Hey all

Just wanted to let interested parties know we just released 0.1.0 of our Groovy 'builder' extension.

We think this will be a great tool for those groups that need to expose Hadoop to the 'casual' user who needs to get and manipulate valuable data on a Hadoop cluster, but doesn't have the time to learn Java, the Hadoop API, or to think in MapReduce to solve problems that are a notch or more above trivial.

It is worthy of mentioning here that no Groovy code is run in the cluster (on the slave nodes). Groovy is only being used as a configuration language to allow for the assembly of complex workflows to be run on Hadoop.

An introduction:

Links to samples included in the distro:

The canonical word count example (.groovy)

Or a "wide finder" example:

These examples don't show it, but splits and joins are fully supported (as they are in Cascading). Further, local libraries can be used, but there is still work to do to make this transparent.

Please feel free to join our mail-list and post feedback.


Chris K Wensel

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