Yes you can, at least on an intel mac running Leopard, and I'm
not so sure you even need Leopard.  The OS has no serial
numbers or activation keys.  This has always been the case
for OS X as far as I can remember.  Most Mac users are honest
and buy the extra licenses, and Apple makes it easy for them
to do this by making the cost of a family pack only a little bit
more than a single user license.  Remember, Apple is primarily
a hardware company and the software is an inducement.
Besides, Apple probably saves more money than they lose to
piracy by not having to have a big licensing infrastructure
and by reducing the number of support issues for problems
in older OS versions that are fixed in the newer OS.

On Aug 29, 2009, at 4:03 PM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system wrote:

From:    db <>
Subject: Re: Snow Leopard Review

Apple relies on the honor system?

There seems to be a discrepancy in this string ...

Can you just buy or borrow someone else's Snow Leopard and install it on
any Mac or what?


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