So far, E5 and E6 are neck-and-neck for the favored opening move (E5 was leading almost the whole time until recently). The deepest part of the tree is 35 ply. About 18% of run time is spent swapping to disk. 40% is traversing the tree. 14% is Libego.

Michael Williams wrote:
Now that I have this system of generating really big game trees, what sort of interesting things could I do with it? The exact number of nodes I can store is not exact because I'm doing various things to reduce each node's footprint when it goes to disk. I'm currently building a tree that is bushy at the root (heavy exploration term) and normal UCT beneath that. It is at 28 billion nodes now and projecting a capacity of 122 billion. The current node rate is about 130k per second (on 1 Core2 core). This is on a 9x9 board. I'm still using Libego for playouts. And I'm deleting symmetrically-equivalent moves from the tree. That is all that gets pruned.

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