
I am trying to build a Coreboot for a Flash Size as 64 MB, with 32MB reserved 
for a BIOS region.

I have modified the descriptor for a bios region: 
02000000:03ffffff bios 

The fmap used for the given setting is as follows:

FLASH@4227858432 0x4000000 {
        BIOS@33554432 0x2000000 {
                FMAP@0 0x200

                RW_MRC_CACHE@65536 0x10000
                COREBOOT(CBFS)@131072 33423360

Flash start  -> 0xFC000000 (with-in 4GB space @4227858432)
Flash Size -> 0x4000000
BIOS Start offset w.r.t Flash start -> 0x2000000 (@33554432)
Bios region size ->  0x2000000
CBFS Size -> ‭0x1FE0000‬

Can any one please let me know what are the other changes required to 
incorporate the Coreboot image as per the given layout?

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