Re: Discussion: what are your dreams for the Openmoko

2012-04-30 Thread Ken Young
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller write:

 So what are your dreams with respect to open mobile handhelds?
 What would you like as future hardware? What to see in software
 distros? Anything else? What missing piece are you waiting for?

My dream is this: That we can convince some big manufacturer of Android
phones to support SHR or Maemo or MER on some of their obsolete handheld
phones.   Surely Samsung, for example, must have some remaining stock
of Galaxy S{n} phones when they release Galaxy S{n+1} phones, and make
their old handset obsolete.   Perhaps they can be convinced to provide
drivers and binary blobs to allow us to port some open OS to their
slightly old hardware.   Since they have Android drivers already, making
Linux drivers should not be hard.They get to sell off some of their
old, slow moving stock, and we get open phones that are only one
generation behind state-of-the-art hardware, which would be fine with me.
The phones would have already been certified by outfits like the FCC, so
that expense would not apply.   If they provide the drivers and needed
binary blobs, we could port our preferred OS.   The phones could be sold
to us as is, with no end-user support from the manufacturer or carrier.
It's not a perfect solution, but I'd be satisfied with it.

 Ken Young
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: need a (even broken) plastic case of a FR

2012-02-23 Thread Toby D. Young


 I'm currently designing a 3D printable case for the GTA04.
 It isn't fully ready, yet. But you should be able to order a full
 GTA01/02/04 case for approximately 40€ in a few weeks.
 Please refer to the project site. It will be updated in the next few
 days, once the next prototyes arrive:

That is truely a awesome thing! 

I went through a period of (accidently) repeatedly dropping my
freerunner from a considerable height. Amazingly the phone still
works as always, but one of the clips on the case finally seperated...


Toby D. Young

Assistant Professor Philosophy  Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences
skype: stenografia

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Article: What happened to real open source phones?

2011-04-22 Thread Toby D. Young


 I'm still using my FR as my daily and only cellphone (it still runs
 Om2008.9) and I'm happy with it, [...].

I am glad to see someone saying that   :-)

I am also using my freerunner (with QtMoko) as my only phone and I am
also very happy with it. Of course, I also find a few glitches
now-and-then in the software/hardware; though things are continually
improving and more options are continually being added.
 Hopefully my FR hardware lasts until some other real Linux or even
 FreeBSD cellphone shows up again.

I am hoping the GTA04 will turn into exactly that, and even so, the
freerunner feels pretty real to me   ;-) 

A big thumbs up from me to the people who have worked on making that a
realisation, and to the people who have sponsored them! I am looking
forward to placing my order


Toby D. Young

Assistant Professor Philosophy  Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences
skype: stenografia

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [ANN]: GTA04 (Beagleboard inspired Openmoko Upgrade) - Early Adpoter Program

2010-12-21 Thread Toby D. Young

Wow. This looks great! I am excited.   :-)

Thank you very much for your efforts to get the community this far.



Toby D. Young
Assistant Professor

Institute of Fundamental Technological Problems
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul Adolfa Pawinskiego 5b
02-106 Warsaw

skype: stenografia

On Tue, 21 Dec 2010, Dr.H.Nikolaus Schaller wrote:

 Dear all,

 we are happy that we can make an announcement to the Free and
 Open Hardware Community, right in time for X-mas and New Year:

 We have finally tested, understood and patched the bugs of the
 first GTA04 sample board (a.k.a. GTA04A2) and have successfully
 started U-Boot. We can access the important peripherals like
 display, touch screen, and MMC card.

 So we are very confident that the already scheduled redesign
 (GTA04A3) will work right from the beginning and boot Linux.

 This looks like the start of the aera of new Openmoko devices.

 -- what it is --

 For those who have not followed or are new to this project, the
 GTA04 is a OMAP3 based Smartphone Platform/Module [1]
 that fits as a motherboard replacement into a Openmoko
 Neo1973 or Freerunner case [2]. It is more or less the idea to
 squeeze a BeagleBoard into a handheld and was started
 by connecting a Openmoko Display to a BeagleBoard [3].

 It will finally come with UMTS (HSPA), GPS, WLAN, Bluetooth,
 Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Altimeter, Compass, FM and an
 optional camera. An expansion B2B-connector allows to
 base a custom design on this module.

 A demo video of the GTA04A2 controlling the display and
 blinking the illuminated buttons is here [4]. A brief
 project description is [5]. Please excuse the low quality of
 the pictures, since our small team has so far focussed on
 hardware and software.

 The difference to off-the-shelf smartphones is that it will be
 well documented (CC-BY-SA) and schematics will be included
 in the spirit of the original Openmoko devices so that you can
 access all the nice peripherals we have designed into it.
 And through the expansion connectors you can also use
 it as a module in your design.

 And, it is a community project. Everyone is welcome to

 The driving force behind this project is Golden Delicious
 Computers (, a specialist for embedded
 hard-, firm- and software development located in Oberhaching
 near Munich, Bavaria, Germany.

 -- next steps --

 A closed and safe process would be that we silently redesign
 the board (i.e. develop a GTA04A3), order some sample
 boards and test them. If everything finally works, we would
 order components and sit there and wait for them to arrive.

 Then, we would announce generaly availability in big ads in
 NYT and FAZ.

 In this mode, you may deduce, that you will not be able to get
 a GTA04 earlier than Summer next year if we don't run out of
 money before.

 -- early adopter program --

 Therefore, we have thought hat we offer an early adoper
 program to the benefit of everybody.

 The idea is that you can order a GTA04A3 immediately. At
 a fixed price (280 EUR). And we take the risk that prices of
 components will change. You only take the risk that we may
 need more time to get the components and have to spin
 another PCB.

 Using your money, we will order the core components with
 a long lead time (OMAP, Memory, UMTS module) as soon
 as possible - and early enough before the GTA04A3 design
 is finished.

 This makes sure that we have enough components for the
 first batch to be produced. And we will not spend the money
 for anything else so that you could even visit us to see your
 chips... But please don't touch.

 Once, the GTA04A3 boards arrive, we will test some of them
 and if everything looks ok, we will produce your early
 adopter devices. Only in the case that the A3 board has another
 serious flaw, we will have to design a GTA04A4 board first.

 This all speeds up the process dramatically so that we currently
 estimate delivery of the first units by March 2011.

 The price has been set very low so that it just covers component
 and production cost at a reduced feature set (there are not all
 peripherals installed but UMTS and GPS will be). It might be
 possible to retrofit some of them.

 Please note that it does *not* include the LCD module, case and
 battery, because it is a motherboard-replacement to existing
 Openmoko units (Freerunner and Neo1973).

 And, we can't specify yet which version of the OMAP3
 we will get (600/720/1000 MHz) and how big the RAM/NAND
 flash will be. But expect something similar to the BeagleBoard.

 Please note that we also have chosen to switch from a GTM501
 UMTS module to a GTM601 which has even better performance

 -- how to participate --

 Here is the link to the EAP offer with more detailed conditions
 (there are some restrictions):

 You can also support us by purchasing

Re: community Digest, Vol 180, Issue 6

2010-04-22 Thread Toby D. Young

Florian and Radek and others,

Thanks alot for your attentions. I started again from zero... reflashed
my neo (and then: apt-get update, apt-get install gpsd). Still no GPS;
NeronGPS is permanently stuck in waiting for a fix...

I need gpsd right? There seems to be some confusion about this...?

(1) I have modified the sysfs node pointer such that: 

neo:~# cat /opt/qtmoko/bin/


if [ -e /sys/bus/platform/devices/neo1973-pm-gps.0 ]; then
  echo 1
if [ -e /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0073/neo1973-pm-gps.0/pwron ];
then echo 1

I then ran dpkg-reconfigure gpsd to get:

neo:~# cat /etc/default/gpsd 

# Default settings for gpsd.
# Please do not edit this file directly - use `dpkg-reconfigure gpsd' to
# change the options.

from which (after switching on GPS in devtools)

neo:~# head -n 20 /dev/ttySAC1
$GPTXT,01,01,02,u-blox ag -*50










I like running cat /dev/ttySAC1 and switching on/off GPS in devtools,
and I get the expected behaviour; so I believe GPS is being switched on
and off correctly. Does that look right? Any ideas what I am missing

Apart from this problem (and some weird uSD card behaviour), I am really
happy with QTMoko; thanks alot for this!


Toby D. Young

Assistant Professor Philosophy  Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences
skype: stenografia

Openmoko community mailing list

Get GPS working...

2010-04-20 Thread Toby D. Young


I've had the neo freefrunner gta-02 a few weeks.
After browsing through a few distributions, qtmoko became my choice. I
think this distribution is really great! I flashed the kernel and rootfs
respectively and all seems ok, maybe better than ok   :-)

Only one irksome thing that is turning me away from qtmoko...

I can not for the life of me get GPS to work using NeronGPS.
I took the following steps after flashing:

(1) apt-get gpsd (this starts on booting after a little play with the
config for gpsd).
neo:~# /etc/init.d/gpsd restart
Stopping GPS (Global Positioning System) daemon: gpsd.
Starting GPS (Global Positioning System) daemon: gpsd.

(2) Fire up NeronGPS

What happens, is that NeronGPS runs, I can download maps from OM_map, for
example. What never hapens is getting a fix. My phone is permanently stuck
with the message Wait for fix. Have I missed something obvious here?

In short: Is there a sure-fire way of getting GPS up-and-running?




Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Get GPS working...

2010-04-20 Thread Toby D. Young

Hi Jeremy

  My phone is permanently stuck
  with the message Wait for fix. Have I missed something obvious here?

 how long are you waiting? general rule for me is ruffly 10 min before
 i start to worry.

I've got into the habit of letting him run on...
Normally around 15-25 mins before I give up.

v21 is unstable right? I wonder if the problem goes away by stepping back
to, say v19? What do you think?

There's just this last step with GPS...



Toby D. Young
Assistant Professor
Polish Academy of Sciences
Warszawa, Polska

skype: stenografia

Openmoko community mailing list

Free, as in beer, Freerunner - contest over

2010-03-06 Thread Ken Young
   Someone wrote a program to rotate text, and has thereby won my extra
Freerunner.   So there is no reason to send me any other code snippets.
If someone wants to tell me what Sendeh roo shamsheer means, I'd still
appreciate it, but I have no more prize phones to send.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Free, as in beer, Freerunner

2010-03-05 Thread Ken Young
   I have two buzz-fixed Freerunners, and I really can't figure out
any reason why I need two.   Somebody else should be having fun with
one of them.   I'm gonna give one away.If you want it,
there are two ways to get it:

Method one:   Tell me the colloquial meaning of the Persian phrase
Sendeh roo shamsheer, when applied to a person.   I don't mean the
literal translation into English - that's Turd on a sword.   I
want the idiomatic meaning.   A friend of mine says is is a common
expression in Persian.

Method two:   Send me a standalone program that can be compiled with
the Openmoko cross compiler tool chain, which will use pango and cairo
to print (in an X11 window on my Freerunner) a text string, provided by
the user, rotated by an arbitrary angle, also provided by the user.   The
text must be antialiased.

If you want the free Freerunner, complete one of the above tasks,
and send the info to   Be sure to send the
address to which you want the phone to be shipped.   I'll pay for shipping.
I will send the buzz-fixed Freerunner, and a battery.   No uSD.
No sock.   No stylus.

Sorry, I've only got one extra, so whoever completes one of the above tasks
first gets the phone.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

gta02-core (was Re: OM future)

2010-02-25 Thread Ken Young
Wolfgang Spraul wrote:

 If the FreeRunner would be bug free, I'm
 sure people would still use them in 10+ years, easily.

The truth is that even though the Freerunner is buggy as hell,
some people will still be using them in 10+ years.   Face it, we are
now in the same boat as the Apple Newton fanatics.   We play with
phones, because we enjoy playing with phones.   There is no viable
business model here.   None.

Openmoko Inc had a far better shot at success than any open phone
manufacturer will have again for the foreseeable future.   When the
Neo 1973 came out, there were no mass-market linux phones available.
The competition was relatively weak back then.   And still Openomoko
was not able to make a go of it.   Perhaps better management would
have made a difference.   But that doesn't matter now.   If you go
to the maemo IRC channel these days, it's like an Openmoko reunion.
The people who want to make applications for a linux phone have
moved on.   They were a significant part of the Openmoko community,
and they want a linux phone that works.   If a gta03 were
to go on sale tomorrow, I believe it would sell more poorly than
the gta02 did.   And the gta02 didn't sell enough units to keep Openmoko
Inc in the phone business.   The gta02-core and gta03 are of interest
only to a proper subset of the people who were originally interested in
Openmoko phones.

As Raster has pointed out, the idea that a group of hobbyists is going
to make a viable phone in their spare time, using parts which are
collecting dust in Sean's closet, is risible.   The other
possible future for OM software is anti-vendor ports.   It's hard to
imagine that the OM software running on something like the Palm Pre
will work more smoothly than the same software running on the OM
hardware, for which the developers did not have to reverse engineer
many things.   So if the anti-vendor ports are successful, we'll
end up being able to turn something like the Palm Pre into a buggy
hobbyist toy like the FreeRunner.   Hooray!

Some in the OM community seem to suggest that if vendors *just knew*
that they could have the wonderful SHR software for free, they'd
design phones around it.   I disagree.   There is very little incentive
for vendors and telecoms to support open systems, and plenty of reasons
for them not to.   From a vendor's point of view, selling a phone
that the user has full control of is a nightmare.   If something
like the SHR stack ever actually entered widespread use, it would
be the perfect platform for malware.   Users would be bricking their
phones right and left.   Calls to service centers would go way up.
Phone networks would be subject to DOS attacks.
The only reason that PCs are general purpose computers is a historical
accident - PCs grew out of the hobbyist market, and hobbyists wanted
a machine they could program.   There was no threat of external malware
in the early 1980s.   The constant fight against PC malware is the price
we now pay for that heritage.   Most PC users would be better off with
a machine that came with a web browser, a few tools for photo manipulation
and multimedia, and which could not have any additional software installed.
With smart phones, the industry has a chance to replay history.   They
can make the platform closed, and largely prevent the whole malware
nightmare.   They can reduce the universe of software configurations they
have to support.   It makes sense for them to do that.

Sad as it is for us, the most sensible approach for phone makers is
probably Apple's.

I enjoy playing with my Freerunners, and my Neo 1973.   Others do too.
But be honest with yourself - these phones are a dead end.   At this point
we are like the nut-cases who want to run linux on their iPods.


Openmoko community mailing list

openmoko PROJECTS area down again

2010-01-16 Thread Ken Young
The PROJECTS area (GForge site) of has been down for about
one week.Has it been officially abandoned?

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Quick e-mail poll: Still using your Freerunner?

2010-01-02 Thread Ken Young
 a GPS unit which is hacker-freindly and linux based.
When you're hiking, you very often can't get a GSM signal anyway, so who
would care if the GPS unit they had was a cell phone too?   What if the
gta03 had no phone hardware, an excellent GPS subsystem, an electronic
paper display, and wonderful battery life?   I think *that* would be a
much more exciting product than any realistically possible gta03 phone,
and a more tractible engineering project too.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

[All] New version of the orrery program available

2009-11-30 Thread Ken Young
A new version of the orrery program has been uploaded to the
GForge site, and to   There are not many new user
features - the Monthly Moon Calendar is prettier, and both
moon calendars now show Blue Moons (including the one on
New Years Eve, this year).   Finger friendliness has been
improved in a few areas.

Several worthless features (stylus mode, etc) have been

One of the most commonly cited bugs, which caused the program
to fail if it was run on a phone whose locale had been set
to a language which uses commas, rather than periods, as
the decimal place separator, has been fixed.   Thanks a bunch
to Heiko Stubner, who submitted a patch that fixed this bug.

Joshua Rosen make new configuration files for the GNU automake
tools, and VERY PATIENTLY showed me how to make them work.
The source tarball is no longer a pathetic parody of a
source file distribution.

Please note - I mistakenly uploaded a version labelled 2.8
to the GForge site.   I can't get rid of it; please ignore it.
The 2008.x packages labelled 2.8 and 2.7 on the GForge site
are actually both 2.7.

Here's a list of the changes:

Version 2.7:
New user features:

   Monthly moon calendar now uses moon images.
   Also, both moon calendars now show Blue
   Moons, using the common definition that
   a Blue Moon is the second full moon in a
   calendar month.

   Enlarged and re-arranged buttons on the
   opts page, for enhanced finger

   Got rid of stylus mode.   The program is
   always in finger mode now.   There was
   never a significant difference between the
   two modes anyway.

   The program now always saves configuration
   changes in nonvolatile memory.   This is
   the standard behavior for handheld

Bug Fixes:

   Build-related files completely redone so
   as to use GNU autotools properly.

   Program no longer crashes if run on a
   phone who's locale is set to a language
   which uses a comma for the decimal point.

   Improved handling of zoom gestures which
   originate in the panning area.   Before
   this fix, it was difficult or impossible
   to zoom an area near the horizon, because
   such a gesture would be interpreted as a
   press in the panning area, which would
   call up the azimuth compass.

   Removed the call to the popt library that
   parsed the command line arguments.   This
   caused problems, because not all Freerunner
   software stacks shipped with the popt
   library.   The program now parses its
   command line arguments with no call to any

   Fixed a bug which made it difficult to
   use the arrows at the bottom of the monthly
   moon calendar to change months.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Centralization of graphical awesomeness

2009-10-28 Thread Ken Young
DJDAS wrote:


 I am sure people trying the smoothness and responsiveness of
 Illume at 240x320 would never complain of a lower resolution!
 Furthermore I don't understand why a lower resolution (and in this I
 agree with you people are strange ;) ) would become in an unusable
 device while the iPhone at the same resolution is the best usable device

OK, I was going to try to control myself, but I just can't.   I'm one of
the people who always pops out of the woodwork to scream when someone
suggests that switching to QVGA is a good idea.

1) The iPhone is not QVGA.   It's HVGA.   Try running a web browser on
an iPhone with the bottom half of the display covered with black tape.

2) The Freerunner has one, and ONLY ONE, feature which is somewhat
better than what is found on a typical smart phone.   The VGA display.
You are suggesting that feature should be downgraded so that it is
effectively worse than what is found virtually every smart phone being
currently manufactured.   Every other feature of our phones is either
no better than average (the GPS, the accelerometers), worse than
average (USB 1.1, GPRS), or fucked up by firmware problems (WiFi).
Yes, let's make sure the display is substandard too!

Personally, I wish OM had stayed with the UI they had in 2007.1.  That's
right, 2007.1 - the first version, which had no kinetic scrolling.
There was never any chance that OM would produce a phone with graphics
as smooth and fancy as what a high-volume smart phone has.   They did not
have access to the hardware components.   They did not have a legion
of engineers to work on it.There is even less chance that gta02-core
or gta03 will have state-of-the-art graphics capabilities.   It will
be nothing short of a miracle if a community hardware effort ever
produces a usable phone, available to the full OM community, at all.
IMO the OM software should try to differentiate our device from
other smart phones, not produce a half-assed iPhone clone.   Forget
smooth graphics.   Forget kinetic scrolling.   Forget transparency.
Show a simple, clean array of icons representing the applications
which can be launched.   Allow the user to set the brightness, screen
blank time and suspend time.   Stop there.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Centralization of graphical awesomeness

2009-10-26 Thread Ken Young
Gennady Kupava wrote:
 Yes, freerunner device is slow, but it is embedded device, and it's
 impossible to continue kicking glamo which is already dead, as only
 reason of slowness. People with GTA01 have no glamo and that? Is it
 better? As far as I know - not.

Actually, yes the GTA01 is very noticeably faster in graphics.
I've got both, and I've run 'em side-by-side.   The glamo actually
is a graphics DEcellerator.   That's why GTA02-core is kicking it out.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list


2009-10-15 Thread Ken Young
Xavier Cremaschi wrote:
 This device gives you :
 - offline access to Wikipedia
 - on a cheap device (it could be cheaper if the company were bigger I
 - which uses AAA batteries, available anywhere in the world.

 We (US/EU/Jap) almost don't care about these 3 points [...]

It will be entertaining if the folks who purchase WikiReaders start
hanging out on the Openmoko IRC channel.   One set of participants will
be blathering on about wpa_supplicant files, and the other will be
asking how to insert AAA batteries.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko Cambridge pub meet

2009-09-01 Thread Ken Young
Cameron Frazier wrote:

 umm... Cambridge UK? Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA? Cambridge,
 Ontario, CA? Other?

 Not trying to be annoying, it's that if you're meeting in Cambridge,
 ON, CA, I'd 1) be there, and 2) be impressed!

 I assume you mean Cambridge, Mass., USA

I'm afraid he means *real* Cambridge - as in England.
But if he means Cambridge Mass, I'll be a happy guy.

Ken Young (in Cambridge, Mass)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM2009

2009-08-27 Thread Ken Young
Angus Ainslie Wrote:

 Now I have a question of all of you. Should I continue to maintain Om2009.
 From the recent poll by rhk it seems that SHR users outnumber OM users by ~
 7:1. So what I'd like to know is does anyone still think Om2009 is a worthy
 venture or should I move over to SHR and see what help I can be there.

The results of Risto's poll were very surprising, at least to me.  Everyone
should take a look at it (   70+ percent
of the participants are using SHR.   There really is no second place winner.
I think we should all concentrate our efforts on SHR.

 This should not be interpreted as paroli being abandoned as paroli is in the
 SHR feeds. I haven't tested it, but getting it to work would be one of my 
 tasks if it doesn't.

paroli has a LOT of fans, and your work on it is greatly appreciated!

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Account at

2009-08-06 Thread Ken Young wrote:

 i would not use
 as i am not sure wether it is maintained at the moment

It does seem to have been abandoned by the maintainer, since
there has been no response from him about this issue or
the earlier questions about the spam emails coming from the
commit lists.   Also, project news is no longer
being moved to the Latest News section of the
home page.

Should the administration of that site be passed
to someone else?I'd be willing to administer it, if nobody
else wants to.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anti-Whining: Happy Moko Moments

2009-07-16 Thread Ken Young
Warren Baird wrote:

 - I was able to show off the client software from my 'day job' - a
 quite complex j2se application - running on a cell phone, which
 definitely impressed people.

 What are your successes with the Freerunner?

With my Freerunner, I am able to control a telescope
5000 miles away, and analyse the data, while I sit in a
pizza parlor.   It's the high resolution display and the
X11 server that lets me do this.   There's no way I
could do it with my Android G1 phone.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

RE: GOT MY PHONE!!! :) Doesn't work... :(

2009-07-09 Thread Ken Young
ET wrote:
 OK, this is part of the problem (I think)
 My sim card is:
 63513G   300164k smartchip   does not respond to at+cimi

 Which is listed as:
 SIM cards that don't work with original gsm firmware

 Now, I read it somewhere, but how do I open an SSH session into this thing
 so I can follow those steps?
 How do I get a keyboard on the screen?

You might want to ask questions like this on the openmoko IRC channel.
There's nothing wrong with sending them to this list, but if you're having
problems just getting started, I'll bet you'll find getting help on
the IRC channel to be more efficient.

Glad you got your phone!

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: YOUR action is needed to get the Community Updates up running again

2009-06-18 Thread Ken Young
Risto H. Kurppa wrote:

 I started the draft page here for the next updates:
 Please add there everything that's happened since May 22nd.

Thanks very much for picking up the ball on this, Risto.   I agree that
the Community Updates are one of the most important features of the
wiki.   If they stop coming out, the project will really look

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

[orrery] new version (2.6) available

2009-04-26 Thread Ken Young
If Sean is ever to begin receiving daily orders for pallets of 50,000
3G-enabled Freerunners, certain core applications must be attractive,
quickly responsive, and absolutely bullet proof.   We all know what these
applications are: Dialer, Contacts, Meteor Shower Information, SMS
Messaging and Calendar.Let's be frank - Meteor Shower Information has
long been the weak link in the Freerunner's PIM (Planet Information
Management) software suite.  This has been, I believe, one of the biggest
barriers to mainstream consumer acceptance of the phone.
Well no more.   A new version of the orrery program (version 2.6) is
available which provides several essential pieces of information about meteor
showers.   It puts YOU, the Freerunner owner, in charge of your nightly
meteor watching activities.

Version 2.6:
New user features:

   Added meteor shower information.   There
   is now a page under the opts menu which
   gives information about all meteor showers
   for the year (the year can be changed with
   the time menu, of course).   Things
   such as the dates of the showers, the
   maximum rate of meteors per hour, the
   phase of the moon for each shower's peak
   and the number of dark hours, are shown.
   Also shown is the number of dark hours
   for the next or current night.   The items
   menu allows you to specify that meteor
   radiants for currently active showers
   should be plotted on the sky display.
   The radiant position moves against the
   background stars as the shower progresses.

   Added a way to change the sky display's
   center azimuth quickly.   Now, if you
   tap the center of the pan area or press
   (long tap) anywhere in the pan area, a
   compass will appear which will allow you
   to select a new center azimuth with your
   finger or stylus.   When you release
   pressure on the screen, the display will
   be redrawn with the selected azimuth
   at the center.You can still pan in
   the old way by tapping in the panning area
   (bottom 1/5 of the screen).

Bug Fixes:

   Fixed a bug which prevented fullscreen
   mode and flashlights from working under

   Fixed nonstandard date display

The new version is available here:

I thank the International Meteor Organization
for permission to use their data to produce the meteor shower
related displays.

Openmoko community mailing list

Fw: [SHR] This may be a stupid question, but...

2009-04-19 Thread Young

I just got my freerunner a week ago so be gentle! =P

I've been playing with the various distros, and I think I like SHR
best. but it has a few problems. namely the finger scrolling being
enormously slow.  when I was playing around with 2008.12, the theme for
that was WAY faster, and more usable. so...  Is it possible to
use the ASU theme on SHR?  any hints?

oh, and to all the people complaining about the phone- I love this
device. it's freaking awesome to play with. =) I'll admit it's not
quite ready to use as a normal phone yet, but just to play with it is


Openmoko community mailing list

[SHR-testing] hope this isn't a stupid question...

2009-04-19 Thread Young
I just received my freerunner last week, so please be gentle! =P

I have played around with the various distros, and I finally decided
that SHR was the best one to play with.  (for right now)  but the
ASU theme for 2008.12 was a LOT faster and more usable than the
Illuem-SHR theme.  So, is it possible to install the ASU theme on SHR?


Openmoko community mailing list

Buying a Freerunner

2009-04-05 Thread Young
I have been following these lists for a while now. I've looked up on
the wiki, but I still have a few questions.

1. The phone selling for 299 on the main site, do es it have the bug
fix? or might I still have that problem?

2. with the recent announcements, I am unsure whether I want to
purchase one. I have no problem with having bugs, heck, I always manage
to screw up my computer by playing with things I probably shouldn't
anyways. the question is, what is the community's suggestion? those who
already have freerunners, would y'all suggest I get one, if only to
play with it and not use it as a phone?  It'd be worth it just for the
wifi. If the wifi is working right.


Openmoko community mailing list

Survey about the Touchscreen

2008-11-21 Thread Ken Young
Denis Galvo wrote:

 Really, we don't need a hi res screen on a day by day gadget

I could not possibly disagree more strongly.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Survey about the Touchscreen

2008-11-21 Thread Ken Young
Denis Galvao wrote:
On 21/11/2008, at 13:20, Ken Young wrote:
 Really, we don't need a hi res screen on a day by day gadget

 I could not possibly disagree more strongly.

So, give me a reason where you will need that.

As long as we have at least a VGA resolution screen, it is
relatively easy for us to port linux desktop applications to
the Openmoko phones.   Once we drop down to HVGA, or (heaven
forbid!) QVGA, there will need to be extensive UI redesign
to get most apps. from the desktop world to run on an OM phone,
especially when a soft keyboard is needed.   So reducing the
resolution will greatly reduce the code base we can leverage.
In addition, I don't think you can ever had too many pixels on
a machine you intend to run a web browser on.   Right now,
when I show someone my Freerunner, the only thing that impresses
them is the display.   It would be a shame if OM dropped the
one part of its hardware that is actually superior to what
is found on other smartphones.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Android open sourced

2008-10-21 Thread Ken Young
Jim Morris wrote:
 Ya know I don't really care if it is open source or free source or
 commercial, so long as it is
 stable and actually works as a phone! I have a $400 toy at the moment
 which I would like to use as a
 phone one day.

 I'll use anything that gets me closer to that goal.

Does anyone really think that porting Android is going to magically
fix the problems that prevent the Freerunner from being a useful
phone?   How likely is it that things like suspend/resume problems
will go away if you port Android?   Aren't those problems apt to
be very closely tied to the particulars of the Freerunner hardware?
Porting Android sounds to me like a way to spend a huge amount of
time to produce another distribution for the Freerunner which will
be no more reliable (at best) than the others ones are.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Back to the basics: improving user experience

2008-10-16 Thread Ken Young
John Lee wrote:

 Like Wolfgang said in

 We assembled a team to focus on improving the user experience.  Here
 is our todo list at the moment:


 I would like to ask the community:

 What do you want us to work on?

For my 2 cents, I'd suggest that OM choose one distribution, either
2008.x or (more likely) FSO, and concentrate on getting basic phone
and SMS functionality, with suspend/resume, to work very reliably on
that distribution.   Until that is done, I'd recommend ignoring everything
else.   Unless the Freerunner works as a phone, the thing is just a toy
for nerds no matter how wonderfully anything else might work on it.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: will GTA03 be ready for holiday season?

2008-08-28 Thread Corey Young
Hmmm. I seem to remember someone saying something like that  But
that might just be me.  Can we get someone official to answer this?
even if its just to state that it wont be ready by then.
  It seems that the first 25 GTA03 Evaluation Boards have already
  arrived to wolfgang on August the 11th [1], so the phone *might*
  arrive in shops in december, I think no one knows.
  BTW: It is unsure what will be in (what kind of camera, what GSM chip,
  and so on), but what won't be there is quite sure:
  -No Glamo
  -No 3G
  -No USB 2.0
  2008/8/27 Risto H. Kurppa [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 11:54 PM, Ron K. Jeffries [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   I have a couple of friends who want to buy
   a GTA03.
   Cool, although as far as I know, it's still a bit unsure what's going
   to be in it..
   what is best guess on when it will be in mass production
   and available to purchase?
   Holiday season.. what year :)
   Just a guess, not based on anything but a feeling: I don't expect it
   to arrive before mid-2009 no matter what the promises have been.

Openmoko community mailing list

The GTAs

2008-07-24 Thread Corey Young

Ok.  Now that the FreeRunner is out, I'd like to discuss the GTA03 and
04. I've been listening to this list for quite some time, and have
jotted down a few things about the upcoming models.

Please make sure I have all of this correct.  And if its correct, is it
all on the Wiki? I can't find mention. thank you. ^-^

Removed Glamo
3.5mm audio jack(maybe with some of Joerg's Ideas about stereo line-in)
based on existing 2442 arm v4 samsung soc
different case design than 1973/freerunner
vga screen
different battery
different GSM modem.  (I think 2G/EGDE)

USB2.0 will be here at the earliest
different GSM chip than FreeRunner
I heard something about the samsung 6400 soc. more powerful 2d
acceleration than Glamo. 

oh, and GTA03 != Dash Express, right?  a little confusion on that...
thanks again

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: anyone using FR as a phone?

2008-07-21 Thread Corey Young
I use mine. My kids used theirs till I gave it away to somebody else.

That said, some people have expereince audio issues. Engineering is 
on the issue.

  wow...  wish my Dad had your job... that way I'd get to play with cool
  phones!  haha j/k.  I love my dad. ^_^

  I will tell you story. My father was a printer and Saturday he had
  to work
  the graveyard shift.
  So, he would come home at 1AM Sunday and bring Sundays' paper with
  him. So I
  was the first kid
  To get to read Sundays' paper. Hours before dawn we would sit there
  the paper together,
  eating Nestle crunch bars
  That was as cool as any new phone.

I totally agree.  Nothing is better than times such as those!
I Didn't mean anything by my post.  I wouldn't trade my father for all
the tea in china.   Memories are wonderful things, aren't they?  Thank
you for the story, I enjoyed hearing it. ^_^


Openmoko community mailing list

Reason for GPS problems found!

2008-07-15 Thread Ken Young

Joerg Reisenweber (joerg at wrote:

 won't help, don't try!

That's a bit cryptic - what are you saying is wrong?   It it the
idea of removing the shielding, or the claim that the GPS performance
improves dramatically if the microSD card is removed?

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list


2008-07-14 Thread Ken Young
thomasg wrote:

 This all are no arguments.
 With my TomTom device I can do a full reset so that no GPS data is 
 at all (also no time and so on) and still get a fix in  3 minutes at 
 100 km/h.
 Well, I know the freerunner is no specialized gps navigation device, but 
 fact that the signals are so weak that it's barely possible to get a fix
 under optimal condition (clear view to the sky, antenna on top, without
 moving 1 mm) shows, that this is no simple software problem and has to 
 be fixed.

The GPS performance of my Freerunner is also much worse than
the GPS performance of my neo1973.   I've done side-by-side tests of the
two units many times.   My neo1973 gets a good fix in 2 to 3 minutes
after a completely cold start; it's very reliable.   My Freerunner 
initially was getting a fix after 7 or 8 minutes.   For the last few
days it has not been able to get a fix at all.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Anyone using FR as a phone?

2008-07-14 Thread Corey Young
  From: steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I use mine. My kids used theirs till I gave it away to somebody else.
  That said, some people have expereince audio issues. Engineering is on the

wow...  wish my Dad had your job... that way I'd get to play with cool
phones!  haha j/k.  I love my dad. ^_^

Openmoko community mailing list


2008-07-13 Thread Ken Young
Ole Kliemann wrote:

 Funny... my experience has been completely contrary to this. When I
 first tried GPS, it got a fix within minutes at the open window.
 I then installed gpsdrive and did some other stuff. I did not get a fix
 anymore. I undid the software changes by starting from a fresh reflash.
 But i never got a fix again.

 Today I tried outside 15min with antenna faced skywards. agpsui signal
 strength display did not show any activity.

 Don't know it made it work the very first time.

I had a similar experience with my Freerunner.   I initially installed
only gpsd and tangogps.   I reliably got a fix within about 7 minutes
at least half a dozen times.   It never failed completely.   Then I 
installed and ran openmoko-agpsui.   My unit has not managed to sync
up with even a single satellite since then, dispite my sitting around with
it for several hours in an open area.   In desperation, I re-flashed the
kernel and rootfs, and again installed only gpsd and tangogps for
GPS software.   No joy.   The GPS init now seems completely nonfunctional.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

US Shipping

2008-07-09 Thread Ken Young
McCreery, Lee CTR DISA wrote:

 Steve sent a mail to the list last night that they had issue at
 warehouse that held things up.  They think they have worked them out and
 should start shipping today.  I have not received and shipment
 information thus far...Order # 1356.

The subject line of Steve's post was Phones are headed out of fremont
CA. which suggets that shipping began yesterday.   For what it's
worth, I've heard nothing either (order 1367).

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

HP calculator on neo1973 - was: More HW from Openmoko

2008-07-06 Thread Ken Young
Rodolphe Ortalo wrote:

 Btw, are there any licensing issues with this emulator?

No.  The emulator is open source, and the source code contains the

  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  *  (at your option) any later version.

The calculator ROM images are a different story, but I'm not modifying
them.   They are available several places on the web.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Error while paying

2008-07-03 Thread Ken Young
Federico Lorenzi wrote:

 Hi, I get a gateway error from hitrust when attempting to pay. anyone
 know what the problem is?

I get this error too.   It is Gateway Error 500, for whatever
that's worth.   I was tryig to order an 850 MHz 10-pack, with
expedited shipping.   I tried placing the order with both Firefox
and Internet Explorer.   Same error each time.   Does anyone
know what's going wrong?

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Error while paying

2008-07-03 Thread Ken Young
Peter Naulls wrote:

 Me too, but I called up Chase, and they took off the block on
 international purchases.   So that is the 10 pack for
 San Diego group buy - still need 2-3 more people for it, I
 don't want to end up with 4 phones ;-)

Citibank did this too.   So Gateway Error 500 is Hi Trust's way
of saying Credit Card Declined.   I called Citibank, got them to
lift the block, and the transaction went through smoothly after

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

More HW from OpenMoko

2008-07-01 Thread Ken Young
Rodolphe Ortalo:

 Given the freerunner hw, you can certainly do much better than that!
 I would expect something like mathematica in your pocket... ;-)

The neo1973 has ~8 times the floating point performance of a VAX 11/780
(double precision).   The initial version of Mathematica was developed
on a VAX 11/750 - the Freerunner should be about 20 times faster than
that machine in floating point.   It was also rare to run across an
11/750 with more than 4 MByte of RAM.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

QVGA V/s VGA for GTA03 (was something about yummy CPU-GPU combos!)

2008-06-13 Thread Ken Young
Chris Write wrote:

 Using a terminal emulator would be far more pleasant with the higher
 resolution screen, but you're not going to get an 80x25 window in
 there; with a 640x480 display plus an on-screen keyboard, you're going
 to have either an 80x30 or so window in portrait mode and an
 unreadable font, or you're going to get about 80x15 in landscape.

This is not correct.   The pssh application for a Palm Treo can
produce a 80x25 terminal emulator with a full on-screen keyboard.
It is hard to read, but definately usable.   I use it daily (although
almost always without the on-screen keyboard - then you get 80x47).
The Treo's screen is only 320x320, so the Freerunner should be able to
produce a 80x25 portrait window with on-screen keyboard and a fairly
nice font.

To those who argue that the ~150 DPI resolution one would get with
QVGA on the '03 is nearly indistiguishable from the VGA resolution
on a 2.8 screen I ask:   When was the last time you saw a 150 DPI
laser printer?   Why are they so hard to find?

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

GTA03 speculation [UNOFFICIAL]

2008-06-12 Thread Ken Young
Ron K. Jeffries wrote:

 GTA03 is a fairly small re-spin of GTA02.
 They are not doing anything very risky.

 The biggest change is a new GSM radio that
 supports EDGE, which is much faster
 than GPRS that GTA02 has.

Do we know if the problem which reduced the number of usable
GSM frequencies from four to three will be fixed on the GTA03?
To me, that seems like at least as big a problem as the Glamo.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

QVGA V/s VGA for GTA03 (was something about yummy CPU-GPU combos!)

2008-06-11 Thread Ken Young
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 07:57:13AM +0800, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
 the day the design mockups for the ui i see stop having alpha
 transparency is the day i make this unimportant. until that day,
 your i don't care about this is the kind of opinion that i also am
 not interested in, because i am being shown ui designs hat REQUIRE
 it in the long run between windows, and in the short term is being
 faked with software within windows. i am just trying to make
 something possible that is being requested, and has been for a long
 time.  not just say i don't care.

The problem isn't that transparency effects, and other CPU/GPU intensitve
UI enhancements, are unimportant.   On a handheld device they *are*
important.They make the device worse.It is important to resist
the push to add eye-candy to a handheld device, because every CPU/GPU
cycle spent animating an icon, or making a window translucent, eats
some of the energy stored in your battery, and reduces the amount of
useful work which can be done between recharges.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

[no subject]

2008-06-10 Thread Ken Young
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:

 this is a core part of my point. i stare at this screen every day.
 i know its dpi. most people imho will never make use of such a dpi
 as they literally can't see it - they will NEED to use much bigger
 fonts just to see something other than a blur. thus the resolution
 usefulness degrades rapidly. the but i can't do 80x24 without vga
 is moot as it is a blur, unless you go up to a font size
 where all you can fit is 60 wide or less.

I stare at my neo1973, which has the same screen, every day.   I also
use a Treo 700p daily.   The treo has a 320 x 320 pixel screen, which
is larger than QVGA.   If I run the terminal application which comes
with the neo's gtk software stack, switch to landscape orientation, go
to full screen and reduce the font size by two zoom levels, I have
a terminal application which will show 85 columns with 25 lines, and
a perfectly legible font.   The difference between the neo's display
and my Treo's display (which can display 80 columns with a 4 pixel wide
font) IS DRAMATIC.   This is not a case of the VGA screen looking
a little better.   This is not me kidding myself about the quality
of my eyesight.   There is a dramatic difference between VGA and QVGA.
I wish I knew how to take a screenshot off of my Treo.   I'd set up a
wiki page with the images, and then there would be no more discussion
of this, I think.   Anyone with decent eyesight would see the difference.
If someone can email me with instructions about how to do a screen
grab with PalmOS, I'll make a comparison page.

 maybe it just needs people to actually use it for a while and
 they might begin to see that a lower res screen may just be fine and
 not as bad as they think.  the things you want to do are possible at
 lower resolutions.

I'd venture to guess that most of the people on this list who have
posted an opinion about this have used cell phones with lower resolution
screens.   I have - I use one every day.   Do you really think the
consumers who are afflicted with featuritis, who care only about bragging
to their friends about how slick there phones are, are hanging around
waiting for the Freerunner?   Take a look at the iphone which was anounced
yesterday.   Its hardware is superior, in every aspect (except the screen,
but you appear to be working on fixing that) to the Freerunner's.
It costs $199 (I know Apple extracts money later via the service
contract).   Anyone with even the mildest case of featuritis is going to
buy something like *that*.   The people who are going to buy the Freerunner
are persons who want to see cell phones take a different path.And,
though this sounds pretentious, I think the people who are reading the OM
discussion lists, waiting impatiently to buy a Freerunner, know a lot more
about cell phones than the average consumer.If these people are
telling you they want VGA, not QVGA, I don't think you should just assume
they have no idea what they really want.

 browsing full web pages scrammed into a 2.8 screen as many have
 suggested, is really... pushing such a tiny screen far beyond its
 usefulness. web pages are designed for 14 or 17 screens or so.
 squeezing them down into 2.8 is nigh
 madness. it's possible - but vga vs qvga there isn't the
 factor (imho) :)

Why is it that viewing web pages, which are designed for 14 or 17
screens is nigh madness, but viewing videos or movies, which are
designed for even larger displays, somehow makes sense to you?

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

QVGA V/s VGA for GTA03 - product management, features assumptions

2008-06-10 Thread Ken Young
Stroller wrote:

 Reading these posts of the last few days it has just occurred to me
 that it's not Carsten we should be beating up on here.
 Who the heck asked for translucency and flashy animations?

 Management seem to be asking for this alpha bleeding rubbish, and
 it seems to me that we users need to be telling management that we
 don't care a heck for it.

Amen to that!

 Sure, I know the iPhone does this now, but that doesn't mean Openmoko
 has to do it. Do we really want Openmoko to be just another iPhone
 clone? I know we see a fair number of posts on here about the iPhone,
 but surely that's just a result of the current buzz - is UI animation
 really a *necessity* in the long-term (or medium-term) future of the
 mobile phone market?

This is especially true because if the GTA03 tries to be an iPhone
clone, it will be at best a half-assed iPhone clone.   The hardware just
isn't competitive with an iPhone's.   If the GTA03 has QVGA, will it have
fast 3G networking?   No.   Will it have a state-of-the-art SoC?   No.
That's not to say the GTA03 will be a bad device.   There's a lot
of very exciting things you can do with the Freerunner hardware.   But
it's just stupid to try to imitate the slick, largely useless, graphics
goodies found on high-end video feature phones.   It is also a little
alarming to hear that alpha blending is even being discussed by corporate
OM personnel, when you consider the state of the current OM software stack.

I don't think OM should target consumers who care about watching videos
and having slick graphics at all.   They should go after uses of Palm
and RIM products, who will be attracted to a rich ecosystem of useful
3rd party applications, and a phone geared towards letting professional
people get some work done.   There are not nearly so many of those
people as there are Apple fanboys, but they are willing to part with
serious money to get the best phone for their work and hobbies.

Think Differently!

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

QVGA V/s VGA for GTA03 (was something about yummy CPU-GPU combos!)

2008-06-09 Thread Ken Young
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:

 i know:

 1. u may need to scroll more
 2. viewing of images/data that just have more pixel content will need to
 be zoomed out and have less display fidelity
 3. some things requiring text displays like 80x24 terminals will be not
 readable at all at font sizes able to fit on the display (they will jut
 blur away all character details).

 with almost everything i can think of you can get by qvga by:

 1. scaling data
 2. changing font sizes
 3. re-arranging ui elements etc.

 no matter what you need to do this even for vga - if coming fro xga land
 or better. it's just a more extreme case.

If you are going to demand an example of an application which simply
cannot be run on a QVGA screen, no matter how bad the user experience
would be, then I guess people will have a hard time coming up with one.
The same would be true of a 100 x 100 pixel screen.   You could just
scroll and scroll and scroll some more, and do what you need to do.
You could just demand that everyone re-write their applications to
accomodate a screen that is very small.   We could all switch to reading
text in Braille, whose characters can be displayed in a smaller
cell than the fonts sighted persons usually use.

But the question should not be Can you give me an example of something
which can be done with a VGA screen but which absolutely cannot be done
with a QVGA screen?.   The question should be Are you willing to
give up the benefits of a VGA screen in order to have smooth animation
and fast video on a QVGA screen, and a lower cost?.   It seems to me
that the vast majority of the people who have reponded here have said no,
that's a poor engineering trade off.   In fact, I don't think even one
person has responded that, for them, that trade off would be a good one.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

QVGA V/s VGA for GTA03 (was something about yummy CPU-GPU combos!)

2008-06-06 Thread Ken Young
 Carsten Haitzler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 but as i said - i'm just looking to see what people think. and why.
 i'm very interested in why. why is a vga screen so important? can
 you REALLY see all the pixels? can you REALLY read an 8-point font on
 that screen at that size? (be honest!). from what i notice of people
 such a font is just a blurry mess
 to them and they are always increasing font sizes to be able to read
 anything, thus why spend so many pixels on it? but if you really can see
 that well - it does make sense. at least if u are always looking at
 static content. i content moves/animates, it's useless again.

Personally, I could care less if the OM phones never have the capability
to play video at all.   I must use my smart phone to provide remote
assistance for an astronomical observatory after normal working hours.
I need to be able to run applications that show 80 column text displays.
Believe it or not, pssh on a Treo with a 320x320 display can actually
display 80 columns of text without scrolling, but the font is challenging
to read, to say the least.   What I can't do on my Treo is display the
output of our spectrometer.   There just aren't enough pixels.   But it is
possible to observe the spectrometer output on the neo1973.   It's
extremely cool - the neo1973 is all you need to successfully control and
monitor a 360 ton telescope thousands of miles away.

My ancient eyes barely have the ability to focus at all, but my eyesight
is nearly perfect for an object 15 cm in front of my face.   I can
definitely see a big difference in image quality between photos
displayed on my 320x320 pixel Treo, and the neo1973.   The neo's display
is far superior.   I can see pixelation on my Treo very clearly, but
not on the neo.   I really, honest-to-god, can see the difference
when I put them down in front of me, side by side.   I'd be happy to pay
$300 more for a phone just to have VGA instead of QVGA.

If QVGA is to be offered on a low-end OM phone, that's great, as long as
OM still offers higher resolution on their more expensive products.   But
I'd be very sad to see OM's flagship phone, which already has some
pretty outdated features such as USB 1.1 and a rather old ARM core, drop
its resolution below that found on many (most?) modern smart phones.
I'm happy to trade off some degree of hardware obsolescence for openness,
but surely the hardware platform shouldn't be moving *backwards*.
Otherwise, why not just restart the production line for the Greenphone?

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Yummy new CPU/GPU combo

2008-06-05 Thread Ken Young
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:

 quick question - would you prefer a qvga lcd (save a bit of cost)
 since we'e going to need to software-drive all graphics - the fewer
 pixels you have to fill, the better for speed. i'm really tossing up if
 the speed of qvga is worth the loss of resolution. i'm just not sure.

Please, please, please, please, please don't drop to a QVGA LCD on
future OM phones.   The beautiful full VGA screens on the neo and
Freerunner are just about the only piece of hardware they have which
is better than what you find on a typical smart phone.

Ken Young

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: a few questions about the games

2008-05-12 Thread Corey Young
ooh! how about a game that uses the same type interface from Kirby tilt
'n tumble?  where you hod it flat to stay still and tilt in the
direction you want to go?  

On Mon, 2008-05-12 at 21:53 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  Reply-To: List for Openmoko community discussion
  To: List for Openmoko community discussion
  Subject: Re: Funny Dialer
  Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 12:57:22 +0200
  On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 4:03 AM, Matt Mets [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm assuming you mean what we call a rotary phone in the US?  I'm working 
   one...  Here is a screenshot:
It's just a mock-up program at the moment though, no hooks to the actual
  Two suggestions for a rotary dialer that your might or might not like:
  1) a mode where the dialer looks like a rotary dialer, but operates as
  a normal dialer, ie. when you press a number the digit is sent
  2) a cheat mode - when you press a number the dialer automatically
  turns and returns. Of course it sends the digit as well. :-)
  The rotary dialer could even be made to have the sound of a mechanical
  dialer for the truly nostalgic.
 email message attachment
   Forwarded Message 
  From: Giorgio M. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: List for Openmoko community discussion
  Subject: video and audio support
  Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 12:59:52 +0200
  Hi to all,
  freerunner will support audio and video playback, but wich kind of audio
  and video?wich formats it will reproduce?will I need to install some
 email message attachment
   Forwarded Message 
  From: Breakable [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: List for Openmoko community discussion
  Subject: Funny Dialer
  Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 15:06:10 +0300
  I am positive you should have to turn the dialer manually for most
  user friendliness :D
  While hilarious this could become a killer feature to make a phone
  for the technologically challenged.
 email message attachment
   Forwarded Message 
  From: Crane, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: List for Openmoko community discussion
  To: List for Openmoko community discussion
  Subject: RE: microSD support
  Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 09:00:25 -0400
  You are too kind to microsoft.  Similar to the 4gb RAM barrier it is
  pretty much a 100% marketing decsion to support file systems of a given
  size in a particular OS.
  Why would anybody shell out the coin for the fancy new OS's with their
  funny looking guis if old ones worked just fine with all the new
  Microsoft even had to go beyond these limitations and charge extra for
  XP, vs. vista, so that people would find some easy reason to actually
  buy vista.  I just paid the 40$ tax for XP on a recent purchase.
  The RAM footprint mostly would have to do with the number of files on
  disk, not the addressable disk size. 
  I expect that nearly all modern file system implementations either use
  64bit pointers or a 32bit pointer, rarely in between, except for 48bit
  (32 + 16) implementations.  It would be impractical for a driver to
  attempt to exploit effeciencies around disk pointers in a 32bit vs.
  36bit disk space for example.
  Complexity can often be much more expensive then ineffeciencies.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of enaut
  Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 4:52 PM
  To: List for Openmoko community discussion
  Subject: Re: microSD support
  Kevin Dean schrieb:
   It's also worth noting that the 32GB limit is also artificial. 2048GB
   is the technical limit for 

Got my phone! + A comment and a Question

2007-07-27 Thread Ken Young
   I got my phone, and I'm a happy guy!

   I learned one thing that might save someone else some time.   I
initially tried to do the dfu-util downloads of the kernel and
rootfs from linux running via VMWare on a Windoze host.   Although
dfu-util definately could talk to the neo, it could not successfully
download the images.   Once I switched to a native linux box (running
exactly the same OS version) I had no problems.

   Something that worries me is that at the end of the Getting Started
with your Neo1973 page in the wiki, it suggests backing up the
original flash contents, because ... there are parts in the root
filesystem that can't be distributed over internet so they are only found
in the shipped ROM (see the GPS driver).   Now these first neos have been
shipped with no rootfs at all (see   So
we *have* to overwrite the rootfs before the device will boot.   What
does that mean vis a vis the parts of the filesystem which can't be
distributed over the internet?How do we get those parts?

 Ken Young
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
  60 Garden Street, MS 78
Phoney Dolson has a secret name.  Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
  (617) 495-7330

OpenMoko community mailing list

Not the free phone

2007-07-16 Thread Ken Young
How 'bout

For those who prefer JTAG to Bluetooth.  or
It's not just a phone, it's a hobby. or
Get one before the phone companies figure out what they are.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Problem with emial order confirmation

2007-07-14 Thread Ken Young
I ordered the neo1973 on the first day the site went
live.   Today I received a message, saying that to confirm the order,
I must reply to the email with a message containing (as the first
characters of an otherwise empty line) the string YES_I_DO .   However,
when I sent that reply, the email bounced back with a subject line
Message not recorded and a text body saying Permission Denied.
Is this happening to other customers too?   If not, can anyone hazard a
guess about why I can't send email to, even as a reply
to a message they sent me?   I have found that if I send an email without
the order information in the subject line, the email does not bounce
(but nobody replies either).   But messages with the special subject
string they say to use in corespondences about my order always bounce.
Have I been blacklisted?

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