> I suppose your second choice
> ... "2. Reformat the stick partition with a filesystem" ...
> is the most promising.

If you haven't saved anything else on the USB stick then sure, go ahead
and format it.

> What's the default partitioning/file systems for a 64 GiB USB stick
> (how many partitions, what types of partitions, what file system for
> which specific partition)?

This too is a function of the particular software you're using. I don't
know what the file manager or disk manager applications you got with
your Linux installation will suggest.

I'd create a single partition and format it to use ext4.

Note that ext4 being a journaling filesystem makes it critically important
to cleanly unmount the filesystem after you write to it, before unplugging
the USB stick.

ext4 is not optimized to be very robust when misused, so if the USB
stick is unplugged without unmounting first then data loss is highly
likely and the filesystem can even become corrupted beyond repair.

(These things are unrelated to coreboot and quite off-topic for the list,
plus I'd think that the same answers can be found in many other places.)

I hope you've been able to flash already :)

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