[comtypes-users] Does the list eat posts?

2008-09-25 Thread Thomas Heller
It seems that not all posts arrive at the list???

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comtypes-users mailing list

Re: [comtypes-users] Events for device not working since version 0.3.2

2008-09-25 Thread Thomas Heller
Malte Skarupke schrieb:
> I'm trying to get the 3D Space Navigator
> (http://www.3dconnexion.com/) to work in Python. I quickly found a
> solution using comtypes on the 3DConnexion developer forum: 
> http://www.3dconnexion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=984&start=30
> However that solution only works with comtypes version 0.2.1. Any
> newer version will result in the events not registering.

I've looked up the thread in the forum.  A user codenamed 'kitsu' wrote:

Note that there is a error in the comtypes 0.3.2 GetEvents function which
causes it to miss all events. I've reported it to the mailing list, but
until it is fixed use comtypes 0.2.1.

I have not found the 'report' he mentions on the mailing list.
Dois the code snippet that he posted here
work with comtypes 0.2.1, and not with later comtypes?

> This is the output I get from the GetEvents() function when using
> version 0.2.1:
>   Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit 
> (Intel)] on win32
>   Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>   >>> import logging
>   >>> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
>   >>> class EventHandler:
>   ... def __getattr__(self, name):
>   ... print name
>   ...
>   >>> from comtypes.client import *
>   DEBUG:comtypes:CoInitializeEx(None, 2)
>   >>> x = CreateObject("TDxInput.Device")
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client:TDxInput.Device -> 
> {82C5AB54-C92C-4D52-AAC5-27E25E22604C}
> DEBUG:comtypes.client:CoCreateInstance({82C5AB54-C92C-4D52-AAC5-27E25E22604C},
>  clsctx=None, interface=None)
>   INFO:comtypes.client:wrap()
>   INFO:comtypes.client:Does implement IProvideClassInfo
>   INFO:comtypes.client:Implements default interface from typeinfo  'comtypes.gen._7858B9E0_5793_4BE4_9B53_661D922790D2_0_1_0.ISimpleDevice'>
>   INFO:comtypes.client:Final result is  c2c080>
>   >>> x.Connect()
>   0
>   >>> test = GetEvents(x.sensor, EventHandler)
>   INFO:comtypes.client:wrap_outparam()
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client: using 
> sinkinterface  'comtypes.gen._7858B9E0_5793_4BE4_9B53_661D922790D2_0_1_0._ISensorEvents'>
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client:Start advise  'comtypes.gen._7858B9E0_5793_4BE4_9B53_661D922790D2_0_1_0._ISensorEvents'>
>   DEBUG:comtypes._comobject: 0x00C12590>.QueryInterface({E6929A4A-6F41-46C6-9252-A8CC53472CB1}) -> S_OK
>   DEBUG:comtypes._comobject:1 active COM objects: Added   
>   DEBUG:comtypes._comobject: 0x00C12590>.AddRef() -> 1
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client:End advise  'comtypes.gen._7858B9E0_5793_4BE4_9B53_661D922790D2_0_1_0._ISensorEvents'>
>   DEBUG:comtypes._comobject: 0x00C12590>.Release() -> 0
>   DEBUG:comtypes._comobject:0 active COM objects: Removed 
>   >>>
> And this is the output I get when I use version 0.5.1:
>   Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit 
> (Intel)] on win32
>   Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>   >>> import logging
>   >>> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
>   >>> from comtypes.client import *
>   DEBUG:comtypes:CoInitializeEx(None, 2)
>   >>> x = CreateObject("TDxInput.Device")
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client:TDxInput.Device -> 
> {82C5AB54-C92C-4D52-AAC5-27E25E22604C}
> DEBUG:comtypes.client:CoCreateInstance({82C5AB54-C92C-4D52-AAC5-27E25E22604C},
>  clsctx=None, interface=None)
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client:GetBestInterface( at c0e3f0>)
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client:Does implement IProvideClassInfo
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client:Default interface is 
> {CB3BF65E-0816-482A-BB11-64AF1E837812}
>   DEBUG:comtypes:Release 
> DEBUG:comtypes.client._generate:GetModule(TLIBATTR(GUID={7858B9E0-5793-4BE4-9B53-661D922790D2},
>  Version=1.0, LCID=0, FLags=0x8))
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client:Implements default interface from typeinfo  'comtypes.gen._7858B9E0_5793_4BE4_9B53_661D922790D2_0_1_0.ISimpleDevice'>
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client:Final result is  ptr=0x9f3fc0 at c14d00>
>   DEBUG:comtypes:Release  c0ed00>
>   DEBUG:comtypes:Release 
>   DEBUG:comtypes:Release 
>   DEBUG:comtypes:Release 
>   DEBUG:comtypes:Release 
>   >>> x.Connect()
>   0
>   >>> test = ShowEvents(x.sensor)
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client:wrap_outparam( c14d50>)
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client._events: 
> using sinkinterface  'comtypes.gen._7858B9E0_5793_4BE4_9B53_661D922790D2_0_1_0._ISensorEvents'>
>   DEBUG:comtypes:Release  a91530>
>   # event found: _ISensorEvents_SensorInput
>   DEBUG:comtypes.client._events:Start advise  'comtypes.gen._7858B9E0_5793_4BE4_9B53_661D922790D2_0_1_0._ISensorEvents'>
>   DEBUG:comtypes._comobject: 0x00C52990>.QueryInterface({E6929A4A-6F41-46C6-9252-A8CC53472CB1}) -> S_OK
>   DEBUG:comtypes._comobject:1 active COM objects: Added