A new post titled "CCCamp 2015" has been published on the coreboot blog. Find the full post at http://blogs.coreboot.org/blog/2015/08/21/cccamp-2015/

We had an table on the cccamp 2015 in Mildenberg. The cccamp (chaos communication camp) is one of Europe big hacker events every 4 years where several hackers come together and do camping. Everybody could relax a little bit and talk to each other in a nice background. The camp infrastructure contained own wifi, dect, gsm network and a 10 GBit uplink in the middle of nowhere. You could give your tent a 1 Gbit uplink to the internet ;).

Our table was in the BER village, named to the never finished airport near Berlin, Germany. Several people from the coreboot community showed up (CareBear, felix, mue, paulk-collins, tnias, zaolin, […]) and we shared a lot of ideas to each other. In that way we flashed several laptops, replaced some WSON chips with SOIC-8’s. Also we’ve found another bug in the sandybridge ram init, a fix is waiting for merge on gerrit #11248.
paulk-collins came by to talk about a EC open source firmware for the ENE KBxxx embedded controllers.
One of the MAME hackers visited us to get ideas how to port a Dell notebook (ENE KBxxx based EC).
Felix did some work on ME as well other hackers joined him.
Tnias and zaolin started the idea of a raspberry pi doing all the flashing including detection of the device. This could let us drink more Mate while other do the flashing themself.
In the end a thunderstorm reached our tent and we had to evacuate it.

Hopefully everybody can come to Bonn this year.

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