Although I completely agree with the initial analysis, and would like that the latter part could be true, that deduction is totally divorced from any possible reality in my opinion. What is it we are trying to ... hoping to correct? How does one correct Afghanistan? What does correcting Afghanistan mean?... and how do we know when we have done it? Do you mean make it like the US? One of the most socially, economically and governmentally backward nations on the planet? Force it thru the changes in years or decades that our western cultures took 800 years to accomplish? How does one do that? Anybody got a machine or mechanism that does that?

It's a loose federation of feudal tribes in one of the bleakest and least nurturing landscapes in the world.

And it begs the "elephant in the room" question ... that few in America seem to see.... why would we want to do it and how did we get in this position?"

Why have the Russians and Americans been fighting in such a "bleak" and unlucky place in actuality or in proxy for decades now?

Why did Osama get so riled up that they attacked the WTC?

Why would they pick the World Trade Center? "World" .... "Trade" .... "Center" ?

Could it just possibly have anything to do that the area to the east has the richest remaining oil and gas deposits on the planet and Afghanistan offers the only possible pipeline route to the west from that region that is not already controlled by the Russians or the Iranians?

You think it is a coincidence that Turkmenistan immediately to the north has arguably the largest natural gas reserves on the planet... worth more than all the oil in Iraq?

(See: )

It's a no brainer that if the citizens of the area wanted us there ... or the Russians before us... they wouldn't be attacking us and fighting us.

What is it that Osama and Al Quaeda has been stating as there reasons for opposing us / attacking us?

Isn't it? "...go home ... get your troops out of our lands..."     ?

How we going to correct that ... kill them all? Make a jail out of citizens of the whole region?

How would we feel if foreign troops were in our country to ensure foreign control over resources and opportunity that belong to us?

We are spending 50 billion a year in Afghanistan fighting along with the lives of countless Americans and inhabitants. For what? So we can have an economic advantageous access to the oil and gas?

Couldn't we much more cheaply just buy the gas and oil than spend 50 billion a year in an manipulative and force full effort that is very likely not even going to work?

Seems like a no brainer no?

Why aren't we doing the no brainer thing of just buying the oil and gas instead of spending 50 billion and many lives to militarily/politically control the region?

Could it have anything to do with the fact that the potential resource advantage / the economic profit would go to the oil, gas and production corporations and their spreadsheet bottom line while the expense in $ and lives is born by the US taxpayer.

Is it possible that inexplicable cost and profit imbalance is why the oil and gas lobby spends so much on US congressional and presidential elections?

How DID we get into all of this and why are we still in it?
How does one really fix / correct all this?

Questions, Questions ...


is the latter part is the John Duncan Yoyo wrote:
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 9:38 AM, mike <> wrote:

Funny how it was credible when they were blasting Bush...but then when he
does things it's bad...obama good...bush bad..

The problem is Obama got stuck with a bunch of bad Bush policy and has to
figure out how to unravel the mess without leaving things for the worst.  I
don't think there was much of a choice in Afaganistan we broke it, we
ignored it, we should put it on the path to correcting it.

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