Some time ago I posted in social networks this:

"Let's love words, words do, words take care, words kill, let's be careful with 
words! The words in emails and social networks are more dangerous, but do not 
be afraid of them!"

So allow me some final words for this week meeting.

1) We have a code of conduct that is not being respected by "Benjamin Ledoh" 
(in quotes because it looks it is an alias). There are clear doubts that this 
person is actually another community member, which is co-author of a policy 
proposal to change the PDP. If this is the case, how the community can trust a 
proposal and support it, if he is acting in such *criminal* way against the PDP 
process and the overall community?

I still give him a 50% of doubts that may be he is not the same guy and 
somebody is incriminating him. But if this is the case, he should go to google, 
policy, or whatever, to ask for clarifications, even if neccesary with a court 
order and prove it to the community.

Why the complete AFRINIC community should be shamed and fighting about this 
guy? How come we can support a coward hiding behind an alias and do nothing?

I *urge the board* to investigate the real person behind that email, even with 
a legal claim in the Mauritious courts and then to apply strictly the code of 
conduct. At the moment that email has been indefinitely suspended in the RPD, 
but this is not enough. What about the Community-Discuss list? What about the 
real person behind this? Should the real person behind that email still be able 
to participate in meetings and other mailing list with the real name? Should be 
also be able to participate in the community, or shold be suspended for a few 
years because this? I'm sure bylaws support those actions.

Otherwise, we are telling everyone that wants to attack the other members and 
the system: Please create aliases and feel free to keep creating internal wars.

I *urge the staff* to confirm if the community has a real "Benjamin Ledoh" in 
the meetings or as a contact for members, or whatever. This is not confidential 
information in the sense that he is using public mailing list and may be is a 
contact in the whois.

The PDP and the community are not safe *UNTIL* this issue is cleaned up and 

Despite all what I've said, I think, we all must forgive, *if and only if* the 
real person behind "Benjamin Ledoh" recognizes his mistake and then continues 
participating normally.

2) I always though that *everybody*, including staff, board and chairs, because 
all them are community members, should be able to participate in the policy 
discussions and thus, in the policy meetings and openly express their opinions. 
They should just clearly state "hat off" to allow the community do 
differentiate their own personal view from the position they have.

However, in the policy day this week, I felt shamed when the legal councel 
stated (if I understood correctly, sorry videos and scripts are not available), 
that I should not use references to other RIRs in the policy proposals. I think 
this is contrary to logic and contrary to procedure and the staff or AFRINIC 
contractors, must know the procedures and make sure they don't contradict them, 
because they are harming the community.

Are we afraid of reusing previous experience? Really?

The policy template ask for references, and when you submit a policy proposal, 
if you leave the references empty, one of the first questions from the staff 
will be "what is the status of this in other RIR, can you explain that and have 
URLs?". And of course, in the slides for a policy proposal presentation, you 
will summarize it as well (or we should hide part of the policy proposal in the 

This is understandable because Internet is global, and what is being done in 
other regions, or similar groups (example IETF), is relevant to all of us. 
Previous experience is always good to know.

Nobody is telling that every RIR should follow what others are doing (I clearly 
explained it in my presentations). NOT AT ALL, but we must know it, is just a 
reference. It is not neccesarily the only aspect to consider. Or we don't look 
always, in our personal and profesional life for other previous experiences 
from other organizations or people?

This comment in the microphone only adds to my perception of many of the 
problems that I see within the community, one more negative point about how we 
are legally managing this organization.

I know I will be hate by this, but I'm sorry, I'm not a coward, I'm not an 
hypocrit: I *urge the board* to consider an alternative legal counsel. My 
general feeling after similar situations in different meetings, is that the 
actual legal counsel is not doing a good job. I see in other similar 
organizations (including RIRs), that the meetings are well prepared for all 
kind of contingenies and situation, and there is always plan A, plan B, plan C 
and even 2-3 more plans. This is not happening here, and this is in part, 
because the legal support is not correct, or at least insufficient.


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