On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Jonathan Share <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm currently trying to get Continuum working standalone on a Debian
> system and it seems that the documented instructions[1] are severely
> flawed.
> If you follow the instructions directly
> > ln -s /usr/local/continuum-[VERSION]/bin/linux/run.sh
> /etc/init.d/continuum
> > update-rc.d continuum defaults 80
> Then testing this on the shell
>  > invoke-rc.d continuum start
> things appear to work fine, however, when you let the system try and
> start continuum at boot it fails. There are 2 reasons for this failing.
> The first reason is that the symlinks created by update-rc.d are
> relative causing the loop to resolve the destination of the link to fail.
> Personally I have resolved this by replacing the loop with the readlink
> command. This is part of gnu coreutils so I believe it should be
> available on pretty much any system.
> Once that is fixed the wrapper dies because it can't find the JAVA_HOME
> environment variable. There is no way to set an environment variable so
> that it is available in the init scripts. In line with the debian
> guidelines[2] I would recommend adding a default JAVA_HOME in the script
> if one is not present, currently you only seem to do this for OS X. A
> sensible default could be something along the lines of
>  > JAVA_EXE=`which java`
>  > REAL_JAVA_EXE=`readlink -fn $JAVA_EXE`
>  > export JAVA_HOME=`dirname $REAL_JAVA_EXE`/../../
> 2 questions;
> 1) How did the current documentation end up on the site if it could
> never have worked as intended? Have I missed something obvious?

We don't have a Debian for tests so we let users to send us their process.

> 2) Do you want me to submit a patch for my proposed changes?

Yes, please.


> Regards,
> Jon
> [1]
> http://maven.apache.org/continuum/docs/1.1/installation/standalone.html#In_a_Debian-based_system
> [2] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html#s9.9

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