I run Windows XP in Fusion for garden variety apps like Excel ( there are VB add ons to Excel that are not available in the Mac version of the program ) and for apps that can't abide the network translation I run Windows XP directly in with Bootcamp. The point is that none of the virtualization options involve running Windows programs in anything other than Windows XP. The original poster has made clear that his core application for his potential new computer is to run certain Windows only applications. He didn't mention any other uses. If he runs almost exclusively in Windows he will not reap any of the benefits of the Mac OS so why should he pay the added cost of that OS? The better quality hardware that Apple uses is only a part of the cost of the ' Mac Tax '. The time and effort involved in the much better operating system with an enormously better user interface is the real added cost and the real cost saver over the long haul when total cost of ownership is considered. Very little of that would accrue to the original poster.

As to running WINE, I'm not a gamer and WINE is a toy. As I said in my original post I have ' mission critical " programs to run in Windows. As the Wine website makes abundantly clear :

" Wine is still under development, and it is not yet suitable for general use. Nevertheless, many people find it useful in running a growing number of Windows programs. "

On May 29, 2009, at 7:13 AM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system wrote:

 Wayne Dernoncourt <way...@panix.com>
Date: May 29, 2009 7:11:16 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Mac or PC laptop?

On May 28, 2009, at 10:27 PM, rileyca...@espsound.com wrote:
Your PC software will not run on a Mac - PERIOD.  PC software will
run on an Apple made computer if you have installed Windows on it
but the Mac OS runs software written to run in the Mac operating

This uninformed person has never heard of WINE.

Or Parallels/VMWare Fusion/Sun VirtualBox.

E. Riley Casey
Entertainment Sound Production
2311 Kansas Ave.
Silver Spring MD
301-608-2180 office phone
301-608-0789 fax
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