On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 06:44:53PM +0200, Lukas Vesely wrote:

>       Hi,
> I'd like to ask whether it's somehow possible to make the Courier test all
> of the servers with the same MX priority to try to send mail.
> For instance, hotmail :-/ has 15 mx relays with priority 5 but when one of
> these is down and courier wants by chance to send it via this gateway he
> defers the message instead of trying the other.

I have also seen this, and I posed this question to Sam some time
ago. Since he did not come back with a "no", I'm hoping he has put this
request on his todo list, and that it will appear in courier soon. Sam,
are you working on such a feature?

Anand Buddhdev
Personal site: http://anand.org


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