root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 console=ttySAC2,115200 console=tty0 loglevel=4 
regular_boot rootdelay=5 \$\{mtdparts\}\; sleep 1\; mmcinit\; sleep 1\; 
fatload mmc 1 0x3200 \$\{sd_image_name\}\; bootm 0x3200

Note that every special character is escaped. I'm trying to make a 
permanent boot menu for microSD invocation.
Now it is (taken copy-paste from minicom console with the help of 

menu_1=Boot from microSD (FAT+ext2): setenv bootargs 
glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=1000 ${bootargs_base} rootfstype=ext2 
root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 console=ttySAC2,115200 console=tty0 loglevel=4 
regular_boot rootdelay=5 ${mtdparts}; sleep 1; mmcinit; sleep 1; fatload 
mmc 1 0x3200 ${sd_image_name}; bootm 0x3200

Seems good. But selecting this menu item "Boot from microSD 
(FAT+etx2)" *on the phone* says something like:

Unknown command 'dout' - try 'help'

Obviously it's a part of the word "stdout". How?? Other items 
selection and their subsequences:

* "Set console to USB"
   Unknown command '_image=uImage.bin' - try 'help'

* "Set console to serial"
   Unknown command '1973-nand' - try 'help'

* "Reboot" (two error lines exactly as follows!)
   Unknown command '=physman-flash:-(nor)' - try 'help'
   (factory),0x0f6a(rootfs)' - try 'help'

* "Power off"
   Unknown command 'actory),0x0f6a(rootfs)' - try 'help'

Only plain "Boot" is working. I can boot from microSD from u-boot 
command line managing it from desktop, and NOR menu works on the phone 
as well if I didn't do any environment changes.
I see it as environment broken and afraid to say "saveenv" which can 
make this uncertain state permanent. What can it be, have anybody seen this?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Creating a distro on a sim card

2008-11-29 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
Christopher J. White:
> With Debian on a 2GB microSD card, here's my boot cmdline
> (cat /proc/cmdline):
> glamo_mci.sd_max_clk=1000 rootfstype=jffs2 root=/dev/mtdblock6
> console=ttySAC2,115200 console=tty0 loglevel=8 regular_boot
> mtdparts=physmap-flash:-(nor);neo1973-nand:0x0004(u-boot),0x0004(u-boot_env),0x0080(kernel),0x000a(splash),0x0004(factory),0x0f6a(rootfs)
>  rootfstype=ext2 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootdelay=5

Don't anybody see a problem with this settings? There's two pairs of 
parameters rootfstype and root; who get the priority? This redundancy is 
because environment has the following variables:

bootargs_base=rootfstype=jffs2 root=/dev/mtdblock6 
console=ttySAC2,115200 console=tty0 loglevel=4 regular_boot

menu_1=Boot from microSD (FAT+ext2): setenv bootargs ${bootargs_base} 
rootfstype=ext2 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootdelay=5 ${mtdparts} ro; mmcinit; 
fatload mmc 1 0x3200 ${sd_image_name}; bootm 0x3200

bootargs_base has one pair, menu_1 has another. So, who's in charge 

Also, is there a reason to mount rootfs read-only? I try to boot 
from uSD card and get several error messages like this:

tar: cannot create directory 'devices/snd': Read-only fiel system
tar: cannot create directory 'devices/input': Read-only fiel system
tar: cannot create directory 'devices/bus': Read-only fiel system
tar: cannot create directory 'devices/net': Read-only fiel system
tar: cannot create directory 'devices/loop': Read-only fiel system

and then

cp: cannot stat '/lib/udev/devices/*': No such file or directory


Remounting root filesystem

(so it is remounted rw now?) then

mount: special device /dev/mmcblk0p1 does not exist

(this is stock 512Mb uSD). After that it tries to startup ALSA (with "No 
soundcard found" resulting message) and network (resulting "done"), and 
after that it just stall forever. Rootfs is yesterday's testing tarball 
taken from

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: I/O problems with SD card

2008-11-24 Thread Evgeniy Karyakin
>>Yes, I know that, but I'm unable to connect to the phone through
>> DFU protocol because Neo don't offer itself as a device supporting
>> DFU.
> Have you tried to connect usb cable AFTER freerunner started NOR u-boot?
> My early problems with DFU disappeared after I took this approach in a
> script, it seems it can announce under two different PIDs (this one is
> for updating U-Boot):
> #!/bin/bash
> dfu-util -a 1 -d 0x1d50:0x5119 -D u-boot.udfu
> if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
> dfu-util -a 1 -d 0x1d50:0x5120 -D u-boot.udfu
> dfu-util -a 1 -d 0x1d50:0x5119 -D u-boot.udfu
> fi
> It might be a silly suggestion but please double-check the usb cable
> used, try to connect directly to the motherboard (avoid front-panel
> connectors and usb hubs). May be you should try another PC.
> By no means (as you have no dboard) you could have damaged the NOR
> bootloader by dfu-util. It should just work. The battery must be
> charged before the flashing (you can even use any full-charged Nokia
> battery). Try removing the battery for some time (to ensure clean
> boot), then boot directly into the NOR uBoot, connect to PC and try to
> flash. If it doesn't work, use another cable/usb port/pc.

Thanks you all, Andy, Nikita and Paul, now I have the phone working 
again. I used all your suggestions in complex, use another USB port on 
desktop, connect Freerunner to notebook after it's in NOR boot menu 
state, and flashed the phone using -d dfu-util option. It finished 
successfully. Still don't know what caused that troubles with DFU 
recognition failures. I have to be careful in the future while doing 
low-level manipulations with Neo like environment changes.
Thanks, your help was invaluable!

Openmoko community mailing list