Re: Multicluster Communication

2009-06-19 Thread Harish Mallipeddi
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Rakhi Khatwani rakhi.khatw...@gmail.comwrote:

 we want hadoop cluster 1 for collecting data n storing it in HDFS
 we want hadoop cluster 2 for using the stored data from HDFS and analysing

Why do you want to do this in the first place? It seems like you want
cluster1 to be a plain HDFS cluster and cluster2 to be a mapred cluster.
Doing something like that will be disastrous - Hadoop is all about sending
computation closer to your data. If you don't want that, you need not even
use hadoop.

Harish Mallipeddi

Re: Multicluster Communication

2009-06-19 Thread Rakhi Khatwani
Hi Harish,

I want both of them 2 b compute clusters. but yea... how wud they hv a
common storage area

we basically want to seperate the collection from analysis. is it possible
to dedicate a set of nodes in the hadoop cluster only for collections and
another set of nodes in the same cluster only for analysis?


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 4:19 PM, Harish Mallipeddi wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Rakhi Khatwani

  we want hadoop cluster 1 for collecting data n storing it in HDFS
  we want hadoop cluster 2 for using the stored data from HDFS and

 Why do you want to do this in the first place? It seems like you want
 cluster1 to be a plain HDFS cluster and cluster2 to be a mapred cluster.
 Doing something like that will be disastrous - Hadoop is all about sending
 computation closer to your data. If you don't want that, you need not even
 use hadoop.

 Harish Mallipeddi

sleep 60 between and putting files. Is it normal?

2009-06-19 Thread pavel kolodin

How i can ensure that cluster is up?
Now i using sleep 60 between and putting files to input...

Re: sleep 60 between and putting files. Is it normal?

2009-06-19 Thread Todd Lipcon
Hi Pavel,

You should use hadoop dfsadmin -safemode wait after starting your cluster.
This will wait for the namenode to exit safe mode so you can begin making


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:03 AM, pavel kolodin pavelkolo...@gmail.comwrote:

 How i can ensure that cluster is up?
 Now i using sleep 60 between and putting files to input...

Re: Restrict output of mappers to reducers running on same node?

2009-06-19 Thread jason hadoop
Yes, you are correct. I had not thought about sharing a file handle through
multiple tasks via jvm reuse.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Tarandeep Singh tarand...@gmail.comwrote:

 Jason, correct me if I am wrong-

 opening Sequence file in the configure (or setup method in 0.20) and
 to it is same as doing output.collect( ), unless you mean I should make the
 sequence file writer static variable and set reuse jvm flag to -1. In that
 case the subsequent mappers might be run in the same JVM and they can use
 the same writer and hence produce one file. But in that case I need to add
 hook to close the writer - may be use the shutdown hook.

 Jothi, the idea of combine input format is good. But I guess I have to
 somethign of my own to make it work in my case.

 Thanks guys for the suggestions... but I feel we should have some support
 from the framework to merge the output of mapper only job so that we don't
 get a lot number of smaller files. Sometimes you just don't want to run
 reducers and unnecessarily transfer a whole lot of data across the network.


 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 7:57 PM, jason hadoop

  You can open your sequence file in the mapper configure method, write to
  in your map, and close it in the mapper close method.
  Then you end up with 1 sequence file per map. I am making an assumption
  each key,value to your map some how represents a single xml file/item.
  On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Jothi Padmanabhan
   You could look at CombineFileInputFormat to generate a single split out
   several files.
   Your partitioner would be able to assign keys to specific reducers, but
   would not have control on which node a given reduce task will run.
   On 6/18/09 5:10 AM, Tarandeep Singh wrote:
Can I restrict the output of mappers running on a node to go to
running on the same node?
Let me explain why I want to do this-
I am converting huge number of XML files into SequenceFiles. So
theoretically I don't even need reducers, mappers would read xml
output Sequencefiles. But the problem with this approach is I will
getting huge number of small output files.
To avoid generating large number of smaller files, I can Identity
But by running reducers, I am unnecessarily transfering data over
   network. I
ran some test case using a small subset of my data (~90GB). With map
jobs, my cluster finished conversion in only 6 minutes. But with map
Identity reducers job, it takes around 38 minutes.
I have to process close to a terabyte of data. So I was thinking of a
* Writing a custom OutputFormat
* Somehow restrict output of mappers running on a node to go to
running on the same node. May be I can write my own partitioner
not sure how Hadoop's framework assigns partitions to reduce tasks.
Any pointers ?
Or this is not possible at all ?
  Pro Hadoop, a book to guide you from beginner to hadoop mastery, a community for Hadoop Professionals

Pro Hadoop, a book to guide you from beginner to hadoop mastery, a community for Hadoop Professionals

Re: Nor OOM Java Heap Space neither GC OverHead Limit Exeeceded

2009-06-19 Thread jason hadoop
You can pass the -D[some value] as part of your
job, or set it in your job conf before your task is submitted. THen the per
task jvm's will use that string as part of the jvm initialization paramter

The distributed cache is used for making files and archives that are stored
in hdfs, available in the local file system working area of your tasks.

The GenericOptionsParser class that most Hadoop user interfaces use,
provides a couple of command line arguments that allow you to specify local
file system files which are copied into hdfs and then made avilable as
stated above
-files and libjars are the to arguments.

My book has a solid discussion and example set for the distributed cache in
chapter 5.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:45 PM, akhil1988 wrote:

 Hi Jason!

 I finally found out that there was some problem in reserving the HEAPSIZE
 which I have resolved now. Actually we cannot change the HADOOP_HEAPSIZE
 using export from our user account, after we have started the Hadoop. It
 to changed by the root.

 I have a user account on the cluster and I was trying to change the
 Hadoop_heapsize from my user account using 'export' which had no effect.
 So I had to request my cluster administrator to increase the
 in and then restart hadoop. Now the program is running
 absolutely fine. Thanks for your help.

 One thing that I would like to ask you is that can we use DistributerCache
 for transferring directories to the local cache of the tasks?


 akhil1988 wrote:
  Hi Jason!
  Thanks for going with me to solve my problem.
  To restate things and make it more easier to understand: I am working in
  local mode in the directory which contains the job jar and also the
  and Data directories.
  I just removed the following three statements from my code:
  URI(/home/akhil1988/Ner/OriginalNer/Data/), conf);
  URI(/home/akhil1988/Ner/OriginalNer/Config/), conf);
  The program executes till the same point as before now also and
  terminates. That means the above three statements are of no use while
  working in local mode. In local mode, the working directory for the
  mapreduce tasks becomes the current woking direcotry in which you
  the hadoop command to execute the job.
  Since I have removed the DistributedCache.add. statements there
  be no issue whether I am giving a file name or a directory name as
  argument to it. Now it seems to me that there is some problem in reading
  the binary file using binaryRead.
  Please let me know if I am going wrong anywhere.
  jason hadoop wrote:
  I have only ever used the distributed cache to add files, including
  files such as shared libraries.
  It looks like you are adding a directory.
  The DistributedCache is not generally used for passing data, but for
  file names.
  The files must be stored in a shared file system (hdfs for simplicity)
  The distributed cache makes the names available to the tasks, and the
  files are extracted from hdfs and stored in the task local work area on
  task tracker node.
  It looks like you may be storing the contents of your files in the
  distributed cache.
  On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 6:56 AM, akhil1988
  Thanks Jason.
  I went inside the code of the statement and found out that it
  makes some binaryRead function call to read a binary file and there it
  Do you know whether there is any problem in giving a binary file for
  addition to the distributed cache.
  In the statement DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new
  URI(/home/akhil1988/Ner/OriginalNer/Data/), conf); Data is a
  which contains some text as well as some binary files. In the statement
  Parameters.readConfigAndLoadExternalData(Config/allLayer1.config); I
  see(in the output messages) that it is able to read the text files but
  gets struck at the binary files.
  So, I think here the problem is: it is not able to read the binary
  which either have not been transferred to the cache or a binary file
  be read.
  Do you know the solution to this?
  jason hadoop wrote:
   Something is happening inside of your (Parameters.
   code, and the framework is killing the job for not heartbeating for
   On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 8:32 PM, akhil1988
   One more thing, finally it terminates there (after some time) by
   final Exception: Job failed!

Re: Trying to setup Cluster

2009-06-19 Thread Dmitriy Ryaboy
In regards to your ssh problem --
1) make sure that your authorized_keys file contains the public key (not the
private key).
2) make sure the permissions on the .ssh directory and the files within it
are correct. They should look something like this:

dvrya...@ubuntu:~$ ls -la .ssh/
total 24
drwx--  2 dvryaboy dvryaboy 4096 2009-06-18 09:28 .
drwxr-xr-x 58 dvryaboy dvryaboy 4096 2009-06-18 17:18 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 dvryaboy dvryaboy  397 2009-06-18 09:28 authorized_keys
-rw---  1 dvryaboy dvryaboy 1675 2009-06-18 09:27 id_rsa
-rw-r--r--  1 dvryaboy dvryaboy  397 2009-06-18 09:27
-rw-r--r--  1 dvryaboy dvryaboy 1768 2009-06-18 09:31 known_hosts

(note that the private key and the directory are restricted to my user).


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Divij Durve wrote:

 Thanks for the info aaron. I think the $HADOOP_HOME does get resolved but i
 will change it anyway. I have tried all possible methods of getting the
 passwordless ssh to work even done cat file where generated key is saved
  authorized keys file

 It still asks for the pass for ssh localhost. I moved the job tracker to
 the main  node and then the cluster started working i did a data load but
 when i sent out a query like select count(1) from table name it gave me
 error. the query select * from table name worked just fine. I really cant
 figure out whats going wrong. I sent a mail out with the error a after this
 mail. Also let me know if there is any added info i need to give to help
 with a solution.


 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Aaron Kimball wrote:

  Are you encountering specific problems?
  I don't think that hadoop's config files will evaluate environment
  variables. So $HADOOP_HOME won't be interpreted correctly.
  For passwordless ssh, see
  just check the manpage for ssh-keygen.
  - Aaron
  On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 9:30 AM, Divij Durve
   Im trying to setup a cluster with 3 different machines running Fedora.
   cant get them to log into the localhost without the password but thats
   least of my worries at the moment.
   I am posting my config files and the master and slave files let me know
   anyone can spot a problem with the configs...
   ?xml version=1.0?
   ?xml-stylesheet type=text/xsl href=configuration.xsl?
   !-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. --
descriptionA base for other temporary directories./description
descriptionThe name of the default file system.  A URI whose
  scheme and authority determine the FileSystem implementation.
uri's scheme determines the config property (fs.SCHEME.impl)
  the FileSystem implementation class.  The uri's authority is
   used to
determine the host, port, etc. for a
descriptionThe host and port that the MapReduce job tracker runs
  at.  If local, then jobs are run in-process as a single map
and reduce task.
descriptionDefault block replication.
  The actual number of replications can be specified when the file
The default is used if replication is not specified in create
   i execute the command from gobi.something.something.
   is there any other info that i should provide in order to help? Also
   is where im running the data node the master file on kongur should have
   localhost in it rite? thanks for the help

Re: Announcing CloudBase-1.3.1 release

2009-06-19 Thread Tarandeep Singh
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 6:33 PM, zsongbo wrote:

 How about the index of CloudBase?

CloudBase has support for Hash Indexing. We have tested it with our
production data and found it very useful specially if you want to index on
Date column and later want to query on specific dates or date ranges.

I have explained indexing in details here-

In CloudBase-1.3 release, Update index was added so you can keep your index
up to date with data additions.

Let us know if you want to know more.


 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 4:16 AM, Ru, Yanbo wrote:

  We have released 1.3.1 version of CloudBase on sourceforge-
  CloudBase is a data warehouse system for Terabyte  Petabyte scale
  analytics. It is built on top of Map-Reduce architecture. It allows you
  query flat log files using ANSI SQL.
  Please give it a try and send us your feedback.
  Release notes -
  New Features:
  * CREATE CSV tables - One can create tables on top of data in CSV (Comma
  Separated Values) format and query them using SQL. Current implementation
  doesn't accept CSV records which span multiple lines. Data may not be
  processed correctly if a field contains embedded line-breaks. Please
 visit for detailed
  specification of the CSV format.
  Bug fixes:
  * Aggregate function 'AVG' returns the same value as 'SUM' function
  * If a query has multiple aliases, only the last alias works

Re: A simple performance benchmark for Hadoop, Hive and Pig

2009-06-19 Thread Owen O'Malley
On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 9:29 PM, Zheng Shao wrote:

 Yuntao Jia, our intern this summer, did a simple performance benchmark for
 Hadoop, Hive and Pig based on the queries in the SIGMOD 2009 paper: A
 Comparison of Approaches to Large-Scale Data Analysis

It should be noted that no one on the Pig team was involved in setting up
the benchmarks and the queries don't follow the Pig cookbook suggestions for
writing efficient queries, so these results should be considered *extremely*
preliminary. Furthermore, I can't see any way that Hive should be able to
beat raw map/reduce, since Hive uses map/reduce to run the job.

In the future, it would be better to involve the respective communities
(mapreduce-dev and pig-dev) far before pushing benchmark results out to the
user lists. The Hadoop project, which includes all three subprojects, needs
to be a cooperative community that is trying to build the best software we
can. Getting benchmark numbers is good, but are better done in a
collaborative manner.

-- Owen

Re: Multicluster Communication

2009-06-19 Thread Allen Wittenauer
On 6/19/09 3:49 AM, Harish Mallipeddi wrote:
 Why do you want to do this in the first place? It seems like you want
 cluster1 to be a plain HDFS cluster and cluster2 to be a mapred cluster.
 Doing something like that will be disastrous - Hadoop is all about sending
 computation closer to your data. If you don't want that, you need not even
 use hadoop.

Given some of the limitations with HDFS (quota operability, security), I
can easily why it would be desirable to have static data coming from one
grid while doing computation/intermediate outputs/real output to another.

Using performance as your sole metric of viability is a bigger disaster
waiting to happen.  Sure, we crashed the file system, but look how fast it
went down in flames!

Re: Multicluster Communication

2009-06-19 Thread Harish Mallipeddi
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Allen Wittenauer wrote:

 On 6/19/09 3:49 AM, Harish Mallipeddi
  Why do you want to do this in the first place? It seems like you want
  cluster1 to be a plain HDFS cluster and cluster2 to be a mapred cluster.
  Doing something like that will be disastrous - Hadoop is all about
  computation closer to your data. If you don't want that, you need not
  use hadoop.

 Given some of the limitations with HDFS (quota operability, security),
 can easily why it would be desirable to have static data coming from one
 grid while doing computation/intermediate outputs/real output to another.

Using performance as your sole metric of viability is a bigger disaster
 waiting to happen.  Sure, we crashed the file system, but look how fast it
 went down in flames!

Well apart from doing a distcp between the 2 clusters periodically, I don't
see how this can be done in a way that would yield acceptable performance.

Harish Mallipeddi

Re: sleep 60 between and putting files. Is it normal?

2009-06-19 Thread Alex Loddengaard
Hey Pavel,

It's also worth checking the number of data nodes that have registered with
the name node, depending on what you're trying to do when HDFS is ready.
Try this:

hadoop dfsadmin -report | grep Datanodes available | awk '{ print $3 }'

- or -

 while [ `hadoop dfsadmin -report | grep Datanodes available | awk '{
 print $3 }'` -ne $MIN_NODES ]
   sleep 2
   if [ $counter -gt $MAX_RETRIES ]
 echo Note enough data nodes registered!
 exit 1

If you try to write HDFS data immediately after the name node is out of safe
mode, you might get replication errors if data nodes haven't registered yet.


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:21 AM, Todd Lipcon wrote:

 Hi Pavel,

 You should use hadoop dfsadmin -safemode wait after starting your
 This will wait for the namenode to exit safe mode so you can begin making


 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:03 AM, pavel kolodin

  How i can ensure that cluster is up?
  Now i using sleep 60 between and putting files to

Re: A simple performance benchmark for Hadoop, Hive and Pig

2009-06-19 Thread Ashish Thusoo
This numbers are definitely preliminary and the reason that we send them out 
was to involve the community from the get go and have them critique this work. 
The mistake though was sending this out on the users list as opposed to the dev 
Regarding better than map/reduce I think that the number is better than thae 
particular way the query was implemented in the SIGMOD paper. It is more of a 
reflection of the implementation there as opposed to map/reduce in general. 

In keeping with Owen's comments we should move this discussion to the dev 
lists, users is not an appropriate forum for it. 


- Original Message -
From: Owen O'Malley
Sent: Fri Jun 19 10:03:06 2009
Subject: Re: A simple performance benchmark for Hadoop, Hive and Pig

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 9:29 PM, Zheng Shao wrote:

 Yuntao Jia, our intern this summer, did a simple performance benchmark for
 Hadoop, Hive and Pig based on the queries in the SIGMOD 2009 paper: A
 Comparison of Approaches to Large-Scale Data Analysis

It should be noted that no one on the Pig team was involved in setting up
the benchmarks and the queries don't follow the Pig cookbook suggestions for
writing efficient queries, so these results should be considered *extremely*
preliminary. Furthermore, I can't see any way that Hive should be able to
beat raw map/reduce, since Hive uses map/reduce to run the job.

In the future, it would be better to involve the respective communities
(mapreduce-dev and pig-dev) far before pushing benchmark results out to the
user lists. The Hadoop project, which includes all three subprojects, needs
to be a cooperative community that is trying to build the best software we
can. Getting benchmark numbers is good, but are better done in a
collaborative manner.

-- Owen

RE: A simple performance benchmark for Hadoop, Hive and Pig

2009-06-19 Thread Zheng Shao
I completely agree with Owen on this point.  Let's move all discussions to dev 
lists and jira:

I was confused by seeing so many automatic emails in the dev mailing list.

-Original Message-
From: Owen O'Malley [] 
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: A simple performance benchmark for Hadoop, Hive and Pig

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 9:29 PM, Zheng Shao wrote:

 Yuntao Jia, our intern this summer, did a simple performance benchmark for
 Hadoop, Hive and Pig based on the queries in the SIGMOD 2009 paper: A
 Comparison of Approaches to Large-Scale Data Analysis

It should be noted that no one on the Pig team was involved in setting up
the benchmarks and the queries don't follow the Pig cookbook suggestions for
writing efficient queries, so these results should be considered *extremely*
preliminary. Furthermore, I can't see any way that Hive should be able to
beat raw map/reduce, since Hive uses map/reduce to run the job.

In the future, it would be better to involve the respective communities
(mapreduce-dev and pig-dev) far before pushing benchmark results out to the
user lists. The Hadoop project, which includes all three subprojects, needs
to be a cooperative community that is trying to build the best software we
can. Getting benchmark numbers is good, but are better done in a
collaborative manner.

-- Owen

Announcing CloudBase-1.3.1 release

2009-06-19 Thread Leo Dagum
CloudBase is a data warehouse system for Terabyte  Petabyte scale
analytics. It is built on top of hadoop. It allows you
to query flat files using ANSI SQL.

We have released 1.3.1 version of CloudBase on sourceforge-

Please give it a try and send us your feedback.  

You can follow CloudBase related discussion in the google mail list:

Release notes -

New Features:
* CREATE CSV tables - One can create tables on top of data in CSV
(Comma Separated Values) format and query them using SQL. Current
implementation doesn't accept CSV records which span multiple lines.
Data may not be processed correctly if a field contains embedded line-
breaks. Please visit
for detailed specification of the CSV format.

Bug fixes:
* Aggregate function 'AVG' returns the same value as 'SUM' function
* If a query has multiple aliases, only the last alias works
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
CloudBase group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: :!!

2009-06-19 Thread Scott Carey
Yes, any machine that has network access to the cluster can read/write to hdfs. 
 It does not need to be part of the cluster or running any hadoop daemons.

Such a client just needs to have hadoop set up on it and the configuration 
details for contacting the namenode.
If using the hadoop command line, this means that the hadoop xml config files 
have to be set up.  If you embed the hadoop jars in your own app, you have to 
provide the config information via files or programatically.

Essentially, the client only needs to know how to contact the namenode.   The 
namenode will automatically tell the hdfs client how to communicate to each 
datanode for storing or getting data.

On 6/14/09 8:54 PM, Sugandha Naolekar wrote:


I want to execute all my code on a machine that's remote(not a part of
hadoop cluster).
This code includes ::file transfers between any nodes (remote or within
hadoop cluster or within same LAN)-irrespective.; and HDFS. I will have to
simply write a code for this.

Is it possible?



Re: multiple file input

2009-06-19 Thread pmg

For the sake of simplification I have simplified my input into two files 1.
FileA 2. FileB

As I said earlier I want to compare every record of FileA against every
record in FileB I know this is n2 but this is the process. I wrote a simple
InputFormat and RecordReader. It seems each file is read serially one after
another. How can my record read have reference to both files at the same
line so that I can create cross list of FileA and FileB for the mapper.

Basically the way I see is to get mapper one record from FileA and all
records from FileB so that mapper can compare n2 and forward them to


pmg wrote:
 Thanks owen. Are there any examples that I can look at? 
 owen.omalley wrote:
 On Jun 18, 2009, at 10:56 AM, pmg wrote:
 Each line from FileA gets compared with every line from FileB1,  
 FileB2 etc.
 etc. FileB1, FileB2 etc. are in a different input directory
 In the general case, I'd define an InputFormat that takes two  
 directories, computes the input splits for each directory and  
 generates a new list of InputSplits that is the cross-product of the  
 two lists. So instead of FileSplit, it would use a FileSplitPair that  
 gives the FileSplit for dir1 and the FileSplit for dir2 and the record  
 reader would return a TextPair with left and right records (ie.  
 lines). Clearly, you read the first line of split1 and cross it by  
 each line from split2, then move to the second line of split1 and  
 process each line from split2, etc.
 You'll need to ensure that you don't overwhelm the system with either  
 too many input splits (ie. maps). Also don't forget that N^2/M grows  
 much faster with the size of the input (N) than the M machines can  
 handle in a fixed amount of time.
 Two input directories

 1. input1 directory with a single file of 600K records - FileA
 2. input2 directory segmented into different files with 2Million  
 records -
 FileB1, FileB2 etc.
 In this particular case, it would be right to load all of FileA into  
 memory and process the chunks of FileB/part-*. Then it would be much  
 faster than needing to re-read the file over and over again, but  
 otherwise it would be the same.
 -- Owen

View this message in context:
Sent from the Hadoop core-user mailing list archive at

Re: multiple file input

2009-06-19 Thread Tarandeep Singh
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:41 PM, pmg wrote:

 For the sake of simplification I have simplified my input into two files 1.
 FileA 2. FileB

 As I said earlier I want to compare every record of FileA against every
 record in FileB I know this is n2 but this is the process. I wrote a simple
 InputFormat and RecordReader. It seems each file is read serially one after
 another. How can my record read have reference to both files at the same
 line so that I can create cross list of FileA and FileB for the mapper.

 Basically the way I see is to get mapper one record from FileA and all
 records from FileB so that mapper can compare n2 and forward them to

It will be hard (and inefficient) to do this in Mapper using some custom
intput format. What you can do is use Semi Join technique-

Since File A is smaller, run a map reduce job that will output key,value
pair where key is the field or set of fields on which you want to do the
comparison and value is the whole line.

The reducer is simply an Identity reducer which writes the files. So your
fileA has been partitioned on the field(s). you can also create bloom filter
on this field and store it in Distributed Cache.

Now read FileB, load Bloom filter into memory and see if the field from line
of FileB is present in Bloom filter, if yes emit Key,Value pair else not.

At reducers, you get the contents of FileB partitioned just like contents of
fileA were partitioned and at a particular reducer you get lines sorted on
the field you want to do the comparison, At this point you read the contents
of FileA that reached this reducer and since its contents were sorted as
well, you can quickly go over the two lists.



 pmg wrote:
  Thanks owen. Are there any examples that I can look at?
  owen.omalley wrote:
  On Jun 18, 2009, at 10:56 AM, pmg wrote:
  Each line from FileA gets compared with every line from FileB1,
  FileB2 etc.
  etc. FileB1, FileB2 etc. are in a different input directory
  In the general case, I'd define an InputFormat that takes two
  directories, computes the input splits for each directory and
  generates a new list of InputSplits that is the cross-product of the
  two lists. So instead of FileSplit, it would use a FileSplitPair that
  gives the FileSplit for dir1 and the FileSplit for dir2 and the record
  reader would return a TextPair with left and right records (ie.
  lines). Clearly, you read the first line of split1 and cross it by
  each line from split2, then move to the second line of split1 and
  process each line from split2, etc.
  You'll need to ensure that you don't overwhelm the system with either
  too many input splits (ie. maps). Also don't forget that N^2/M grows
  much faster with the size of the input (N) than the M machines can
  handle in a fixed amount of time.
  Two input directories
  1. input1 directory with a single file of 600K records - FileA
  2. input2 directory segmented into different files with 2Million
  records -
  FileB1, FileB2 etc.
  In this particular case, it would be right to load all of FileA into
  memory and process the chunks of FileB/part-*. Then it would be much
  faster than needing to re-read the file over and over again, but
  otherwise it would be the same.
  -- Owen

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Hadoop core-user mailing list archive at

Re: multiple file input

2009-06-19 Thread pmg

thanks tarandeep

Correct if I am wrong that when I map FileA mapper created key,value pair
and sends across to the reducer. If so then how can I compare when FileB is
not even mapped yet.

Tarandeep wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:41 PM, pmg wrote:

 For the sake of simplification I have simplified my input into two files
 FileA 2. FileB

 As I said earlier I want to compare every record of FileA against every
 record in FileB I know this is n2 but this is the process. I wrote a
 InputFormat and RecordReader. It seems each file is read serially one
 another. How can my record read have reference to both files at the same
 line so that I can create cross list of FileA and FileB for the mapper.

 Basically the way I see is to get mapper one record from FileA and all
 records from FileB so that mapper can compare n2 and forward them to
 It will be hard (and inefficient) to do this in Mapper using some custom
 intput format. What you can do is use Semi Join technique-
 Since File A is smaller, run a map reduce job that will output key,value
 pair where key is the field or set of fields on which you want to do the
 comparison and value is the whole line.
 The reducer is simply an Identity reducer which writes the files. So your
 fileA has been partitioned on the field(s). you can also create bloom
 on this field and store it in Distributed Cache.
 Now read FileB, load Bloom filter into memory and see if the field from
 of FileB is present in Bloom filter, if yes emit Key,Value pair else not.
 At reducers, you get the contents of FileB partitioned just like contents
 fileA were partitioned and at a particular reducer you get lines sorted on
 the field you want to do the comparison, At this point you read the
 of FileA that reached this reducer and since its contents were sorted as
 well, you can quickly go over the two lists.


 pmg wrote:
  Thanks owen. Are there any examples that I can look at?
  owen.omalley wrote:
  On Jun 18, 2009, at 10:56 AM, pmg wrote:
  Each line from FileA gets compared with every line from FileB1,
  FileB2 etc.
  etc. FileB1, FileB2 etc. are in a different input directory
  In the general case, I'd define an InputFormat that takes two
  directories, computes the input splits for each directory and
  generates a new list of InputSplits that is the cross-product of the
  two lists. So instead of FileSplit, it would use a FileSplitPair that
  gives the FileSplit for dir1 and the FileSplit for dir2 and the record
  reader would return a TextPair with left and right records (ie.
  lines). Clearly, you read the first line of split1 and cross it by
  each line from split2, then move to the second line of split1 and
  process each line from split2, etc.
  You'll need to ensure that you don't overwhelm the system with either
  too many input splits (ie. maps). Also don't forget that N^2/M grows
  much faster with the size of the input (N) than the M machines can
  handle in a fixed amount of time.
  Two input directories
  1. input1 directory with a single file of 600K records - FileA
  2. input2 directory segmented into different files with 2Million
  records -
  FileB1, FileB2 etc.
  In this particular case, it would be right to load all of FileA into
  memory and process the chunks of FileB/part-*. Then it would be much
  faster than needing to re-read the file over and over again, but
  otherwise it would be the same.
  -- Owen

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Hadoop core-user mailing list archive at


View this message in context:
Sent from the Hadoop core-user mailing list archive at

Re: multiple file input

2009-06-19 Thread Tarandeep Singh
oh my bad, I was not clear-

For FileB, you will be running a second map reduce job. In mapper, you can
use the Bloom Filter, created in first map reduce job (if you wish to use)
to eliminate the lines whose keys dont match. Mapper will emit key,value
pair, where key is teh field on which you want to do comparison and value is
the whole line.

when the key,value pairs go to reducers, then you have lines from FileB
sorted on the field yon want to use for comparison. Now you can read
contents of FileA (note that if you ran first job with N reducers, you will
have N paritions of FileA and you want to read only the partition meant for
this reducer). Content of FileA is also sorted on the field, Now you can
easily compare the lines from two files.

CloudBase- has code for doing join this fashion.

Let me know if you need more clarification.


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:45 PM, pmg wrote:

 thanks tarandeep

 Correct if I am wrong that when I map FileA mapper created key,value pair
 and sends across to the reducer. If so then how can I compare when FileB is
 not even mapped yet.

 Tarandeep wrote:
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:41 PM, pmg wrote:
  For the sake of simplification I have simplified my input into two files
  FileA 2. FileB
  As I said earlier I want to compare every record of FileA against every
  record in FileB I know this is n2 but this is the process. I wrote a
  InputFormat and RecordReader. It seems each file is read serially one
  another. How can my record read have reference to both files at the same
  line so that I can create cross list of FileA and FileB for the mapper.
  Basically the way I see is to get mapper one record from FileA and all
  records from FileB so that mapper can compare n2 and forward them to
  It will be hard (and inefficient) to do this in Mapper using some custom
  intput format. What you can do is use Semi Join technique-
  Since File A is smaller, run a map reduce job that will output key,value
  pair where key is the field or set of fields on which you want to do the
  comparison and value is the whole line.
  The reducer is simply an Identity reducer which writes the files. So your
  fileA has been partitioned on the field(s). you can also create bloom
  on this field and store it in Distributed Cache.
  Now read FileB, load Bloom filter into memory and see if the field from
  of FileB is present in Bloom filter, if yes emit Key,Value pair else not.
  At reducers, you get the contents of FileB partitioned just like contents
  fileA were partitioned and at a particular reducer you get lines sorted
  the field you want to do the comparison, At this point you read the
  of FileA that reached this reducer and since its contents were sorted as
  well, you can quickly go over the two lists.
  pmg wrote:
   Thanks owen. Are there any examples that I can look at?
   owen.omalley wrote:
   On Jun 18, 2009, at 10:56 AM, pmg wrote:
   Each line from FileA gets compared with every line from FileB1,
   FileB2 etc.
   etc. FileB1, FileB2 etc. are in a different input directory
   In the general case, I'd define an InputFormat that takes two
   directories, computes the input splits for each directory and
   generates a new list of InputSplits that is the cross-product of the
   two lists. So instead of FileSplit, it would use a FileSplitPair that
   gives the FileSplit for dir1 and the FileSplit for dir2 and the
   reader would return a TextPair with left and right records (ie.
   lines). Clearly, you read the first line of split1 and cross it by
   each line from split2, then move to the second line of split1 and
   process each line from split2, etc.
   You'll need to ensure that you don't overwhelm the system with either
   too many input splits (ie. maps). Also don't forget that N^2/M grows
   much faster with the size of the input (N) than the M machines can
   handle in a fixed amount of time.
   Two input directories
   1. input1 directory with a single file of 600K records - FileA
   2. input2 directory segmented into different files with 2Million
   records -
   FileB1, FileB2 etc.
   In this particular case, it would be right to load all of FileA into
   memory and process the chunks of FileB/part-*. Then it would be much
   faster than needing to re-read the file over and over again, but
   otherwise it would be the same.
   -- Owen
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the Hadoop core-user mailing list archive at

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Hadoop core-user mailing list archive at

Re: multiple file input

2009-06-19 Thread pmg

Thanks Tarandeep for prompt reply.

Let me give you an example structure of FileA and FileB


123 ABC 1

123 ABC 2
456 BNF 3

Both the files are tab delimited. Every record is not simply compared with
each record in FileB. There's heuristic I am going to run for the comparison
and score the results along with output. So my output file is like this


123 ABC 1 123 ABC 2 10 
123 ABC 1 456 BNF 3 20

first 3 columns in the output file are from FileA, next three columns are
from FileB and the last column is their comparison score.

So basically you are saying we can use two map/reduce jobs for FileA and
other for FileB

map (FileA) - reduce (FileA)- map (FileB) - reduce (FileB)

For the first file FileA I map them with k,V (I can't use bloom filter
because comparison between each record from FileA is not a straight
comparison with every record in FileB - They are compared using heuristic
and scored them for their quantitative comparison and stored)

In the FileA reduce I store it in the distributed cache. Once this is done
map the FileB in the second map and in the FileB reduce read in the FileA
from the distributed cache and do my heuristics for every K,V) from FileB
and store my result 


Tarandeep wrote:
 oh my bad, I was not clear-
 For FileB, you will be running a second map reduce job. In mapper, you can
 use the Bloom Filter, created in first map reduce job (if you wish to use)
 to eliminate the lines whose keys dont match. Mapper will emit key,value
 pair, where key is teh field on which you want to do comparison and value
 the whole line.
 when the key,value pairs go to reducers, then you have lines from FileB
 sorted on the field yon want to use for comparison. Now you can read
 contents of FileA (note that if you ran first job with N reducers, you
 have N paritions of FileA and you want to read only the partition meant
 this reducer). Content of FileA is also sorted on the field, Now you can
 easily compare the lines from two files.
 CloudBase- has code for doing join this fashion.
 Let me know if you need more clarification.
 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:45 PM, pmg wrote:

 thanks tarandeep

 Correct if I am wrong that when I map FileA mapper created key,value pair
 and sends across to the reducer. If so then how can I compare when FileB
 not even mapped yet.

 Tarandeep wrote:
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:41 PM, pmg wrote:
  For the sake of simplification I have simplified my input into two
  FileA 2. FileB
  As I said earlier I want to compare every record of FileA against
  record in FileB I know this is n2 but this is the process. I wrote a
  InputFormat and RecordReader. It seems each file is read serially one
  another. How can my record read have reference to both files at the
  line so that I can create cross list of FileA and FileB for the
  Basically the way I see is to get mapper one record from FileA and all
  records from FileB so that mapper can compare n2 and forward them to
  It will be hard (and inefficient) to do this in Mapper using some
  intput format. What you can do is use Semi Join technique-
  Since File A is smaller, run a map reduce job that will output
  pair where key is the field or set of fields on which you want to do
  comparison and value is the whole line.
  The reducer is simply an Identity reducer which writes the files. So
  fileA has been partitioned on the field(s). you can also create bloom
  on this field and store it in Distributed Cache.
  Now read FileB, load Bloom filter into memory and see if the field from
  of FileB is present in Bloom filter, if yes emit Key,Value pair else
  At reducers, you get the contents of FileB partitioned just like
  fileA were partitioned and at a particular reducer you get lines sorted
  the field you want to do the comparison, At this point you read the
  of FileA that reached this reducer and since its contents were sorted
  well, you can quickly go over the two lists.
  pmg wrote:
   Thanks owen. Are there any examples that I can look at?
   owen.omalley wrote:
   On Jun 18, 2009, at 10:56 AM, pmg wrote:
   Each line from FileA gets compared with every line from FileB1,
   FileB2 etc.
   etc. FileB1, FileB2 etc. are in a different input directory
   In the general case, I'd define an InputFormat that takes two
   directories, computes the input splits for each directory and
   generates a new list of InputSplits that is the cross-product of
   two lists. So instead of FileSplit, it would use a FileSplitPair
   gives the FileSplit for dir1 and the FileSplit for dir2 and the
   reader would return a TextPair with 

Re: multiple file input

2009-06-19 Thread Tarandeep Singh
hey I think I got your question wrong. My solution won't let you achieve
what you intended. your example made it clear.

Since it is a cross product, the contents of one of the files has to be in
memory for iteration, but since size is big, so might not be possible, so
how about this solution and this will scale too-

First make smaller chunks of your big files (small enough that one chunk can
be stored in memory). Hadoop's block size is set to 64MB by default. If this
seems ok according to the RAM you have, then simply run Identity Mapper only
job on for both Files A and B. The output will be smaller files with the
names part-0001, part-0002 etc. For simplicty let us call chunks of File A
as A1, A2, A3... and chunks of B as B1, B2, B3

Create a file (or write a program that will generate this file) that
contains the cross product of these chunks-
A1 B1
A1 B2
A1 B3
A2 B1
A2 B2
A2 B3

Now run a Map only job (no reducer). Use NLineInputFormat and set N = 1.
give input to your job this file. NLineInputFormat will give each mapper a
line from this file. So for example, lets say a mapper got the line A1 B3,
which means take cross product of the contents of chunk A1 and chunk B1.

you can read one of the chunk completely and store in memory as a list or
array. And then read second chunk and do the comparison.

Now, as you would have guessed, instead of creating chunks, you can actually
calculate offsets in the files (after an interval of say 64MB) and can
achieve the same effect. HDFS allows seeking to an offset in a file so that
will work too.


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 4:33 PM, pmg wrote:

 Thanks Tarandeep for prompt reply.

 Let me give you an example structure of FileA and FileB


 123 ABC 1

 123 ABC 2
 456 BNF 3

 Both the files are tab delimited. Every record is not simply compared with
 each record in FileB. There's heuristic I am going to run for the
 and score the results along with output. So my output file is like this


 123 ABC 1 123 ABC 2 10
 123 ABC 1 456 BNF 3 20

 first 3 columns in the output file are from FileA, next three columns are
 from FileB and the last column is their comparison score.

 So basically you are saying we can use two map/reduce jobs for FileA and
 other for FileB

 map (FileA) - reduce (FileA)- map (FileB) - reduce (FileB)

 For the first file FileA I map them with k,V (I can't use bloom filter
 because comparison between each record from FileA is not a straight
 comparison with every record in FileB - They are compared using heuristic
 and scored them for their quantitative comparison and stored)

 In the FileA reduce I store it in the distributed cache. Once this is done
 map the FileB in the second map and in the FileB reduce read in the FileA
 from the distributed cache and do my heuristics for every K,V) from FileB
 and store my result


 Tarandeep wrote:
  oh my bad, I was not clear-
  For FileB, you will be running a second map reduce job. In mapper, you
  use the Bloom Filter, created in first map reduce job (if you wish to
  to eliminate the lines whose keys dont match. Mapper will emit key,value
  pair, where key is teh field on which you want to do comparison and value
  the whole line.
  when the key,value pairs go to reducers, then you have lines from FileB
  sorted on the field yon want to use for comparison. Now you can read
  contents of FileA (note that if you ran first job with N reducers, you
  have N paritions of FileA and you want to read only the partition meant
  this reducer). Content of FileA is also sorted on the field, Now you can
  easily compare the lines from two files.
  CloudBase- has code for doing join this
  Let me know if you need more clarification.
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 3:45 PM, pmg wrote:
  thanks tarandeep
  Correct if I am wrong that when I map FileA mapper created key,value
  and sends across to the reducer. If so then how can I compare when FileB
  not even mapped yet.
  Tarandeep wrote:
   On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:41 PM, pmg wrote:
   For the sake of simplification I have simplified my input into two
   FileA 2. FileB
   As I said earlier I want to compare every record of FileA against
   record in FileB I know this is n2 but this is the process. I wrote a
   InputFormat and RecordReader. It seems each file is read serially one
   another. How can my record read have reference to both files at the
   line so that I can create cross list of FileA and FileB for the
   Basically the way I see is to get mapper one record from FileA and
   records from FileB so that mapper can compare n2 and forward them to
   It will be hard (and inefficient) to do this in Mapper 

Re: multiple file input

2009-06-19 Thread pmg

First make smaller chunks of your big files (small enough that one chunk can
be stored in memory). Hadoop's block size is set to 64MB by default. If this
seems ok according to the RAM you have, then simply run Identity Mapper only
job on for both Files A and B. The output will be smaller files with the
names part-0001, part-0002 etc. For simplicty let us call chunks of File A
as A1, A2, A3... and chunks of B as B1, B2, B3

 I am planning to run this on amazon elastic map with large cpu so RAM I
 think would not be a problem.
I can have smaller input files outside map/reduce so I guess we don't have
to run this phase to get small file chunks as A1, A2, A3... and chunks of B
as B1, B2, B3

Create a file (or write a program that will generate this file) that
contains the cross product of these chunks-
A1 B1
A1 B2
A1 B3
A2 B1
A2 B2
A2 B3

 Correct me If I am wrong. the actual FileA that gets divided into chunks
 A1,A2...has around 600K file records. FileB that gets divided into B1,
 B2has around 2 million file record. So I guess we looking at file
 record size of cartesian product of 600K * 2Millions. We are looking at
 peta bytes of data. This would be a hard sell :)

Tarandeep wrote:
 hey I think I got your question wrong. My solution won't let you achieve
 what you intended. your example made it clear.
 Since it is a cross product, the contents of one of the files has to be in
 memory for iteration, but since size is big, so might not be possible, so
 how about this solution and this will scale too-
 First make smaller chunks of your big files (small enough that one chunk
 be stored in memory). Hadoop's block size is set to 64MB by default. If
 seems ok according to the RAM you have, then simply run Identity Mapper
 job on for both Files A and B. The output will be smaller files with the
 names part-0001, part-0002 etc. For simplicty let us call chunks of File A
 as A1, A2, A3... and chunks of B as B1, B2, B3
 Create a file (or write a program that will generate this file) that
 contains the cross product of these chunks-
 A1 B1
 A1 B2
 A1 B3
 A2 B1
 A2 B2
 A2 B3
 Now run a Map only job (no reducer). Use NLineInputFormat and set N = 1.
 give input to your job this file. NLineInputFormat will give each mapper a
 line from this file. So for example, lets say a mapper got the line A1 B3,
 which means take cross product of the contents of chunk A1 and chunk B1.
 you can read one of the chunk completely and store in memory as a list or
 array. And then read second chunk and do the comparison.
 Now, as you would have guessed, instead of creating chunks, you can
 calculate offsets in the files (after an interval of say 64MB) and can
 achieve the same effect. HDFS allows seeking to an offset in a file so
 will work too.
 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 4:33 PM, pmg wrote:

 Thanks Tarandeep for prompt reply.

 Let me give you an example structure of FileA and FileB


 123 ABC 1

 123 ABC 2
 456 BNF 3

 Both the files are tab delimited. Every record is not simply compared
 each record in FileB. There's heuristic I am going to run for the
 and score the results along with output. So my output file is like this


 123 ABC 1 123 ABC 2 10
 123 ABC 1 456 BNF 3 20

 first 3 columns in the output file are from FileA, next three columns are
 from FileB and the last column is their comparison score.

 So basically you are saying we can use two map/reduce jobs for FileA and
 other for FileB

 map (FileA) - reduce (FileA)- map (FileB) - reduce (FileB)

 For the first file FileA I map them with k,V (I can't use bloom filter
 because comparison between each record from FileA is not a straight
 comparison with every record in FileB - They are compared using heuristic
 and scored them for their quantitative comparison and stored)

 In the FileA reduce I store it in the distributed cache. Once this is
 map the FileB in the second map and in the FileB reduce read in the FileA
 from the distributed cache and do my heuristics for every K,V) from
 and store my result


 Tarandeep wrote:
  oh my bad, I was not clear-
  For FileB, you will be running a second map reduce job. In mapper, you
  use the Bloom Filter, created in first map reduce job (if you wish to
  to eliminate the lines whose keys dont match. Mapper will emit
  pair, where key is teh field on which you want to do comparison and
  the whole line.
  when the key,value pairs go to reducers, then you have lines from FileB
  sorted on the field yon want to use for comparison. Now you can read
  contents of FileA (note that if you ran first job with N reducers, you
  have N paritions of FileA and you want to read only the partition meant
  this reducer). Content of FileA is also sorted on the field, Now you
  easily compare the