Re: [computer-go] Position Rich in Lessons

2009-06-23 Thread Magnus Persson

Quoting Brian Sheppard

What komi did you use? It is nice to have the sgf in addition to the


It is 7.5, and I do not have the SGF. I will try to create SGF for future
posts, to make reproduction easier for all.

Could it be that Pebbles have trouble seeing that the semeai is won
after white C9.

Yes, exactly. Pebbles has no code (in either search or playouts) for winning
semeais of more than one move. No pattern that identifies C9 as a good
move for O.

There is code that finds C9 for X: it is a winning snapback. There is
no code that tries to play the opponent's move, so the knowledge does not
transfer from one color to the other.

What rule proposes C9 in Many Faces or Valkyria?

C9 is not treated in a special way. I guess in this case it is AMAF  
that finds it and play at te root level. I use the same code to bias  
the tree part as I use for the playouts. In the playouts a lot of  
tactical code for pruning bad suicidal moves and playing forced moves  
(when the number of liberties in the semeai is 2 or less) are used.

I can also be that Valkyria finds C9 for X quickly if O does not play it.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A - - - - - - - - -
B - O O O O X X X O
C - X X X O O X O -
D - O - X O X O O -
E O - O O X X O X X
F - O X X X X X O -
G - X X - - O X O -
H X O O O - - X X O
J - - - - - - - O -

On the face of it, C9 doesn't put O ahead in any semeai. After C9, O is
behind X's B8 string by 3 liberties to 2, and O is behind X's E8 string
by 2 liberties to 2 with X to move.

Anyway I entered the position manually with komi 7.5, and Valkyria
plays C9 right away winning the semeai in the upper right corner and
after that white wins 0.5 even if black gets everything else.

C9 is winning, but it isn't so obvious as Magnus suggests. There are
several complexities to see through.

Your analysis is correct. And to me it just appears quite obvious. And  
as David point out it is not physical liberties that are counted but  
the move necessary to play.

1) O wins the semeai on top only if O moves first. After X's A8, O must
find A6, A5, and A7. Those moves must be played in that order, because if
X plays A8 and A6 then X wins the semeai because O cannot play A9, which
is self-atari.

2) If O tenukis at any time, then X wins by playing F9 or G9, followed
by capturing O's F8/G8 string, and atari with D9.

3) In a random-play game, the fact that X has 2 sequences versus 1 (i.e.,
F9 or G9 for X versus only A6 for O) makes up for the fact that O gets to
move first. So it is vitally important to have code in the playouts that
handle the semeai more accurately for O than purely random.

4) Magnus says wins by 0.5 even if Black gets everything else but that's
not right. O must also win the semeai at left. In a random-play game, O
would lose that battle fairly often. The principal way to lose is X C1,
O tenuki, X D3 (atari), O E2, X F1 (atari), O G1 and a Ko fight for life.

The O must win the semeai is also obvious. What I meant is that O can  
let X start ko fights and win them as long O just captures the large X  

5) The Ko fight there is a picnic for X, since X was counting on losing
anyway. It follows that X will gain a move in the battle of his choice,
so O will only win if his tenuki was played in the semeai at upper right.

I think that to play this situation completely right you must have playout
policies that specifically drive success in semeais and/or ko.

Valkyria does nothing intelligent when it comes to ko and wins always  
in this position. But this is because white can let black win all  
small ko fight as long as all important semeais is won. So in this  
position only semeai knowledge is necessary.

But you might try to decrease the komi, because then white will have  
to win with a larger margin! That could make the position much harder  
to read out correctrly.

Those successful policies do not have to be right for the right reason.
For example, if you play C9 because you believe that it is the only move
that has a chance of winning the semeai against E8/E9, then you are right
for the wrong reason, because there is no way to win against E8/E9;
C9 just happens to win against another string.

Without heuristics that specifically drive success, the combination of
multiple battles make matters combinatorially worse.

For example, the dynamic in Pebbles is for the moves that win the semeais to
the second, third, fourth or higher move generated. This is not so bad
if there is only one battle. But when multiple battles are joined, X can
play a forcing move for a turn in another battles, and then return
to the other side. It is a dynamic version of the horizon effect, where bad
effects are first pushed out, and then delayed by bad move ordering.

I think that working on this position will yield several advances in
move ordering. I have already found the snapbacks, and I think there
will be others.

Are you talking about move ordering in the 

[computer-go] Position Rich in Lessons

2009-06-22 Thread Brian Sheppard
I am analyzing an interesting position, shown below. It is rich in
lessons, at least for me, so I figured I would share it.

By the way, I have a simple way to find interesting situations. When
Pebbles loses, it saves the *last* position that it thought it was winning
(i.e., the rating of the selected play was  0.5). Many such positions
occur late in the game, which always means that critical tactics
are mishandled by the playouts.

Here is the position:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A - - - - - - - - - 
B - O O O O X X X O 
C - X X X O O X O - 
D - O - X O X O O - 
E O - O O X X O X X 
F - O X X X X X O - 
G - X X - - O X O - 
H X O O O - - X X O 
J - - - - - - - O - 
White (O) to play.

There are several battles going on here:

1) The X string on C2 is locked in a semeai with the O group below. X loses
that battle regardless of the side to move.

2) The O group on the bottom middle does not have enough room to make
life. It is dead in alternating play, except when it connects to the O group
on middle left. Connecting depends on winning a Ko on G1, and O should
lose that Ko in alternating play, but in random play O often survives.

3) The bottom right group of loose O stones is pretty much always killed
off. But while alive those stones have aji because they take way liberties
of the X string on E8-E9.

4) Finally, we have the semeai on top right. The X string on B6 has 3
liberties, and the O string to its left has 2 liberties, so it seems
that X should win regardless of who moves first.

Taking this altogether, X wins well over 45 points, so X should win this
But Pebbles (playing O) showed O as winning this situation something like
of the time, even though Pebbles had to resign in just a few more turns.

The variations showed that Pebbles easily solves any one of these battles,
but the position as a whole is hard because at least two of those battles
are always pushed into the playouts. The playouts do respect alternating
play in local battles, so the wrong winner often emerges.

As payoff for reading this far, here is the first lesson from this
I have been adding rules that inhibit self-ataris. In this position, X has a
vital tactic that *requires* a self-atari: X plays on C9 to win O's C8
in a snapback. The lesson is that if you inhibit self-atari then you should
consider testing for snapback. Pebbles tests for snapback in the MCTS, where
I am sure that it pays off. I have not yet tested what happens in the

Further analysis convinced me that O is actually winning this game. My
engine likes A8 for O until iteration 7000, and then F9 for O, and switches
to the winning move only on iteration 143,000. But it doesn't really see
the win, because the evaluation remains around 50.3% no matter how long


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Position Rich in Lessons

2009-06-22 Thread Magnus Persson

Quoting Brian Sheppard

Further analysis convinced me that O is actually winning this game. My
engine likes A8 for O until iteration 7000, and then F9 for O, and switches
to the winning move only on iteration 143,000. But it doesn't really see
the win, because the evaluation remains around 50.3% no matter how long

What komi did you use? It is nice to have the sgf in addition to the position.

Anyway I entered the position manually with komi 7.5, and Valkyria  
plays C9 right away winning the semeai in the upper right corner and  
after that white wins 0.5 even if black gets everything else.

Could it be that Pebbles have trouble seeing that the semeai is won  
after white C9. Valkyria expects black A8 after C9 which delays the  
capture of the white stones. Sometimes Valkyria has (or used to)  
problems evaluating such semeais.


Magnus Persson
Berlin, Germany
computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Position Rich in Lessons

2009-06-22 Thread David Fotland
Many Faces also plays c9 right away, with about 66% win for O, expecting A8
then A6.

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:computer-go-] On Behalf Of Magnus Persson
 Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 7:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [computer-go] Position Rich in Lessons
 Quoting Brian Sheppard
  Further analysis convinced me that O is actually winning this game. My
  engine likes A8 for O until iteration 7000, and then F9 for O, and
  to the winning move only on iteration 143,000. But it doesn't really
  the win, because the evaluation remains around 50.3% no matter how long
 What komi did you use? It is nice to have the sgf in addition to the
 Anyway I entered the position manually with komi 7.5, and Valkyria
 plays C9 right away winning the semeai in the upper right corner and
 after that white wins 0.5 even if black gets everything else.
 Could it be that Pebbles have trouble seeing that the semeai is won
 after white C9. Valkyria expects black A8 after C9 which delays the
 capture of the white stones. Sometimes Valkyria has (or used to)
 problems evaluating such semeais.
 Magnus Persson
 Berlin, Germany
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Position Rich in Lessons

2009-06-22 Thread Brian Sheppard
What komi did you use? It is nice to have the sgf in addition to the

It is 7.5, and I do not have the SGF. I will try to create SGF for future
posts, to make reproduction easier for all.

Could it be that Pebbles have trouble seeing that the semeai is won  
after white C9.

Yes, exactly. Pebbles has no code (in either search or playouts) for winning
semeais of more than one move. No pattern that identifies C9 as a good
move for O.

There is code that finds C9 for X: it is a winning snapback. There is
no code that tries to play the opponent's move, so the knowledge does not
transfer from one color to the other.

What rule proposes C9 in Many Faces or Valkyria?

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A - - - - - - - - - 
B - O O O O X X X O 
C - X X X O O X O - 
D - O - X O X O O - 
E O - O O X X O X X 
F - O X X X X X O - 
G - X X - - O X O - 
H X O O O - - X X O 
J - - - - - - - O - 

On the face of it, C9 doesn't put O ahead in any semeai. After C9, O is
behind X's B8 string by 3 liberties to 2, and O is behind X's E8 string
by 2 liberties to 2 with X to move.

Anyway I entered the position manually with komi 7.5, and Valkyria  
plays C9 right away winning the semeai in the upper right corner and  
after that white wins 0.5 even if black gets everything else.

C9 is winning, but it isn't so obvious as Magnus suggests. There are
several complexities to see through.

1) O wins the semeai on top only if O moves first. After X's A8, O must
find A6, A5, and A7. Those moves must be played in that order, because if
X plays A8 and A6 then X wins the semeai because O cannot play A9, which
is self-atari.

2) If O tenukis at any time, then X wins by playing F9 or G9, followed
by capturing O's F8/G8 string, and atari with D9.

3) In a random-play game, the fact that X has 2 sequences versus 1 (i.e.,
F9 or G9 for X versus only A6 for O) makes up for the fact that O gets to
move first. So it is vitally important to have code in the playouts that
handle the semeai more accurately for O than purely random.

4) Magnus says wins by 0.5 even if Black gets everything else but that's
not right. O must also win the semeai at left. In a random-play game, O
would lose that battle fairly often. The principal way to lose is X C1,
O tenuki, X D3 (atari), O E2, X F1 (atari), O G1 and a Ko fight for life.

5) The Ko fight there is a picnic for X, since X was counting on losing
anyway. It follows that X will gain a move in the battle of his choice,
so O will only win if his tenuki was played in the semeai at upper right.

I think that to play this situation completely right you must have playout
policies that specifically drive success in semeais and/or ko.

Those successful policies do not have to be right for the right reason.
For example, if you play C9 because you believe that it is the only move
that has a chance of winning the semeai against E8/E9, then you are right
for the wrong reason, because there is no way to win against E8/E9;
C9 just happens to win against another string.

Without heuristics that specifically drive success, the combination of
multiple battles make matters combinatorially worse.

For example, the dynamic in Pebbles is for the moves that win the semeais to
the second, third, fourth or higher move generated. This is not so bad
if there is only one battle. But when multiple battles are joined, X can
play a forcing move for a turn in another battles, and then return
to the other side. It is a dynamic version of the horizon effect, where bad
effects are first pushed out, and then delayed by bad move ordering.

I think that working on this position will yield several advances in
move ordering. I have already found the snapbacks, and I think there
will be others.


computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Position Rich in Lessons

2009-06-22 Thread David Fotland
There is a book (2nd Book of Go, I think) that teaches how to count
liberties in a semeai.  Once O plays C9 it has far more than two liberties,
since black has to play approach moves on either side to win the semeai.
For example, black has to play 3 times to fill the liberty at D9, and black
can never fill the liberty at A9.  So O has at least 4 liberties after C9 is

If you count semeai liberties correctly, it's obvious that white C9 group
has more liberties than the black group (after C9 is played).  So Many Faces
can see directly that O wins the semeai after C9 is played.  So a one ply
search finds that C9 is a good move.  Many Faces' heuristics then encourage
the UCT search to try this move first, and it holds up well in the playouts.


 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:computer-go-] On Behalf Of Brian Sheppard
 Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 3:01 PM
 Subject: [computer-go] Position Rich in Lessons
 What rule proposes C9 in Many Faces or Valkyria?
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 A - - - - - - - - -
 B - O O O O X X X O
 C - X X X O O X O -
 D - O - X O X O O -
 E O - O O X X O X X
 F - O X X X X X O -
 G - X X - - O X O -
 H X O O O - - X X O
 J - - - - - - - O -
 On the face of it, C9 doesn't put O ahead in any semeai. After C9, O is
 behind X's B8 string by 3 liberties to 2, and O is behind X's E8 string
 by 2 liberties to 2 with X to move.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] position

2007-01-23 Thread Thomas Wolf
About 2 months ago I sent a note to this email list about a research chair
position and a postdoc position, both financed through the SHACRNET High
Perfomance Consortium.  The advert below does not have high performance
computing as a requisite attached. But because it mentions discrete math,
combinatorics and experience in computation as valuable strengths, this might
be of interest to someone on the email list. Together with a few students we
already have a small but active computer Go group at our math department.

Thomas Wolf
Prof at Department of Mathematics
Brock University
Ontario, Canada




The Department of Mathematics invites applications for a tenure-track
appointment in an area of discrete and computational mathematics at the rank
of Assistant Professor starting July 1, 2007.

The Department offers an MSc in Mathematics and Statistics, has an innovative
and unique B.Sc. Mathematics program called MICA (Mathematics Integrated with
Computers and Applications) and plays a leading role in Mathematics Education.

The successful candidate must have a PhD in Mathematics or related field by
the time of the appointment, a proven record of or potential for research
excellence, and an active research program that will attract external
funding. Ideally, the candidate’s area of research would complement that of
current faculty.

The position requires undergraduate teaching including Combinatorics and
Mathematics for Computer Science, graduate teaching, and supervision of
graduate students. The successful candidate must demonstrate strong teaching
abilities and a committed interest in the use of technology for the
exploration, understanding and applications of mathematics.

The appointment is subject to the availability of funds. The review of
applications will start on February 28, 2007 and will continue until the
position is filled. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, an outline of
their research plan and a description of teaching philosophies, and arrange
for at least three letters of reference (one of which should address teaching)
to be sent directly to:

Chair of the Mathematics Search Committee
Department of Mathematics
Brock University
St. Catharines, Ontario
L2S 3A1, Canada

In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given
to citizens and permanent residents of Canada. Brock University encourages
applications from all qualified individuals including women, members of
minorities, native people, and persons with disabilities.

computer-go mailing list