Michael Curran schrieb:
> Perhaps you can use None, I'm not sure. However, I used c_voidp, not 
> c_void_p.
> c_voidp as far as I am aware means void parameter, not void pointer. 
> c_voidp can be used in ctypes function declarations for the return type 
> when it is void.
> c_void_p is void pointer.

c_voidp and c_void_p is actually the very same type; which means a void pointer.
If a function or method returns nothing, 'void func(...)' in C, than 'None'
should be used for the .restype attribute.

So the correct comtypes definition is:
>>>      COMMETHOD([], None, 'ReleaseTLibAttr',
>>>                (['in'], POINTER(TLIBATTR)))
>>> ]

Thanks for finding it. I will correct it in svn asap.


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