Yes, it's that easy, but  using bakers chocolate works better because
chocolate chips have stabilizers added and the bar chocolate doesn't. I have
used chocolate chips and you can certainly use them, but the end product is
better with the bars.  The French pour the melted chocolate on parchment
and press  what ever you're using in to the chocolate as opposed to stirring
them in and then pouring on to parchment.  Either way works, but if you're
stirring in ingredients then you have to work some what quickly as the
chocolate will  start to harden. I find that chocolate chips give you less
time to get  the bark poured on to the parchment. I've also used white
chocolate bars and added a bit of orange oil to give it a wonderful orange

-----Original Message-----
From: Cookinginthedark <> On Behalf Of
Irene Rehman via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020 7:48 PM
Cc: Irene Rehman <>
Subject: [CnD] Chocolate Bark


I want to make Almond bark and Pretzel bark, and wondering if it is as
simple as melting chocolate morsels, or even using  melting wafers,  and
stirring in the almonds or pretzels.

Has anyone made chocolate bark?

Irene R
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