A new post titled "[GSoC] Better RISC-V Support, week #10" has been published on the coreboot blog. Find the full post at http://blogs.coreboot.org/blog/2016/08/02/gsoc-better-risc-v-support-week-10/

This past week, I worked on the virtual memory initialization code of coreboot on RISC-V. The first part of this was to update encoding.h a file that defines constants such as bit masks which are necessary for interacting with RISC-V’s Control and Status Registers. As a result, I also had to change a few files that relied on outdated constants. Then I wrote some code to walk the page table structures, and fixed one or two bugs in the page table setup code. Unfortunately my patches aren’t as finished as I would like them to be.

When I tested my changes with a Linux payload (which I had to edit the ELF headers of, because Linux uses virtual addresses, while cbfstool and the SELF loader use physical addresses), I stumbled upon another strange error: I get a store access fault in the instruction of the trap handler that saves the first register, even if I initialize the stack pointer to a value that’s within the RAM. When the trap handler runs again to handle this store access fault, it runs without any problems. This fault is especially confusing, because machine mode should always be able to access RAM through its physical addresses.

What’s next?

During the next week, I’ll be traveling and won’t be able to work on coreboot. When I return, I will rework my patches so they can be merged, and hopefully understand the aforementioned access fault problem. Properly set-up page tables should bring me a step closer to running Linux on coreboot/RISC-V (without bbl in the middle).

If time permits, I will start porting coreboot to the Nexys 4 DDR devboard.

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