Go to the Airport Utility in the Utilities folder under the " GO " menu. Be sure the " join open networks " option is checked. If it already is then call the Apple genius, if not that should fix it.

On Apr 29, 2009, at 12:41 PM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system wrote:

From: Sandra Raredon <aster...@gmail.com>
Date: April 29, 2009 7:46:18 AM EDT
Subject: Airport network not connecting with macbook

My mom recently upgraded from Ibook to MacBook, Leopard OS. Everytime she wants to use wi-fi , her new computer keeps trying to log on the old network name. She is using a new network, so there is a conflict now. We tried to
go to the advance mode and delete the old network, but it keeps coming
back. If I get a new Airport express (she was and is using the Aiport base station now), the small plug in adapter....will that solve the problem? The problem is, I do not know anything about setting up network....all she wants to do is use her macbook in the kitchen, and connect via wi-fi. Does she
need another Airport base station or will an Airport express
work......thanks for helping!

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