Re: [CGUYS] MobileMe [Was COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest …]

2009-11-09 Thread tjpa

On Nov 8, 2009, at 5:21 PM, David K Watson wrote:

No, I think it was only Exchange support and some of the new
MobileMe web apps that they had extended problems with when
Apple was transitioning from .Mac to MobileMe.  Mail, storage
and syncing went almost completely unaffected and have
remained so.  Apple's failures were with new features that no
one had yet come to rely on, unlike the Google, Sidekick and
R.I.M. failures.  Apple paid handsomely for its problems in rolling
out new features by giving MobileMe customers 90 days free.
But the bad server administration of those few new things
apparently put Tom off MobileMe for everything.

No. I think Apple has a long history of screwing up online services.  
The switch from dot Mac was clumsy and left customers high and dry  
when services they depended on were discontinued with very little  
notice. This bad management goes all the way back to the early days,  
eWorld users were all dumped with not much more than 30 days notice. I  
just don't trust Apple in this arena.

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Re: [CGUYS] MobileMe [Was COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest …]

2009-11-08 Thread David K Watson

No, I think it was only Exchange support and some of the new
MobileMe web apps that they had extended problems with when
Apple was transitioning from .Mac to MobileMe.  Mail, storage
and syncing went almost completely unaffected and have
remained so.  Apple's failures were with new features that no
one had yet come to rely on, unlike the Google, Sidekick and
R.I.M. failures.  Apple paid handsomely for its problems in rolling
out new features by giving MobileMe customers 90 days free.
But the bad server administration of those few new things
apparently put Tom off MobileMe for everything.

From:John Duncan Yoyo
Subject: Re: COMPUTERGUYS-L Digest - 7 Nov 2009 - Special issue  

On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 12:17 AM, David K Watson

I am not going to argue any general claims, but in this case go
back and read Tom's posts when MobileMe was having all its
service problems the first times Apple tried to put in Exchange
support.  Tom was at least as unhappy with Apple over that as
he was over MS's recent problems with Sidekick phone data.

Consider also that Google has had several notable service
failures a couple of times since then, particularly with email
and search, but I don't recall Tom being nearly so critical
about that. So it is possible to argue that in this case, Tom
is harder on Apple than he is on Google.

Some of that is the duration of the outages.  The Sidekick mess was  
a few

a week or two, Mobileme was prolonged.  Google was out for what a few
hours?  Every one is going to have server problems but the time it  
takes to

remedy the situation should be part of the outrage level.

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