Community Updates: September 30 2009 released!

2009-10-01 Thread Fabian Killus
I just felt free to do it and hopefully didn't miss anything.

Now go have a look at

And please don't forget to contribute to the next CU:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Paroli Theme/UI proposals

2009-10-01 Thread Fabian Killus

> Just some remarks;)
> 1: Try to put these pictures on the Freerunner, to see how it feels.
> There are view
> image viewer out there, or you can even write a simple elementary
> application for it.
> On my 15.4" laptop, the freerunner screen is equal to a 176x235 pixel
> rectangle. So if you scale your images to this size, you can observe
> a few things. Lets talk about the main screen:
> Apart from the clock, none of the texts are readable. I can read some,
> if I seriously
> try, but my mom cant read it for sure.
> To demonstrate it, here is a resized, blurred image (just apply
> gaussian blur in gimp):

I just scopied the main.jpg onto my Freerunner and opened it with neon.
I can read everything just fine and don't think the text needs to be
larger. Except the small "previous" and "next" at the top are a little
small, but still readable.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Showroom hosting , roadmap draft & design

2009-08-29 Thread Fabian Killus
On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:24:53 +0300 (Markus Törnqvist) wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 07:13:23AM +0200, Fabian Killus wrote:
> >On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:18:47 +0300
> >"Risto H. Kurppa"  wrote:
> >Actually this is heavily inspired by, which is a
> >nice (but unofficial) package listing system for Gentoo. I just added
> >the distributions menu on the left side. BTW do we also need a field
> >that shows which other distributions provide a certain package (like:
> >"Other distributions with this Package: SHR, Debian")?
> Trying to see the relations in apt-portal's db now...
> Then again, if it's not doable now, we can do it later
> >I thought if you switch the distribution with the left side menu and
> >already have selected a package, the equivalent package for the just
> >selected distribution should be displayed.
> >If this distro doesn't have such a package show an apropiate message,
> >maybe telling whom to contact, to get this app into the distribution.
> Ok, cool. It could be pretty generic, probably.
> >These colors are taken from the Openmoko identity guidelines [1] and
> >I agree that they are heavy.
> >Maybe now designing this showroom and its colors is a good moment to
> >decide as a community, wether to stick with the official guidelines
> >or not. I do think consistent colors are good for community spirit. I
> >don't care if we continue with darkgrey/orange or have something new,
> >as long as it is documented on the wiki.
> The wiki would probably have its old colors, and we can always
> do a "facelift" and change colors, so I say we stick to the current
> stuff and change colors later if we cared to...
> >Another issue would be the logo, here I'm not even aware if we are
> >allowed to use it. I recall a post be Sean Moss-Pultz to release this
> >stuff to the community, but don't know how or if this ever happend.
> Let's hope for the best.
> >One last thing, you've maybe noticed the
> > at top of my mockup. I questioning
> >which domain should be used for the showroom? I'm _not_ totally
> >convinced by suggestions like or so.
> I did :)
> is a bit long, what about
> Heh, ;P
> Something?
> I agree with you that frappdb, tho it sounds almost cool, is very
> fr-centric and maybe not the best solution.

I like and use or for the showroom. I prefer this over
something like, because maybe later we also want to have
something like (just an idea) or so.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Showroom hosting , roadmap draft & design

2009-08-29 Thread Fabian Killus
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 05:24:46 +0200
Bernd Prünster  wrote:

> Fabian Killus schrieb:
> > I did a quick mockup of how I would like to have such a showroom
> > look like. The "traditional" openmoko colors were used.
> >
> > Please comment if you like it or not (I know it's not perfect, just
> > an idea). Here comes the png:
> >
> >
> >
> > jxs
> Please dont make the same mistake that was made relaunching 
> dont use such huge graphics.
> keep in mind that the showroom should maybe also easily viewable @
> 480x640.
> just my 2 cents

I totally agree.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Showroom hosting , roadmap draft & design

2009-08-29 Thread Fabian Killus
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 05:05:36 +0200
David Reyes Samblas Martinez  wrote:

> >
> > Please comment if you like it or not (I know it's not perfect, just
> > an idea). Here comes the png:
> >
> >
> >
> > jxs
> My comments on the mokup some of them will be related to  the coding
> effort to reach some of your proposal and what I think it should be
> the fisrt relase, as Markus said what we can't reach now we will reach
> later:
> -Hierarchical clasification:well righ now there is only a flat
> classification on apt-portal (as it was on so first release
> will have only one level.
> -Multiple distros: idem as previous one, but this will be a priority
> for futures impovements
> -Too big fonts?? If the description become larger and there are much
> comments  too much scroll
> -As other said, too strong colors, I prefer a dominant white with
> details with the official colors ,
> -again said by others the OM logo is too big, wasting a lot of
> horizontal/vertical space
> -Having distros on a column always on left side seem to me again a lot
> of space wasting, having a roll over menu, and line some where in the
> app description telling "also in this other distros:" ,and a "not
> in your favourite distro?" link with the instructions you mentioned
> will safe a lot of useful space.
> above are opinions now what I really think :Good work Fabian! :),
> thanks a lot for the mokup
> -

The fonts and the logo are far too big, I know. I want to create
another mockup, but it will take some time, since I'm moving at the
About the distributions menu on the left side I have to disagree. I
don't think it should be replaced with a roll over menu. I would agree
on having the side menu + roll over menu. Space below the side menu
could be used for a sponsor logo for Tuxbrain if the showroom will be
placed on your server.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Showroom hosting , roadmap draft & design

2009-08-28 Thread Fabian Killus
On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 09:54:37 +0300 (Markus Törnqvist) wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 08:18:47AM +0300, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
> >On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 12:40 AM, Fabian
> >Killus wrote:
> >>
> >Wow, nice done Fabian!
> +1
> >I like the layout, it has the elements we need. I can't find anything
> >else missing than some kind of voting system to find out the top
> >apps. The colours are maybe a bit heavy, I'd prefer something
> >lighter.
> I love the colors, but if I may suggest, it "wastes" some space with
> the logo being so big and the distros having a big left margin.
> We'll see if that ever becomes a problem :)

You're right. I already tried making the logo smaller but it looked
strange, too. I was hoping someone more of a designer could get
the proportions right for the final layout ;)

> >I think this is a good start, I can't wait to see what David's up to.
> >
> >David: release early, release often: let us see what's happening so
> >people can contribute!
> >Release the specs of the layout so people can work on themes/mockups.
> Specs of the layout?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Showroom hosting , roadmap draft & design

2009-08-28 Thread Fabian Killus
On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:18:47 +0300
"Risto H. Kurppa"  wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 12:40 AM, Fabian
> Killus wrote:
> > I did a quick mockup of how I would like to have such a showroom
> > look like. The "traditional" openmoko colors were used.
> >
> > Please comment if you like it or not (I know it's not perfect, just
> > an idea). Here comes the png:
> >
> >
> >
> > jxs
> Wow, nice done Fabian!

Thank you :)
Actually this is heavily inspired by, which is a
nice (but unofficial) package listing system for Gentoo. I just added
the distributions menu on the left side. BTW do we also need a field
that shows which other distributions provide a certain package (like:
"Other distributions with this Package: SHR, Debian")?

I thought if you switch the distribution with the left side menu and
already have selected a package, the equivalent package for the just
selected distribution should be displayed.
If this distro doesn't have such a package show an apropiate message,
maybe telling whom to contact, to get this app into the distribution.

> I like the layout, it has the elements we need. I can't find anything
> else missing than some kind of voting system to find out the top apps.

Right, I forgot the voting system.

> The colours are maybe a bit heavy, I'd prefer something lighter.

These colors are taken from the Openmoko identity guidelines [1] and I
agree that they are heavy.
Maybe now designing this showroom and its colors is a good moment to
decide as a community, wether to stick with the official guidelines or
not. I do think consistent colors are good for community spirit. I
don't care if we continue with darkgrey/orange or have something new,
as long as it is documented on the wiki.

Another issue would be the logo, here I'm not even aware if we are
allowed to use it. I recall a post be Sean Moss-Pultz to release this
stuff to the community, but don't know how or if this ever happend.

One last thing, you've maybe noticed the at top of my mockup. I questioning
which domain should be used for the showroom? I'm _not_ totally
convinced by suggestions like or so.

> I think this is a good start, I can't wait to see what David's up to.
> David: release early, release often: let us see what's happening so
> people can contribute!
> Release the specs of the layout so people can work on themes/mockups.
> Excited!
> r



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Showroom hosting , roadmap draft & design

2009-08-27 Thread Fabian Killus
On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 03:38:47 +0200
David Reyes Samblas Martinez  wrote:

> Regarding design of the site, as some also now Victor Remolina is a
> good designer and is as excited as I for the project, and would like
> to hear from you comments and ideas on how do you would like the
> showrom looks  to starting doing some proposals and mokups, this will
> ease to start the html templates. Everything is accepted now
> (brainstorming phase) feelings, colors, examples, and any kind of
> usuability/desing ideas ,  then victor (and any other
> designer/volunteer of course) can create some proposal based on this.
> and maybe do a kind of pool to decide between diferent options if more
> than one is proposed.
> Please comment and discuss :)

I did a quick mockup of how I would like to have such a showroom
look like. The "traditional" openmoko colors were used.

Please comment if you like it or not (I know it's not perfect, just an
idea). Here comes the png:


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [ALL] New showroom for Openmoko apps

2009-08-25 Thread Fabian Killus
I have spend several hours thinking about how a good application
showroom should look like. Here are some questions I asked myself:

Should the showroom be filled automatically from a repository?
YES, we can spend our time better than adding applications and
updating broken ones manually. Distribution maintainers already take
care of this. As proposed by David Reyes Samblas information could be
extracted from bb-files (btw how can one retrieve the bb-files?).
Categorization could be done via .desktop-files.

Do we need Screenshots, Comments, Ratings etc?
YES, it should be possible to add screenshots to the automatically
created apps in the showroom or to comment on them.

Should the showroom be SHR/Openembedded only?
NO, it should include applications for as many distributions
as possible. Lets assume we want to have SHR and
Gentoo in the showroom (we would have to find a way to automatically
extract applications available on Gentoo).

How should different distributions be combined in the showroom?
This is difficult since package information from different repositories
is is likely to differ. That means for example: should we use the
description provided by SHR or the one from Gentoo?
My first thought was, to just use information from SHR and if the same
application is available in a different distro add something like "Also
available for Gentoo". This is flawed however because maybe a package
provided by Gentoo isn't available in SHR and just putting it into "not
categorized" feels wrong.
So im my opinion there should be a showroom for each distribution. This
way it is easy to display distribution specific information on an

Isn't it very inefficient to have several showrooms (one per
Not neccessarily. Completely unrelated showrooms would of course result
in additional work. For example one would upload similar or even the
same screenshots several times for different distributions.
A good solution would be to relate these showrooms together. That means
to have a kind of "masterlist" were all applications from all
distributions are collected. Screenshots and comments aren't attached
to an application in a single showroom, but to the name of the
application on the "masterlist". 
When viewing an application on the SHR-showroom displayed information
comes from bb-files, but screenshots and comments come from the
"masterlist". If viewing the same application on the Gentoo-showroom
the same screenshots and comments would be showed, but the application
information and category may differ.

Maybe comments should be tagged so one can toggle between "Show all"
and "Show distribution specific".

Do we want to support more hardware than the Freerunner?
Definitely yes, or have you forgotten about the neo-gta01 pioneers?
And in case someday gta03/gta02core really materializes it
deserves a place in the showroom, too. However I still have to think
more about supporting multiple hardware. Maybe someone else with good
thoughts on this?

Please excuse my shiftless examples including SHR and Gentoo only,
other distris are great, too ;)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: input method : dasher

2009-06-23 Thread Fabian Killus
I had the same idea over and over again. I thought it would be cool to
have such a thing controlled by the accelerometers ;)

I also took a quick look at dasher's sources. Maybe it would be better
in this case to write a new lightweight app specially designed for the

On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 14:55:44 +0200
swap38  wrote:

> Hi,
> At the end of this article [1], there's a comment about Dasher [2].
> It's a strange but simple funny input method that can be very fast
> ("39 words per minute").
> Dasher support numerous languages and the source code is open.
> A version for mobile device (ARMv4 / Windows Mobile) is in developed
> by Glen Femandes.
> Do you think Dasher can be useful for the Neo Freerunner ?
> [1]
> [2]

Openmoko community mailing list

Update "Who is who" on wiki

2009-06-21 Thread Fabian Killus
I recall that ages ago many people on this list were complaining that
Openmoko wasn't as open as they had promised. They felt not informed
about what was going on behind the curtain of core development. When
everything is turned over to the community now, it is our chance to do

As proposed before on this list it would be a good idea to update the
information at While I am
afraid to touch this page directly, here is what I would have so far:

- Nelson Castillo
- Luca Capello
- ?

- Michael Lauer (Mickey)
- Jan Luebbe (Shoragan)
- Daniel Willmann (Alphaone)
- Stefan Schmidt 

- Angus Lee
- ?

- Mirko Lidner

- ?

Xorg glamo:
- Thomas White

Please help completing this list.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: YOUR action is needed to get the Community Updates up & running again

2009-06-20 Thread Fabian Killus

> >> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Nicola Mfb 
> >> wrote:
> > Exactly! About development I propose to expose peoples, projects and
> > what is missing, an example:
> >
> > critical "new openmoko community" core development:
> >
> > *) FSO team is developing the middleware, they need c/vala experts,
> > funding :) *) Mirko is working on Paroli, help is needed to create
> > a a good wifi manager plugin
> > *) Angus is working on om2009, openembedded experts are welcome
> > *) Nelson, Luca, etc. is working on kernel, some guru needed or
> > donate a debug board
> > *) Thomas, Andreas etc. is working on xorg glamo, drm/dri experts
> > are welcome *) xxx, yyy maintains the server infrastructure, gforge
> > experts needed ...
> >
> > other community development:
> >
> > *) c_c is working on audio/video mediaplayer
> > *) xxx is working on bluetooth manager
> > *) yyy is adapting linphone UI for small devices
> > *) zzz and www is testing qlwm for arm and writing qt applications
> > to create a new and complete qt/x11 gui phone stack over fso, every
> > qt developer is welcome
> > *) xxx is working to support wpa2/enterprise in connman
> > *) "" shr
> > *) "" debian
> > *) "" hackable:1
> > *) "" neovento
> > *) "" gentoo
> > *) "" qtmoko/qtimproved
> >
> > We need discussion boards too:
> >
> > *) how to use better the aux and power buttons
> > *) killing freezed x11 fullscreen applications
> > *) the wanted systray support
> > *) windows manager status
> > *) x11 server over qtimproved
> > *) improving the user interaction with accelerometers
> > *) long term architecture for om2010
> > ...
> >
> > The same for other tasks, there are few human resources, we need
> > organization and coordination.
> >

I am just another casual Freerunner user having lurked on the list
long enough now. I feel like we need a solid single point of contact
for all device owners and interested people. Our wiki is a good
starting point, but still everything seems a little bit messy to me.
While the software is getting better and better every day I agree with
others that it's time to improve the organizational part as well.

I felt free to add the points proposed by Nicola to the Community
Transition Page:

Openmoko community mailing list

GSM buzz-fix party in Braunschweig, Germany

2009-04-03 Thread Fabian Killus
I'm really interested in this buzz-fix party. How is it supposed to be
organized and when exactly? Beginning of may? 
Will I have to register somewhere? What is the location in
Braunschweig? What about warranty from Openmoko?
I'm thinking of going by train to Braunschweig bringing one Freerunner
along. It's a good opportunity for me to visit this city and its
university (still not sure where I want to study).

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Concept arts. Interface - how I would like it to see.

2008-09-23 Thread Fabian Killus
It is good to see concepts how a effective (and nice) UI could look like.  
In my opinion, looking at the artconcept pitures without having seen the  
structure.png they seem to be quite unstructered ;)

Still, it is good to have a starting point ...


> Dear Community,
> As first, I want to say thank you for all your great job, by which I can  
> do
> what I do now.
> Om2008.* is, (in my opinion!), not very comfortable in use (Qtopia goes  
> way
> better, but it is still not what I want). I mean - I know that versions  
> we
> have today are not supposed to look good, that everything can get changed
> and the biggest prioritaire is to bring it all work flawlessly. I know  
> and
> I'm happy with it and I can't stand waiting for everything that lay  
> ahead ;)
> While having some free time, I decided to create some concept arts of
> interface. They are created from what we can have today in Qtopia and Om,
> but I have added some features and polished them a little. So.. here you  
> go:
> Main idea:
> And concept arts.
> What is your opinion? Say what you like, and what you don't? Make your  
> own
> pics, share it with us. Free the imagination!
> WP

Openmoko community mailing list