> "When I click on a youtube video, I don't expect much. But I do expect to
> be at least marginally entertained"

In ancient Rome, the plebeia (commoners) were ruled by a government
comprising an Emperor and a Senate.  Plebs had no say in how society
functioned, but they were allowed to allowed to express themselves by
writing on "graffiti walls".  YouTube is today's graffiti wall - it is a
peer-reviewed medium for communication.  Peers make their reviews by adding
comments.  The video which did not entertain you was not put there to
entertain you; instead, it asked for your help, to tell me and anyone else
who is curious about how minds perceive the world before them, by way of
adding a comment.  As this clearly was not self-evident, i have amended the
video by adding a description.  So thank you for your feedback.

"Why not implement your ideas as a computer program?"

seven years ago i was given five years to live.  for me, life is too short
to waste it by following in the footsteps of Sisyphus.  i am writing to
this listserv hoping to sow a seed of an idea that others could take up and
develop in the future, and hoping to engage in constructive dialogue -
which would include technical criticism - to help me crystallise and refine
my fundamental premiss, which was outlined in print many years ago [1].
Since that time, i had been unable to pursue it as i had to make a living
doing whatever work i could get.  Now i am retired, i have the luxury of
indulging my curiosity once more, but neither the time nor the skills to
complete the task alone.
[1] Brown, DJH:  Hierarchical Reasoning and the Game of Go. Proc Sixth
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, 114-116,

*Google Books copy :
Newsletter 32, 14-17,
Newsletter 32, 14-17, 1978.&f=false*

"the implementation task is huge (man-years)"

i would guess that it would require man-decades, if not centuries.  And
whereas a camel is a horse that was designed by a committee, many hands
make light work, as the Chinese restauranteur demonstrated to his clientele
during a power cut.

"> the "stupid" monte carlo works so much better."

this observation by David Fotland is empirically valid insofar as it
pertains to extant artifacts, but it refers to the past (ie up to now).
The future is still open.  i will address the issue in a future video,
which will include a discussion of what constitutes intelligence, whether
artificial or natural.  In the meantime, i can share with you my thoughts
of a few years ago on the subject:

*Monte-Carlo Alien Intelligence Conquers Amsterdam*

Lastly, i have been unable to find any substantive information on how Zen19
works; i suppose that programming Go has become a Sumo wrestling match
rather than a cooperative enterprise, and authors are keeping their trade
secrets secret.  If anyone has any inside information, i would be intrigued
to know how Zen has managed to climb that one rank higher than any other,
especially as the higher you go, the harder it gets.
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