A new post titled "GSoC 2016" has been published on the coreboot blog. Find the full post at http://blogs.coreboot.org/blog/2016/03/07/gsoc-2016/

The coreboot project is proud to announce that it has been selected as one of the 2016 Google Summer of Code (GSoC) mentor organizations. GSoC is a program designed to encourage university students age 18 and older to participate in open source projects. This is done by paying students to partner with experienced mentors from the selected open source projects to work on a specific project chosen by the student. This helps the mentor organization by encouraging participation and getting tasks done while helping the student get involved in open source, add projects to their resume, and learn from experienced open-source participants.

Student applications begin next Monday, March 14th, 2016, and close on Friday, March 25th.  Accepted student projects will be announced on April 22nd. Any students who are interested in applying for a coreboot, flashrom, or SerialICE GSoC project should look at the GSoC student terms page, and at both coreboot’s GSoC page and the coreboot / Flashrom / SerialICE projects page.  Projects are not limited to what is currently listed here. Students typically select from these, but if you have other ideas of projects in our space, we’d love to hear about them.

As noted above, coreboot acts as an umbrella organization for other firmware related open-source projects, currently supporting Flashrom and SerialICE. If there are other firmware related projects who would like to be included under the coreboot project for GSoC, please contact the project administrators, Patrick Georgi or Martin Roth.

Finally, if you are a developer who would like to volunteer as a mentor, please contact us. First year volunteers will generally be teamed up with experienced mentors, so don’t worry about not having previous experience. If you’re interested, you can read more about mentoring expectations in the GSoC mentoring Guide.

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