Michael Curran schrieb:
> Hi,
> Here is a python script that shows the problem in action.
> By default the script raises an error when trying to retreave the 
> offsetTop property. However, if you uncomment the commented line just 
> before that, then it works.
> Also, if using win32com.client.Dispatch instead of 
> comtypes.client.CreateObject(...,dynamic=True) the script also works.
> --Script--
> import comtypes.client
> print "starting IE... ",
> appObj=comtypes.client.CreateObject('internetExplorer.Application',dynamic=True)
> print appObj
> appObj.Visible=True
> print "Opening URL... ",
> appObj.Navigate('about:blank')
> print "done"
> print "fetching text range for body... ",
> range=appObj.Document.body.createTextRange()
> #range=comtypes.client.dynamic._Dispatch(range._comobj)
> print range
> print "OffsetTop property: ",
> offsetTop=range.offsetTop
> print "%s"%offsetTop
> --end of script --

Thanks, I'll look into it.


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