Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread Eric S. Sande

It's this one.  Any thoughts?

It's not what I'd pick for any mission.

Basically consumer junk.

Sorry, just my educated opinion.

For too many reasons than I can explain in a few paragraphs.

My advice would be to check out some bicycle websites and
actually get an appreciation of the subject.  Research is good.

Schwinn hasn't been anything other than Chinese trash for a
while, sorry.

There are still good manufacturers in the USA but they are
going to be a lot more expensive.  See Waterford, for example.

They are what used to be Chicago Schwinn's Paramount 

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Re: [CGUYS] Google allowing users to opt-out

2009-08-12 Thread
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 10:20 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:

> source=videoembed

  So, will Google allow an "opt out" to protect the privacy of readers
of all the books that Google is digitizing?  The feds wanted to get
librarians to serve as informants so that the reading habits of
library patrons could be scrutinized.  Librarians pretty much rejected
that idea, and the feds were saddled with having to resort to going
through a legal process to get any such information.  Damn.

  Now, with Google soon to put all these books on-line, a new way to
track who's reading what presents itself.  What an opportunity!!
Think Google will play along?


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread Jeff Miles
	Speaking of bicycles, I just won a Cabela's sweepstakes of a $1000  
gift card. I was thinking about buying the top of the line Schwinn  
they have on their site. It's this one.  Any thoughts?;jsessionid=DDQX2PC1WNHVXLAQBBJSCO3MCAEFIIWE?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat602008-cat603441&id=0067007518293a&navCount=13&podId=0067007&parentId=cat603441&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=OG&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat601233&hasJS=true&_requestid=109972

Jeff M

On Aug 12, 2009, at 8:40 PM, Eric S. Sande wrote:

As a technology geek, I see no difference between a .45 (SAA,
M1911A1, New Service, take your pick), a bicycle (PX-10, Heron,
Schwinn, take your pick) or a computer (PC, Amiga, MAC, take
your pick).

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread Eric S. Sande
Of course, in those rural environs, guns were perfectly legal to own 
and to carry around.

The parents would have gotten a visit from the sheriff if I had been
in your place.  Guaranteed.  When I was growing up my Dad, who
was an infantryman in WWII, taught all of his children gun safety.

Which is a major factor in my decision not to keep or bear firearms
in what I consider inappropriate places.  I do enjoy shooting at the
range, both high power rifle and various handguns.

I consider it a skill worth practicing.  Now that my eyesight is declining
I'm not what you might call competitive, but I do understand the
various platforms and their advantages and disadvantages.  Of course
I also understand other technologies in the same terms.

It is all in the intent and skill of the user, including an appreciation of
the legal and social concerns.

Assuming I am equally adept at detail stripping an M1911A1 as I am
at the same task with a computer or a bicycle, which I am, and
assuming that most people can't do these things, which they can't,
my familiarity suggests that the only difference is the purpose that
the technology serves.

As a technology geek, I see no difference between a .45 (SAA,
M1911A1, New Service, take your pick), a bicycle (PX-10, Heron,
Schwinn, take your pick) or a computer (PC, Amiga, MAC, take
your pick).

If this list is about technology, as opposed to just computers, it
might be more productive to discuss this in more specific terms.

Rather than demonizing or extolling a particular category.

For example, I might say that I found my Heron to be excellent
for bicycle touring, but the added weight of the Macbook Pro and
the M1911A1 led me to prefer the netbook and the Colt 1908.

You could call me evil, but so far this discussion hasn't focused
on appropriate technology or personal responsibility, although
Betty did touch on those topics.

A desperate attempt to get this back on topic.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread b_s-wilk

They don't carry guns?

Of course the cops carry guns. Many don't have to shoot them, ever. They 
know the neighborhoods, and the residents. They use diplomacy. It often 

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[CGUYS] Google allowing users to opt-out

2009-08-12 Thread Jeff Wright

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[CGUYS] Just try to do this with your precious Airbook

2009-08-12 Thread Jeff Wright
Go ahead, I dare you.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 4:10 PM, b_s-wilk wrote:

> We used to have neighbors who took out their guns and shot each other when
> they had family feuds.

  It is my understanding that the venerable institution of using
firearms to settle scores was pretty much a rural thing that, over
time, migrated to urban environments.  Of course, in those rural
environs, guns were perfectly legal to own and to carry around.
Everybody had at least one.  Apparently, the adage that everyone being
armed makes for a safer environment didn't hold true back then, and
still doesn't today in the inner city.

> Stray
> bullets can hit anything or anybody.

  I had a stay bullet smack into a tree recently about 15 or so yards
from where I was standing.  I live out in the "country."  I had heard
the shooting, which is legal where I live, and knew where it was
originating from.  I got pretty angry about the near miss, and
immediately drove to the area where the shooting was taking place and
discovered about five teenage boys in a front yard with a couple of
rifles.  No adults anywhere in sight.

  They swore to me that they had been shooting in a different
direction, and pointed to a hill that sloped up toward the front of
the house of one of the boys.  I guess I was supposed to believe that
they had chosen the house as a background for their shooting
experience that day.  I told them that the report of the rifle, which
I heard a split second after the bullet hit the tree, had been
noticeably louder than any other of the shots they had been firing.
That fact told me that the rifle had been pointed in my direction when
the shot was fired that hit the tree.  I admonished them and they took
it without talking back.  They are lucky I didn't call the sheriff.  I
was fairly sure that their parents knew nothing of their exploits that
day.  Haven't heard any more shooting from there since.  Maybe they
are having fun these days with simulated shooting on their computers.


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Re: [CGUYS] Texas Judge stops Microsoft Selling Word

2009-08-12 Thread Fred Holmes
What's the security issue with using a document file format based on XML?

At 08:31 PM 8/12/2009, Art Clemons wrote:
>Guess patents are coming back to bite MS.  Apparently another entity had
>a patent on XML.  So much for XML as a generic standard.  Considering
>how XML has been a pain in the rear of security, it might not be a major

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[CGUYS] Texas Judge stops Microsoft Selling Word

2009-08-12 Thread Art Clemons
Guess patents are coming back to bite MS.  Apparently another entity had
a patent on XML.  So much for XML as a generic standard.  Considering
how XML has been a pain in the rear of security, it might not be a major

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Re: [CGUYS] Disk geometry error

2009-08-12 Thread Reid Katan

Quoting Tony B :

doesn't work. But then I remembered this list no longer deals with
computers very much. The moderators need to tighten things up or
change the name and scope of the group IMHO.

Yeah. IMHO also.

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Re: [CGUYS] Disk geometry error

2009-08-12 Thread TPiwowar

On Aug 12, 2009, at 12:49 PM, Tony B wrote:

Vista introduces a new drive "signature" which isn't restored with a
drive image with Ghost 14. Presumably Win7 will do the same. You must
boot to the Vista install disk and run "repair". Often several times.

Pray tell, why do we need such a "feature."

Is this another one of those abusive things M$ does for their own  
personal amusement?

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread Robert Carroll
Speaking as a university professor of about 35 years, I don't want 
students in my classes to have guns.  There have been several instances 
of disturbed students who have obtained a gun and threatened me and 
other faculty with being shot.  We call the FBI who come quickly.  So 
far none of the faculty in my department have been shot or killed by a 

On the other hand, my students study engineering and they tell me that 
engineering students don't go to Cancun during spring break for wet 
T-shirt contests.  I haven't yet figured out the correlation between gun 
threats and Cancun.

mike wrote:

During the Virginia Tech shootings, the guy reloaded several times.  Imagine
being one of those still alive, standing next to your slain friends waiting
for your killer to reload his guns to move on to you.

We can trade anecdotes all day long, stats speak for themselves.


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread b_s-wilk
We used to have neighbors who took out their guns and shot each other 
when they had family feuds. Most of them ended up in the ER with 
treatable wounds. A couple were killed. Doesn't make us feel safe to 
have any neighbors like that whether we have our own guns/rifles 
ourselves. Stray bullets can hit anything or anybody. Another neighbor 
used a marker in the neighbor's yard behind his house for target 
practice. There's a bar down the road where gunfights and deaths were 
common, and widely known, until it closed last year.

That's what happens when firearms laws are so lax that stupid people 
have too many guns. Probably bought them in Virginia. Probably got to VA 
in stolen and/or unlicensed cars.

This thread ignores that most gun murders are committed by family
members and acquaintances.  Others die in the cross-fire.  I don't deny
the second amendment, but toting guns mostly just generates false

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-

Think about arriving in a town where everybody is armed to the teeth.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 1:21 PM, mike wrote:

> During the Virginia Tech shootings, the guy reloaded several times.  Imagine
> being one of those still alive, standing next to your slain friends waiting
> for your killer to reload his guns to move on to you.
> We can trade anecdotes all day long, stats speak for themselves.

  Then clearly we need to require college students not only to have to
have a computer, but also at least one gun, and to take it to each and
every class they attend.

  Imagine the scenario at Kent State had all those students been
armed.  They could have retaliated, and instead of a few being killed,
there could have perhaps been dozens, students as well as members of
the Guard.


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread mike
They don't carry guns?

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 10:21 AM, b_s-wilk  wrote:

> I have friends who are cops and never use their guns. Instead they walk
> their beats in Philly and know the people in the neighborhoods. Good
> relations, not guns are their weapons of choice.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 6:14 PM, Fred Holmes wrote:

> The potential for a citizen to shoot back is a _very big deterrent_.  Crime 
> rates go down.

  A woman I know who lives in Florida thought that a fellow who was
visiting her at her home was becoming aggressive.  She grabbed her
gun, given to her by her husband, and aimed it at the guy.  He quickly
wrestled it away from her, and had he actually had evil intentions, he
could have killed her right on the spot with her own gun.  As it was,
he called the police and now she is charged with a crime.  She admits
that all she really had to do was call 911, but her husband had told
her to grab that gun if she ever felt the need.  Suppose that gun had
accidently gone off as she was aiming it?

 On another note, Texas has pretty wide open gun laws, and there is a
hell of a lot of shooting of people that goes on down there.  Guns are
everywhere.  However, that huge gun presence has not seemed to have
deterred much of anything in that state.  The murder rate is through
the roof and people are shooting each other for the slightest of
provocations.  A lot of guns doesn't seem to have done much there
except wreak havoc.

  Maybe a computers for guns trade-in program would work wonders there
to teach people that there are more civilized ways to settle issues.
Smack 'em with a laptop instead!!


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread mike
During the Virginia Tech shootings, the guy reloaded several times.  Imagine
being one of those still alive, standing next to your slain friends waiting
for your killer to reload his guns to move on to you.

We can trade anecdotes all day long, stats speak for themselves.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 9:57 AM, b_s-wilk  wrote:

> .
> If we had guns when we were held up, and tried to use them, we would be
> dead. We were approached by two armed men, one from the side and one behind
> us. There's no way we could have gotten our guns out before being shot. We
> were unarmed and cooperative. We didn't get shot.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Richard P. wrote:

> Sorry, but I can't resist... So would this mean that they would have
> "wrist fights" instead of fist fights??? We could work our way back up
> the skeleton, eliminating potential weapons of the human body until we
> get to the root of the real problem.

  Whatever.  Guns=gunfights.  I fail to see how any thinking person
can claim that if everyone were armed that there would be virtually no
more crime and that a huge proliferation of guns in the hands of
almost everyone walking around would not result in a lot more
shootings that we are now seeing.


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread b_s-wilk

I have a question. If guns are such a menace, why do we require cops
to carry them? And please don't use the excuse they're trained to use
them. I'm thinking of the 49 shots at the guy in New York where only
17 hit. And he was cornered in a porch.

Wasn't that an innocent man who asked an off-duty cop to get off his 
stoop as he often did to others, then was shot dead after hitting the 
cop who refused to leave? The victim had his fists, not a gun, and was 
shot by the cops anyway. What about the black off-duty NYC cop who was 
shot by a white cop in May?

I have friends who are cops and never use their guns. Instead they walk 
their beats in Philly and know the people in the neighborhoods. Good 
relations, not guns are their weapons of choice.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Fred Holmes wrote:

> But gun control only takes guns away from the victims.  It doesn't take guns 
> away from the criminals.  Fact of life.

  Not completely true.  Many guns are in the hands of criminals
because they were stolen from folks who had legally, or even
illegally, purchased or otherwise obtained them.  I dunno the
percentage, but a whole bunch of guns used by criminals are stolen.

  One more little thought.  If there were no gun control whatsoever,
you could bet your bottom dollar that virtually every criminally
minded person would have a gun.


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread b_s-wilk

But gun control only takes guns away from the victims.  It doesn't take guns 
away from the criminals.  Fact of life.

Au contraire. Gun control makes it harder to buy guns, legally or 
illegally. That decreases the number of guns available to both criminals 
and victims. So they use knives and bombs instead, not guns.

If we had guns when we were held up, and tried to use them, we would be 
dead. We were approached by two armed men, one from the side and one 
behind us. There's no way we could have gotten our guns out before being 
shot. We were unarmed and cooperative. We didn't get shot.

I'm proficient with both rifles and guns. Took a 3-month course from the 
military at a local armory in Philly. I have no interest in hunting 
[except when necessary, but not as a "sport"] or carrying a loaded 
weapon. I studied Akido and traditional Karate instead. Gave away the 
rifles. I have two hunting slingshots [and slingshot monkey and pig].

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Re: [CGUYS] Disk geometry error

2009-08-12 Thread Tony B
It may be some sort of Acronis error then. Still, I'd like to know if
formatting to ntfs again returns the drive to the full 500gb.

True, you can't do nearly enough testing without a notebook adapter
($10) and/or a USB drive adapter ($~30).

Vista introduces a new drive "signature" which isn't restored with a
drive image with Ghost 14. Presumably Win7 will do the same. You must
boot to the Vista install disk and run "repair". Often several times.
And it may run a required chkdsk. I think it took me three boots, but
no chkdsk. It's working fine now.

I was actually thinking of pointing this out in a separate thread for
those that may be curious why an image restore of their boot drive
doesn't work. But then I remembered this list no longer deals with
computers very much. The moderators need to tighten things up or
change the name and scope of the group IMHO.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Jack wrote:
> Before the restore with Acronis, I did do a disk r/w error check (when it
> was still "500GB" and had a FAT32X file system) and everything was fine.
> Loading it into another machine will be problematic as I don't have an
> external enclosure for the drive (which would really help things).
> Sorry to hear of your troubles upgrading the Vista hardware - is it the
> verification process that is tripping you up?  And yes, fdisk lives.

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Re: [CGUYS] Disk geometry error

2009-08-12 Thread Jack
Thanks for the replies.

Fred asked,
*"How old is the notebook computer?  Older hard drive controllers had the
number of bits allocated for Logical Block Access to be 28 (?), limiting the
size of the hard drive to 128 GB.  There have been various controller limits
over time.  There are various sneaky ways to get around this but it involves
loading drivers before they normally load.  It generally involves some sort
of special modification to the Master Boot Record of the large drive.  The
drive manufacturer generally has software for doing this."*

2006 - Dell Inspiron E1705 (a beast if there ever was one).  It came with a
100GB drive but checking around I saw that larger drives in the 320GB range
are supported by the controller.  However, your last sentence, "the drive
manufacturer", started me thinking I should just see what it at the WDC
site, and they do have support software there.

Tony B wrote, *
"... first I would want to make sure you can access the whole drive in it's
bare state. Both from another machine, and from that one. That will at least
tell you the drive is okay. So format.

"Then it just becomes a question of restoring the image. If you can't
restore it to the 500gb partition, try partitioning to 100g/400g and
restoring it to the new 100g.

"PS Even as we speak, I'm trying to upgrade my system drive (Vista32) and I
haven't jumped through so many hoops since Win98. In fact, what's really
depressing is that half the web searches I do on various errors eventually
lead to old fdisk instructions! :)"*

Before the restore with Acronis, I did do a disk r/w error check (when it
was still "500GB" and had a FAT32X file system) and everything was fine.
Loading it into another machine will be problematic as I don't have an
external enclosure for the drive (which would really help things).

Sorry to hear of your troubles upgrading the Vista hardware - is it the
verification process that is tripping you up?  And yes, fdisk lives.


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
I use a Colt 45 to cook my TV dinners, Jeff.  Adds that wild west
flavor!  What guns do you use to start computer programs?

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
Why do people not get this? Where would we be today after WWII
if it weren't for massive amounts of guns? As barbaric as they may be,
guns and the like have almost always won out and created the life you
live today. Without guns would we have had the space program, computers,
tv dinners?

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
This thread ignores that most gun murders are committed by family
members and acquaintances.  Others die in the cross-fire.  I don't deny
the second amendment, but toting guns mostly just generates false

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-

Think about arriving in a town where everybody is armed to the teeth.

What do you think about such a place?

The word "lawless" comes to mind.
Far from civilization.
Perhaps you are in one of the tribal territories of Pakistan?  
Afghanistan? A town in the middle of the Amazon?
The "Wind West?"

Certainly not a place where one would want to raise a family.

The gun nuts want to turn the clock back on civilization. Take us back
to a time when life was short, brutal, and ugly.

No I won't go along with that.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-12 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
Washington, DC was established long before Washington the state came
along and was admitted to the union - from the Oregon territory.  You'll
need to keep adding the state to Washington, or change its name, Jeff.
Stop whining.

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
BTW, I call DC that because I got sick of people thinking I
lived there when I said I lived in Washington. I shouldn't have to say
Washington State. Who says they live in Ohio State, or Illinois state,
or Tennessee State? And yes, those of us who live here tend to get a
little peeved at that presumption. The people who live in the nation's
capital live in the District of Columbia.

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Re: [CGUYS] CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, Music CD-R

2009-08-12 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
Music CDs include a tax to the industry.  No technical advantages.

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-Original Message-
Is there any difference among all these cd formats to copy music from iTunes?  
I mean, I understand CD-Rs can only be used once, CD-RWs can be rewritten, but 
what makes a Music CD-R a MUSIC CD-R?  If there are differences, anyone care to 
recommend brand(s)?  With thanks in advance ...

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