I have a Logitech bluetooth mouse for my MBP that uses rechargable AAA
batteries. It comes with a USB cable to tether the mouse to the laptop for
recharging when batteries get low. I often prefer to use my stand-alone
charger. This looks like an updated version of the one I have been using at
home.for about a year. I can verify the model # tonight.



> Subject: In the market for a mouse
> My new (2-year old) MacBook Pro touchpad is driving me crazy.  It had
> been my intention to work with it until I got it down-cold, but I'm
> ready to hang it up.  I have to do a lot of right-clicking while
> working with Win-XP and when I do the three-finger click, the cursor
> sometimes jumps to another part of the screen.
> I doubt there's any work-around - I think the answer is to just get a
> windows compatible mouse.  Any suggestions?

We have to abandon the idea that schooling is something restricted to youth.
How can it be, in a world where half the things a man knows at 20 are no
longer true at 40 -- and half the things he knows at 40 hadn't been
discovered when he was 20?

- Sir Arthur C. Clarke (1917 -2008)

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