Our unit has 5 quad-core machines, running Hadoop. We have a dedicated
Jobtracker/Namenode. Each machine has 32GB ram.
We have the option of buying an 8 core,128GB machine and the question
is would this be useful as a Tasktracker?

A) It can certainly be used as the JobTracker and Namenode
B) I also read the FairScheduler, and mapred.fairscheduler.loadmanager
appears to allow the administrator allow more jobs to run on a given
machine. Thus the new machine might be able to run double the number
of maps and reduces.

Otherwise, if FairScheduler is not an option(or I misunderstood), then
adding the new machine to the cluster would only underutilize it.

Are my inferences correct?
Saptarshi Guha

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