[computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-12-06 Thread Dave Dyer

>As any incomplete search, it can blunder, but why more than any other 
>incomplete search?

Not worse, just not a magic bullet.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-12-06 Thread Jacques Basaldúa

Dave Dyer wrote:

In cases where the good moves are the "obvious" ones, 
you've found them anyway.  

Ok. Here I agree.

In other cases, you prune them away.   

You are not really pruning, just postponing. Of course
you may overlook moves of genius, who doesn't? But
if your probabilities are correct you may be emulating
what a human does.

You DO get wrong answers much faster this way though.

Why? I don't see why. I see this order as the most 
human like way of searching. As any incomplete search,
it can blunder, but why more than any other incomplete 


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-12-05 Thread Álvaro Begué
On Dec 5, 2007 9:39 AM, Dave Dyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The problem with this is that below a few ply, the probabilities are
> all effectively zero.  All you're really doing is enshrining the
> prior probabilities used to sort the first few levels.

Why would they be zero? floating-point types have a huge resolution near
zero (they are logarithmic in nature, in some sense), so I don't think you
are going to get zeroes fast.

In cases where the good moves are the "obvious" ones, you've found them
> anyway.  In other cases, you prune them away.   You DO get wrong answers
> much faster this way though.

You don't prune them away. You make them look more expensive, which means
that they will be analyzed later in an iterative deepening loop.
computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-12-05 Thread Dave Dyer

The problem with this is that below a few ply, the probabilities are
all effectively zero.  All you're really doing is enshrining the 
prior probabilities used to sort the first few levels.

In cases where the good moves are the "obvious" ones, you've found them
anyway.  In other cases, you prune them away.   You DO get wrong answers
much faster this way though.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-12-05 Thread Dave Dyer

The problem with this is that below a few ply, the probabilities are
all effectively zero.  All you're really doing is enshrining the 
prior probabilities used to sort the first few levels.

In cases where the good moves are the "obvious" ones, you've found them
anyway.  In other cases, you prune them away.   You DO get wrong answers
much faster this way though.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-11-24 Thread Peter Kollarik
just a link :

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Re: [computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-11-23 Thread Don Dailey

Raymond Wold wrote:
>> The general rule (in my opinion) is that playing strength will require a 
>> huge amount of "power" because that's what A.I. is.  This in no way implies 
>> that it should not be "efficient" or that it should foolishly squander 
>> resources (as an internal combustion engine does.)   Instead it should be as 
>> efficient as possible specifically so that it can do more work.   And your 
>> not going to squeeze much water out of a rock.  You're not going to get a 
>> free ride.  You are not going to produce a strong program that doesn't do an 
>> enormous amount of work.   Naturally, you want to do that work as 
>> efficiently as possible.   The reason you want the work to be as efficient 
>> as possible is so that you can do even more work, not because you are 
>> seeking the holy grail of a program that plays like a master with a few 
>> lines of clever code and a constant time algorithm.
> Don, I think you're very much arguing against a straw man at this point.

I don't think I have mis-represented the position that some have
taken.   What I did is put it in terminology that may make their
position look a bit foolish.   It doesn't exaggerate their position it
just exposes it.  

I use that technique on myself quite often - to test if an idea really
makes sense.  Reword the idea (without changing it) and see if it still
has the ring of truth.

- Don

> ___
> computer-go mailing list
> computer-go@computer-go.org
> http://www.computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go/
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-11-23 Thread Raymond Wold
> The general rule (in my opinion) is that playing strength will require a huge 
> amount of "power" because that's what A.I. is.  This in no way implies that 
> it should not be "efficient" or that it should foolishly squander resources 
> (as an internal combustion engine does.)   Instead it should be as efficient 
> as possible specifically so that it can do more work.   And your not going to 
> squeeze much water out of a rock.  You're not going to get a free ride.  You 
> are not going to produce a strong program that doesn't do an enormous amount 
> of work.   Naturally, you want to do that work as efficiently as possible.   
> The reason you want the work to be as efficient as possible is so that you 
> can do even more work, not because you are seeking the holy grail of a 
> program that plays like a master with a few lines of clever code and a 
> constant time algorithm.

Don, I think you're very much arguing against a straw man at this point.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-11-23 Thread Don Dailey
I meant to expound a little on this:

>  (Not to mention that some algorithms are more scalable that others,  I want 
> to talk about that in a minute.)

In humans we often try to measure "intelligence" with tests and we call them IQ 
tests.   It has been said that IQ tests actually only measure your ability to 
take IQ tests because they fall quite short of actually summing up intelligence 
to a single number.In fact, you can't.   It's probably impossible to 
accurately quantify all the qualities of intelligence.  Many people are 
genius's at some things and well below average in other things.   

Nevertheless, in each human is the machinery required for intelligence, a kind 
of computer we call the brain.   We don't really understand very much about how 
it works,  but it seems to consist of many key features that AI tries to 
emulate, pattern recognition,  memory,  ability to reason,  etc.

I would like to get the groups thoughts on this - because I'm on shaky ground 
here and don't claim any particular insights here - but I have a general theory 
about AI. It seems to me that you can view "intelligence" as a kind of 
physics.   I would probably compare it to horsepower or "power" in physics.   
You can use whatever unit you choose, perhaps "watt"

Work is not the same as power in physics.  Work is the product of force and 
distance over which it moves in physical terms.  In automotive terms it takes 
the same amount of "work" to move an equally heavy vehicle 100 miles or 
kilometers for instance.   Of course I'm ignoring other physical factors such 
as air resistance in order to simplify.

A scalable program can do any amount of work if you are willing to wait any 
amount of time.  But some have much more horsepower than others.  Mogo is a 
high horsepower engine.   Brown is a seized up engine with so many 
inefficiencies that it works against itself.  It can't really do any work.  

My basic idea here is that intelligence isn't static.  Even in humans, as an 
approximation, it isn't about whether you can solve a problem or not,  it's 
more about how long it takes you to solve the problem. We don't really 
think about it that way,  but I believe it to be (more or less) true. 

With AI, computer memory is analogous to human memory.  It's more like 
memoization in computer science.   Once we learn something for the first time, 
we can use it over and over again throughout our lifetimes without having to 
rediscovery it.  

Of course the human brain is "hardwired" for many things it has been said.  
Much of what we need to survive and be intelligent, we don't have to learn - it 
was in us the day we were born.   

Sometimes, people who learn a lot of facts are considered intelligent.  Even if 
they don't really understand or have much practical wisdom,  we are impressed 
with someone who has so many facts stored in his brain and this probably should 
be considered one facet of intelligence.  

Computer Go programs have all these elements in them.   They have memory, hard 
coded knowledge, reasoning ability (a life and death analysis can be considered 
a kind of reasoning ability as can an alpha/beta search) and so on.

Sometimes we consider the ability to "figure something out" as being the main 
component of I.Q. as opposed to just "knowing the answer."   And this is 
probably fair, because one is like having a fish and the other is like learning 
how to fish, a more useful skill in the long run.

A scalable program has the ability to figure things out.  A non-scalable 
program must be considered the type of AI that either "knows the answer" or 
doesn't.   Sometimes we pretend there is no distinction because we are so 
time-conscious.   We say that it doesn't matter if it can figure something out 
because we are too impatient to wait for the answer.   

We can measure the I.Q. of a GO program in a (very) rough way by calculating 
the ELO strength of the program and the amount of running time to produce this 
level of play.   It's wrong to not consider time in this formula.   In human 
I.Q. tests,  the clock is part of the test and rightly so.  Almost every 
problem in an I.Q. test is of the nature that you could figure out the answer 
eventually (if you are persistent and focused) but the clock holds you back.   
Time is an important variable in human intelligence,  the accomplishments of 
the most brilliant scientists are often measured by the total body of knowledge 
they are able to contribute in a life-time as well as the quality of that 

So my theory here is that A.I. is not a static quantity divorced from time but 
that time is a very important consideration.   Every reasonably written chess 
program, for example, is equally strong if you don't time-constrain them.   But 
only the best ones get considered as "strong" or "intelligent."   The programs 
that play poorly are called "stupid" but they are only stupid because they are 
not efficient,  not because they ca

Re: [computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-11-23 Thread Don Dailey

Jim O'Flaherty, Jr. wrote:
> Don,
> I think it is tenuous to predict, much less emphatically assert, that
> just because the evidence is linear at the lower scale, it remains so
> at higher scales.  
This is done all the time in science!Many things in science are
considered facts that haven't been proven except in some empirical

This theory of scalability isn't something "way out there" either.  
It's crystal clear that increased search depth or effort yields improved
play until the point perfect play is reached.   The only thing we are
arguing about here is the shape of the curve.  Although it seems
unlikely that we will ever achieve perfect play,  it doesn't make sense
to require the "fat lady to sing" to know the general form of this

The evidence is not just linear at the lower scale as you claim
either.   I presented the evidence already.  We now have decades of
improvement to directly observe.   This near-linear scale held from the
point that a weak beginner could beat a chess program and has continued
beyond the point that even many chess masters thought was unattainable,
(even for humans.)And there still seems to be no end.

Since we don't know how good a chess playing entity can ultimately be,
we can't say for sure how far we are from perfect play, so it's possible
we are not even half way there (whatever that means.) But it still
seem ludicrous to expect the curve to suddenly flatten out,  then when
perfect play is almost achieved to suddenly dart to the final point in
the graph.  That is what you and others are predicting from zero
evidence.   Because if it isn't a relatively regular curve as I
predict,  it's going to have an unnatural shape.

Of course someone is going to say,  "this isn't chess, we are talking
about go." I know how you guys think.   If I could prove it someone
would probably say, "yes,  but "Yes, but that was with the
positional superko rule.You have "no evidence" that this would hold
with situational superko.Technically you would be correct,  but you
stretch the boundaries of credulity. 

Nevertheless, I did the experiment with 7x7 then 9x9 go.The shape of
the 7x7 go curve was not interesting because it tended to be one
sided.   With 7.5 komi (I think) white usually won.It is still a
profound enough game that only at fairly high levels did white always
win.   It was easy to see the curve suddenly flatten out when near
perfect play was achieved.   (I can't really be sure near perfect play
was achieved, I can only guess.   It's possible that some early profound
moves needed to be played that even the stronger versions could not
see.)   I think 7x7 is "grainy" in the sense that there are probably
only a very few main lines and if you stumble into them you will win
even if you are relatively weak compared to your opponent.  

9x9 though, was highly interesting.   I showed this graph to the
group.   I'm pretty sure the graph reflected raw beginner play at the
low end,  and Dan level play at the high end (I don't think we actually
have an easy way to calibrate this so I can only guess.)At the high
end Lazarus (which isn't a great program but doesn't suck either) was
doing an enormous amount of work - it was playing at a level way beyond
what was possible on CGOS. I'm not guessing at this,  I could
compare Lazarus on CGOS directly because I knew about how strong it was
(and I also used gnugo as a control program.)   Gnugo could rarely  win
a game at the higher levels. (I also estimated that gnugo was a
stronger program "intrinsically" that Lazarus although not scalable.  
Since gnugo is fixed,  you can compare a version of Lazarus that takes
the same amount of time to run.Gnugo beats that version of Lazarus
under those conditions,  and yet rarely can win a game at higher
levels.   Since I believe in the work/strength curve I would estimate
that a scalable version of Gnugo would be superior to Lazarus at any
level.   Of course it's not clear how to properly scale up Gnugo, but
I'm speaking theoretically here.   (Not to mention that some algorithms
are more scalable that others,  I want to talk about that in a minute.)

So I certainly didn't capture the entire range of ELO ratings and thus
everyone can say I don't have an iron clad proof.   

Someone says, "but 19x19 is a different game altogether with different
characteristics."  My response is that the phenomenon seems to apply
to every kind of 2 player perfect information game.It also applies
to 19x19 GO at lower levels because I did a similar test with 19x19.   
I did this test also with a game that has a much higher branching factor
than GO,  a game called Arimaa.   Arimaa was designed purposely to be
difficult for computers.David Fotland currently has the best Arimaa
program - an alpha/beta searcher with a lot of knowledge.

This is the "quacks like a duck" situation.   We have something here
that looks like a duck,  qua

Re: [computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-11-22 Thread Jim O'Flaherty, Jr.


All I described was the scientific method plus simple probability theory 
combined with using intuition to explore unknown unknowns creatively.  
For a layman's explanation into this world, see the works by Talib of 
"Fooled by Randomness" and "The Black Swan".

Not sure about your analogy either.  If their theory is "Extra 
Terrestrial Intelligence exists", has their been evidence provided to 
invalidate the theory?  I had not heard of any.  And our existence 
certainly supports the speculation within the theory, i.e. We exist.  
Therefor it is possible other intelligence exists.  And I am suspicious 
any evidence "invalidating" the core theory (given it is a simple and 
encompassing as I have summarized above) could be found anyway.  It 
would require searching the entire universe in a very short period of 
time as longer periods of time, like millions of years allow for 
possible emergence of evolutionary life forms after the area has been 

As to your then applying the analogy to computer chess/go - don't see 
the connection.


Sanghyeon Seo wrote:

2007/11/23, Jim O'Flaherty, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I think it is tenuous to predict, much less emphatically assert, that
just because the evidence is linear at the lower scale, it remains so at
higher scales.  While it is reasonable to assume, it is not certain.  I
see your point that at this time, your theory about it applying to
larger scales has yet to be invalidated.  However, this does not
preclude your theory being invalidated in the future.  Nor does it make
their intuitions about ways others might be able to do so (and keep an
open mind about creating attempts) as superstitious.  It just means they
are yet to be convinced of your position just as you are yet to be
convinced of theirs.  Remember, the direct evidence used to support a
theory that the world was flat.  That theory was later invalidated and
replaced with a new theory incorporating the old evidence as well as the
new evidence.

This starts to sound like a SETI advocate. After forty years of
sustained failures, the burden of proof is on SETI advocates, not
critics. Same goes for computer chess and computer go.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-11-22 Thread Sanghyeon Seo
2007/11/23, Jim O'Flaherty, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Don,
> I think it is tenuous to predict, much less emphatically assert, that
> just because the evidence is linear at the lower scale, it remains so at
> higher scales.  While it is reasonable to assume, it is not certain.  I
> see your point that at this time, your theory about it applying to
> larger scales has yet to be invalidated.  However, this does not
> preclude your theory being invalidated in the future.  Nor does it make
> their intuitions about ways others might be able to do so (and keep an
> open mind about creating attempts) as superstitious.  It just means they
> are yet to be convinced of your position just as you are yet to be
> convinced of theirs.  Remember, the direct evidence used to support a
> theory that the world was flat.  That theory was later invalidated and
> replaced with a new theory incorporating the old evidence as well as the
> new evidence.

This starts to sound like a SETI advocate. After forty years of
sustained failures, the burden of proof is on SETI advocates, not
critics. Same goes for computer chess and computer go.

Seo Sanghyeon
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-11-22 Thread Jim O'Flaherty, Jr.


I think it is tenuous to predict, much less emphatically assert, that 
just because the evidence is linear at the lower scale, it remains so at 
higher scales.  While it is reasonable to assume, it is not certain.  I 
see your point that at this time, your theory about it applying to 
larger scales has yet to be invalidated.  However, this does not 
preclude your theory being invalidated in the future.  Nor does it make 
their intuitions about ways others might be able to do so (and keep an 
open mind about creating attempts) as superstitious.  It just means they 
are yet to be convinced of your position just as you are yet to be 
convinced of theirs.  Remember, the direct evidence used to support a 
theory that the world was flat.  That theory was later invalidated and 
replaced with a new theory incorporating the old evidence as well as the 
new evidence.

And you want other attempting to disprove your theory.  It both educates 
them on the current theory and challenges and possibly convinces them to 
share holding your theory.  And it also educates you in the event they 
find some error in your approach/assumptions/context/definitions or are 
actually able to disprove your conclusion.  And it is likely someone 
will eventually disprove your theory while keeping the evidence upon 
which your theory rests.

I would encourage you to keep your theory (every cycle's sacred, every 
cycle's great, if cycle's wasted, God gets quite irate) and work making 
assumptions based upon this being true.  That's efficient.  I would also 
encourage others to challenge your theory and work at invalidating your 
assumptions around low level efficiencies.  Both you, they and 
computer_go will be stronger because of it.


Don Dailey wrote:

Hi Dave,

You are doing it.No matter what evidence is presented,  people will
find a way to say it doesn't exist.As I mentioned earlier, the
argument was that didn't apply to chess except for the first 4 or 5 ply
- then when that didn't happen they expanded it to the first 6 or 7 and
to this very day people are denying it - although they are looking more
and more foolish in the process.

We have already seen that this holds in GO, I did a massive study of it
month ago on 9x9 boards and showed everyone this beautiful plot with
straight lines showing the ELO per TIME curve which was essentially flat.  

I also remember the response.   "ok,  it applies to a small boards but
19x19 is a completely different game that bears no resemblance." 

So I must give up on this.   I know if I do the plot again someone will
say,   "it only applies to depths we can currently test."   "Surely it
will flatten out next year when the new processors come."

I cannot answer to those arguments when no evidence is presented to back
it up other than superstition of disbelief or my favorite, "the
testimony of experts in the field."  I can only say that every bit
of evidence we have backs up what I am saying.   

- Don

Dave Dyer wrote:

I agree with your exposition of search as it applies to chess, but
I think there is a qualitative difference in Go.

In chess, evaluators can see clear progress, in the form of material 
balance and statically determined positional factors, so each additional 
ply gives you more opportunity to see progress.

Until Go evaluators give similarly strong and reliable signals, search
will be a very much weaker tool.

computer-go mailing list


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computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-11-22 Thread Magnus Persson
My experience from doing search only with Valkyria, is that Go is not  
different to Chess in the sense that each extra ply really makae a  
difference. Improving evaluation almost always means that search gets  
deeper in UCT-type programs. Monte-Carlo simulation + knowledge gives  
a better signal. The question is what knowledge is needed and how to  
effectively implement it such that search do not suffer but rather  


Quoting Dave Dyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I agree with your exposition of search as it applies to chess, but
I think there is a qualitative difference in Go.

In chess, evaluators can see clear progress, in the form of material
balance and statically determined positional factors, so each additional
ply gives you more opportunity to see progress.

Until Go evaluators give similarly strong and reliable signals, search
will be a very much weaker tool.

Magnus Persson
Berlin, Germany
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-11-22 Thread Raymond Wold

Don Dailey wrote:

So I must give up on this.   I know if I do the plot again someone will
say,   "it only applies to depths we can currently test."   "Surely it
will flatten out next year when the new processors come."

I cannot answer to those arguments when no evidence is presented to back
it up other than superstition of disbelief or my favorite, "the
testimony of experts in the field."  I can only say that every bit
of evidence we have backs up what I am saying.   

The truth is that we don't know. Your have an insufficient statistical 
universe to draw conclusions from, no matter how much you want to beat 
down those who beleive differently from you. Perhaps go IS different. 
Until you have any kind of rigorous analysis of WHY you see your linear 
line, and can show that it WILL continue until go computers beat the 
best pros, you're as much into myth land.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-11-22 Thread Don Dailey
Hi Dave,

You are doing it.No matter what evidence is presented,  people will
find a way to say it doesn't exist.As I mentioned earlier, the
argument was that didn't apply to chess except for the first 4 or 5 ply
- then when that didn't happen they expanded it to the first 6 or 7 and
to this very day people are denying it - although they are looking more
and more foolish in the process.

We have already seen that this holds in GO, I did a massive study of it
month ago on 9x9 boards and showed everyone this beautiful plot with
straight lines showing the ELO per TIME curve which was essentially flat.  

I also remember the response.   "ok,  it applies to a small boards but
19x19 is a completely different game that bears no resemblance." 

So I must give up on this.   I know if I do the plot again someone will
say,   "it only applies to depths we can currently test."   "Surely it
will flatten out next year when the new processors come."

I cannot answer to those arguments when no evidence is presented to back
it up other than superstition of disbelief or my favorite, "the
testimony of experts in the field."  I can only say that every bit
of evidence we have backs up what I am saying.   

- Don

Dave Dyer wrote:
> I agree with your exposition of search as it applies to chess, but
> I think there is a qualitative difference in Go.
> In chess, evaluators can see clear progress, in the form of material 
> balance and statically determined positional factors, so each additional 
> ply gives you more opportunity to see progress.
> Until Go evaluators give similarly strong and reliable signals, search
> will be a very much weaker tool.
> ___
> computer-go mailing list
> computer-go@computer-go.org
> http://www.computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go/
computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: The global search myth

2007-11-22 Thread Dave Dyer

I agree with your exposition of search as it applies to chess, but
I think there is a qualitative difference in Go.

In chess, evaluators can see clear progress, in the form of material 
balance and statically determined positional factors, so each additional 
ply gives you more opportunity to see progress.

Until Go evaluators give similarly strong and reliable signals, search
will be a very much weaker tool.

computer-go mailing list