Hello, I have just deployed copr-frontend with additional fixes for module
building and custom method. There was a problem for both when running from
GUI. clime

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 11:04 PM, Michal Novotny <cl...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hello folks,
> last week on Friday, we released the latest version of our stack. It was
> quite a big release, probably the biggest we have done so far...so as
> expected some problems occured - mainly, fedmsg sending didn't work up
> until Saturday 11pm UTC, rpm download counting was a bit off (counting in
> also hits from copr builders), and fas group list didn't contain any
> entries.
> The first problem was, in the end, solvable pretty easily by upgrading
> python3-fedmsg from version 1.0.1-4 to 1.1.0-1. In 1.0.1-4, there is a bug
> in signing by x509 that makes the message sending fail during json
> serialization (on error: type 'bytes' is not json-serializable). The same
> problem is there for gpg crypto backend even in master:
> https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedmsg/issues/506, I believe (but I might
> be wrong).
> The second problem was solved by excluding copr-builder-gateway
> (communication bridge between builders and copr-backend) from hit-counting.
> But this was done as late as today so some projects will have an excessive
> number of rpm downloads reported for the next ~6 days :).
> And finally the third problem, was in python2->python3 conversion. Namely,
> in python3, 'filter' built-in method returns an iterator and if you do
> something like: some_list = [x for x in filter_iter] and then you try to
> do: another_list = list(filter_iter), then another_list will be empty due
> to the previously done iteration. Not so surprising once you know it but
> before...quite hard to find :).
> So all of these problems should be pretty much resolved now. I don't
> expect this will be everything but I still consider this release to go
> relatively smoothly so far.
> So...what new did we actually bring?
> Well, the first thing you can notice are the cool graphs showing number of
> running builds during last day and last 90 days (https://copr.
> fedorainfracloud.org/status/stats/). We might do some minor tweaks to the
> graphics but otherwise I consider this work of our intern Dominik Turecek
> very nice.
> Then there is a new  "custom" srpm build method together with a custom
> webhook (!) thanks to Pavel Raiskup! This method makes it possible to very
> easily tweak the dynamic source rpm generation procedure by giving you
> anything-to-type text-area so you can e.g. write:
> #! /bin/sh
> rust2rpm <pkgname>
> spectool -g *.spec
> as suggested here: https://pagure.io/copr/copr/issue/246
> Extended examples of how to use this method (source type) can be found
> here: https://docs.pagure.org/copr.copr/custom_source_method.
> html#custom-source-method. By the way, we plan to extend the custom
> webhook functionality to other source methods as well.
> Another thing is Fedora DistGit auto-rebuilding!
> You can now setup a package in COPR that will be auto-rebuilt by a commit
> into your package repo at src.fedoraproject.org _super_ easily. All that
> is needed is to create a new SCM package, fill in "Clone URL" field with
> https:// clone url of your package repo and check "Webhook rebuild" (and
> Save).
> Note that you don't need to enable anything at src.fp.o settings page for
> your package if your package repo is a "main repo" (unforked). I will
> probably send a note about this feature even to fedora-devel mailing list.
> Next thing is that we reworked how "modules" are built in COPR, which is a
> great work done by Jakub Kadlcik. The main difference is that we no longer
> use MBS (Module Build Service) for building modules but we are building
> them ourselves, which brought many simplifications. Jakub will give you
> more information about this in his blog at http://frostyx.cz/.
> Another quite important thing is that we improved our queuing mechanism to
> prevent queue jamming that tend to occur quite frequently recently. We
> should be able to increase our throughput by a100% at least (in case anyone
> is building in COPR).
> Oh, we also added support for auto-rebuilding from BitBucket (!), which is
> a great work done by Peter Oliver (mavit).
> Next, we actually added tracking of srpm build progress (in case of
> dynamic source-generation methods like SCM). COPR now shows the progress of
> the srpm build as pending->starting->running(->suceeded), the same as for
> rpm build. The last item is in parentheses because when srpm build
> succeeds, then rpm (chroot) builds start (until then they are in "waiting"
> state) and the whole build status will start to follow the rpm builds.
> We also converted most of the stack to python3 (or python2+python3 as is
> the case for python-copr). The exception is copr-dist-git subpackage
> because there we needed to wait for python3-rpkg lib to be released first.
> Finally there was also some work done in copr-rpmbuild (the COPR builder
> package). You can now e.g. execute an rpm build _directly_ from a Github
> repo:
> copr-rpmbuild scm --clone-url https://github.com/<user>/<repo>
> ...of course that target repo needs to contain a spec file (at a given
> path, by default /) but still this is quite nice.
> There were probably more minor changes and some bugfixes but I am out of
> ideas right now. Please, check, the release notes at Bodhi** to get
> changelogs with full info. I think I covered the major things pretty
> well...but there is probably still something important I left out.
> So what's next?
> Well, we are making a new API (API number 3.  :)). If you are interested
> or you have some ideas how this API should look like, please, comment on
> https://pagure.io/copr/copr/issue/218.
> We will continue to work on copr-rpmbuild to make it more user-friendly
> and there is also an upcoming hot event of migrating the COPR stack to a
> new cloud environment :) (that hopefully will not have memory leaks like
> the current one has).
> Finally, copr-dist-git auto-importing is likely to become a very optional
> feature but that might take a little bit of time.
> Take care and enjoy!
> COPR team
> **updates:
> frontend: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-38ce310035
> backend: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-2aee8c7217
> keygen: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-17c38441a8
> selinux: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-11f4dc252c
> rpmbuild: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-cc8f474468
> python-copr: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-
> 48a7c1ee1d
> copr-cli: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-7f93a72506
> dist-git: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-027c334d03
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